I am cultivating immortality in the chaotic world

Chapter 264 The invincible and immortal imperial shield that will destroy all the wastelands!

After doing all this, Chen Lu took Xiong Gao out of the small world.

When he came, he was penniless and had to buy a meal on credit.

When he left, he was rich and had millions of spirit stones in his pocket. He didn't know what poverty was.

What is opportunity? This is opportunity, the opportunity that belongs to him, Chen Lu. Chen Lu returned to the Heavenly Palace and did not do anything immediately. Instead, he took out a large part of the spirit stones and threw them into Xiong Gao's hands, asking him to replenish the spirit gathering array every day, and then he began to sit on the Xuantian throne again to prepare for cultivation.

His Xuantian throne has been bought and left, but the thrones of other states have not been stabilized yet. It will take some time for the shackles of the state to be completely eliminated, and this period of time is his retreat period.

When the shackles are removed, he will come out.

But before practicing, he plans to check the entries he has obtained after breaking through the second level of fusion. There are two opportunities to choose one of three entries, one for ordinary entries and one for exquisite entries.

He planned to stay for the chance of the top-quality items to see what would happen with the three top-quality items.

Almost everything in this world can be combined into three, such as the luck of the genius, the chance to select one of three items, etc. Except for some special existences such as the luck of the way of heaven, almost all things from the way of heaven can be combined into three.

This world is a huge three-in-one.

He wanted to see if the chance of the three top-quality items could be combined again to create something special. He immediately looked at the panel of the three-choice-one ordinary items.


A panel wrapped in clouds and mist popped up above Dantian, and a clear countdown was engraved in the upper left corner.


"The cultivation level has increased greatly, and it has officially entered the second level of fusion."

"Please choose from the three random items below in a hundred breaths."


"Item name": Lingyao Tianzun.

"Item level": purple.

[Effect of Item]: The side effects of any pill you take will be greatly reduced, and there is a high probability that the pill will be excreted intact, so that it can be taken again.


[Name of Item]: Longevity.

[Level of Item]: Purple.

[Effect of Item]: Your life span can be connected to any mountain you touch, and from then on you will live as long as the Southern Mountains. The mountain is there, and the people are there. The mountain is broken, and the people die.


[Name of Item]: Yugong Moves the Mountain.

[Level of Item]: Red.

[Effect of Item]: When you have walked 10 billion steps, your natal magic weapon will automatically upgrade to a Heavenly Dao Spiritual Treasure, and your natal spirit pet will also automatically upgrade to a Heavenly Dao Spirit Pet, and the spells you have learned will also upgrade to Heavenly Dao spells, and the Golden Pill, Yuanying, and Killing Moves, etc., will all be upgraded to the top grade of Heavenly Dao.


These three items are the items he randomly got after this breakthrough.

Under the entry "Good Luck is Coming", he not only has a hundred re-screening opportunities, but also has the effect of "God's Hand", which can make the re-screened entries completely meet his wishes.

But he didn't use it this time.

He didn't have what he wanted.

He was also a little unsure of what kind of entries he needed now. As for the speed of cultivation, his cultivation speed was already fast enough, and the main limitation of his cultivation speed was the problem of spirit stones.

It takes ordinary people more than ten years to break through a small realm in the fusion realm, which is still fast. Don't you see that so many fusion masters have a bone age of at least three or four thousand, and his bone age of less than thirty is much younger than them.

If he breaks through a small realm of the fusion period, it will take about a month if he has enough spirit stones.

This speed is fast enough.

As for the attack strength, under his 27th-grade fusion killer move, everything is illusory, which is enough.

He felt that he needed some auxiliary entries. In this case, what he thought in his heart was not as good as randomly selected. Anyway, he had a hundred chances to re-screen. As long as he was faster, he would definitely be able to screen the skills that suited his heart.

But the time was not enough, only a hundred breaths, so he had to speed up.

The first one, "Spiritual Medicine Heavenly Venerable", was of little use to him. However, he basically didn't take pills. Even if he took pills before, they were pills like Tiandao Cultivation Pills without side effects.

There are many pills that are used for bursting and escaping, but the price is very high. With this entry, the bursting state can be regarded as normal, but for him, the power enhanced by the bursting is basically useless.

