I Am Hellscream

Chapter 125 When people are pretending to be forced, their IQ is negative!

After Gromash finished speaking, he put his ear in front of this guy very "caringly", wanting to hear his answer.

And this Blankenu was also begged to death by the'abusive' Isshin. He was unambiguous at all and whispered a few words in Gromash's ear very face-to-face.

Then Gromash raised his head and laughed and said, "It turns out that there is really something, I thought it was you who came up with some rumors..."

Then I saw that Blankenu spoke eagerly again and said, "Hurry up and kill me."

"Jiehahahahahaha, don't worry, my Gromash came out and talked about credibility. Since you have said everything that should be said, then of course I have to fulfill my promise, your neck, I will help you It's twisted." Gromash said, and smiled cruelly, and then his palm slowly reached Blankenu's neck.


Then Gromash looked around at the other pirates present, with a tyrannical smile on the corner of his mouth, with a sudden force in his hand, he directly twisted Blankenu's neck, and it was not over yet, Gromash twisted to break. After breaking his neck, he also pulled his head down, and the bloody first stage appeared on his palm, and then Groma

He even opened his mouth and continued to say to the others: "Presumably everyone here has already heard of my Gromash's name and our Frostwolf Pirates' name. This time I entered New World, I came to Liwei, but I was a little tired from killing some time ago, and recently I just found the place we want to go, so

Say hello to everyone before you come to this island. You see, this is the downside of not saying hello. There are always people who seem to think that they can step on my Gromash to come to the top. It's very good. I like them. Ambitious guys, if you want to get things done, you have to have ambition first. As a pirate, it's better to go home to fish if you don’t have any ambition. You say me

Is that right??"

After Gromash finished speaking, he paused. Of course, he didn't wait for someone to answer him. It is estimated that no one would dare to answer him. Then he continued: "What is ambition? It is equal to interest? It is equal to adventure. Risk and interest are affirmed. I want to step on my Gromash's feet with risk. What is the risk of stepping on my Gromash's feet?

Encountered in this sea, in short, if you are mentally prepared, you are welcome to step on my feet at any time, hahahahaha!!"

After Gromash said these very awkward words, he also threw the bloody head in his hand to the ground at any time, and then he said to the shop owner: "Sorry, boss, I broke your shop and made it here again. It's dirty and messy, but that head is worth five hundred and fifty million Baileys, it's just a gift from me, Jieha

Hahaha, young ones, the drink is almost the same, it's time to go back to sleep!!"

After speaking, Gromash turned around and left without any further intention of sitting down and taking a couple of sips. The rest of the Frostwolf Pirates also stood up, followed Gromash, and walked out very casually.

After the group of them had left, the pirates who had been sitting in the tavern and dared not move before were truly relieved, and then some daring began to talk about what had just happened.

"The 550 million Bailey's big pirate-the King Kong rod didn't even have the power to fight back in the hands of that Gromash. He was killed casually??" A pirate captain said while holding up his glass. He took a sip, trying to calm down his trembling hands.

And his subordinates also swallowed and said, "Didn't they say it?? The same is 550 million Baileys, but the strengths in it are worlds apart.

"How did these Marines give bounty money?? Isn't this a scam? If it weren't for today, I am afraid that there will be more guys who want to challenge their Frostwolf Pirates, this diamond stick -Blankenu has spent his life to test them," the captain of the pirate also said again.

As everyone knows, this is also a plan of Sengoku Admiral. They are quite clear about the strength of Gromash, let alone 550 million Baileys, even if it doubles him, there is no problem at all, after all, this Gromash's The bounty is quite high in the first half of the Grand Line, but in New World, there are a lot of people taller than him, especially in

Beasts Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates, Bigmom Pirates

But the Marines just didn't do this. I'm afraid they want to follow the trend of pirates who like to fight each other and step on each other's superior position, and use Gromash's hand to kill a group of such guys.

And after the captain of the pirate said these words, one of his younger brothers looked at the head falling on the ground, and said greedily: "The captain has five hundred and fifty million Baileys falling on the ground. Find someone to exchange it, and it will be enough for us to make a fortune."

The captain of the pirate swallowed too, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes, but soon, he suppressed his greed and said, "Shut up, don't you want to live?? That was just sent by the Gromash. Gift, who dares to move?? Do you want to be the one lying on the table just now??"

On the other side, among the Gromash group, Cromwell asked curiously: "Boss Gromash, the stick of that kid just now really has the strength of a warship??"

Gromash also moved his neck and said, "What do you think?? Even if it is a sneak attack while I release the water, Laozi is not the kind of person who would be hit by a stick casually?? If I didn't carry it by myself? With that powerful force, the tavern has long been hit."

Joz was also a little curious and said: "Then your recent defense has increased too fast, right?? You still hit your head with such a powerful sneak attack, and you haven't scratched the skin?? My diamond fruit? Where to put the face of the capable person??"

