I Am Hellscream

Chapter 155 pervert shake m??

Cromwell also lit a cigar after hearing what Gromash had to say. After two sips, Cromwell asked again: "Then?? How long? Do you keep it? That half-dead kid, Rosinante, It's Doflamingo's brother and Sengoku Admiral's adopted son. There must be such things as life cards, right?? According to you

As far as he knows, this guy is a spy sent by Marine to Doflamingo, so at least Marine must have his life card in his hands. Isn't it the same as carrying a signal transmitter with us all the time?"

Gromash also lit a cigar, and after a few puffs, he spit out a cigarette and said again: "It's really impossible. You can eat him first. This guy is still very valuable. As far as I know, the guy Sengoku values ​​him very much. This adopted son, maybe he can use Rosinante to talk to him about what conditions in the future, even if he is an old and stubborn, upholding that

It is said that "justice, do not want to make concessions on this, we can still give Rosinante to Doflamingo, it is a good thing, send his dear brother home, reunion with his family, how wonderful."

After hearing Gromash's words, Cromwell smiled and said: "You are really a good-hearted thing that is not long but Op-Op Fruit. How do you deal with Doflamingo?? It will definitely be over time in the future. He knew that the fruit was obtained by us over time."

Gromash said indifferently, "What can I do? I don't even bother to explain. I am not the fruit that I grabbed from him. Then Op-Op Fruit is written by his name, Don Quixote. I still have his statue carved?? I have to explain so much to him?? He is also a smart person, Doflamingo, he won't do this kind of thing

And the one who turned our face against us, let alone, does he dare??"

While Gromash was talking about these topics with Cromwell, Hogback, who was in the 01 cabin of the ship, was also experimenting with his new abilities, only to see an inexplicable energy fluctuation in his hand for a while, and another for a while. The aperture is very strange.

And Robin, who was sitting not far away reading a book, said, "Mr. Ship Doctor, let's experiment with your experimental ability. There is no need to make it so disgusting?? It seems like a pervert.

Even the little girl Monet followed and said, "Yes, Mr. Hokkubak, can I trouble you not to spill your saliva on the ground?? I think it will pollute the mop."

At this time, Hogback wasn't standing in the cabin to experiment with his abilities, but lying on the seat, with a dying look, his face was sweaty, and his tongue was involuntarily pulled out of his mouth. , The unstoppable saliva dripped onto the ground like a dead dog, making Monet very responsive when he was mopping the floor.

"Monet.. The pollution mop is too much, right? It's like I'm like garbage," Hokkubak said weakly.

"No, with all due respect, in my opinion, you are no different from rubbish," Monet said with a very vicious tongue. The expression on his face did not change at all, just like a shaking S.

"Hey, is that what I see in your eyes??" Hobackak said helplessly.

"Ah, sorry, I shouldn't treat you as rubbish, I said a little too much, you are worse than rubbish," Monet said again.

Even Robin, who was reading a book on the side, smiled involuntarily, and then she said: "Mr. Ship Doctor, how can such a handsome ability look so bad in your hands???"

Hokkubak said weakly, "No, this ability consumes my energy too much. Every time I activate it, I feel my body is hollowed out, but the boss asked me to heal the half-dead kid, his platinum. Lead disease is indeed terminally ill. Even if I use the best surgery, I can’t cure it, so I can only develop and develop this fruit first.

Really, you only see my weakness, but can't see the hard work and hardships I have put in behind this?"

"No, I think you usually lack too much exercise, just like a pig with fat all over you" Monet said here, looked at Houbaque with a very disgusting look, and said again: "No matter what you think. I think it's your fault!"

Although Monet's words are venomous, but Hokkubak seems to have really awakened some'M' physique.

Well, but when I think of him being destroyed by the'shattered disc maid' on the Thriller barque, Sindori is also very happy. He looks like a cheap leather, but I can understand it. What is unknown about his pervert awakening? The soul is also acceptable.

"That's right, Mr. Ship Doctor, you should almost increase your own strength too?? This kind of fruit is obviously not the kind of auxiliary Devil Fruit that can't develop attack power at all, don't be wasted by you." Robin He closed the books in his hands and said.

"I know this too, but I'm really too busy." Hokkubak quickly gave himself an excuse, but before he could finish his words, Monet spoke to Drake, who was wiping the window. He said: "Drake, give you a task. Forget it from today. For the sake of him that he has become a slime monster today, just

From tomorrow on, you are responsible for supervising this ooze monster and let him carry out physical training with you.

Drake stopped the action in his hand, twisted the rag in his hand a little hesitantly, and said, "But the captain said that I was just a trainee crew member. Mr. Hobackaq is also a cadre, if I come..."

"If he dares to be lazy, use a stick to smoke him, I think the captain will definitely be on your side, don't worry!" Monet said with certainty.

"Hey, I'm also a respected genius surgeon anyway," Hobackak said in dissatisfaction.