The second one, "Longevity as Long as the Southern Mountains", is good, really as long as the Southern Mountains. If you encounter a mountain with a very high grade, you may be able to extend your life by tens of thousands of years, but this possibility is too low. Even the highest grade mountains are likely to be destroyed in this dangerous world.

The third one, "Yugong Moves the Mountain", is very powerful.

As expected of a red entry, you only need to walk 10 billion steps to greatly improve your strength and foundation. Although there is no change in the realm of cultivation, both the combat power and the upper limit in the future have been greatly enhanced.

All of them are upgraded to the top level of the Heavenly Dao, which means the 12th grade golden elixir, the 12th grade Yuanying, the 12th grade body, and the 12th grade combined killing move.

For an ordinary mortal, if you walk day and night, it will take about 200 years to walk 10 billion steps.

But for those who practice cultivation, 10 billion steps are not too difficult.

First of all, the physical fitness of practitioners must be better, and with the blessing of some spells, they will not be so tired. Even if it takes 200 years like a mortal, for practitioners with a long lifespan, 200 years It really wasn’t too long.

If you tell these people that you can get back so many things in just 200 years, almost 99% of them will come to sign up like crazy.

The temptation is too great.

Using this method to reach the highest level of Heavenly Dao, although there is no Heavenly Dao Edict, the power is actually the highest level of Heavenly Dao, which cannot be discounted at all.

These three entries are pretty good, but they are useless to him.

Especially the first entry.

It can be said that it is a god-level entry in alchemy cultivation. If you are lucky enough, you can completely achieve the existence of a perpetual motion machine. With a heavenly cultivation elixir, you can directly cultivate all the way to the Immortal Emperor, and then use a spiritual energy channel to connect the head and tail. When you get up, you can completely become a perpetual motion machine.

Chen Yuan took a deep breath, shook his head and said nothing, but began to re-screen quickly!

First time re-screening! -

"Title Name": A Last Stand

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry Effect": The lower the spiritual energy contained in your Dantian, the greater the power of your spells, up to twice the increase.


It’s no use, ever.

Second screening.


"Entry name": Cloud Piercer Arrow.

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry Effect": The farther the spell travels, the greater the power of your spell, up to twice as much.


It’s no use, either.

It can't be said that it is completely useless. If it was given to him through the entry jade slip, he would like the two re-screened entries, but if he has a hundred re-screening opportunities, Naturally, he would not be interested in these two entries.

But I have to say that he seemed to be very lucky today. The two consecutive re-screenings were consistent with his Dharma cultivation entries, which was not easy.


Re-screen for the third time.


"Name of Entry": The more frustrated you become, the more courageous you become.

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry Effect": The more serious the injury, the stronger the spell will be, up to three times more powerful.


Continue and re-screen for the fourth time.


"Entry name": Lao Tzu wants it all.

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry Effect": Every time you choose one of the three entries, can you gather all the entries into your arms? However, you will not be able to re-screen the entries by any means, and all your entries will be deleted. Cannot be removed by any means.



Chen Yuan, who was quickly re-screening, hesitated for a moment when he noticed this entry. Damn, this entry matches his "higher and higher", which means that every time he breaks through a small realm, he can Three entries were obtained.

The greater the number of entries, the stronger the strength and foundation will definitely be.

And there are more ways to deal with some special accidents.

No matter how rubbish the entry is, even if he can't use it now, there will always be a chance to use it. For example, the seemingly useless entry "Elixir Supreme", if one day the entire "Mocking Sky Sect" They were all poisoned and were about to die suddenly, and there was only one antidote pill at this time.

With this elixir, only one person can survive originally, and maybe a few more people can survive. If you are lucky enough, it is not impossible for them all to survive.

As long as the entries are not gray entries, the more the merrier.

But here's the problem

The gray entries are not white entries. Only at low cultivation level, the probability of being randomly selected is high. Instead, they are special entries like the pink entries. The probability of randomization is basically the same in every realm.

And the entries cannot be removed by any means.


After almost hesitating for a blink of an eye, Chen Yuan eliminated this entry and began to re-screen it again, the next one! -

"Entry name": pure white body.

"Entry level": white.

"Entry Effect": From now on, you can only obtain white entries, but every time you obtain a white entry, your cultivation speed will increase tenfold.


