I Am Hellscream

Chapter 154 Rosinante's pitman halo!

Gromash was also stunned when he heard the little guy self-reporting his name. If it weren't for Monet to casually use this little guy, it should be a teenager.

Anyway, if Monet hadn't picked him up, Gromash would have forgotten one of the future supernovas.

At this time, Drake's destiny trajectory has been affected by their Frostwolf Pirates.It was originally supposed to be adopted by Marine in this incident, and Drake, who was trained to become Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, ran to his ship. Here, it makes Gromash feel the impermanence of this fate.

Gromash recalled the performance of Drake on Mignon Island in the original story. Originally, Drake would have escaped from Birdcage if he and Kaido hadn't gotten into it.

And one of the details is very interesting. When the rest of the people were trapped in Birdcage, Drake was very lucky to just run out of Birdcage, but was not locked up by Birdcage.

The pirates behind him told him to find a way to save them, but Drake didn’t have any birds. The desperate pirates said, “He’s the best to fight here, but he is the least spineless.”

Don’t say if you have any spine, it’s weird to describe this as the most capable one.

Thinking of this, Gromash looked again at Drake, who was a little nervous, and then asked: "Drake?? The name is very good, are you capable??"

Drake was also taken aback when he heard Gromash's words, and then said in disbelief: "Why do you know??"

He was a kid, Gromash was such a scam, and he admitted it. Seeing this scene, Gromash also had a big smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "Jehahahahaha, I know a lot of secrets, and so does my nose. Very smart, I can smell the same taste from you, is your ability Zoan??? still very strong

The big one..."

Drake was silent for a moment, and finally said, "Zoan, ancient species-dinosaur fruit.

Gromash smiled and nodded in satisfaction: "Very good, Zoan capable people have great physical potential, and the ancient species is even more outstanding. If your kid will compete in the future, he will not be better than Kaido's bastard. Drought-Jack is weak"

After Gromash finished speaking, he stood up and walked to Drake's side. He looked at him condescendingly and said, "Then boy, what are your plans next?? Since this guy Monet kindly picked you back, I Just be a good person and give you two choices. First, I will find an island and throw you there.

Whether you are a Marine or a pirate, you can choose by yourself. Of course, if you want to be an ordinary person, it's okay, but it's a pity that you have the second choice because of your fruiting ability. Become a trainee crew member on my ship, join our Frostwolf Pirates, bear the banner of my Gromash, and gallop freely on this sea

, Find what you want!

Drake swallowed, and then said without hesitation: "Let me join you!!"

Gromash also smiled after hearing his choice, and then said: "The surname Diez should be the one on Mignon Island who was going to trade Op-Op Fruit with Doflamingo and the World government. The name of the pirate??? If I remember correctly, his name is Diez Barreiros, right?? is your father

Dear?? It seems that you have chosen to part ways with him."

Drake hesitated, and finally said, "Dies-Barreiros is my father, yes, but he."

But he hasn't finished speaking yet, Gromash has already pressed his head, and then said nonchalantly: "I have no interest in the grudges and intricate relationships between you and your father, boy, I don't care if you betrayed your father's pirate group or wanted to get out of his control a long time ago, this time just seized the opportunity

That's it. "

Gromash paused at this point, patted Drake's head, and continued: "I just want to tell you that on my boat, there are not so many rules. What do you want to do, and you want to pursue everything. It's your freedom, maybe even if you want to leave in the future, it's okay, but... whoever it is, since joining the Frostwolf Pirates, think

To leave, I need my captain nodded and agreed. If I disagree, whoever dares to leave is betraying. For those who dare to betray me, I will personally let him see what hell is, you understand. Did I mean it?? Diez-Drake"

Pirates will always "retire", and it is always difficult for people to escape from the world. For example, maybe someday Joz, a strong man, meets his own true love and doesn't want to fight and kill again. Life is not necessarily true. If Joz asks Gromash to leave, will Gromash block Joz’s happiness for his own ambitions?? Gromash

Even though he thinks he is a kind and righteous person, he should let Joz go.

This is the reason why Gromash said that he needs to get his head nod if he wants to leave, but these are extremely unlikely possibilities. If you come out, how can there be so many people who can wash your hands with a golden basin? If you want a golden basin to wash your hands, you have to watch See whether the World government and Marine agree, or if you voluntarily go to their "nursing home" Impel down to wash your hands, and no

Everyone can be as careless as Rayleigh and Shaqi.

After hearing Gromash's words, Drake still nodded firmly and said, "This time is my own choice, so I will follow through!!"

