I Am Hellscream

Chapter 119 Heavenly Yaksha!

Gromash and his party had just landed on Gunluns Island, and a large number of pirates began to flee the island in Gunluns Island.

Cromwell touched his chin, and said: "Boss Gromash, it seems that we have done a little too much in recent times. These pirate colleagues really regard us as scourges. .

"After all, I really saw one and the other before.. They would be so scared, it's not a big deal." Joz said with a smile.

Gromash smiled and looked at the distance and said, "This is how people behave. Look, people like Heavenly Yaksha-Donji Hede-Doflamingo don’t think too much, there is so much sea. The demeanor of a thief?? Isn't it? He came as soon as we landed on the island..."

That's right, following Gromash's gaze, wearing a pink flamingo coat, wearing cool sunglasses, a sharp short hair, exposing his chest, wearing a pair of fancy tights, stepping on a pair With small leather shoes with sharp angles and Kabuto with both hands in it, Doflamingo, who walked very awkwardly, was walking towards Gromash and the others with a smile.

"I don't know why, his walking posture." Lu Qi touched his chin, and some said he didn't know how to describe it.

"Do you always feel that your hands are itchy and want to give him some of his favorite big mouth??" Urouge also said.

"Coincidentally, so is my special mother!!" Joz also said directly.

Gromash hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Okay, well, anyway we are here to seek "help" and cooperation this time. How can we give the host a little face, compared with the rest of the Celestial Dragons, his Doflamingo walks arrogantly. What's wrong with the point?? Individuals have personal hobbies, seek common ground while reserving differences, seek common ground while reserving differences..."

Even Robin, the little Loli, squeezed his fists and said, "Huh, since you said that, Captain, then give him some face."

"Hahahahaha, Robin sauce seems to be getting more and more violent recently." Cromwell also said with a laugh.

That's right, after following Gromar 987 and a group of people, Robin, the only delicate flower among the rough guys, seems to have begun to have an overall style of deviation, although she still likes to read so much. There is always that kind of calm atmosphere, but at certain moments, Little Robin will become a little violent and dark style, but

Look at Gromash and the group with gusto.

Just as Gromash and the others were talking and laughing about these topics, the guy Doflamingo also had a smile on his mouth, walked in front of them, and then saw this Heavenly Yaksha opening and saying, "Proudmoore- Gromash, Proudmoore- Gromash, I had a goodbye in Logue town that day. I didn’t expect to see you again today. In fact, I wanted to connect with you a long time ago.

Connected with each other. "

Gromash also laughed and said, "Jiehahahaha, Doflamingo, I didn't expect that the guy who looked like a rock singer in Logue town at the beginning has become a big man in a blink of an eye, JOKER!"

Doflamingo also smiled after hearing Gromash call out his code name, and said, "As expected, your Frostwolf Pirates suddenly changed their course and headed towards the island of Gangrens. It should be directed at me. Come on?? Then Gromash boss, how do you need me to help you? "

Doflamingo's posture seems to be very low, and there is no feeling of Zhang Jieyu at all, and Gromash also waved his hand and said, "Boss or something, don't you need to call? I can't cover you, JOKER, forget it. You Doflamingo, what you said is right, my place suddenly changed its course, it is for you, and it really needs

Your help, and I also want to see if I can reach any cooperation with you. "

After Doflamingo heard the word'cooperation' mentioned by Gromash, his eyes were also bright, and then he smiled and said: "Fufurfurfurfurfur, cooperation is a good thing. Only cooperation can achieve a win-win situation. Here It's not a place to talk. Our Donquixote Family is already a bit rooted on this island. Why don't you ask you to come here for a comment?"

Gromash didn't worry that Doflamingo would get him a banquet or something, so he didn't refuse his proposal. Soon, under the leadership of Doflamingo, the local snake, Gromash and his party arrived at his stronghold. I have to say, This Doflamingo still attaches great importance to his own life, even if it is just an ordinary stronghold

, He also wants to be very luxurious.

Gromash sat on a sofa, took two sips of the wine glass, and then continued the topic: "Doflamingo, to be honest, I admire you very, very much. Among the pirate forces, there are many people with brains. But there are not many people like you who have the brain and the corresponding methods.

If you come out to be a pirate, don’t talk about your dreams, what do you want?? Isn’t it just a comfortable life?? If you want to live comfortably, then wealth, status and fame are all essential, but these things It’s not just a fist to get it, is it??"

To be honest, in Gromash's view, this Doflamingo is really smart and very powerful. The only shortcoming is that the strength is a bit embarrassing. It is in the kind of saying that he is strong, but it is really not too strong, but he must be said to be weak. Well, it's not a weak position at all.

