I Am Hellscream

Chapter 156 Meet Heavenly Yaksha.

After Gromash and Doflamingo contacted by phone worm, it didn't take long to arrive at a certain station of their Don Quidditch family in North Blue.

When Gromash saw Doflamingo, he could still see that this guy seemed to be in a bad mood. It seems that in a short period of time, he may not have recovered from Vice Admiral's emotions in the Mignon Island incident. Well, after all, this The guy lost a lot of blood in the Mignon Island incident, and whoever is in a different mood will be in a bad mood.

Gromash seems to like to tease other people's fragile nerves, so after he saw Doflamingo's face, he smiled and said, "Huh? What? You don't seem to be in a good state, why? Didn't you sleep?? Jiehahahaha.

Doflamingo first looked at Gromash and found that this guy really didn't suffer any injuries after a fight with Kaido. At least from the appearance, he is still so "strong" and it doesn't look like someone who just fought with someone. Fan's feeling, this makes Doflamingo's estimate of Gromash's strength again increased a bit, even

He felt a little faintly that perhaps Gromash might really defeat Kaido without Marine's intervention.

But soon, Doflamingo withdrew his thoughts from these mixed thoughts, and then he smiled and said: "Well, I really didn't sleep well. On the island of Mignon, two of my important subordinates were caught by Marine. We’ve been taken away, and an important transaction has been disturbed. Recently, I’m not feeling very happy."

Gromash saw that Doflamingo said so frankly and smiled and said, "That's really unpleasant. As for the subordinates, you should already know it? What is the Seven Warlords of the Sea project from the World government? , As long as you get this title, whether it is a good business or a subordinate, you can have a lot of room for operation.

Doflamingo was stunned when he heard what Gromar 100 said, and then he said: "I already knew the news, but it took me a lot of energy and relationships to find out in advance, but I didn't expect it. You know it too..."

"Jiehahahaha, don't look at my carefree look, I have a very sensitive sense of smell for some secret information." Gromash said with a big smile.

"Fufurfurfuru smell, isn't it??" Doflamingo also smiled, and then he thought about the "spy" Vergo he had planted in Marine.

This kind of secret thing that Ultimate and Marine can't investigate, Gromash can investigate it with no idea what it is. Then he can know the Seven Warlords of the Sea plan is not something that he cannot accept. , Thinking of this, Doflamingo didn't think about it anymore. He looked at Gromash and asked, "That

Well.. Since your uncle Gromash has started to pay attention to this matter, do you also want to get a share of this plan??"

"Jiehahahahaha, do you still have to ask?? Don't you know, my Gromash was a good person with a bright heart and self-denial, but then a little bit of trouble happened with the World government and the Marines. Misunderstanding, so that I, a young man, is about to make a mistake and accidentally walked into the business of pirates, but deep in my heart

I have always wanted to do something to contribute to the world government. I originally thought that this idea was something impossible to achieve in this life. Hey, but this world is so wonderful, it won't always be desperate, it's me. When I was wondering what to do, I accidentally learned about the "Seven Warlords of the Sea" plan, so the moment I learned about this plan

In the meantime, I have made up my mind to work for my dear World government. It’s only after I’ve done my best for them!!!” Gromash said with a cheeky face, as if (abdi) seemed to be very sincere and sincere.

And Doflamingo also seems to have met Gromash again. After looking at him up and down for a long time, Gromash was a little embarrassed and asked: "What's wrong?? Is there anything strange about my dress??"

Doflamingo came back to his senses, shook his head and pretended to say: "No, I was just thinking about how you should be evaluated before saying something rude. I really didn't expect you to be such a shameless person. People..."

Gromash didn't get angry after hearing what Doflamingo said. Instead, he grabbed Doflamingo's shoulder with a big smile and said, "Jiehahahaha, hello, Doflamingo, how can I be your dear and trustworthy partner? It must be said too much, I am a little embarrassed."

Doflamingo shook his head and said: "But I really didn't expect you to see the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea. I thought you would fight for the name of the Pirate Emperor in New World. Calling you "the fifth pirate emperor,' don't you think about this plan??"

"Jiehahahahaha, is the fifth pirate emperor??? I really deserve my Gromash, but these are just fictitious names. Compared with this, I am a person who values ​​practical interests more than doing that nameless. What pirate emperor, it is better to be honest and firm up your basics first, let's talk about benefits and convenience

Then, don't you think the title of Seven Warlords of the Sea is more practical???" Gromash smiled and said without hesitation.