Gromash didn't doubt anything. He also nodded with satisfaction and said, "Really?? The path I choose, even if I climb, I have to finish climbing. I am optimistic about you, Diez-Drake."

But Drake shook his head and looked at Gromash and said, "I don't want to use this surname anymore. If possible, call me X-Drake."

"Jiehahahaha, x-Drake?? Not bad, but let's call you Drake, it's weird to add the prefix," Gromash said with a laugh.

After dealing with Drake's affairs, Gromash also looked at Cromwell and said, "Then tell me about you, ogre, you said you ate two people??? Now in your stomach. ?? Not digested yet??"

"Digest your size!! That is the fruit power, not that I actually ate them!! Also, don't call me an ogre, if you don't want to call me Cromwell, you can choose to call me "Gem Hunter" Cromwell said to Gromash very upset.

Following the action of the World News, the whole world has learned about the battle between Gromash and Kaido in North Blue Mignon Island. Although the outcome of the victory has not been known, everyone knows it, whether it is Kaido or Gromash. None of them died or lost their combat effectiveness. The victory between them was disturbed by the Naval Headquarters who came to support.

But before that, Gromash played with Kaido for five days and did not distinguish between strengths and weaknesses. It is an indisputable fact that neither of the two can help. Therefore, the name of Gromash is also more resounding, after all. In this sea, there are not many people who can fight Kaido fiercely so far. If it weren't for the fact that his Gromash's background and foundation are relatively weak, big

My family even wants to call him the "Five Emperors"

The fish men island, Joz and Luchi, who have already returned here at this time, are looking at the newspaper in their hands. The photo of Mignon Island when it was burned by flames, the entire island seems to be like hell, and two tall figures can be vaguely seen on the island


0-seeking flowers...

"Boss Gromash is real." Joz looked at the news and didn't know how to describe it after thinking about it.

"Is the result of the battle undecided?? This Kaido is quite powerful, and I can play Gromash for five days without losing???" Lu Qi said curiously.

Joz looked at him strangely, and then said, "You are really confident in the Gromash boss."

Lu Qi's words are also very interesting.It seems that Kaido can play with Gromash for five days. How admired you are..

"Why?? Do you think Gromash will lose??" Lu Qi looked at Joz and said.

"No, I also think that if the fight goes on, Gromash will win the old game." Joz also smiled and said.

After speaking, Joz threw the newspaper away and said, "Well, the boss of Gromash is probably also busy with business. I don't know if he can find the Vinsmoke family, but we are not in a leisure time now. Now that the gold is in place, it's almost time to start the factory."


As news of the battle between Gromash and Kaido spread, his bounty, which hadn't grown for a long time, also moved a little, just like squeezing toothpaste. It was squeezed out by the Marines by 50 million and added to his. In the bounty, Gromash changed from 550 million Baileys to 600 million Baileys as a pirate.

On the Artemis, Gromash said with dissatisfaction while looking at the reward in his hand: "These Marines are really getting more and more stingy. Now the whole world knows that Laozi and Kaido have done a fight. Who will pay? I was fooled by them at the meeting and slammed into my hands ignorantly and recklessly???

Cromwell said, "If Sengoku Admiral knows that we have taken his adopted son, he will definitely raise the bounty for you. What about that Rosinante and that dying kid??"

Gromash didn't even think about it, and said, "Keep it closed first and ask Hokkubak to heal the kid.

Gromash didn't think about taking Luo as his subordinate, but after thinking about it, he still found it impossible. First of all, Rosinante was not dead, and Luo would definitely not abandon Rosinante and switch to his own subordinate.

And it is even more impossible to accept Rosinante as a subordinate. This guy is completely a Virgin and has a sense of justice. He is also a Marine and the adopted son of Sengoku Admiral. Even if he really dares to join Gromash, Gromash doesn't want to take this cheating. Take it down.

Looking at Rosinante's resume, it can be seen that this guy is completely a disaster star character. I don't know if he has the same aura as the Buggy guy. Anyway, Gromash feels that this guy is completely "snake aura".

When he was young, the dignified Celestial Dragons clan abruptly "fallen to heaven", and then the whole family died, leaving him and his mortal brother Doflamingo alive.

Later, if it weren't for the chaos of Gromash and Kaido, as a Marine general, he would mix the Marine mission on Mignon Island again, and Sengoku Admiral was also miserable, and he died afterwards. After the fire of revenge, he abruptly sent his brother Doflamingo to Impel down for "rehabilitation training" after more than ten years.

For such a person, who would dare to accept him as his subordinate? Maybe one day, he would not be able to find it. small,

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