I Am Hellscream

Chapter 118 Charlotte Linlin: He is so ugly


Of course Gromash didn't know that Shanks, his good friend, was waiting for him to come by on the next island on his original route. Who told this guy to have nothing to do and make some surprises, but even if Gromash knew, It is estimated that I will not change the course and then go back.Compared with seeing Shanks this guy, it seems that Dovelang at this time

This guy Ming is more valuable to Gromash.

Totto Land, known as the world, and the queen of -kun facing this country is the bigmom, one of the pirate emperors in the future.Charlotte: Linlin, in the capital of this country-Cake Island, was beaten by Joz some time ago After a while, Cracker was kneeling tremblingly in front of his mother Charlotte- Linlin.

Charlotte-Linlin has been a pirate for many years. After all, he is a veteran who debuted at the age of six or seven. But at this time, Charlotte-Linlin is not as bloated as twenty years later, and he is only more than 40 years old.

However, in her forties, she has used "birth" and "marriage" as a means to lay a solid foundation in the entire New World. She does not know how many she can give birth in a year. In short, the current dessert is four stars. Charlotte-Cracker is her tenth son, currently only twenty-five years old.

In Charlotte- Linlin's bigmom pirate group, it is not based on elders and children to feel one's status, but based on strength to decide. The stars are often changed, especially like Cracker and Snug. The stars ranked third and fourth will be deprived of their status as long as they are a little behind or encounter some failure, and they are more likely to be his own mother.

Mom takes away life.

"Cracker, my good son, you really gave us the head of the bigmom pirates. You actually lost to a little character who is unknown in 28 classics. What is his name?? Ah yes, Diamond Joz" Charlotte -Linlin sat on his throne, his tall body looked at Cracker kneeling under the throne with extreme pressure, and said in a deep voice.

And Cracker didn't dare to find any reasons or excuses for himself. He didn't even dare to lift his head, and said tremblingly, "Mom, I was wrong. Please give me another chance."

"Hahahahaha, of course, my son, we are family members. For your accidental mistakes, as your mother, I can of course forgive and accept it. There are rewards. If you fail or make a mistake, you have to be punished, don’t you??" Charlotte- Linlin smiled cruelly


Before Cracker could speak again, Charlotte-Linlin had already said her decision.

"This time, I will give you a small punishment. I will take the ten-year weight of your lifespan first. If you can bring me any further contributions in the future, I will return this lifespan to you again, but Cracker, This is because of the contributions you have made over the years, I will take it lightly. If there is the next time, it will not be as simple as lifespan being taken away.

You're still young, don't you want to die so early?" Charlotte- Linlin said as she stretched her palm to the Cracker who was kneeling on the ground.

Then I saw her gently pulling, pulling out a soul-like thing from Cracker's body, and Cracker also moaned in pain. Within an instant, he was taken away from his ten-year life span.

But after Cracker eased his pain a little, he immediately said: "Please don't worry, mother, there will be no next failure like this."

"Hahahaha, this is my good son, go down." Charlotte: Linlin didn't seem to want to say anything to Cracker, and waved him out.

Cracker is also relieved.Although it has been robbed of ten years of life, there is still a chance to get it back in the future.Moreover, the position of the star that was finally obtained is still considered to be saved. Whatever it is to accumulate a lot.

After Cracker and the runner left, the atmosphere in the entire hall calmed down. After a long time, Charlotte- Linlin said: "Kata Kuri, do you have any thoughts on this matter? This cream Are the Wolf Pirates and this Gromash declaring war on me??"

Under the throne of Charlotte- Linlin, a tall man is sitting on a seat. He is Charlotte Kata Kuri. He is the second son of Charlotte- Linlin and is known as the highest masterpiece of the Charlotte family. , He has never failed since his debut, and has an extremely powerful Conqueror's Haki, among which Observation Haki can even foresee the future for a short time.

In the whole bigmom pirate group, he is very respected by the rest of the people, he is the core figure of the bigmom pirate group, and he is also recognized as the perfect man!

Kata Kuri seemed to have expected his mother to ask this kind of question, so after Charlotte- Linlin finished asking, he didn't even think about it, and said directly: "Mom, combined with this Frostwolf Pirate Group recently Judging from the behavior, this is not a declaration of war, but a kind of prestige. This Hellscream- Proudmoore- Gromash is in

Through this method of crushing everything, he announced his arrival to the entire New World. The reason why our pastry factory was destroyed by him was not a deliberate act but because the pastry factory happened to be in him. It’s just above the sailing route, even if it wasn’t us, it would still be destroyed if it were someone else. "

"Huh, what a bold guy" Charlotte- Linlin said with a cold snort, but she didn't directly take revenge on Gromash and his Frostwolf Pirates, instead she asked again after being silent for a while. : "Then my son, do you think they are valuable to us??'

