I Am Hellscream

Chapter 129 More and more pervert??

After Gromash finished telling the story with Robin and Lu Qi, he then lay down and closed his eyes to bask in the sun. Robin also continued to read the newspaper quietly, Lu Qi also snored slightly after a while.

While Robin was looking at the newspaper quietly, she soon noticed that two figures were slowly approaching where they were.

Robin also closed the newspaper, turned his head to look at the two figures, and then whispered softly: "Is the enemy?? Doesn't it look like a refugee?"

Not far away from Robin's sight, a scrawny girl who was dressed in a stilted building was holding a child who seemed to be only three or four years old, looking at her very hesitantly and tremblingly.

After seeing Robin looking at them, the girl who seemed very poor seemed to gritted her teeth and gathered courage, and then took the little child to Robin and the others with some difficulty.

Robin was also very kind and said, "Is there anything you guys do??"

The girl nodded quickly, and then she begged very sincerely: "Please give us something to eat, everything is fine. If it doesn't work, please give my sister some water. If she doesn't drink anymore, she will Dead... please save her!"

Robin looked at the child that the girl was holding by her hand. If it weren't for the girl who said it was her sister, Robin hadn't really seen that this miserable child would be a little girl.

I saw that the little girl's eyes seemed very hollow, and she was full of despair in this world.The lips that should have been delicate and chapped were also chapped. The slender arms were even completely skeletonized, as if they would be smashed with a slight pinch. Pinched

Robin sighed with pity when he saw this. If there was no Gromash coming out of the sea, he would say the phrase "Hey, little guy, would you like to be my partner?" ?'In that matter, Robin didn't know what he would become, would he be the same as these two poor little girls, even

Even worse than them, it’s not necessarily because they’ve already been starved to death by 000.

Reminiscing about his own experience, Robin also picked up the juice on his table, stood up, walked forward and handed it to the girl, and then said, "There are also foods, but you have to wait a while. Drink some first. Juice Bar"

After the girl looked at the juice Robin handed over, a very grateful look flashed in her eyes, and then she took the juice, but did not drink a little first by herself, but squatted down directly and handed the juice to her sister. , Said: "Quick, open your mouth and drink a little"

After the younger sister took a sip of the juice, her eyes quickly recovered, and she seemed to be full of hope for the whole world again.After she took two sips, she seemed to remember something, and then immediately put the juice into the glass. He took it away from his mouth and said to the girl, "Sister, it's delicious, you drink too"

"Sister is not thirsty, you can drink it." The girl shed two lines of tears with excitement after seeing her sister regaining her spirit, and said with a choked voice.

"Liar, your mouth is dry and cracked," my sister said again.

At this time, Robin also followed up and said, "Drink, if it is not enough, there is still..."

After speaking, Robin walked to Gromash, put him aside the unfinished juice glass, handed it to the girl and said, "If you don't dislike it, please quench your thirst first. I'll give it to you later. Get two glasses of fresh juice."

The girl looked at Gromash who was lying on the sun lounger with some hesitation. There was no movement at all, and she seemed to have fallen asleep. Then she said, "But."

"Don't worry, Gromash is very generous!" Robin said with a smile.

As if infected by Robin's sunny smile, the girl finally took the juice Robin handed her, and then said to her sister: "Look, my sister has it too, so you can drink it quickly."

"I'm an evil pirate, the big pirate who offers a reward of five hundred and fifty million Baileys. I have always robbed others. When have I been generous to others?? Robin??" Gromash's voice suddenly came out. Both Robin and the two little girls were taken aback.

Then Robin also patted his chest, breathed a little, and said: "Captain who suddenly spoke very scary, why did you wake up??"

Gromash casually pushed his sunglasses up, and then smiled and said, "Originally I was sleeping in the dark, but a kind of light from the warmth of the world burst out beside me, piercing the quiet darkness. Woke me up"

Robin also heard that Gromash was teasing her, so he said with some embarrassment: "I, I, I think they are very pitiful anyway."

"Jiehahahahahaha, okay, there is nothing wrong with the charity of the superior to the inferior..." Gromash laughed and said, then he turned his head to look at the two little girls, and then He touched his chin, looked at the girl carefully, and then said very evilly: "Well, yes, although the hardship covers the original

Glorious, but it is indeed a beauty embryo, how about it, girl, do you want to be mine..."

Before Gromash's words were finished, Robin was already very dissatisfied and quickly stood in front of him, blocking his vision, and then Robin said, "Captain, why are you so erotic! !??"

Gromash also laughed and touched Robin's little head, and then said, "Jiehahahaha, what's the matter? Is our little Robin jealous?? Don't worry, I will always like you!"