What should I say, it’s useless to him, okay!

Keep re-screening!

The combined cultivation level can actually be randomly assigned to the white entry, which is not much different from the chance of being randomly assigned to the seven-colored entry during the Qi Refining Stage. It is hard to say that. He has a hundred opportunities to re-screen, but the re-screen is so Many times, I didn't see a single colorful entry.

At least now it seems that it is impossible to draw colorful entries during the integration period. This probability is simply astonishingly low.


"Name of entry": Leading the sheep with ease

"Entry level": blue.

"Term Effect": You have one chance to select all three terms.



Chen Yun said thoughtfully, this entry is okay, so he will keep it for now. If there is no better one in the future, he will use this entry, so that when he makes a breakthrough next time, he can choose three entries that completely match his wishes. .

Or if those three opportunities for premium entries can really be combined into one opportunity to draw a more powerful entry.

Then you can use this entry to select all three entries for this opportunity.

If you think about it this way.

The effect of this entry may far exceed its level.

Considering this, if there is no particularly good one in the future, there is a high probability that this will be determined. Although it is useless now, the value it will bring in the future is immeasurable.

Keep re-screening!

Ten times, twenty times, thirty times.

Chen Yuan, who was sitting on the throne of Xuantian, began to re-screen quickly. By the way, he recorded all the entries he had seen in his mind, preparing to extract them in his "Encyclopedia of Entries". For him, this was considered wealth.

You can match the corresponding word groups in the future.

Tiandao also has entry groups, but the effect of Tiandao's entry group is indeed very strong, but it is a bit unreasonable and illogical. It puts a bunch of completely unrelated entries together. I have to tell you that this is The entry group, or the Tiandao entry, has a very strong effect. In the end, you have to admit it, giving people a feeling of forceful buying and selling.

After screening hundreds of times in succession.


Chen Yucai sighed helplessly, and before the countdown ended, he chose the blue entry "Plundering the Sheep". It seemed that only this entry was the most valuable to him, and the other entries were all difficult to describe.

It's not that they are not strong, but every entry is very strong. If the leader of the Sky Ax Sect is placed here, the leader of the Sky Ax Sect will be spoiled for choice and everyone will want it.

But for him.

None of them are of much use. The main reason is that his position is too high, which means that it is difficult to find entries that satisfy him. Just entries that can be upgraded to the highest level of Tiandao, he will re-screen. Three came out. Although the process of each entry is different, the final result is the same, which can be promoted to the top level of Tiandao.

It seems now.

If you have enough rescreens and your cultivation is still in the integration stage, the probability of randomly getting such an entry is quite high, and there is a high probability that you can upgrade your foundation to the top level of Heavenly Dao.

For a fusion, the top level of Tiandao may not be an unattainable existence.

But for him, the top level of Tiandao has always been the starting point, never the end. His level has never been lower than the twelfth level. He actually really wants to understand what it feels like to get to the eleventh level and what is the difference between it and the twelfth level. .

I just haven't had the opportunity, but I hope to check it out one day.

For example, he re-screened an entry.


"Entry name": The name of the curse.

"Entry level": purple.

"Entry Effect": The level of the combined killer move will be automatically reduced by one level for all people attacked by your spell, which lasts for half an hour. It cannot be used multiple times on one person.


This is actually a pretty strong combat power entry.

Especially for the fusion stage, every one-level difference in level between the combined ultimate moves will not only make a huge difference, but it is also quite exaggerated. If the opponent's combined ultimate move is lowered by one level, it means that the opponent's combined ultimate move will be lowered by one level. I have worked so hard to rely on my foundation to finally improve my combined ultimate move. I just met you, so all this hard work has been in vain. This is a shame.

Many great masters in the fusion stage would definitely like to have this entry, but the same sentence still applies. It is of no use to him. He doesn't care what the level of the combined killer move is.

It doesn't matter if it's the eleventh grade, it doesn't matter if it's the twelfth grade, or even it's the fifteenth grade.

It's impossible to be taller than him anyway.

Why does he care about this? What's the point of reducing the enemy's level by one level? It's not as practical as "taking advantage of others".

So he kept re-screening and eliminating, and found that in the end, only the entry "taking advantage of others" was the most suitable for him, and the other entries were just a little bit different.

