I Am Hellscream

Chapter 143 Your friend Kaido is online!

Marshal Kong took a sip from the teacup on the table, then reluctantly sighed, and then said: "Op-Op Fruit is very important. You should know what this fruit means?"

"Of course, otherwise it won't be listed as a 5 billion Bailey's reward..."" Sengoku Admiral nodded and said.

"Ultimate operation, forever hum, it is really a fruit full of alluring power." Tsuru's Chief Staff Officer also hummed softly and said.

"Yes, it's immortality. The government's Guy ship capability has been around for a long time. This is also the first appearance of Op-Op Fruit in a long time. In any case, the guys who can't wait are no longer willing to wait for the next time. So this mission must be successful!" Marshal Kong said in a deep voice.

"The problem now is that Barreiros contacted JOKER, the middleman in the dark world, who is this guy, don't I need to say more??" Marshal Kong said again.

"Heavenly Yaksha-Donji River De-Doflamingo" Sengoku Admiral whispered softly.

"That's right, this Doflamingo's identity is so special, I don't need to say anything more, as the original Celestial Dragons, he himself holds many secrets that are difficult for ordinary people to obtain. This Op-Op Fruit Most people only know that it can turn a person into a great doctor in a short time, but this Doflamingo may not fail.

Knowing that this fruit can finally bring people to Yong. Without his intervention, it would not be too difficult to complete the transaction. I am afraid that after he intervenes, there will be some waves of immortality brought about by this fruit, so For this mission, Xiaohe, you will lead the team. Recently, the government has changed its views on Doflamingo.

If there is a chance, he will be wiped out together. Marshal Kong thought for a while and said.

"I see." Chief Staff Officer Tsuru also nodded and said.

Except for Naval Headquarters, let’s not talk about it. On the other hand, another participant in this event, Heavenly Yaksha-Don Quixote-Doflamingo, is also dangling in a certain area of ​​North Blue. He originally planned to return to North. Blue handles some things, but I went to The fish men island once before. Although it was delayed for some time, it ended up

Did not miss this thing.

At this time on his flamingo boat, Doflamingo was tilting his legs, with a slightly excited smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Furafurfurfurfur, this is really a good thing to hit his hands. Op-Op Fruit???"

Sitting next to him is a man who also wears a feather coat, but this man is very silent, his face is also painted with messy oil paint, and his expression is even more gloomy and scary. He looks even more villain than Doflamingo. He is Doflamingo. That "dear brother Don Quixote Rosinante, and he now has another identity,

Marine Admiral-Buddha Sengoku's adopted son, Naval Headquarters lieutenant colonel officer, just like Doflamingo planted a spy in Marine, he was also planted a spy by Marine.

To say that this Sengoku Admiral is actually the most dicks man in the world. Compared with him, Whitebeard is weak and scumbag. Look at the status of the "sons" under Whitebeard?? There will be a great one in the future. His son was also beaten to death by Marine.

Take another look at Sengoku Admiral. Although he has very few sons, Rosinante is the only one, but this kind of thing has always been expensive but not too much. He received Celestial Dragons as a son as soon as he received it.

The force is pulled up all at once, far more high-end than Whitebeard's guy.It is estimated that when Sengoku Admiral went to Mariejois for a meeting, looking at those cocky Celestial Dragons, I was very happy in my heart. No matter how high you are, you have farts. Isn't it a son for me?

The guy Doflamingo looked at the child with irregular white Madara who was standing not far away, his mouth was slightly tilted, and he said, "Luo, look, this world will not be filled with despair forever, will it?? Well, I found the method for the terminal illness in your body.

No matter what kind of terminal illness, as long as the fruit exists, it can be cured. Soon, we will get this Devil Fruit, and then my dear brother Corason will be responsible for eating this fruit and curing it. Your terminal illness, your lifespan will be restored, you are very much like when I was a child, in you, I saw the shadow of me, so I look very much

Good you, in the future, you will be my most powerful assistant 々"!"

The little boy Luo didn't say much, just nodded silently, but he still looked at Rosinante who was sitting there and said nothing, not knowing what he was thinking.

And Rosinante is very silent on the surface, but in fact, his heart is surging. His brother Doflamingo, or even the entire Donji Hede family, is not known. He is already a Demon fruit power. He ate the "Paramecia-Quiet Fruit". , The power of this fruit can create a soundproof wall that is invisible to the naked eye to isolate the outside

All the sounds make the people in the soundproof wall unable to hear any external sounds, nor can they hear the internal sounds, and they can also make their actions completely silent.

Although it doesn't feel very strong, it shouldn't be weak after being developed, but Rosinante didn't develop his abilities very much. After all, he was lurking beside Doflamingo, and he couldn't develop his abilities blatantly.

So since he is already a Devil Fruit powerhouse, then he definitely can't eat any Op-Op Fruit', otherwise, not only Op-Op Fruit will be wasted, even he will die with it.

