I Am From Yuanmou, The Ancestor Of China, And Was Broadcast Live By Sister Zhou

Chapter 89 Li Changbai Is "Emperor Of Heaven"? In The Battle Of Zhuolu, Huang Di Defeated

Chapter 89 Li Changbai is the "Emperor of Heaven"? In the Battle of Zhuolu, the Yellow Emperor defeated Chi You with this sword!

Zhou Shuyi froze on the spot,

The hand touching the blade suddenly stopped in mid-air,

Her mind was blank, only Li Changbai's understatement echoed...


"Big...big brother, you...what are you talking about?"

Zhou Shuyi suspected that she had misheard, turned her head to face Li Changbai, and asked again with a trembling voice.

"This sword is called Xuanyuan."

Li Changbai looked strange and glanced at Zhou Shutai.


"This tm must be a coincidence! It must be a coincidence!"

"This sword is actually the Xuanyuan Sword!!!"

Zhou Shuyi's excited voice was trembling, very excited.

As a descendant of Yan and Huang, who doesn't know the five thousand years of history?

Who doesn't know the song "Dynasty Song"?

"The beginning of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors", Yao, Shun and Yu passed down from generation to generation. Xia Shang and Western Zhou, and Eastern Zhou are divided into two sections. The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Qin and Han were unified, Wei, Shu and Wu were divided into three, and the Second Jin was extended..."

The 5,000-year history of China began with the "Three Emperors and Five Emperors"!

And the bronze sword "Xuanyuan" in front of him,

It is the head of the "Five Emperors"...the sword of the Yellow Emperor!

The Yellow Emperor, surnamed Gongsun, named Xuanyuan, was the leader of the Xiong family in ancient Chinese tribes. During his reign, he sowed hundreds of grains and plants, made clothes and hats, built boats and carts, and created the "Huangdi Neijing"

Because of the auspiciousness of Tude, he was named "Yellow Emperor" and enshrined as "the first ancestor of Chinese humanities"!

The first of the top ten artifacts hanging on his waist——Xuanyuan Sword is named after his real name.

Legend has it that in the ancient times of Hua "Seven Five Seven" Xia, in the field of chasing the deer, the Yellow Emperor led the tribe to fight against Chiyou, the tribe of Jiuli.

Chi You, the leader of the army, has ears folded like swords and halberds, horns on his head, and a body as huge as a mountain. There are eighty-one brothers in the tribe, and these brothers are all good at witchcraft and supernatural powers.

Huangdi and Yandi joined hands to fight Chiyou in the Field of Chasing the Deer. Blood flowed like a river, causing heavy casualties.

When it was about to be defeated, the Yellow Emperor Mengtiandi bestowed a book, enlightened in the dream, and obtained the divine sword "Xuanyuan",

He beheaded Chiyou's eighty-one brothers successively under the sword,

Then he started a decisive battle with Chi You, and fought for three days and three nights.

In the end, Chi You's head was cut off with a single sword, thus unifying his head!

The legendary sword held by the Yellow Emperor is exactly Li Changbai's divine sword "Xuanyuan"!

Zhou Shuyi naturally knows the Chinese myths and legends that have been passed down for thousands of years,

Naturally, I also know the legendary artifact "Xuanyuan Sword",

But she still had a hard time accepting the fact in front of her,

"This sword must be a coincidence..."

"Xuanyuan Sword is something in legends, how could it exist in reality?"

"It must be the same name. This brother Yuanmou Ren has absolutely nothing to do with Huangdi... This sword is definitely not the Xuanyuan Sword!"

"It must be the same name!"

Zhou Shuyi shook her head, trying to wake herself up.


Li Changbai looked at her a little strangely,

Isn't it just a bronze sword,

Name it "Xuanyuan", why do you have such a big reaction, you little anchor?

"No...it's okay."

Zhou Shuyi tried to stop herself from thinking wildly, she suppressed her excitement, and then shouted in the live broadcast room:

"Brothers, the name of the ancestor's sword is Xuanyuan

Her voice has not yet fallen,

The water friends in the live broadcast room gasped when they heard the conversation between the two of them.

They all stared at the bronze sword engraved with the sun, moon and stars and were in a daze, mad.

"This is the legendary artifact... Xuanyuan Sword?!!"

"This ancient artifact was actually forged by our ancestors? Is it so possible..."

"Could this sword be a fake Xuanyuan Sword? Maybe it's just the same name?"

In the live broadcast room, the water friends were shocked, and then turned to question, questioning that the bronze sword cast by the ancestor of the Yuanmou people 1.7 million years ago was just a perfect fit. Saber has the same name.