Then it’s time to take stock of this harvest.

Needless to say about the spiritual stones, 11 million are enough.

For the remaining heavenly materials, earthly treasures and other opportunities, he put the ones he could use in the Heavenly Dao Ring, and the ones he couldn't use in the Small World Xiaotianzong warehouse, including those that could improve the cultivation of monsters and beasts. He thought that since the little wolf didn't explode and died, it meant he had a high level of patience, so he continued to give some to the little wolf in the small world.

By the way, I also gave Xiong a batch of cum.

Let him go to Xingdou to test the strength of the medicine, and then mix it into a pill that the brown bears can take. The little wolf will not explode and die because the little wolf's bloodline is of high grade. As for this group of brown bears, what's the point? Bloodline, if you just take it like this, it would be weird if you don't explode and die.

There are also a bunch of spiritual treasures.

Well, they were all given to the disciples of the Chaotian Sect. Treasures of this level should be regarded as excessive, and they will no longer be needed soon.


What made him dumbfounded was that the former Mootian Sect prepared so many things, and even prepared many clothes, but they did not prepare a single entry jade slip. The entry jade slip, isn't this kind of thing the most important? ?

Don't you want to collect more?

If you collected more in the past, he would be able to pick up more fruits for free now.


Chen Yuan's expression suddenly became strange. He actually found two jade slips with entries, but they were not for humans or monsters, but for summons, exclusive entries for summons.

Grandma, this is the first time he has seen an entry dedicated to summoned objects. He currently only has one summoned object, which is the little ant. However, he has heard that some people have collected many entries about summoned objects. The main method is Defend enemies by summoning objects.

It can be regarded as a branch of beast master.

The difference may be that spirit beasts are creatures with spiritual wisdom, while summoned objects have no consciousness of their own and are like puppets, doing whatever their master says.

He looked at the two entry jade slips in his hand.


"Entry name": Triple casting (exclusive entry for summoned objects).

"Entry level": blue.

"Entry Effect": Any spell you release will be released twice more without consumption.


"Triple cast."

Chen Yuan sighed helplessly. He found that not only was he related to the entry of multi-casting, but his summons also seemed to be related to the entry of multi-casting.

He now has four entries for multi-casting categories: "Double Casting", "Triple Casting", "Nine Castings", "Ten Castings", and a limited-time entry for "Thousands of Castings".

The same is true for his summon, the little ant.

Possessing "Ten-fold Casting" and "Thousand-fold Casting", Little Ant's colorful entry Thousand-fold Casting is still a permanent version, which is more powerful than him, and now there will soon be another one, a Triple Casting.


He felt that he and Little Ant should be able to piece together all the entries in the multi-casting series in their lifetime.

No, they didn't take the initiative to collect them at all. All the entries in this series came to them on their own initiative. It was a bit like they were forced into their hands. They were all obtained through free prostitution. They couldn't take it anymore. Who can explain this?

Didn't think much about it.

He then patted the jade slip of the entry on the little ant, and soon the name of the entry "Triple Casting" slowly appeared on the back of the little ant, which was as black as ink, and a faint white light flashed. Finally, it penetrated into the little ant's body.

The process of the little ant swinging the hammer was judged as casting a spell. Last time, he asked Feilong to catch a foundation-building monster and brought it back for experiments.

All I can say is, it’s pretty good.

The little ant's hammer was smoking. Only when he locked the hammer with his consciousness could he see the shadow. If he only observed it with the naked eye, he would find that it was as if nothing had happened. The speed was so fast that even the shadow remained. None will stay.

With such a fast hammer speed, it would be a pity not to use it for anything. He was also thinking about whether he could dig a mine or something. This would definitely be very efficient.

It's a pity that he can't designate the little ants to mine. He can only designate the little ants to attack a certain creature, and then the little ant will shoot to the back of the creature's head, and then start swinging the hammer.

Once, twice.

Follow you forever in this life.

Your parents may leave you because of old age, your first wife may leave you because of poverty, your disciples may leave you because they want to start their own business, but your ants will be knocking on the back of your head for the rest of your life, and they will never Leave you until your death.