Gromash is also willing to believe that Doflamingo is not a waste of his own strength.He is more willing to believe that the reason why Doflamingo's strength stops here is because of the upper limit.First of all, he does not have a talented physique, nor can he help. His Devil Fruit, which broke through the limit, can use the physique of an ordinary person to

Really developed to the later stage and strength, Doflamingo is really amazing.

If you change positions between him and Kaido, then Kaido may not be as good as his Doflamingo.

Doflamingo also picked up the glass after hearing Gromash's compliment to him. After taking two sips, Doflamingo said, "Fufurfur is just a little clever. It can't be compared with a big pirate who is really strong like you, Captain Gromash. "

Gromash also smiled, then put down the wine glass and said, "I won't say much about the polite hypocrisy, Doflamingo, are you interested in joining my pirate group and becoming my partner??"

Doflamingo didn't seem to even think about it. He shook his head and said: "Captain Gromash, if you need my help, that's the case, then I'm sorry, I can't provide you with any effective help."

"Jiehahahahahaha, I know you must have this answer, well, forget it, I just ask with a fluke mentality, if your kid takes the wrong medicine, wouldn't I make it?? "Gromash also said with a big smile.

(ciad) "That's really a pity." Doflamingo also smiled and said.

"Then stop talking nonsense, do you know Visalia Island?? Is there any information about its occurrence??" Gromash stopped talking nonsense, and asked directly.

Doflamingo was also stunned when he heard the words, then he snapped his fingers and said to the Senor beside him: "Go find it, bring all the information about Visalia Island, and show it to Captain Gromash.

"Yes, young master." Senor, who was still very young and handsome at this time, also nodded and said, and then retreated.

Doflamingo smiled and said: "Sorry, Captain Gromash, even me, it is impossible to keep everything in my head. It takes a while to find it, don't you mind??"

"It's okay, I still have it at this point, and it doesn't matter if I don't get any effective information, Doflamingo, I was not kidding when I said that I admire you very much, so I also secretly and carefully investigated you. The experience is really legendary, from that Mariejois to North Blue to this New World, hahahaha

Although you are wearing sunglasses, I can still feel the aura of tyranny and destruction in your eyes. Why? Do you want to retaliate against this world??" Gromash looked at Doflamingo's sunglasses, with an inexplicable smile on his mouth. , Said.

And Doflamingo looked at Gromash with a smile like that, and didn't seem to care why Gromash was so clear about his experience, especially the experience of the four words "Mariejois".

This thing is actually top-secret level, and there are not many people in the whole world who know it. The object of hatred since then turned out to be a fallen Celestial Dragons.

After a long time, Doflamingo said again: "Of course you have to know and investigate your partner, furfurfurfurfur, I can understand this kind of thing, then Captain Gromash, if you want to cooperate with me what??"

Doflamingo didn't even mention why Gromash knew about this kind of thing. Instead, he skipped the topic very generously and directly introduced the conversation into the subject again.

Gromash touched his chin and said, "Yes, I am more optimistic about you. Since it is the first time to cooperate, then naturally there is no way to talk to you about something that is too esoteric. After all, we still have to build some trust first. , What do you think of The fish men island??"

Gromash didn't continue to entangle with Doflamingo about the leftovers, but went on with Doflamingo's topic.

When Doflamingo heard Gromash's words, his eyes lit up, and then he said, "The fish men island is a good place. To be honest, if I hadn't had a good way to intervene there, I also wanted to put my own turf on The fish men island. fish men island."

"Jie ha ha ha ha, yes, The fish men island is a good place. Many people only think that it is the entrance to and out of New World. The location is very important, but they can't see its preciousness. Anything, as long as you have it The attribute of uniqueness represents a soaring value, doesn't it? And just so, The fish men island is the only one in the world in the deep sea

The unique island, it is this attribute that makes its value immeasurable, presumably you also really want to see the fish men island developed?? But the more rare things, the more responsible, development The footsteps of The fish men island can't be too big, so I need a stable and secret market in a short time, and use the resources in The fish men island as

It is the'luxury goods' that are sent to the outside. In this way, the value of this will double and increase again. This is why I came to you, Doflamingo. Gromash put his hands on the back of the sofa and said with a smile watching Doflamingo.

Just like "diamonds", in previous lives, diamonds were called the "biggest scam". Everyone knows that those seemingly rare diamonds are actually not precious things in nature, but all All of the diamond resources are controlled by the capital tycoons, so whether this diamond is rare or not is not what it can say.

, But the tycoons who master the resources have the final say.

They are willing to keep the diamond expensive, and the diamond will remain expensive. They want this diamond to become glass beads overnight, and it is not impossible.

And Gromash's plan at this time is to treat The fish men island as a diamond. The early development must not take too many steps. Only when his strategic layout is almost the same can he move forward quickly. Therefore, before that, just It is necessary to double the value of The fish men island, which can only be developed slowly, and this requires Doflamingo to cooperate with Gromash


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