I Am Hellscream

Chapter 128 North Blue tragedy

Kelton Island, a very ordinary island in the New World waters, it is so ordinary that no one even divides it as its own territory. The reason is also very simple. This island is very poor and the resources are very scarce. The entire island is basically They are all wasteland, and the annual rainfall is insufficient. I am afraid that it will not take many years. This island is likely to become a desert island.

At this time, there are very few young people on this small island. Due to poverty, most of the young people have gone to sea to find new ways out, and many of them have joined the promising industry of Pirates. Went inside.

Today, this island has not ushered in a ship for a long time, and this ship is the Artemis of the Frostwolf Pirates.

"Squirting, it's really an island that's poor enough, it doesn't seem to be interested in looting." Gromash stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the island and said.

"I'm afraid that only people like Doflamingo will build a secret contact point on this kind of island. To be honest, it is really secretive." Joz also looked at this ruined island and said casually.

Gromash also smiled, and then said: "After all, they still sell secret arms or something. It is understandable. Okay, go to the island to find out if the Visalia Island has been there, although I think it should not have come yet."

The dilapidated town is so poor that there is not enough water, and there are very few people coming, let alone any tavern to sell drinks.

After walking around in this small town for a while, Gromash said in a disappointing voice: "You go to get the news, I'll go to the beach to get some sun."

The little guy Lu Qi was very winked. After seeing Gromash didn't want to wander, he quickly raised his hand and said, "I'm going to get you a sun lounger, I'm going to get some sun too."

Even Robin was very cunning and said, "Then I will get the juice!"

After speaking, without giving others a chance, the two little guys stepped on their short legs and ran away from this dilapidated town.

Gromash smiled and said, "Okay, the child labor is gone. Don't you guys want to run. Go and ask me for information. By the way, I can find Doflamingo's secret stronghold here. , Don’t look for his stronghold anymore, it’s a partner anyway, so let’s leave some information for others.”

After speaking, Gromash put his hands on the back of his head very leisurely, and walked out towards the beach slowly.

After Gromash and the others left, Joz also looked at the people in the circle of regret, and then reluctantly said: "It's not a troublesome thing anyway. I will ask someone to ask, and I can confirm the news at random. Find out if there are any interesting things on this island. Disband!"

"If I can, I would also like to be a kid" Cromwell said with a smile, then turned around and left first.

Before long, on the other side of the beach, Gromash was lying in the sun on the sun lounger that Lu Qi was holding. Although the beach here does not feel like a resort, it is still very clean and natural. It's also quite comfortable here.

Lu Qi also hugged milk, slapped his upper body naked, wore small sunglasses, and lay on his sun lounger. It looked like a vacation.

After a while, little Robin also came over from the boat with a few glasses of juice, with a newspaper in her hand, and then she first gave Gromash a glass of juice, then sat in her seat, opened the newspaper and read it. .

Gromash, who was feeling bored, also said, "Robin, is this today's newspaper? Is there any interesting news? ~?"

"Yes, Captain, the news bird just delivered it when I went to get the juice. As for the interesting news, it doesn't seem to happen anyway." Robin turned over and said casually.

"Is it too boring these days?? What's wrong with this world?? No one likes to make a big move?? Forget it, there is nothing to do anyway, just find a slightly more interesting one, Robin. Gromash said again.

"Good Captain, here is a piece of news about the demise of the country, maybe you will be interested." Robin opened the newspaper after flipping through the newspaper. Then, before Gromash could say anything, her crisp voice had already rang again. stand up.

"Sea Circle Calendar At the end of November 1503, North Blue among the four oceans, Frevans, known as a white town, broke out a large-scale epidemic called'Platinum Lead Disease'. It is reported that the country was originally quite wealthy. The country is a very precious raw material-the country where platinum and lead are produced. The outbreak of this large-scale epidemic has not been able to curb the current medical technology.

The method of infection, and the number of infections is still increasing rapidly. Since it is not ruled out whether it is contagious, the neighboring countries around Frevans have blocked the entire border of Frevans. The huge domestic epidemic pressure and foreign diplomatic pressure have led to The tragic war broke out, and the entire white town of Frevans was suppressed by the army of the surrounding neighboring countries, according to our newspaper.

The brutal massacre was not authorized by the World government. It was a joint operation of the surrounding countries. The entire Frevans had been turned into a sea of ​​flames, and a large number of corpses were being burned, and none of them survived. After Robin said here, he was interrupted by Gromash's wave of his hand.

At this moment, Gromash was holding juice in one hand and touching his chin with the other, and then said: "White Town, Frevans?"

