I Am Hellscream

Chapter 130 I believe in Marx!

Although the Artemis is an ordinary ship that Gromash bought at hand, this ship is big enough and has all the necessary facilities, such as a very comfortable luxurious bathroom.

At this time, Monet, Sugar and Robin were taking a bath inside. Robin was very intimately rubbing and washing her emerald green hair. When the dirty'wind dust' was washed with water, it was originally Monet, who should be a beautiful girl, also regained his brilliance. In addition to being too thin due to long-term malnutrition, it is

There are really no flaws.

"Although Gromash is a little weird, sometimes it is very cruel and tyrannical, and his reputation in the sea is also very bad, especially on the previous island, a very bloody incident was brought out, which caused those who did not understand very well. His people are very afraid of him, but in fact these are his external performances. If you stay with him for a long time, they will send

Now, he actually cares about his partners and family. No matter what we do, he can accept it with a smile nonchalantly. If I didn't meet him back then, maybe he would have starved to death by now. It’s not always at sea. I am very grateful to him. He has changed the fate of many people. In short, you don’t have to be afraid of him. ”Robin

While rubbing a lot of bubbles in Monet's hair, he spoke softly to Monet.

And Monet was also rubbing and washing her hair with sugar, who was enjoying the expression of "Zero Zero". She rubbed her hair and said, "If it weren't for you, my sister and I might die tomorrow, or we might be able to survive. It's better to die, but now everything has changed, hasn't it?? Like you said, he changed the destiny of many people, so I

I am very grateful to you. In fact, when I first saw you, I didn't feel how cruel you are. Although your boat is flying a pirate flag that symbolizes destruction and evil, one carries two children. People who are relaxing on the beach in the sun, no matter how bad they are, they won’t go bad, right?? Although this idea is naive,

But that's what I thought at the time, that's why I dare to come and find what you want to eat. "

"The juice is delicious~" Granulated Sugar also waved his little hand, and said afterwards.

Just when Robin smiled and wanted to say something, he heard Gromash's voice coming in from outside the door.

"Hello, are the shampoo and Sabaody body lotion still enough? I remember it seems to be missing?? Do I need to send you in?? Also, I also prepared very new and soft towels. Don't be polite with me, I opened the door," Gromash said, reaching out to turn the doorknob.

And Robin also crossed his hands on his chest very quickly, and said softly: "One round of flowers blooming-locked."

She saw her arm grow out of the bathroom door in an instant, and then the arm quickly locked the door from the inside, and Robin and the others heard the sound of Gromash turning the doorknob frustrated.

"Captain, you are committing a crime!! Really, if you don't pay attention, you want to take advantage of the loopholes." Robin said very irritably.

"What is this?? I am obviously concerned about you!! Taking a bath is a very enjoyable thing. If you suddenly find that things are not enough after washing, wouldn't it be very bad?? To keep you happy In the mood, my captain is here specifically to serve you!!" Gromash said very righteously, and then he also paused.

He said again: "Of course, even if I take 10,000 steps back, what's wrong with me even if I'm committing a crime?? I'm a pirate, what's wrong with a pirate crime??"

"Why do these words sound so familiar??" Robin whispered softly, and then she continued: "You don't need to worry about it, we have everything here, and I have added the missing things from the beginning."

"Squirting, careful women are really troublesome," Gromash smacked his lips very uncomfortably and said.

"Huh? I seem to hear what bad things you are saying??" Robin also said strangely.

"No, no, cough cough, now that you have everything you need, then hurry up, the banquet is ready, the big guys are waiting for you... By the way, do you need me to help you rub your back? ? My skills are better!! One more person can be faster, how bad is it to always make everyone wait?? Come on, little Robin, open the door" Groma

He continued with a heartbroken opening.

"No, thank you for your'kindness', Captain, we have already washed it, and we can get out with a little rush. Could you please leave??" Robin relentlessly rejected Gromash's proposal.

"Hey, the little girl nowadays has no fun at all. Taking a bath together is a good way to increase feelings. As the captain, I also hope that I can quickly establish a relationship with the newcomers" Gromash pretended to shook his head. , And then left the bathroom door a little sadly.

After Robin felt that Gromash had really left, she said to Monet a little angrily and funny: "Captain Gromash is good at everything, but he behaves a little bit pervert, and he looks pretty. He thought I didn't know. Actually, I already knew that, everyone likes to call him Loli Kung and Sister Kung.. So, Monet, you and Granule must have

Be careful with him, don't let him take advantage.

Monet also smiled at Robin and said, "Then why are you not angry at all??"