Robin also blushed with the shameless look of Gromash, and then before she could speak to "teaching" Gromash, Gromash had already spoken again: "But have you misunderstood something?? My words are still Not finished yet"

Then Gromash picked up the little Robin from in front of him, stood up and put Robin on the sun lounger, and then Gromash's tall and sturdy body looked at the two little ones very oppressively. Girl, with a wicked smile on his mouth, he said, "We are on the boat except for me and the one who gave you two juices.

Except for the little girls, there are all ugly people, so I really hope to find beautiful girls to become Laozi's partners, and to improve their average appearance, so I ask again, you two, do you want to be mine? My buddy???"

As soon as Gromash's voice fell, before the girl could answer, Lu Qi rubbed his eyes with a bit of dissatisfaction and sat up and said, "Gromash, you don't put my Rob Luchi in your eyes. Come on??? I am totally responsible for the face value of my (ciae) on board!! How come to your mouth, I have become ugly??"

Gromash also didn't take Lu Qi's words at all, and said directly: "Are you awake?? Just when you woke up, go, get on the boat and get something to eat and drink.

"I'm a combatant, not an errand runner," Lu Qi said very dissatisfied.

"You knew you gave me an errand to move the sun lounger when something good happened just now?? Don't talk nonsense, go." Gromash didn't care about Lu Qi's complaint at all, and drove him away very quickly.

From the very beginning, Gromash looked at these two little girls very familiar. He just looked at it carefully, and he was not really studying the beauty of the girl, he was just confirming one thing. That's it.

Gromash looked at the two little girls tremblingly hugging each other, and then said again: "So what's your answer??"

The girl hugged her sister, and finally she asked boldly: "If you become your partner, you will no longer be hungry, no longer thirsty, can eat well, sleep soundly, don't worry about whether your sister can Have you survived something like tomorrow??"

"Jiehahahahahaha, if this is your wish, then I will respond to you in the name of Hellscream. Proudmoore, Gromash, everything you expect will be realized!" Gromash laughed and said.

After hearing Gromash's words, the girl immediately said, "Well, whether it is your companion or your woman, I am very happy, as long as I can let my sister live."

After Gromash heard the girl's bold speech, he touched his chin with great interest, and then he smiled and said, "Jiehahahaha, don't worry, I'm not so mean, I need to use this Means to find a woman for yourself, not to mention you are too thin, I like the kind of girl with great body, so you

Don't worry about those weird problems, just be my partner!!"

But at the end, Gromash still thought about it, added a sentence, and saw him opening his mouth and then saying: "Of course, I am handsome and good-looking, so many girls like me. If you don't, Be careful to fall in love with this uncle, then I have nothing to do, Jiehahahaha.

"Captain, you are so shameless!!" Robin said in dissatisfaction.

"Jiehahahaha, be a human being, be confident Robin, don't worry, you will definitely become like me when you grow up and become a fanatic~" Gromash said with a cheeky voice.

After Robin and Gromash quarreled, Gromash looked again at the two girls who seemed to be at a loss, and then he put a smile on his mouth and asked: "Then I have introduced myself just now, my name is Gromash, it's a pirate, what about you two?? What's your name?? Isn't there no name yet??"

"Monet, my name is Monet, she is my sister, and she is called Sugar, and we have names." The girl also spoke very quickly after seeing Gromash's question, for fear that it might upset Gromash.

And Gromash looked at the girl's dull, rough and withered emerald green hair again, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile like this, and then said: "Monet... sugar?? They are really good two. The name, I remember it."

Just as Gromash was talking to the two little girls, Lu Qi also came over with a big package, and then he gently put the package on the ground, and opened it to reveal the fried inside. Food and milk, and then he said, "There are so many that can be eaten directly, and I have brought them all."

Monet and Sugar also looked at these foods, swallowed their saliva, and then looked at Gromash as if they were asking for something.

And Gromash smiled and said, "Eat, didn't I say it? As my partners, you don't have to worry about starvation or starvation anymore."

"It's thirsty, Captain!!" Robin quickly followed.

Gromash also turned to Robin with a dark face and said, "I found that you have been a little over-precautionary against me recently, Robin."

"Because you seem to be more and more "dangerous"," Robin also said mercilessly.

Lu Qi also followed up and said: "So you found out too, Gromash is getting more and more pervert recently."

After giving lessons to Lucy and Robin, Gromash also looked at the two little girls who were gorging themselves, and then he said, "Eat slowly and eat less. When our people come back, it will be opened for you. For a banquet, you can let go and eat again, right, Monet, sugar, are you two capable of Devil Fruit?

? ".

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