I Am Hellscream

Chapter 139 Theory of light and darkness.

In the temple on Angel Island, Gromash and his party are eating and drinking with Gan Fauer. I don't know if it is because the Frostwolf Pirates helped him solve the sudden attack by the Shandia guerrillas, or Because just a Lu Qi showed the reason why he was able to crush Angel Island's fighting power, anyway. Fowl seems to be

He has secretly changed his strategy and does not intend to continue to'resist' Gromash.

After eating a little bit, Gromash also said, "Gan Fauer, since you have said that you will listen to my proposal seriously, then I won't talk nonsense. Let's make a long story short, this time I come to you. Angel Island does have my own intentions. I Master the means to connect Sky Island and Qinghai, and there are still in the deep sea.

I am in my own territory, so I want to establish the connection between the sea, land and air, and create a strategic circle of resource sharing and mutual assistance, so as to quickly strengthen my power and heritage, and prepare for the coming great era. With a solid foundation, your Angel Island is what I like, so this time I am here, I am going to include Angel Island under my command.

, I am not afraid that the truth will be too hurtful. If I called you "friend" for some purpose, then I am indeed going to take you as my friend. Since I am a friend, I will say it clearly. This time, whether you agree or not has no effect on the final result. If you agree, you will still be the ruler of this Angel Island-God, after all, I

The main members of the Frostwolf Pirates will not stay here all the time, so I need a managerial talent to help me manage the entire Sky Island, I can give you a promise, I will not be on Angel Island What kind of brutal and inhuman rule, on the contrary, I am more inclined to build a gradually stronger and prosperous angel island, because your prosperity will let

My background is deeper, isn’t it?? Of course, you can choose to reject my proposal, but like I said, whether you agree or not has no effect on the result, and I won’t be because of your disagreement. , I changed my own thinking and strategy for the future, so if you refuse, I can only change to become the "god" of this Angel Island,

Of course, as a friend, I will not harm your personal safety. There are so many words for me. Do you agree or disagree?

After hearing Gromash's words, Ganfor was also stunned. Then he smiled bitterly and said, "Master Gromash, your behavior style is as aggressive as before, but this time you chose to communicate with me. .."

"Jiehahahaha, Gan-Fuer, the kingly person is under the benevolence. My Gromash is also very generous and kind to my subordinates, but I prefer to be overbearing. It seems that you have made a choice. "Gromash laughed and said.

Gan Fuer also said, "Since my choice has no effect on the final result of this matter, I still feel that being the manager of your Frostwolf Pirates on this Angel Island makes me more relieved, isn't it? ??"

"Jiehahahaha, Gan-Four, since you have decided to become my subordinate, then it is not "you" but "us"!! I announce that from now on, Sky Island-Angel Island will be included My Hellscream-Proudmoore- Gromash, become the territory of our Frostwolf Pirates, I will give you the flag of the Frostwolf Pirates, as long as this flag

The flag is still hanging on this island. You are the people protected by my Gromash. No matter who it is, if you dare to hurt you, it will be a provocation to me. I will give these bold enemies, greetings from hell!" Gromash very much Said proudly.

Since Gan-Fuer is so interesting, the banquet was naturally very happy. Although Gromash had expected that the trip should not be troublesome, he did not expect it to go so smoothly, so he was also very happy.

Early the next morning, Gromash took a group of people to bid farewell to Urouge and Joz. This time they will represent the Frostwolf Pirates to go to Urouge's hometown, Sky Island- Birka, and then try their best to include Birka in the Frostwolf Sea. Within the sphere of influence of the thief group.

Gromash is very relieved about the actions of the two of them. First, Urouge was once the captain of the Guards who was trusted by the god Crodiar there. After meeting, it was easier to talk. Secondly, Urouge's strength and Joz's strength can completely run the sky. Island, I wouldn't worry about any accidents.

"Joz, Urouge, this matter is left to you. I hope you can go with the banner and come back empty-handed. Don't let me down!" Gromash laughed and patted Joz and Urouge said on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Boss Gromash, I promise to persuade Lord Crodiar. After all, this is a good thing for Birka, isn't it??" Urouge seems to feel very much about returning to his hometown soon. Happy, smiled and promised to Gromash.

"Leave it to us, boss!" Joz said with a very confident smile.

After sending Urouge and Joz away, Gromash also spoke to Gan Foer next to him: "Then it is not too late, let me first understand the current situation of Angel Island and other things."

"Please come with me, Master Gromash." Gan Fore said very readily, and then walked towards his office with Gromash and his party.

In his temple, Gromash also flipped through some documents about the island. The careful Monet was brewing tea for him, and the little guy Robin was also flipping through the history books on Angel Island, thinking To learn more about the history of Sky Island.

Only the little Loli, the sugar sugar, still didn't know what he was so happy about. He smiled and ran around holding a fruit plate full of grapes.