"Yes, Captain, it's really miserable. The country was wiped out because of a large-scale infectious disease," Robin also said with a heartfelt heart.

"Sure enough, the disease is crueler than artillery fire," Lu Qi said with some emotion.

A wicked smile hung on Gromash's mouth and said, "Yes, the disease is indeed more cruel than artillery fire, especially the unknown disease. However, this platinum lead disease is not an unknown disease. The world government is smart, and puts itself in the newspaper. Picked up clean"

After hearing Gromash's words, Lu Qi was also a little surprised and said: "What do you mean?? Is there any hidden truth behind this epidemic?? What role does the world government play in this? ?"

Even Robin was very curious and moved his little sun lounger to Gromash's side, wanting to hear his "exclusive news."

Gromash saw that these two little guys were so interested, and smiled and continued: "It was mentioned in the newspaper before that Frevans is a rare luxury raw material-the country where platinum and lead are produced, and it is also the world The more famous country of wealth, through the mining of platinum and lead minerals, and foreign processing and sales, the country's economy in Frevans is very prosperous, and

In addition, the World government also masters a large amount of economic resources, and can get a huge amount of benefit from Frevans every year. It is this huge amount of benefit that makes the World government very cruel and conceal a cruel news.

"What news??" "Seeing what huge concealment is really hidden behind this news, Robin also asked very curiously.

"Platinum and lead, a mineral that is buried in the ground, is nothing, and it's okay to be processed and sold outside. The only thing is that once this mineral is mined, there will be traces of toxins at the moment of contact with the air. In a short period of time, the citizens of Frevans have mined platinum and lead from platinum and lead for many generations. This trace toxin has been

It has accumulated in their bodies for generations and has affected a lot. The life span of the entire Frevans citizens is getting shorter and shorter. Finally, in this era, the epidemic caused by platinum lead disease has broken out. Therefore, the so-called uncertainty of the epidemic is simply false. , World government has known for a long time that this disease is not contagious, and I don’t need to tell the rest of the story.

almost. Gromash finished the story very calmly.

And Robin and Lu Qi also had stunned expressions, and then Lu Qi said: "That is to say, in order to get a lot of economic benefits from Frevans, the World government has been a few generations ago. Have already begun to sit and watch the entire Frevans for several generations to find their way to death??"

"And after this, it is very likely that they are going to kill their mouths, so as not to be investigated by people in the medical field, they will sit and watch Frevans being destroyed by the uncertain thing of'infectious'?? Robin also said incredulously.

"Perhaps, I don't know what the World government considers, but they did let it go."" Gromash said after taking a sip of juice.

"I originally thought that our pirates were already considered to be the most evil people in the world. I didn't expect that compared with the people of the World government, we are simply angels. They are too hypocritical, and they are just on the surface. The banner is so evil behind the scenes." Lu Qi smacked his lips and said zero with emotion.

"Huh, I already knew that World government is not a good thing for Ohara back then!!" Robin also squeezed his small fist and said.

"Jiehahahahaha, the way of heaven has reincarnation, come out, and you will pay it back sooner or later. Millions of grievances of Frevans are watching them in the sky, none of them survived?? Hahahaha, Robin, at the beginning of the Ohara incident Didn’t the World government publish it in the same way in the newspaper? No one in Ohara survived!” Gromash touched Moluo

Bin's little head opened (of) said.

And Robin was also taken aback for a moment, and then she immediately said: "Captain, you mean... There will be someone in Frevans like me??"

"No matter what kind of hell, miracles will be born, and after seeing hell, the desire for destruction and the anger of revenge will give birth to monsters, and this monster will find the World government sooner or later." Gromash's mouth curled slightly. , Looked at the sea very evilly and said.

His gaze toward the sea seemed to have crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, he saw the boy who crawled out of the pile of corpses, the boy who had witnessed the tragic death of his parents and sisters, and the demise of the country, Trafalgar-D-Vatier- Luo

"But in this world, there will always be some people who like to try to save monsters. It's really kind." Gromash said inexplicably, making Robin and Lu Qi very puzzled.

In fact, if there is no Rosinante, a real Madonna-level player who intends to save Luo who has fallen into the abyss, Doflamingo's men will really have one more monster just like him who wants to destroy the world.

Maybe, this Doflamingo can really live forever. So, sometimes it is very important to find a good brother. Doflamingo is pitted by his good brother. Don't want it. In the end, it will be pitted into Impel down. .

Thinking of this, Gromash touched his chin and whispered: "No, after I go back, I have to train my stupid brother.."

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