"But now you have become the pirate everyone hates, haven't you??" Monet said mercilessly.

At this moment, Gromash also bit the cigar and pushed open the door. After walking in, he looked at them and said strangely: "Hmm?? What's the matter?? Hokkubak, what's the matter with you?? How do you look? Going up is like a pile of shit?? It's soft??"

"Boss Gromash, why are you talking too much than Monet??" Hokkubak said very dissatisfied.

"Jiehahahahahaha, I'm sorry, as soon as I saw you, I made an instinctive reaction, let alone those, how is your ability development? Or is Op-Op Fruit's adaptation okay? ??" Gromash said with a big smile, and then picked up Robin who was sitting on the chair, and then sat down with a big face.

After putting Robin on his lap again, he didn't feel that his behavior was pervert at all.

Robin also flipped through Byakugan, but after all he didn't say much. Instead, he leaned on Gromash's chest and opened the book in his hand again and read it happily.

Dianguak didn’t bother with Gromash Gang’s words. He spoke weakly and said, “Ability is a good ability. It's too big, I just use it three or two times, the body is almost hollowed out, and I can't lift it at all.

Work hard, the loss of physical strength is too serious. "

Gromash thought for a while. After he got this ability, Luo also said that as long as the ability is activated, the loss of stamina will become very large, and it seems that this ability does consume more stamina than other abilities. This should be this. The side effects of the fruit too.

But no matter how big it is, just use it two or three times and it will turn into the dead dog state of Hokkubak, so Gromash also said: "The fruit may be really exhausting, but it should not be enough. At your level, you are usually too lazy, just know that being a dead house, lack of exercise and strength, your strength is already

It can't be described as weak. It's completely a scum. For your future considerations, as a doctor, you can improve your strength or not. I don't want anything from you, but I have to keep up with my physical strength!! Starting tomorrow, strengthen your physical training. "

Monet also handed the mop in his hand to Drake, and then walked behind Gromash, put his hand on Gromash's shoulder very familiarly, and began to knead it, and then she spoke very gently and softly said: "Captain, I just Drake has already taken over this matter, and he will urge Hokkubak to start training from tomorrow."

Gromash laughed after hearing Monet's words and said, "Monet is really gentle and attentive. Okay, then do as you said, Drake, Houbak will leave it to you to supervise."

"Okay, Captain!" Drake said after nodding.

On the contrary, Houbak was watching Monet who was very gentle on Gromash's shoulders and said: "Liar, the more beautiful women are, the more beautiful women will deceive, Captain, don't be fooled by Monet's appearance. She is not gentle at all, she is a poisonous devil!!"

"Jiehahahaha, it doesn't matter, whether Monet is gentle or poisonous, she is a beautiful girl, this kind of beautiful attribute always brings privileges, doesn't it?? It's you, can you find a chance? Transform yourself??" Gromash looked at Hokkubak and laughed.

While Gromash and Hokkubak were joking and chatting, the guy Cromwell also pushed in and said, "I'm almost going to the island agreed with Doflamingo. Do you need to contact 100? Guy??"

Gromash thought for a while and said, "Of course I have to contact, otherwise it's too abrupt??"

After speaking, Gromash stretched out his hand, and Monet, who was standing behind him, also turned around tacitly and took out a phone bug from a small bag on his back, and handed it to "Master Gromash."

Gromash also fiddled a few times after receiving the phone worm, and put it on the table aside. Soon the phone worm was connected, and the voice of the Doflamingo guy also came out.

"Fufurfurfurfuru, contacting me so soon, it seems that you should be arriving soon, I thought you would come back again, Gromash." Doflamingo's words with laughter came over. .

And Gromash also smiled and said: "Jiehahahaha, I didn't expect you to care about me so much, my dear, trustworthy partner, but it doesn't matter, it's just a casual fight. What hurt."

"Is it just a casual fight? Do you know how much loss I have suffered because of you and Kaido??" Doflamingo smiled and said.

"Oh?? I thought you were blocked on the island by the Marines, why?? Is there something you are dealing with?? Is it mixed by us?? I'm really sorry" Gromash asked without knowing anything.

But Doflamingo really didn't doubt anything. After all, no one would believe that Kaido and Gromash would act together, pretend to fight, and steal Op-Op Fruit secretly?? Anyway, he does not believe Doflamingo, so he also thinks This should be an accident. Obviously, Gromash's strength has exceeded his expectations.

, So in the face of this kind of thing, he just mentioned it and let Gromash know that because of his chaos, he suffered some losses. It can be regarded as secretly selling a "good" to Gromash, but it does not have to be from Gromash. What kind of compensation do you get?

"Fufurfurfurfur, forget it, there is no need to hurt our relationship and feelings for this little thing, right?? My dear, trustworthy partner" Doflamingo smiled while using the words Gromash just used Gromash got sick.

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