"This bronze sword...is the Xuanyuan Sword!"

In the live broadcast room, a vicissitudes of life male voice suddenly sounded.

The speaker was none other than Academician Su Bingqi from the Department of Archeology at Qingbei University of Huaxia that General Lin Weihai had contacted earlier!

The world's first museology!

"This is Academician Su who enjoys the special allowance of the State Council of China. He has studied the bronze cultural relics of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods for decades. He is academically profound and has many research results. He took the lead in excavating the Sanxingdui bronze culture."

In the live broadcast room, General Lin Weihai took the initiative to speak and explained the mysterious spokesperson to the water friends.

As soon as General Lin finished speaking,

Academician Su continued:

"This sword is exactly the sword of the Huangdi Xuanyuan clan in myths and legends."

"Look carefully, the bronze sword is 2.86 feet long, and the blade is more than 2 feet long. One side is engraved with 'stars, sun and moon', and the other side is engraved with 'mountains, rivers, grasses and trees'. Policy…………"

"No mistake, this is the legendary sword——Xuanyuan Sword!"

As an academician of a country, a pillar of the country,

Su Bingqi couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, his voice was extremely hasty, but sonorous and powerful!

"According to the existing documents, the Xuanyuan Sword was finally lost in the Tang Dynasty, and its whereabouts are unknown."

"However, whether the Xuanyuan Xiayu Sword was forged by the Yellow Emperor, or whether it originated from the ancient times before the Yellow Emperor, is not mentioned in the history books, and we scholars have no way of knowing.

"But at least it can be proved that this Xuanyuan Sword really exists in history, and it is an absolute myth and legend!"

Academician Su controls the right to speak in the live broadcast room, and popularizes the source of this bronze sword and related knowledge with water friends.

"Academician Su, that is to say, the Xuanyuan Sword was not necessarily made by the Yellow Emperor, maybe this ancient tribal leader obtained it from other places and used it as his own sword?"

Lin Weihai spoke calmly, and explained the key issues that have been troubling the water friends in the live broadcast room.

"Yes! There is such a possibility!"

"In myths and legends, the Yellow Emperor got this sword from a god named 'Emperor of Heaven' in a dream.

"That is to say, it is very likely that the first ancestor of the Chinese humanities discovered this sword from the outside world, from a more ancient era, some relics or the like."

Academician Su said excitedly, his face full of excitement.

"Now, through the live broadcast room of anchor Zhou, we can fully speculate that Xuanyuan Xia Yujian is from the ancient civilized country of Dragon Kingdom!"

The more Su Bingqi talked, the more excited he became, the whole person went crazy like a madman,

It was a mania for scientific breakthroughs and discoveries!

Science is always moving towards the truth, and the bronze sword in Li Changbai's hands allowed the first person in the Department of Chinese Archeology to discover new truths!

As soon as Academician Su Bingqi finished speaking, there was booing in the live broadcast room, and countless water friends gasped.

"That is to say, the bronze sword used by the Yellow Emperor was forged by the ancestor of the Yuanmou people?"

"Fuck! This is too stupid. A sword that the ancestor made casually changed the course of history. Without this sword, in the battle of Zhuolu, would the Yellow Emperor have defeated Chi You and unified China?"

"The myth is false, but it is true that the leader of the Xiong clan, Gongsun Xuanyuan, is true, and the Xuanyuan Sword is also true!"

"According to this statement... Isn't this ancestor of Yuanmou people the 'Emperor of Heaven'?"


In the live broadcast room, the water friends were discussing excitedly, and it was difficult to hide the excitement and enthusiasm in their hearts.

"An ancient civilization 1.7 million years ago..."

"Dragon Kingdom..."

"These Yuanmou people..."

"The creator of bronze smelting... the real master of the Xuanyuan bronze sword..."

"The tip of the iceberg of this ancient civilization is being revealed..."

In the live broadcast room, Professor Gu Nian of Jinling University stared at Li Changbai on the big screen with his cloudy eyes, and whispered repeatedly.

"It really is the 'Xuanyuan Sword' in the hands of the Yellow Emperor..."

"This is too surprising. The sword of the ancestor of the Yellow Emperor... was actually made by Brother Yuanmou, and it was picked up by the Yellow Emperor from nowhere..."

"emmm... this sword also changed the outcome of the battle of Zhuolu. Without this sword, our Huaxia..."

Sister Zhou looked at the three-foot-long bronze sword with a cold front in Li Changbai's hand, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became.