So at this time, Rosinante had already planned in his heart, and when he found the opportunity, he would take Luo this kid to pay respect first. Before Doflamingo could get the fruit, let Luo eat the fruit, and then the two of them left the Don Jihede family together.

This guy Rosinante is really a "Notre Dame" player. He made this kind of decision for Luo who hasn't seen him a few times, not only betraying his brother. Don Quixote-Doflamingo, even him His adoptive father, Sengoku Admiral, was left behind by him.

After all, his behavior is not just betraying Doflamingo, in theory, it is also betraying Marine...

If Gromash had this kind of younger brother or son, he would have killed him, and he would lose the chain at a critical moment.

Doflamingo saw that his dear brother didn't speak, but he didn't feel anything wrong.Since his lost brother returned in childhood, he has never spoken again.Of course, Doflamingo also brought Rosinante to find a lot. The doctor, but the final conclusion is that there is no problem with the body, and it should be psychologically affected.

What trauma.

To be honest, although Doflamingo killed his father and decapitated, he really had nothing to say to Rosinante, his younger brother. Of course, these were all before he received the news about'Op-Op Fruit'.

In essence, Doflamingo is an extremely cruel and ruthless man. After he received the news of'Op-Op Fruit,' he prepared to let his brother Rosinante eat the fruit without even thinking about it. His intention was What is it? Isn’t it just about preparing Rosinante to develop the capabilities of Op-Op Fruit, and waiting for the right time to complete the "Eternal" for him

Health surgery'??

As for the side effect of the immortal surgery, which would cause the capable person to die from exhaustion, he had not even considered it.

Perhaps it was from this time that Rosinante truly despaired of Doflamingo's brother, so it is not impossible to be so "pit brother".

Doflamingo stood up, walked out of the room, and said to Torrepol who was following him: "Contact Vergo to see what's going on at Marine, Op-Op Fruit...furfurfurfur, It's not that easy to get.

At the same time, in the New World, within the closed Wanokuni territory, Kaido finally handled most of the matters concerning Wanokuni.

He handed over the domestic ruling power back to his "partner" general, Kurozumi Orochi, and he was made Wanokuni's protector of the country, and he began a series of plans in Wanokuni.

After having been busy for so long, Kaido had to relax with a drink, of course, to relax. By the way, he gathered his cadres to see if anything happened recently.

In the end, it doesn’t matter if you don’t call, he found something wrong as soon as he called. It’s strange, doesn’t he have the Three Plagues under his banner? Why are there only two left?? Where did Jack that kid go?? Haven't seen him??

It turns out that Kaido didn't follow Gromash's expectation to find Jack, the lost elephant, to go home, not because he didn't care about Jack's life or death, but because he didn't even notice that Jack was missing!!

In this way, Kaido, who was sitting in the first seat, drank a few sips of strong alcohol first, then looked at the other two big cadres-Inflammation-Short and Epidemic-Quinn, pulling his own noise door and asked. :""Jin, Quinn, where did Jack go??"

"I don't know, he's not dead anyway, his life card is okay." Jhin was very casual towards Kaido and replied directly.

"It seems to have been defeated by someone. I had received a signal for help from his ship before, but I was busy at the time, so I didn't care about the guy who was dragging my legs." Quinn also spoke casually.

Kaido seems to have been accustomed to the behavior of his two right-hands and his attitude towards Jack, so he didn't feel anything wrong. He drank two more sips and said, "Can defeat Jack?? Then it should be. It's nothing (good money), it's rubbish, I am qualified to be Laozi's subordinate, who did it?? Go and find out for me!!"

Although Jhin and Quinn look casual on the surface, Kaido is their boss after all, so when Kaido spoke at this time, Quinn and Jin quickly said, "Okay, boss Kaido!"

After Kaido finished talking about this, he drank some wine again, and then said slightly drunkly, "After finding out, I will tell me that I have been busy with some trivial things in Wanokuni recently, and my body is a little rusty. , Just let me meet the guy who can beat Jack for a while, then go and beat him and tie him to Hezhi

Come from the country, let him be Laozi's subordinate, hiccup, hahahahahaha"

Jhin and Quinn didn't object to anything. After this, there is no need for Kaido boss to sit here personally.He can go wherever he likes to wave. On the contrary, after he left Wanokuni, Wanokuni's plan seems to be still It can be smoother, after all, their Kaido boss, if they accidentally drink too much one day, they will make a fuss.

If you move forward, you can start all over again.

And it’s not once or twice that Kaido goes out alone like this. This guy will go to death at every turn, strong Naval Headquarters. This is not the first time that Malinford and Whitebeard’s site, although they have been cleaned up every time, But no one can really kill him, so Quinn and Jhin are not worried about Kaido's safety at all. Instead of worrying about him,

It's better to worry about yourself.

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