Kata Kuri was silent for a while this time, and then he said, "There is no doubt that I ask, Mom, they are of great value to anyone, whether it is the Whitebeard Pirates or Kaido's Beasts Pirates or the latest one. The very powerful Red Hair Pirates, I am afraid that no one can not see their value. Although this Proudmoore- Gromash is successful

The time for the Pirate is not very long, but his strength is indeed very strong. Even if I look at it, I am not ashamed. At least I am pretty sure that I cannot escape from Marine Admiral Sengoku and the hero Garp at this stage. , Can't break Whitebeard's weapon. "

Kata Kuri paused, then said again: "If he can become our family, whether it is to leave Kaido's Beasts Pirates behind or to challenge the Whitebeard Pirates, we can all be better. I'm sure, mom.

After Charlotte-Linlin heard this, her eyes also shone, but before she could speak, Katakuri had already interrupted her intention to speak again.

In the entire bigmom pirate group, I am afraid that only Kata Kuri dares to do this, and he will not make Charlotte- Linlin angry. This is his privilege as a'perfect man'!!

"But mom, I think you'd better not expect too much for this. The more people like Proudmoore and Gromash, the less willing to succumb to others. He was even invited by Whitebeard. They all refused," Kata Kuri said in a deep voice.

He knew that his mother must be thinking about bringing such a powerful force as Gromash into their bigmom pirate group, because just as he said, as long as Gromash brings his people, it can't be done. How long, I am afraid that it will be the most time for three to five years, and their bigmom pirates have the ability to challenge Whitebeard and even fight.

And Shengzhi's confidence!! At that time, even if his mother really becomes the next One Piece, it will not be impossible!

Sure enough, as Kata Kuri had expected, even though he had already shown his interest, his mother still couldn't stand the temptation.

"Kata Kuri, things always have to be tried to confirm. Although this Gromash rejected Whitebeard's invitation, it doesn't explain anything, and it doesn't mean that he will definitely reject our invitation, doesn't it?? I like valuable people. Such talents can make my dreams go further. Just as you said, he is one

A valuable person, so he deserves me to win him. For this, try to win him is not something you can’t do. If he really refuses, then you have to consider how to eliminate him, I I don't like having one more opponent. "Charlotte-Linlin said.

This time she decided to win over Gromash. On the one hand, she wanted to see if she could add a strong combat power to her side. On the other hand, she would finally confirm the attitude of this Gromash, if he really "shame on the face". If you do, then the old hatred and the new hatred will go together, after all, her Charlotte- Linlin pastry factory is not anyone who can do it casually.

Destroyed, if she doesn't take some action, where will she put her face?

Kata Kuli also sighed when he heard this.Compared with this, he was more inclined to attack with thunder and directly destroyed the entire Frostwolf Pirates group, because he didn't think that Gromash would join a little bit. The possibility of them 987.

However, although he is the core member of the entire bigmom pirate group, in the final analysis, the real person in this pirate group is his mother-Charlotte, Linlin, in this pirate group, in this family, only her If that is the only order, no one can disobey her order, even if she is most optimistic about herself.

So he could only say: "Yes, mother, then what means and chips do you need to win him??"

Charlotte Linlin thought about it for a while and said, "He is so ugly, I look down on him, so I won't let him be my husband this time. The son-in-law is very good."

It is estimated that if Gromash hears these words, he can put down everything in his hands, and fight Charlotte- Linlin, dammit, what is insult? This is true remorse, and you still have the right to look down on it. Me, say I'm ugly?? I don't look in the mirror myself!!

After Charlotte-Linlin finished speaking, he paused for a while, and turned his gaze to the star Smoky, who was also sitting in the seat and had not said a word yet.

Then Charlotte- Linlin said, "Smoky, haven't you always wanted to find a strong enough husband to be worthy of your husband? I think this Gromash is very good, let him be your husband! !"

Smoky had no objections at all, or she knew very well that even if she objected, it would be useless. In the bigmom pirate group, mother's words are everything, so she also nodded and said, "Everything is up to you. ,mother."

"I like you good boys." Charlotte-Linlin said with a smile.

It's just that this matter still needs to be considered for a long time, and it can't be decided in a few words, so this is just the beginning. Charlotte-Linlin is not in a hurry to finish it now.

On the other side, Gromash, who didn't know that he was "disgusted" by the freak Charlotte-Linlin, also walked off the Artemis slowly, looked at the port of Ganlens Island, and sniffed lightly. Sniffing his nose, he said, "Ah, it's a good place to see the strong smell of scum on this island from far away, Jiehahahahaha. ".

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