I Am Hellscream

Chapter 144 The soldiers are divided into three ways!

Shandola, the home of gold, is an ancient city constructed entirely of gold, and its value is immeasurable.

Gold was originally a representative of wealth, Bailey's equivalent, and when this gold was given hundreds of years of historical heritage, its value became even more immeasurable.

At this time, Gromash, standing in the valley, was looking at the city that had been covered by dust for more than four hundred years and had no golden breath. He touched his chin and said, "It looks so simple, dust. Has it all become scabs??"

Cromwell, who was standing next to him, also said with some doubts: "Is this really the land of gold??"

Gromash didn't answer him, but smiled, then took a deep breath, and then spit out a hot flame at a sharp building, and the flame quickly wrapped around the building. The dust was burned out, and when the flame was extinguished by Gromash, a tower shining with bright golden light was revealed

"Jiehahahahahaha, this is the city of Sandora, one of the three legendary treasures on the sea!!" Gromash looked at the tower shining with golden light and exclaimed in excitement.

"The sea of ​​gems, the capital of emeralds, the land of gold..." Lu Qi muttered in shock as he watched this scene.

"Is this where our ancestors lived???" Weber also said very excitedly.

Gromash turned his head and looked at the guy he admired very much, and then said, "Yes, this is the brilliant civilization of your Shandia people more than 400 years ago. Look at all of this, only more than 400 years have passed. That's it, you have changed from a race with such a glorious civilization to a race that can only stay in a small village to survive, and you don't feel sad.

Sad?? But it doesn't matter. From now on, the glory of your Shandia people will resound through the sea under my banner!! And these gold will become the basis for our soaring!!"

Although Weber felt that the ancestors' gold was used by Gromash, it was a bit awkward, but anyway, the land of gold was indeed found by Gromash, not to mention that the Shandia people have already joined his banner. There is no position to say these things, and Gromash has already agreed to keep the most important golden clock

Coming down and handing it over to the Shandia people, it can be said that the most benevolent and righteous is exhausted.

And most importantly, at this time, Webber also hopes to use this gold to regain the glory of the Shandia clan on this sea!

At this time, the things on Birka's side have been processed, and Joz, who has returned to this side, said with emotion: "So much gold, you can't spend a lifetime, right??"

"For individuals, this level of gold is indeed enough, but for people like us who are about to form our own forces, this is just the beginning." Gromash said with a smile.

"Captain, what about the historical text???" Robin was not too interested in these golds, but wanted to find the historical text even more.

Gromash supported the small sugar on his head, and then said, "It's under the golden clock, covered by dust."

After Gromash finished speaking, he clapped his hands and said loudly to the younger brothers behind him: "Okay, organize the manpower of Angel Island, and move me the golden town-Sandorah to Visalia Island! 々''! "

After some tossing, Gromash and the others finally found the golden bell that had been hung on it for more than four hundred years along the huge vine. Inside, that is one of the historical texts scattered around the world.

Gromash reached out and touched his chin, and said casually, "I didn't lie to you? Robin.

"Thank you Captain~" Robin also spoke very happily, and then she also looked at the historical text.

After a long time, Robin said softly, "This is a great secret recorded on it."

"Well, Ancient Weapon- Poseidon- Poseidon" Gromash also whispered softly.

Robin was very surprised and said, "Captain, can you understand these ancient words???"

Gromash shook his head and smiled and said, "I don't understand, you are the only people in this world who can read ancient texts with knowledge, and I just happen to know what it means."

While talking, Gromash walked to the side of the historical text, and then he reached out and wiped the dust off the lower corner of the historical text, revealing a modern text written on it.

"I came here to take this article to the end of the world Pirate-Gore-D-Roger."

"Jiehahahahahahaha, as expected, Roger has already been here," Gromash said with a big laugh.

The others were also surprised and said, "Roger?? One Piece???"

Gromash did not pay attention to their surprise, but looked at the old chief who followed behind him and said: "The Shandia clan has a mission, and that is to protect this historical text that has been passed down more than 800 years ago, waiting for a certain moment. It reappears in this world. That's why you would rather launch a war that lasted more than four hundred years and take it back.

One of the main reasons for Shandora, right??"

Although the old chief didn't know why Gromash was so clear, he nodded and said, "That's right."

Gromash smiled, and then he said: "It seems that your mission has ended long after the fellow Roger arrived. You have waited until that moment. This historical text was indeed taken by the fellow Roger. The end of the world, Raftel, presumably there should be a complete 30 pieces of historical text???

