I Am Hellscream

Chapter 126 A group of uncultured turtles.

The members of Gromash and the Frostwolf Pirates gathered quickly. It didn't take long for a group of strong men from Wujuejue to gather here at the port pier. Then the big guys were talking about what happened.

One of the brawny guys with a hand cannon looked at Gromash and their cadres with some doubts, and asked, "Boss Gromash, what's going on?? Aren’t we going to go to the island to relax and leave for a whole day? ?? I haven’t heard that the robbery will continue. How can you drink a drink, you got a big ship??”

"Jiehahahaha, Barr, these are all accidents. There are people headed and hit our hands, so don't blame me for taking over their inheritance. , After you finish the liquidation, convert the 50% of the harvest and give it to everyone as wine money!" Gromash stood on the big boat, leaning on the deck and laughing.

The brawny man named Barr also nodded and said, "Since it was for nothing, don't do it for nothing, don't worry about it, don't worry, boss, I must make the account clear!"


After speaking, Barr waved his hand: "Brothers, get on the boat and move things, old rules!!

Just when Gromash's little brothers began to frantically search the ship, Gromash also brought Cromwell and others to the captain's room.

"This kid is damn good and will enjoy it," Gromash said as he touched the tiger skin hanging in the captain's room. The whole tiger skin is pure white, with only black stripes interspersed with it, and there is nothing extra. Variegated, it looks very luxurious.

Gromash touched it and said to Robin, "Robin, this is for you. Take it back to sleep as a warmth. Even if you don't need it, you can put it next to the bed as a footrest.

Robin also nodded happily and said, "Thank you Captain~"

"Then I'll take this away!" Lu Qi also said unceremoniously, and quickly lifted an oil lamp that looked very charming in his hand.

Not to mention, this oil lamp is really beautiful and low-key luxury. Robin looked at the oil lamp and said, "From the perspective of the color and style, it is about 400 years ago. It is a powerful one. Antique, you earned it, Lucky."

Gromash also waved his hand indifferently and said, "If you like it, take it, isn't it the picture of us as pirates??"

After Gromash finished speaking, Joz, Cromwell, Hokkubak, Urouge and others also unceremoniously began to ruin the cabinet.

"What a group... Rude! Hokkubak! The ashtray is left for Laozi, and you don't smoke, what ashtray do you take??" Gromash looked at this group of subordinates who were just as speechless as the bandits entered the village. Said.

"Ahem, Captain Gromash, you often run to me to smoke anyway, I just want to take it to the house, dedicated to you," Hokkubak said shamelessly, without any intention of letting go. Put the ashtray directly into his suitcase.

Gromash also didn't bother to argue with these bandits, went to the bed and opened the bedding, then punched a big hole in the bed, then Gromash reached in and touched it, and quickly pulled out a small treasure chest, laughing. He smiled and said: "That kid is still a bit credible, he didn't dare to lie to Laozi, otherwise I have to go back and hang him up.

The corpse can't be...~"

After finishing talking, Gromash didn't use any keys or anything. With his hands breaking, he brutally broke the little treasure chest with brute force, and then a fruit with a weird pattern was revealed inside, and then Gromash He picked it up and said, "Come here, have a look, this is the Devil Fruit you are looking for"

"Really? I thought that kid was bluffing you." Joz walked over with some curiosity, and took the Devil Fruit from Gromash.

"Think about it, it's useless if you find it, Hokkubak, do you plan to become Demon fruit power?? It's better to take a gamble, while you haven't read the Devil Fruit manual, eat this and see??" Karen Will also smiled and said.

Gubak also stopped the search action in his hand, while looking at the Devil Fruit, he said, "I don't care about being a capable person, but I am more inclined to find a Devil about the healing system. Fruit ability, I am not stupid, what to bet? Let’s take a look at the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book first, in case it is a healing element

Or the ability of the medical department I will take it. "

But before Gromash and the others asked Robin for the Devil Fruit picture book, and let her see what kind of fruit ability it was, Robin was a little surprised and called them.

"Captain, come and take a look, there are unexpected gains here," Robin was standing on a small bench, pulling out a book from the shelf and said.

"Oh? What?" Gromash and the others leaned in curiously.

After Robin gave the book to Gromash, Gromash picked it up and took a look. He was also a little surprised and said, "Oh, it's really a good thing."

""Devil Fruit Material Conduction"??? What do you mean?? How come you haven't heard of it??" Joz stepped forward to take a look and asked in a puzzled way.

"You pirates from the mountains don't have any culture at all. Let me tell you. Long ago, the world government had mastered a technology that could give Devil Fruit the ability to "eat" objects. In other words, For example, they can give magical Devil Fruit abilities to weapons, such as turning a knife into an elephant.