"Angel Island is so big, but the population is so small??" Gromash looked at it and said with a little surprise.

The size of islands in this world is roughly divided into super large islands, large islands, large and medium islands, medium islands, small and medium islands, small islands, micro islands and man-made islands.

For example, similar to the island of Kelton that was sunk by Gromash with an axe, it is a miniature island.On the entire island, there is only a dilapidated town and a small desert. The capital is roughly a small island, and the entire island is composed of a large city.

Small and medium-sized islands are similar to the islands where Dressrosa is located. Medium-sized islands are already large islands like Sabaody Archipelago. Naval Headquarters-Marinford is completely large and medium-sized islands. As for large islands, it is like The A square such as fish men island can accommodate an island with a scale of 100,000 people, and beyond, it is very large

A type island is an island similar to Santin Island where Alabasta is located. There are several cities and a vast desert.

As for man-made islands, they are warship islands or floating islands made by marines.

Angel Island is completely a medium-sized island, but the number of people on the island does not match the size of Angel Island. It has only more than 30,000 people. It is not as beautiful and generous as the Mermaid Bay in The fish men island. There are so many young ladies, even the population of Murloc Street is far more than Angel Island, which makes Gromash very puzzled.

"Ahem, Lord Gromash, it's not just Angel Island. In fact, all Sky Island has a small population. The reason is very simple. We lack land to produce crops and can only rely on the fishery in the Baibai Sea to maintain the population. Before he finished speaking, Gromash interrupted him with a wave of his hand.

"I understand. Without a stable source of food, you dare not increase the population too much, right?? No wonder you value that "land of the gods" so much, and for this you can fight for more than four hundred years of war. , You guys are really amazing," Gromash also said with some emotion.

………Look for flowers 0…

Gan Fuer hesitated for a moment, and still said: "For more than four hundred years, we have not been able to fully Master the Land of Gods. Whenever we are ready to develop there, we will be attacked and harassed by the Shandia people. , So this kind of war will last for more than four hundred years. To be honest, although it is a little shameful, when there is a surplus of population, our bodies

In order to avoid famine, rulers who are "gods" will also take the initiative to initiate'revenge' against the Shandia, and quickly reduce the population through war."

Gromash didn't despise the actions of Gan-Four and the other gods. Instead, he said with some understanding: "The so-called ruler must be able to withstand this darkness. Nothing is always bright and bright. , There must be darkness, so I hate those guys who like to always say to make everyone happy

, This is so naive to say this kind of thing?? Everything has two sides, how can everyone be happy, if all are happy, the world has long been very peaceful, where will there be a great pirate era?? "

On the other side, Robin, who was also reading the book, also nodded, and said like a little adult: "Yes, everything has two sides. Just like Marine, it is a symbol of justice and peace for most people. Representatives, but in my memory, only they destroyed my hometown, and even the refuge ship loaded with civilians was blown to pieces

The impression of this, can this prove that they are peaceful and righteous?? Just like Gromash, he is a vicious pirate in the eyes of most people, and even ranked first on the list of the'most brutal' pirates. However, for the entire fish men island, he is the most popular hero there. Who cares if he is really evil?"


"Jiehahahaha, you are right, Robin, you are getting smarter." Gromash laughed and praised.

And Robin also showed a triumphant little expression and looked at Gromash with a smile.

Then Gromash said to Gan-Four again: "It's just a war to eliminate some of the surplus population. You don't have to feel too guilty. If you think about it this way, you really can't solve the food problem, right? Then? Once a famine breaks out, they will die even more miserable and meaningless, and although your behavior has a dark atmosphere, but

It really made their deaths more valuable and honorable, didn't they?? Anyway, if it was me, I would rather choose to fight to death like a soldier than to be starved to death like an ant. "

Gan Fuer also smiled reluctantly, and said, "I didn't expect you to comfort people."

"Jiehahahahaha, I have said that I am very good to my own person. Now you are our own person, so you should almost change your mind. As the boss, comfort your subordinates. Is it normal??" Gromash said with a laugh.

"But Gan-Four, after this, I will set out to solve this food problem, whether it is to completely settle the grievances between Angel Island and the Shandia people or buy food from Qinghai. In short, this problem will not continue to trouble you anymore. , But with the resolution of this problem, with the connection of the three realms of land, sea and air, follow my figure with your eyes

After getting farther and farther, as the manager of our Frostwolf Pirates on Angel Island, you will see more darkness. I hope you will be prepared for this and don't make any wrong choices to let me. Disappointment, remember clearly. When there is light, there will be darkness. There is no difference between good and evil. The important thing is to see what result this light and darkness will cause in the end.

Well, if the result is in our interest, what about the darkness??" Gromash warned Ganfor a moment and patted him on the shoulder.

And Gan Fuer nodded and said: "I understand, I will consider it carefully." Four,

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