Robin blushed and said, "That's because I knew he was joking. In fact, even if I didn't lock the door just now, he wouldn't actually walk in."

"Oh~ Really? Then you really know him, do you like him?? He is really like what he said, he is a heartthrob??" Monet said with a smile.

On the other side, Gromash also returned to the beach, watching the bonfire that Joz and the others set up, and then picked up a bunch of meat and grilled it.

Gromash was grilling the meat, and he said, "Since Visalia Island hasn't come yet, let's wait here for a few days, but don't be idle. If you have time, go to the island to look for it. , Maybe we can harvest two Devil Fruits here too..."

Cromwell set the table and filled the wine glasses with wine, and said, "Boss, don't you really think Devil Fruit is Chinese cabbage? How could we just let it be by us? I picked up two more??"

"It doesn't take much trouble to find and look. It's just idle, isn't it?? What if there is one??" Gromash said casually.

Sugar and Monet, these two little girls are not capable at this time, that is to say, on this island, they did not get Logia, Snow-snow Fruit and Paramecia, childlike fruits.

So in other words, there are two possibilities here. One is that they acquired the ability after Doflamingo did not know when they brought them back to the Donji River De family. Those two Devil Fruits should be in Doflamingo's hands. , Or will soon fall into his hands.

Another possibility is that on this seemingly inconspicuous island, there may actually be two precious Devil Fruits hidden in a corner, but they have not been found by Monet and sugar and eaten hungry. That's it

Although Gromash also thinks that this is not a big possibility, anyway, you can just sit around and look for it. Life is like chocolate. No one knows what the next one will taste. What if you find it? Isn't it a surprise??

"Leave aside Devil Fruit, boss, how come it suddenly occurred to us to find two little girls to be our partners??" Joz raised his hand, picked up two glasses of wine from the table on the Cromwell side, and passed them to After taking a glass of Gromash, he took a sip and asked.

Gromash took a drink after taking the glass. Then he took a look at Joz and said: "The way of yin and yang lies in balance. The lonely yin does not grow, and the lonely yang does not grow. Do you understand??"

After hearing what Gromash said, Joz also thought about it, and then shook his head and said, "I don't understand, what are you talking about?? What kind of yin and yang, what do you mean??"

The guy Urouge also interrupted suddenly and said, "I know, I know, the theory of yin and yang is Taoism, but this theory has disappeared on Sky Island for many years, and only those Buddhist masters with very rich knowledge know it. Yes, what? Captain, you know too?? Is there still Taoism in this blue sea?? How can I say you

Why don't you want to believe in Buddhism with me? So you are a Taoist??"

Gromash also flipped through Byakugan, and then said, "Shut up, I believe in old horses. It's different from you people. As for whether there is Taoism in this ocean, right? I heard. In the flower country of West Blue, Taoism is their mainstream sect."

Having said that, Gromash paused, and did not continue the topic. He looked at Joz and said, "What I just said is that there are too many rough guys on the boat. I can't stand it anymore, so I need it urgently. A few beautiful girls to fill the vacancy in my heart"

Cromwell also took a sip from the wine glass, and then he said, "You can't say so long ago? You have to be so mysterious. What kind of cultural person did you do? But the boss, you are right. I also raised my hands in agreement. There are more beautiful girls, it is more seductive than looking at you guys every day!!"

Gromash laughed and said: "Jiehahahaha, that's right, not to mention, how can I say that grandpa Gromash is also a big man?? In the future, we will start our own business in The fish men island and Sky Island. In my career, as a young and successful person, should I not give myself a secretary or something?? Otherwise, how embarrassed

Go out and say hello to people?? I think Monet is very good, very suitable to be my secretary!"

"I knew you had no good intentions." Houbak looked at Gromash and said.

"It's getting more and more pervert," Lu Qi also followed up and said.

Just when everyone complained about Gromash's bad thoughts, Robin, who had already washed up, walked off the boat with Monet wearing her clothes, and Monet was holding a big circle of sugar that was obviously big in the clothes. .

After Gromash saw the three of them, he clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention. Then he said, "Okay, I won't say more nonsense. I announce that from now on, Monet and Sugar will be the same. Our partners, cheer everyone!!"

After Gromash finished talking, he also looked at Monet, and then reached out and touched his chin very wretchedly and said, "Well, it's much more beautiful, but it's still too skinny, but it doesn't matter. Follow us with the Frostwolf Pirates. Spicy, in two or three months, you will become fat and white."

"Captain!!" Robin also shouted angrily and yelled at Gromash. .

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