I Am Hellscream

Chapter 138 The courage and glory of the warrior!

To say that this Shandia was also unlucky enough, and finally prepared to play a raid on Angel Island, and ended up hitting Gromash in their arms.

And Shandia’s guerrillas really don’t know the identity and strength of Gromash and the others. They only regard them as pirates from the Qinghai Sea. Regarding the pirates from the Qinghai Sea, they have already dealt with them. I don’t know how much. That’s why they didn’t put Gromash in their eyes.

Gromash followed Gan Fauer's gaze, and he saw a large group of people on the sea not far away, wearing primordial costumes, wearing masks or paintings on their faces. Calling device rushed towards them.

Gromash patted Gan Fuer on the shoulder and said, "Gan Fuer, my good friend, I was in a hurry when I came up this time, and I didn't bring you any gifts. Let's be a crisis. , I will help you solve it, just treat it as a gift of reunion I gave you."

Gan Fuer also didn't expect that Shandia's guerrillas would raid Angel Island at this time. Very quickly said: "Then trouble Master Gromash, otherwise, even if you can repel these guerrillas, our God

The island will also suffer a great loss."

"Jiehahahaha, don't worry, we are friends, not to mention, I have something to discuss with you later, I will sell you a good one, let you remember my favor, and you will be embarrassed later. Didn't you refuse my proposal??" Gromash said with a wide open mouth and laughed.

After hearing what Gromash said, Gan Fore didn't feel any resistance, but said with a wry smile: "Then please, after this, I will listen to your suggestions. of."

Gromash nodded, and then he turned his head to face Lu Qi, who was already half a boy next to him, and said, "Lu Qi, remember it, don't kill, just subdue it? Can it be done? I'll treat them Shandi Yaren is also very interested."

Lu Qi said with some dissatisfaction: "I think it's better to kill two wary monkeys first?? It seems easier to make them obedient??"

Gromash patted his head and said with a smile, "I'm the captain, so I'm the captain, do as I say."

Lu Qi also shrugged helplessly and said: "You are the captain and you are the biggest.

After speaking, Lu Qi moved his wrists and walked calmly towards the beach where the Shandia guerrillas rushed.

And the guy Gan-Fall watched Gromash sent a child up, and said with some worry: "The Shandia people are very brave and rely on this child..."

"Jie ha ha ha ha, Gan Fuer, don't underestimate my subordinates, this kid Lu Qi is going to be my right-hand man, watch it carefully, his strength is also not understandable by you!" Gromash is He didn't care and said, as if he was full of confidence in Lu Qi.

Not only Lu Qi, but also the rest of the Frostwolf Pirates, and even those old scholars who studied weather looked at Lu Qi with joy.

"Killing Machine-Rob Lucci, there is a bounty of 200 million Baileys, so you really don't need to care about Gan Faure." Cromwell looked at Gan Faure and seemed to be a little worried, and he also said something funny. Comforted.

In the next second, I saw that Lu Qi had started, and I saw a Shandia warrior holding a spear, shouting at Lu Qi: "Hide away, kid, if I don't get out, I won't You are merciful because you are a kid!!"

Lu Qi ignored him at all, but said softly: "I hate you for always treating me as a child, especially when viewed by the enemy."

The Warrior of the Shandia clan was also ruthless. He said that he did what he said, and said he did not show mercy. He saw a trace of cruelty flashing in his eyes under his mask. This bloody battle lasted more than four hundred years. I can't tell right or wrong, just meet and kill.

I saw the spear in his hand flicked and stabbed it along Lu Qi's chest, and Lu Qi's reaction was also extremely fast.Originally, Gromash thought he would rely on his Logia ability and didn't care about this kind of attack, but he didn't. Thinking of Lu Qi, he said softly: "Six Types: Paper Arts."

As Lu Qi's voice fell, he ducked the spear sideways, and in the next second, Lu Qi's body was slightly bent, and the whole person got into the arms of the Shandia warrior. Seeing Lu Qi raised his hand and hit the soldier's chest, he spit out a few words.

"Murloc Karate-Min Jiao Ming Bite!"

As Lu Qi's voice fell, he heard a harsh thunder in his hand.The next second, the Shandia warrior seemed to have received a strong impact, and his eyes slammed out. Cu, almost flew out of his mask, and then snorted in pain, the whole person flew out in an instant, and slammed into the white sea.

On the other hand, Lu Qi said with ease, "Unbearable."

Immediately after he had finished acting, two spears struck again on the left and right sides, one left and the other blocked his escape route, and Lu Qi also reacted quickly.

"Six Types-Iron Body!" I saw Lu Qi raise his arms, blocking the two spears from the left and the right. no effect.

But Lu Qi hasn't been proud for too long. A young man with a moxican hairstyle has rushed in front of him very quickly, then raised his hand and took out a palm and pressed it on Lu Qi's chest, and then he spoke. Said: "You are careless, taste the taste of Paibai shellfish!!"