"Really?? But compared with the name of the pirate emperor, Seven Warlords of the Sea seems to be very bad. Once it is released, the pirates who join this sequence will inevitably be called World government. The running dog." Doflamingo said with a smile on his mouth, looking at Gromash.

"What? Laozi loves the World government, which symbolizes peace and justice? Do you think I care about this reputation??" Gromash said shamelessly, disgusting Doflamingo again. Just when Doflamingo was about to take the call, Gromash interrupted him again.

"Speaking of which, you are also planning to become the Seven Warlords of the Sea? Doflamingo?" Gromash asked.

This incident is not something that needs to be concealed, so Doflamingo nodded and said: "Yes, I have this plan, just like you said, whether this reputation is good or not, but this identity can really bring us. Isn’t it a great convenience and benefit?? As long as I become this "Seven Warlords of the Sea", then no matter it’s my life

Either the mind or the status can be improved again, even my lovely subordinates can be fished out of Impel down by me, so why would I let this opportunity pass?? Is it because they don’t sound good? "Fame"? Furfurfurfur, how much money can the reputation give me? Master Gromash, you and I should know very well, as a pirate, you are

Don't expect to have a good reputation, right?? As long as the strength is strong enough, who will dare to make irresponsible remarks in front of us?? If it is really unhappy, kill these guys who chew the tongue? Fame? ?? What a joke"

Gromash didn't say anything more about Doflamingo's views, but said with a smile: "Then maybe we will become closer colleagues in the future, Doflamingo."

After speaking, Gromash picked up a wine glass from the table and took a sip. Just when he was about to say something, Gladius suddenly ran in from the door.

Doflamingo frowned when he saw him, and whispered, "Gladius, what is so flustered? Didn't you see me talking to Captain Gromash??"

Gladius also hurriedly apologized, and then said: "I'm extremely sorry, Master, Master Gromash."

After speaking, Gladius did not quit, but walked to Doflamingo, and said something quickly in Doflamingo's ear, and then Doflamingo's expression became even more strange.

"Really??? It's really tangled news." Doflamingo finally said.

It seemed that this matter was very important. Then he thought about it and said again: "Go find it, mobilize all the power that can be mobilized, and get me back both of them!!"

"Yes, Young Master!" Gladius nodded immediately, and then bowed to Gromash before quickly retreating from the room.

Then Gromash asked curiously: "Did something happen?? Doflamingo??"

Doflamingo looked at Gromash, but didn't hide anything, so he said, "You know the person I arranged in Marine. He gave me a piece of information that is very important to me. This time, the whereabouts of the goods that were originally to be traded on Mignon Island, as well as my stupid brother and a kid that I take very seriously

News. "

"Brother?? Do you have a younger brother?? I have never heard of it. I thought you were a lonely man." Gromash pretended not to know anything, and said in surprise.

Doflamingo didn't doubt him at all, but said, "It does exist, but I don't want to talk more about this issue. Although I have a hunch for a long time, I hope it is my illusion. My stupid brother, don't let me. .."

Doflamingo didn't say anything here, but changed the subject, looked at Gromash and said, "I won't say much about the old days. It's almost time to talk about it. Why are you coming to North Blue to find me this time?? Master Gromash??"

"Jiehahahaha, indeed, Doflamingo, this time I want to tell you on the one hand that there is a business about The fish men island, which is almost ready for sale. In addition, I also did some business on Sky Island. It’s time to borrow your relationship. Soon, the two of us can truly start a close cooperation." Gromash

Said with a smile.

"Really?? That is really good news. I will start preparing for the transaction on The fish men island. As for the Sky Island you mentioned, I will also look forward to it. So what is the other side?? "Doflamingo also put a smile on his lips, and asked again.

"On the other hand, I still need to ask you for a piece of news. You know, I have some rough people under my hands. Now this era is different. I don't have any talents and technology. How can I continue to mix? I urgently need it. Some technical talents come to enrich the cultural heritage of our Frostwolf Pirates. I am very optimistic about the power of science, so I am

I want to find talents in this area. I heard that North Blue has the famous Kingdom of Djerma, the current patriarch of the Vinsmoke family and the king of Djerma. Vinsmoke-Judge is a very talented scientist, so I want to find But the War House in the Kingdom of Djerma is too hard to find, so I'm here to ask you about it. Gromash smiled and said


"The Vinsmoke family???" Doflamingo also murmured. .

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