It writes the truth about this world eight hundred years ago. "

"What does this mean??" The old chief also asked a little excitedly.

"Yes, without the shackles of your mission, your Shandia clan doesn't need to care about these historical shackles anymore. You are free." Gromash waved his hand very casually.

Then Gromash took a step back, then took a deep breath, closed his eyes slightly, sank his waist, and then hit the golden clock with a punch.The powerful force was perfectly controlled by Gromash, and there was no Smashing the golden bell, instead shattered all the dust and scabs deposited on the golden bell, exposing the gold

The bright appearance of the bell that should have been, the next second, the crisp chime instantly rang through the entire Sky Island, everyone stopped their movements, and looked at the voice that seemed to come from heaven. From the air.

Gromash flicked his hair very casually, then smiled with satisfaction, and said, "It's really a man's romance to ring this bell."

"I never thought that there are such sweet bells in this world," Joz also said with emotion.

And as soon as his voice fell, the old chieftain of Weber and Shandia who stood beside him was already in tears, and couldn't stop it...

"More than four hundred years, more than four hundred years, the golden bell, which symbolizes the glory of the Shandia clan, has been struck again!!" The old chief said with a sob.

"Warrior Calgella, ancestor, have you heard?? The Golden Bell is ringing in this world again!!" Weber also cried out loudly, crying.

The matter of the Golden Land came to an end. After returning to Angel Island, Gromash was ready to split his troops.

"Joz and Lucky are responsible for transferring Sandorah, the land of gold, to Visalia Island, and then resuming the Gaya Island below as our territory, gradually bringing the gold bit by bit. Transfer to The fish men island. After all, there is no way for coating diving on Visalia Island, right??" Gromash sat on the first seat of the round table and announced.

Then he looked at Lu Qi and continued: "The people of Shandia should also make proper arrangements so that they can live on Gaya Island, do you understand??"

Although Lu Qi was reluctant to separate from Gromash, Gromash was determined to do so, and he could only accept it, and he also knew that Gromash was cultivating his arbitrariness, so Lu Qi nodded and said, "Well, Joz and I will arrange these, don't worry!"

"Suddenly, Master has such a big golden mountain. To be honest, without you by my side, I'm really not at ease," Joz said with a smile.

"The action is secretive, no one will find anything. When you get there, contact Jinbei and the others and ask them to organize manual transportation of gold. It is safe and convenient. There will be no accidents. Don't worry." Gromash smiled and relieved Joz. Said.

After arranging the affairs of Joz and Luchi, Gromash looked at Gan Fauer and Urouge, and then said, "Gan Fauer, we will be leaving here soon, but the plan here will continue. Yes, Urouge, I will give you a vacation for the time being. You are responsible for becoming the resident officer of our Frostwolf Pirates on Sky Island, whether it is Angel Island or

It's Birka, their strength is too weak. Before we can train a qualified guard force, you have to be responsible for protecting the site here, do you understand??"

Urouge also lightened his muscles, and said, "Don't worry, Boss Gromash, I was the captain of Birka's guard before. I am very familiar with the training of guards, but it was me before. I have been limited my vision and strength, so I can't continue to make them stronger. It's different now, I

A group of qualified guards will definitely be cultivated!!"

"Well, that's it to you. Also, don't lose your strength. It won't be long before we (the money is good) will meet again. At that time, if you are too weak, you will be laughed at by everyone. "Yes." Gromash said with a smile.

"I understand that I will treat this "holiday" as a retreat..." Urouge nodded seriously.

After Gromash nodded to him, there was no more nonsense. Urouge is no longer a kid. There is no need for Gromash to worry about these things. I saw Gromash speak again: "Cromwell, you will continue to ride with me. 'The Artemis, head to North Blue, find the Vinsmoke family, and see if you can get it from them

Take some benefits.

Cromwell also nodded and said: "No problem, but the boss, North Blue is so big, and the Kingdom of Djerma is floating around like a drifting bottle. How do we find them? Zha?"

"There is really no way to know if the Djerma Kingdom is in North Blue, but their obsession is in North Blue, so the possibility of being in North Blue is very high. As for how to find them, hahahaha, our old friend, Doflamingo is in North Blue. Their Don Quixote family is very powerful in North Blue. With his help, as long as the Vinsmoke family is

People from the clan can definitely be found in North Blue. Gromash said with a smile on his lips.

"Then shall we go from below or???"" Cromwell asked again.

"It's not too late. Let's go straight to the White Sea, cross the Calm Belt, drive out of the Grand Line, and airborne North Blue!" Gromash said in a strong voice. .

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