"Webber, don't use platoon shells lightly!! You won't be able to stand it!" The speared man on the left said immediately.

But it was too late for him to say. In the next second, Weber had already pressed down the platoon shell in his palm.

"For the glory of the ancestors!!" Webber roared, and a powerful shock wave burst out from his palm in the next second. In just an instant, the entire beach seemed to vibrate, and a large burst erupted from Lu Qi's side. The air waves were mixed with smoke and dust, which obscured everyone's vision.

After seeing this scene, the guy Gan Faul immediately panicked and said, "Quickly, go and save that little guy, and attack Bei."

"Don't worry, Gan Fuer, didn't I say it?? Watch this scene carefully, this will (ciae) make you more aware and familiar with the strength of our Frostwolf Pirates." Gromash didn't. Carefully said, then a smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and there was a deep appreciation in his voice, and he continued: "This Weber is very good.

He is an amazing warrior, I admire him very much!! For warriors, glory is above all else, hahahahaha!!"

On the other side, the smoke and dust on the beach gradually dissipated, and the guy Webber covered his bloody arm due to the strong reaction force with one hand, and said, "How is this power?"

But before he finished speaking, he stopped his mouth unconsciously, and saw that the young man in front of him had no upper body, but the legs of the lower body were still standing on the ground and separated from the place where it broke. Look, countless thunder lights are surging there

"What is this??" Although the young Webber is very familiar with combat skills and possesses the decisiveness and courage that a fighter should have, in the final analysis, his knowledge of Sky Island is still too shallow, even Demon fruit power. I haven't seen a few, let alone the extremely rare Logia ability, especially the Thunder Fruit ability like Lu Qi.

Just after Webber's voice fell, a burst of thunderous sounds began to sound. Soon, a large number of thunder elements began to condense on Lu Qi's legs. After a while, an intact Lu Qi stood there. , And then he did not speak directly, but raised his hand two lightning strikes directly to the same stunned Shandia on his left and right.

The soldier flew out, and then he said: "It is true that I underestimated you. I apologize for my arrogance. At the same time, I also admire your glory and courage as a soldier. For this reason , I will give you the honor that a soldier deserves, don’t use this ability, fight with you, do you need to take a rest with your arm? If you need it

, I can let you leave here. "

After hearing Lu Qi's words, Weber also put a whole smile on the corner of his mouth and said: "It's okay, the so-called soldier, there has never been a time to recuperate!"

After speaking, Weber pulled out a Short Sword from his waist, raised it with his other intact arm, looked at Lu Qi and said, "Come on!'

Lu Qi also showed a rare smile. He was cultivated by Gromash since he was a child, and he was naturally contaminated with Gromash's habits. For the brave and fearless warriors, he also admired and admired very much. Only Lu Qi said: "Maybe We will be friends in the future!"

After speaking, Lu Qi did not explain, and raised his hand to hit Weber, and Weber also held the Short Sword to parry Lu Qi's fist.

However, although Weber's courage and martial arts are very powerful, in the final analysis, the gap between the strength and Lu Qi is still very large.Since Lu Qi has said that he wants to give Weber the glory of the warrior, of course he will not release the water, only a punch Immediately below, Weber’s Short Sword was slammed out by him.

He pressed his hand to Webber's chest.

"Six Styles-Six Kings Spear!"

Boom!' with a sound, I saw Lu Qi burst out a powerful impact that was not inferior to the platoon shell, directly penetrated Webber's chest, spit out a mouthful of blood, and instantly turned his eyes white. Lost consciousness.

However, Lu Qi did not let Webber fly out, but pulled him along the way, and then lay flat on the ground.

"Weber!!" The rest of the Shandia warriors looked at this scene also very angry, and rushed towards Lu Qi again.

Until then, Gromash touched his chin and said, "How about? My friend, my right arm is not bad, right??"

"It's so strong," Gan Fuer also looked at this scene in shock and said.

Let alone the ability that seems to be Logia, just being able to use his own body to use martial arts to hit a shock wave that can be comparable to the platoon shell. Countless times stronger than himself.

In the ensuing battle, Lu Qi seemed to respect the Shandia warriors, and he did not continue to use Thunder Fruit, but even so, Lu Qi, known as the killing machine, was originally Gromash focuses on training in physical skills. Even without Thunder Fruit, he is still very strong. After a long time, Lu Qi will be hundreds of

The guerrilla fighters of the Shandia tribe were all brought down on the beach.

Then Lu Qi didn't seem to feel tired at all, and turned to look in the direction of Gromash and they said loudly, "Gromash, what should I do with these fighters now??"

"Tie it up first and detain it for a period of time. If you lose hundreds of fighters at once, I am afraid that the Cloud Shinobi Village of the Shandia people will not be able to sit still?? Waiting for their missions or messengers to negotiate the dignitaries. "Gromash waved his hand and said. .

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