I Am From Yuanmou, The Ancestor Of China, And Was Broadcast Live By Sister Zhou

Chapter 5 A Living Yuanmou Man! Shocked Academician Professor!

Office of the Dean of the Department of Paleontology, Jinling University.

Professor Gu Nian's hands trembled, his expression was very excited.

He looked at the screen in the live broadcast room, the group of prehistoric primitive people with black hair all over the body around sister Zhou,

Especially Li Changbai, who is taller and more powerful,

Neck flushed with excitement.

He quickly took out his mobile phone and logged into the Douyu·Sister Zhou live broadcast room.

Professor Gu, Department of Paleontology, Jinling University: This is the Yuanmou Man 1.7 million years ago, the ancestor of our Chinese people!

This eye-catching message, like a huge boulder, fell into a calm lake, causing huge waves!

"Damn, those prehistoric savages are actually the ancestors of China?"

"My god, the anchor traveled to 1.7 million years ago, and even met the ancestors of our Chinese people!"

"Yuanmou Man 1.7 million years ago? The ancestor of China? This is the most explosive news I've heard today!"

"Professor Gu Nian is a scholar of the Academy of Archeology at Jinling University. He is a very authoritative scientist. His words are very credible."

"So, sister Zhou really traveled to prehistoric times, and met the ancestor of our Chinese nation?"


The water friends in the live broadcast room were shocked by Professor Gu Nian's message.

Everyone was extremely surprised.

It never occurred to them,

Sister Zhou's time travel is even longer than the "Stone Age", and she directly came to the Yuanmou Man Era 1.7 million years ago!

As the host of the live broadcast room, Zhou Shuyi naturally saw this eye-catching message,

Although her little face was pale, she asked hastily:

"Professor Gu, what should I do now?"

"Help me, I know the ancestors of the Yuanmou people, but the ancestors don't know me!!!"

She was really scared,

Although she, Zhou Shuyi, is from Huaxia, she has the blood of Yuanmou people on her body, and she is in the same line as the prehistoric Huaxia people in front of her.

But it doesn't mean that these "old ancestors" won't eat her as food!

Professor Gu, Department of Paleontology, Jinling University: Don't worry, anchor, according to the eating habits of Yuanmou people, they don't eat people.

Professor Gu, Department of Paleontology, Jinling University: The staple food of Yuanmou Man was wild fruits, fish, birds, and small rodents.

In the live broadcast room, Professor Gu patiently gave popular science to the anchor sister Zhou and other water friends.

Hearing Professor Gu's words, Zhou Shuyi breathed a sigh of relief, and muttered:

"If you don't eat me, it's fine if you don't eat me..."

Then, Professor Gu said:

"The reason why this group of Yuanmou people have strong hostility towards the anchor is mainly because you, the anchor, broke into their territory."

Professor Gu's eyes swept across the faces of those fierce and roaring Yuanmou people in the live broadcast room one by one,

Can't help but ecstatically said:

"The discovery in the live broadcast room not only proves that Yuanmou people live in small tribes, but also fills a gap in the research on Yuanmou people's territorial awareness."

Yuanmou Man, the ancestor of China born 1.7 million years ago, is older than Peking Man and Upper Cave Man, and belongs to the new subspecies of Homo erectus, which has very valuable research value.

"Little officer, hurry up and notify the department to hold an emergency meeting!"

Professor Gu Nian repeatedly ordered,

Afterwards, the images in the live broadcast room were projected on the multimedia screen in the office.

When the screen was zoomed in, Professor Gu Nian could see clearly the appearance of Yuanmou's person beside Sister Zhou, even the hair and wrinkles on his face.

"This is……"


When he set his sights on Li Changbai, the leader of this group of Yuanmou people,

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he lost his voice in surprise:

"The leader of Yuanmou people seems to be different from other Yuanmou people..."

"This tall Yuanmou man is already transitioning to an early Homo sapiens?"

"Is he evolving?"

on the projection screen,

look carefully,

Li Changbai, who is taller and more human-like in body,

Although it looks similar to Yuanmou people around,

But the appearance and body are actually more like early Homo sapiens.

"This is impossible...Early Homo sapiens were 250,000 years ago, and the era of anchor Zhou is obviously 1.7 million years old,"

"Homo sapiens appeared in 1.7 million years?"

"How can this be?!!"

Professor Gu suspected that his old eyes were dizzy, so he hurriedly took off his glasses, wiped them with the hem of his clothes, and put them on again.

"No, judging from the hair on his body, he is still from Yuanmou."

After all, the early Homo sapiens had arms no longer than the knees and less body hair, more like modern humans.

"It should be a special case..."

Professor Gu Nian adjusted his glasses and murmured.


The little official called the top talents from the Department of Archeology of Jinling University,

These senior professors from the Department of Paleontology and Archeology were all surprised and speechless when they saw the dozen or so prehistoric Yuanmou people on the screen.

Everyone froze in place, staring blankly at the projection screen,

"This...is this Yuanmou man?"

"This is the ancestor of our Chinese people?!"

"God, where did you find these images, Old Gu?"

"My God! In my lifetime, old man, I actually saw a living Yuanmou man! Instead of two fossilized teeth!"


"This is a live broadcast, this is a live broadcast!"

Professor Gu coughed lightly, making these old fellows stunned,

"You said this was a live broadcast?"

"How can this be?"

"The era of Yuanmou people was 1.7 million years ago..."

Many old professors and academicians opened their eyes wide, and they all rushed to the unbelievable,

Then, Professor Gu Nian explained patiently, and these old professors returned to normal,

Instead, excitement and ecstasy.

Even the 100-year-old former president of Jinling University is still on crutches.

Pointing to the ancestors of China in the live broadcast room, his eyes were full of red light, and he said excitedly:

"The pride of the Chinese nation... Yuanmou people who are still alive..."

"This important discovery of the Chinese ancestor will make the entire scientific community...!"

"Shake the whole world!!"



ps: The young author’s new book set sail, please collect, ask for flowers, please comment, thank you

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