Gromash smiled very ghostly and said: "Isn't this just to pretend to be? What do you think I got my head stuck in that wall? I really thought I was sobering up?? Now, I almost made a package for me, and my mind was a little dizzy, but I am the ability awakener of Zoan Eudemons, this little injury

Didn't it recover in minutes? Just burn it with a little flame and burn off the blood that was left behind. Then there will be situations like my pretense, otherwise, I will put a bag on my head. Don’t you feel ashamed and embarrassed to come out??"

After hearing Gromash's self-exposure, the rest of the Frostwolf Pirates also looked at Gromash with an expert look. Urouge raised his arm and said with a strong thumb: "High, it's true. It's high, if you pretend to be compelling, I will convince you Uncle Gromash!""

Gromash also waved his hand very shamelessly and said: "You are polite, you are polite, in fact, I am in the primary stage. I have a good friend named Shanks. That guy is really powerful in pretending to be a must. As long as he says "give me a face", anyone will retreat by three points and give him a face. Do you think it is amazing??"

"Isn't it?? Wouldn't your Grandpa Gromash give him this face??" Cromwell said with some curiosity.

Gromash stroked his chin and said, "Should I give it?? After all, he is a good friend."

Lu Qi also followed up and said, "Gromash, if you give him face because you are friends with him, why should the rest of you give it??"

"Well, who knows??? Maybe he is a face-fruit-powered person, but that's not necessarily true?? The phrase'give me a face' is just mobilizing power or something, and people are recruited unconsciously??" Gromash joked with a smile too.

"Face Fruit Ability?? Is there any such fruit in Paramecia?? Why haven't I seen it on the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book??" Little Robin asked with some cuteness.

The rest of the people laughed after hearing Robin’s question. At this time, Cromwell said, “The ability of that diamond rod seems to be very good. If you are an ordinary person, it is really easy to be affected by him. I killed it with a stick, and I always felt that it was not the limit of the fruit's ability. By the way, Boss Gromash, that guy is dying.

Where is the previously mentioned Devil Fruit hidden? What kind of ability is it??"

Gromash looked at the port not far away and said, "That kid's abilities are really interesting, but now that the lights are off, don't think about it. Later, let's see if I can meet them. As for the Devil Fruit he got, right? , Should I say that this guy is big-hearted or arrogant?? Anyway, he didn't hide it much, so he put it in the captain's room on his ship

, No, we are now looking for his boat, aren't we?,

"What kind of ability is that?? You don't need to talk half way??" Joz asked with some curiosity.

Gromash also said with a blushing face: "I didn't wink, didn't look at me, did I deliberately not say it?? I have to admit it, I was trying to pretend to be forced, did you forget to ask more??"

When the others heard what Gromash said, they all looked like a fool. They looked at Gromash, and finally Lu Qi said, "Sure enough, there is a saying that is correct. When people are pretending to be forced, their IQs are often negative. of"

"Just your fucking words?? Anyway, we have the Devil Fruit picture book in our hands. I don't believe in the fruit that can be understood by any diamond stick. We will not understand it?? Find and compare it. It's over?? It's not a big deal." Gromash said very dissatisfied.

"Yes, you are the captain, you have the final say," Lu Qi said casually.

When Gromash and the others arrived at the ship with diamond rods moored in this port, it was a little bit unclear because the night was already dark. They saw that Gromash snapped his fingers very casually, the mast on the ship and the door of the house. Several oil lamps hung were lit up instantly, giving the big ship a very clear picture.

And it is precisely because of this behavior of Gromash that the boat watching boys who were sleeping on the boat woke up, and they took up their weapons and looked at Gromash and the group of people around the boat: "Who are you?? I don't know where we are. Whose ship?? Tell you"

The little brother hadn't finished calling the device. Lu Qi had already appeared beside him in the form of a lightning. Then he saw Lu Qi lightly cut his finger, leaving a blood hole in his forehead, and then Lu Qi He said: "In the middle of the night, what is the noise??"

"Second-wheel flower blooming-separation crane!" Even Little Robin moved his hands very naturally, and saw her cross her hands on her chest and whispered softly.

In the next second, the rest of the boat watching boys all grew her arms, and then "click", after a neat noise, the rest of the people were twisted by Robin's move, their eyes were white, and they didn't. Know if he is dead or unconscious.

On the contrary, Lu Qi said with some dissatisfaction: "You have to grab the miscellaneous fish with me??"

"Who told you to be unhappy?? Obviously you have the ability to make it so bloody," Robin also said with some dissatisfaction.

"Jiehahahahahaha, send a signal to call all the people who wandered around on the island, and give Laozi all the valuable things that can be removed from this boat!!" Gromash covered it in one hand. Robin rubbed his head and laughed.

And Urouge this guy also took out a flare gun from the backpack behind him, and shot a firework at the sky, and after the firework exploded, a huge wolf head appeared in the night sky.

Even White Fang, who was in charge of watching the ship and sleeping on the Artemis, shook his mane and stood up and looked towards the sky.

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