The technique is called the "Devil Fruit material conduction" technique, but I don’t know what happened later. This technique was not kept secret and leaked. It is estimated that this is one of the burned books circulating in the black market. How about Have you gained knowledge??" Gromash said with a terrible ass.

"Add Devil Fruit to the weapon?? Can the ship be used?? Will it sink??" Cromwell said with a big brain.

And Gromash was stunned for a moment, and then he said with some uncertainty: "It should be usable if it can be used. As for whether this sinks... it shouldn't sink, right?? After all, this boat is not swimming, as long as The structure is correct, it makes no sense to sink for no reason??"

"Then if it's a Logia capable ship or something, it's very compelling to think about it, boss!" Cromwell said with some excitement.

"What's so special about you is that you have a big family and a big business?? Just thinking about pretending to be compelling. With that kind of fruit, it's better to use it to train a cadre." Gromash refuted Cromwell's words without hesitation.

Cromwell was also a little embarrassed and said: "Hahahaha, what? It's always okay to imagine it??"

"Let's not talk about boats, if the Master has this technology, then give the boss your axe and get a better Devil Fruit ability...Aren't you stronger??" Joz smacked his chin and said.

"And my iron pillar," Urouge also said very quickly.

"That's right, it can indeed improve our strength," Gromash nodded and said, then he flipped through the books in his hand, and nodded from time to time, seeming to approve of the contents.

After a long time, Gromash handed the books in his hand to Joz and said: "Ahem, Joz, this technology will be handed over to you to Master. The future belongs to the talents, and the skills are not overwhelming. Don't say I don't take care of you. what!"

Joz also took a look at the book with some confusion, and then quickly handed the book to Cromwell. I can't bear to learn it. We are your smartest in this. You can take it and learn it. After you have learned it, you will be able to fulfill your dream and feed the boat.

Cromwell also took the book about Joz's strength with some doubts. After reading it for a while, he coughed and said, "Ahem, Urouge."

"Shut up, I don't learn!" Urouge is not a fool either. Seeing such a weird situation, he only picks up this black pot unless his brain is sick.

And after eating at Urouge, Cromwell also smiled and looked at Hokkubak and said: "Ship doctor, we are a complex thing like you are a technical job, I'm afraid I won't be able to learn it. Yes, you can take a look.

Hogback didn't object to anything. He was also very interested in this thing. After he took the "Devil Fruit Material Conduction", he opened it and looked at it. After no more time, he said: " ""No, there is a specialization in the art industry, and I can't understand what I can do in it.

At this moment, Lu Qi said, "It's better to give it to Gromash. I just looked at him with gusto, and then nodded, he should be able to understand."

After Lu Qi finished speaking, the rest of the people also looked at Gromash, their expressions all looked like they didn't expect you to have this kind of talent', and Gromash also smiled awkwardly and said, "You can see it. , I know all those words, but once they are combined, I don’t quite understand, what kind of condensation, I still know what particle collision

I don’t understand anything at all.”

Cromwell also had a funny expression on you, and then he said: "Then why did you just nod following the content??"

"I have cervical spondylosis, can't I?? Just talk about you!" Gromash said angrily.

After a long time, everyone's eyes widened, and even Robin, the most knowledgeable, shook his head and said, "I don't understand, as expected, this kind of thing is not something we people can see. I really don't understand the brains of those who do scientific research. How long is zero"

Gromash also reluctantly closed the book and said: "There is a treasure mountain but I can't dig it. Actually, I wanted to say that the cultural level of our pirate group is too low. It is completely dependent on the little Robin to give me. Raise the upper limit, the rest are dragging their feet"

"Captain, I'm also a genius surgeon," Hobackak said with some unwillingness, but he was interrupted by Gromash before he could finish his words.

"Shut up, if you don't understand this book, it's illiterate!" Gromash said unreasonably.

"But Robin sauce can't understand either," Hobackak said aggrievedly.

"You are a big man, do you have to compare with a little girl??" Gromash once again smashed Hokkubak with fallacies.

And Hokkubak knew that he was still boring no matter how nonsense he was, so he gritted his teeth and memorized this'uncultured' black pot.

Then Gromash pretended to say: "I thought about it carefully, we still have to have a better scientist as a partner. There is a good saying, what is it?? By the way, science and technology are the primary productive forces. How can the big forces not have strong scientific research strength? After finding the Visalia Island, let's go next

The goal is to find a way to tie a scientist to us as a partner, and it is best to think of a way to get that kind of Dr. Vegapunk.

"I think Germa 66 is very good, what Vinsmoke. Isn't Judge a great scientist?? If you have the opportunity, go and fiddle with him!" Joz also said with anger.

"That's right, if you have a chance, just get him." Gromash also nodded and said, and then he gave the "Devil Fruit Material Conduction" in his hand to Robin again, and then said: "This thing, it's all about it. It's still useful. Just keep it. Come on, Robin, let's see what ability is that Devil Fruit??"

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