"No, I can't think about it anymore, if I think about it again, my brain will explode!"

Zhou Shuyi shook her head like a rattle, trying to calm herself down.

Li Changbai doesn't know what this little anchor is crazy about,

He just ignores,

Instead, he set his sights on the bronze sword that had just been named in his hand.

"Xuanyuan Sword...a domineering name!"

The corner of Li Changbai's mouth curled up slightly, thinking to himself that he was a master at naming the weapon. 0

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the furnace where the bronze sword was cast,

There lay more than a dozen pieces of shattered "Wai Fan."

"A mold...a sword is indeed a bit troublesome."

"Fortunately, I have some experience in casting bronze ware.

The successful casting of the bronze sword gave Li Changbai confidence.

#999 Bronze wares on the blueprint....... Those bronze wares of weapons, in addition to bronze swords, there are also axes and halberds, daggers and spears. "

"Qian" is a big bronze axe, a heavy weapon made of bronze, mostly square or crescent-shaped.

Ge is a multi-functional bronze fighting tool capable of killing and pecking, with extremely strong lethality.

Needless to say, spears, Li Changbai has used wooden spears and stone spears, and naturally knows the materials of such weapons.

But what interests Li Changbai the most is actually the "bronze halberd".

The bronze halberd is a combination of a spear and a dagger. It is mounted on the head of the dagger with a spear tip. It combines the performance of the dagger and the spear. It is much stronger than the latter two in terms of attack power and flexibility.

"Bronze battleaxes and bronze halberds can be mass-produced, and cutting is fine.

Li Changbai thought about it for a while, then pondered.

He now has a large number of tribesmen, but the weapons he uses are still relatively backward.

They are all stone axes and spears, and their attack power is too weak.


He felt that it was necessary to change weapons and equipment for the tribesmen.

Bronze axe is bulky and powerful, and can be used by the strong and mighty Yuanmou people.

Bronze halberds are flexible and strong in attack, and can be equipped for Yuanmou people who are light and fast.

"Forget about this precious sword, the day is set."

Li Changbai played with the "Xuanyuan Sword" in his hand and thought deeply.

This is the symbol of the lord of the country,

Represents the authority and status of the Dragon Kingdom Army!

There is only one in the prehistoric world, unique!

Glancing at the clansmen who were melting copper ore and tin ore, Li Changbai then looked at the Yuanmou clansman who was chopping firewood on the right, swept the stone axes and knives one by one, and then meditated:

"Let's make the daily tools first, and always use stone axes and knives... It's laborious and troublesome."

Li Changbai has now mastered the bronze smelting method, and has successfully used the "Fan Casting Method" to refine a bronze sword. Naturally, he has nothing to fear.


Under the shocked eyes of Zhou Shuyi and the billions of eyes of the water friends in the live broadcast room, Li Changbai started a new round of bronze casting.

clay molding,

flipping, firing,

Scrape the mud and make "inner model",

Combine the fired "Tao Fan" and the 4.5 "inner fan" tightly, and tie them with thin rattan strips.

The vent between the two is cast with melted and red-hot "copper tin juice".

cool down

Using the "Fan Casting Method"

Li Changbai successfully produced bronze knives, bronze axes...these are the fortifications often used by unscrupulous people.

Amidst the cheers of Yuanmou people,

In the astonishment of Sister Zhou and the cheers of the water friends in the live broadcast room,

Li Changbai lost those stone knives and axes that used the old and new stone ages,

"From now on, we will use bronze axes and bronze knives!"

Li Changbai took the cooled bronze ax and made a handle from the branches of prehistoric Metasequoia,

Then, it penetrated into the depression of the bronze ax head, and beat it to fix it.

A brand new bronze ax with a bright copper color was born amidst the cheers of these Yuanmou people.

"Hoo hoo!"

"Hoo hoo!"

Li Changbai handed the bronze ax to his former volcanic tribe Yuanmou tribe,

Nodding to him again and again, he signaled the Yuanmou clansman to split those firewood with this bronze axe.

The Yuanmou man hesitated for a while,

Then he took the bronze ax handed over by Li Changbai,

He bent down to erect the wood, and then held up the bronze ax in his hand.


With a flash of cold light, the sleepy girl was instantly split in half.


Li Changbai stretched his eyebrows and nodded contentedly.

Zhou Shuyi held up the selfie stick, broadcasting this scene live, and said with a surprised face:

"Eliminate the stone axe, the bronze ax chops wood

"These Yuanmou people have really become different..."

"They're evolving."

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