I Am From Yuanmou, The Ancestor Of China, And Was Broadcast Live By Sister Zhou

Chapter 6 Sister Zhou And Yuanmou People Survive In The Wild? This Live Broadcast... Is So Interesti

Chapter 6 Sister Zhou and Yuanmou people survive in the wild? This live broadcast... is so interesting!

at the same time,

Qingbei University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University... and other major universities,

Even Huaxia officials have received a communication from Professor Gu Nian of Jinling University:

"Tell the Chinese compatriots that we have discovered the first ancestor——Yuanmou people!"

Along with the newsletter, there is also a short video of Sister Zhou and the group of Yuanmou people, the ancestors of Chinese people who lived 1.7 million years ago!

This communication has detonated all walks of life on the Internet,

Douyin, Weibo, Baidu, Hupu...

Instantly dominated the list and ranked first in the hot search!

Key words such as "Yuanmou people", "ancestor of China", "Sister Zhou", etc. are blooming all over the Internet and can be seen everywhere.

at the same time,

Douyu Live Streaming Company Headquarters.

A group of soldiers with live ammunition came.

The other party showed the certificate:

"We are the Chinese military, and we will take over the live broadcast of Zhou Shuyi's anchor!"

"Hello, anchor, I'm General Lin Weihai, the chief person in charge of the "Chinese Ancestors" research project."

A striking barrage suddenly appeared in Sister Zhou's live broadcast room.

"Damn it, the authorities actually intervened?"

"The anchor has a lot of face. He even got the official's attention, and let General Lin talk in person!"

"Sister Zhou, you are popular, and the whole Internet is discussing you. You are now even more top-notch than top-tier. You are too strong!"

"Let a general be number one on the list, the anchor is so strong? Invincible! Absolutely invincible!!!"

"That... did you get the wrong person? General Lin didn't come after Sister Zhou, but our ancestor Yuanmou..."


Sister Zhou was stunned, and then came to her senses, as if seeing a savior, she said to General Lin Weihai:

"General Lin, save me quickly, I don't want to die at the hands of our Yuanmou ancestors..."

Although Professor Gu Nian said that Yuanmou people did not have cannibalistic eating habits,

But these people around her treated her like an enemy, with sticks and stones in their hands,

She couldn't escape even if she ran. If she was not careful, she might be crushed to death by a stone!

"Calm down, anchor, the ancestor of Yuanmou people won't do anything to you, you can rest assured."

In the live broadcast room, Lin Weihai comforted Sister Zhou.

Lin Weihai, a three-star Chinese general, has led troops for many years, with such an old face and vicious eyes,

How could he not see it?

Now this group of prehistoric Yuanmou people is completely at the mercy of the leader of the larger Yuanmou people.

That is Li Changbai.

General Lin continued:

"Miss Zhou, I watched the video of your live broadcast from beginning to end, and noticed that after this group of Yuanmou people appeared, they originally planned to attack you."

"It's just that their behavior was stopped by a Yuanmou man!"

"This Yuanmou man is the leader of their tribe!"

Professor Gu Nian, Department of Paleontology, Jinling University: General Lin is right. After our research, we found that the Yuanmou people were a patrilineal society, and each tribe had a leader.

Professor Gu Nian, Department of Paleontology, Jinling University: Standing in front of you now, the ancestor of Yuanmou people who is bigger and bigger is the leader of this small group of tribes.

"Then what should I do?"

In the live broadcast room, Miss Zhou hurriedly asked.

The words of General Li and Professor Gu reassured her a lot and she relaxed.

"Try to communicate with the Yuanmou leader."

Professor Gu hesitated for a while, then said.

Whether it is an ancient ape, an orangutan, or even a human being, they are all primates with extremely high IQs and the ability to imitate.

If Zhou Shuyi can send a friendly signal to these Yuanmou people through communication, the crisis will be solved naturally!

"This...how can I communicate?"

Sister Zhou was dumbfounded.

Let her communicate with the ancestor of China 1.7 million years ago?

Can they understand?

Human language was born 100,000 years ago,

The current Yuanmou Man is a late Homo erectus, obviously not yet mature enough to use language.

"Anchor, just try it! A dead horse is a living horse doctor!"

"That's right, you can't do anything now, you can't beat our ancestors, you can't run, just listen to Professor Gu Nian!"

"Sister Zhou, don't you usually know how to work around? Hurry up and use your clever little head!"

"Sing a song, or dance?"

Watching the bullet screens of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Sister Zhou broke out in cold sweat and was speechless for a while.

"Dancing in front of these Chinese ancestors? I'm crazy!"

"Sing? Emmm... come to "I Love Huaxia"?"

Countless ideas flashed in Zhou Shuyi's mind one by one,

But she didn't think it was right,

think about it,

This popular anchor still uses the simplest way,

Mouth, hands and feet combined,

Using body language, she explained it to Li Changbai standing in front of her.

How did she, Zhou Shuyi, come here? She doesn't have any malice towards your tribe,

It doesn't matter whether the bosses of this group of Yuanmou tribe can understand it or not, let's practice it first before speaking!

In the live broadcast room, the silence was chilling, and countless water friends witnessed Zhou Jie nervously and stiffly "acting that I am from China" in front of this group of Yuanmou people, the ancestor of China.

Li Changbai glanced around Sister Zhou, but didn't see the lost cell phone.

Then a pair of clear eyes fell on the nervous sister Zhou who explained with her body,

He thought to himself, if he doesn't save her again, his golden finger, who fell from the sky, might be scared to death by the younger brothers of the tribe.

With a loud roar,


"What... what's wrong?"

Sister Zhou froze all of a sudden, the little vest on her body was wet, and cold sweat flowed from her forehead.

"Help, help, help!!!"

In the live broadcast room, countless water friends heard the horrific screams of the Zhou Da anchor.

Then, when they saw the prehistoric Yuanmou man in front of Sister Zhou, after the leader Yuanmou man screamed, they all put down the stones and sticks in their hands, and scattered like birds and beasts.

The crisis is over!


What makes them even more outrageous is that,

They actually saw,

The majestic Gao Dayuan at the head actually waved to Sister Zhou gently!

As if to welcome her.

"Damn it, this Yuanmou man actually understood Sister Zhou's explanation?"

"This, this, this... This Yuanmou man seems to be welcoming Sister Zhou to their tribe as a guest?!"

"My God, is Miss Zhou going to survive in the wild with these Yuanmou people's ancestors?"

"This live broadcast... is so interesting!"



[ps:: I have joined the Yuanmou People's Family, and a new live broadcast project is about to start! Ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for all data, thank you ~]

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