Chen Yang nodded silently and casually glanced at the remaining summoned object-specific entry without paying much attention to it. To put it bluntly, let alone his little ant, which was not aggressive in the first place, even if he was given something very aggressive. Entry, how can it be compared to him? He uses the little ant as a pet and does not expect it to play any big role. yes

Just wait? !

Can the exclusive entry for summons be fucking pink? ! ! -

"Entry name": Towering Giant (exclusive entry for summoned objects).

"Entry level": pink.

"Entry Effect": Each time you kill a monster, your height will increase by one centimeter.


Chen Yuan looked at the information on the jade slip in his hand, his mouth opened slowly and unconsciously, and a trace of unbelievable shock flashed in his eyes. He really didn't expect that an entry exclusive to summons could be pink! !

Since ancient times, pink entries have basically been unlimited growth entries.

This entry has no effect on almost 70% of the summoned objects. Most of the summoned objects exist for a limited time. Although the entry they carry still exists when they disappear and are summoned again, this kind of growth entry But it will be cleared and start from scratch.

Growth entries are often weak when they have not reached a certain level.

Pink entry, towering giant.

He was very familiar with this entry. When he was in Daxia, there was a silly guy who owned this entry. They even treated that silly guy to some roast rabbit meat. Not only did this entry fit the little ant very well, It suits him.

During the "First Grade Heavenly Tribulation" Heaven-killing Thunder Tribulation when he broke through the Fusion Crossing, he used this little ant to help him block the damage.

But because it is so small, it blocks almost nothing.

But after having this entry, the size of the little ant can be increased without limit, getting bigger all the way. Getting bigger and bigger!

It doesn't need to be too big.

In just a few feet or nearly ten feet, he will have a shield that is absolutely invincible and will never break. This is not much easier to use than a Tianji Umbrella. If the Tianji Umbrella is damaged, it will require the use of Heavenly Dao. As for recovery, this thing won't be damaged at all.

His weak point, defense, was completely filled in the moment he got this jade slip!

“Grandma’s is the real Amitabha this time.”

Chen Yuan clasped his palms together in a daze and murmured: "It's another big opportunity. Let's talk about whether we can avoid the opportunity next time. I'm a little worried that my life span will not be enough."

There is a proverb in the vast continent.

All opportunities in life are exchanged for life.

The better your luck, the sooner you die.

According to this proverb, he felt that he might only have a hundred years left to live. It seemed that he had never stopped having opportunities along the way. Sometimes he could understand it, after all, he had fought for it.

But sometimes it was very puzzling to him. He just stood there without moving, and the opportunity came to him automatically.

It was as if he had been spotted in the crowd.

When he was chatting with Ao Tian, ​​Ao Tian once said that great opportunities also have their own consciousness, and they will also choose good trees to live in. When these great opportunities begin to look for their masters, they find that so many opportunities have chosen you, and they think you must be a good tree, and they will come to you.

For this statement, of course, it is nonsense. Even the way of heaven does not have its own consciousness, so how can opportunities have their own consciousness.

But one thing is certain.

That is, people with good luck will have better and better luck, and people with bad luck will have worse and worse luck. This is dealt with by a person's aura. People with good luck have a confident and sunny aura around them, and this temperament will also attract more people's kindness.

And Chen Yu is just like that.

At least when Chen Yu is not killing people, he still looks very gentle, like a spring breeze.

Of course, spring thunder will occasionally sound, after all, there is no spring without thunder.


Chen Yu took a deep breath with a nervous look on his face, and then slapped the jade slip of the entry on the little ant, and then immediately sent a telepathic message to Xiong Gao to collect a large number of monsters. The lower the cultivation level, the better. As long as the number is good, the cultivation level is not important.

Next, in addition to practicing, he only does one thing!

That is to make a set for himself---

The Emperor's Shield of the Universe Invincible, Immortal, and All Desolations Fall!

With this treasure.

Who can kill him in the future.

When he is indecisive, he holds the shield in his left hand and the thunder in his right hand. The combination of the two can solve almost all the difficulties in the world. His weaknesses have been almost completely made up at this moment.

The only embarrassing thing is that ants are pretty good when they are small, but they look a little scary when they become big.

As for himself, he doesn't like bugs very much.

He is a little afraid of bugs.

ps: I will post the wrong words first and correct them later. Please give me some monthly votes~

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