I Am Hellscream

Chapter 163 You are born an evil bastard!

Gromash smiled after seeing Lu Qi and said, "Lu Qi, it's been a long time since I saw you. You seem to have grown a bit taller?"

Lu Qi said happily: "Yes, it's all milk's credit!

At this time, Jinbei who followed also smiled and looked at Gromash and said, "Boss Gromash, you are back!"

"Yo, Jinbei, the fish men island has troubled you all the time!" Gromash also smiled and said to Jinbei.

After a few people chatted for a while, they dispersed and contacted their companions who had been separated for a while. Cromwell even dialed Urouge's phone worm, which was stationed on Sky Island. After a one-handed remote call, after hearing everyone gathered together, Urouge was also very envious and asked when everyone would go to Sky Island to pick up.


"Drake?? My name is Lu Qi, you can call me Senior Lu Qi!" Lu Qi looked at Drake, who was about his size, and said pretentiously.

And Drake is really bluffed by Lu Qi. After all, Lu Qi seems to be a little younger than him, but how can he say that he is also a big pirate with a bounty of 200 million Baileys-Killing Machine-Rob- Lucky!!

Two hundred million, in his hometown, North Blue, they are all incredible characters!!

I saw Drake also seriously said, "Okay, Senior Lu Qi!"

Lu Qi expressed joy when he heard Drake's words, and then patted Drake on the shoulder with great satisfaction and said, "I look forward to you!"

Robin also followed up at this time to expose Lu Qi’s "conspiracy", and said: "Drake, you don't need to care about this guy, don't look at him, he seems to be very powerful, he is offering a bounty of 200 million Baileys, which is actually Gromash's. Fool!"

"You're a follower!! Robin!!" Lu Qi shouted at Robin very dissatisfied.

At this time, Cromwell, who had just hung up the phone worm, also looked at Lu Qi and said, "By the way, what about that kid Webber?? Isn't he with you?? Isn't he your follower??"

"It's not a follower!!" Lu Qi yelled again, and then he continued: "Webber has stayed in The fish men island, where he handles some trivial things. After all, we came out to rob prisoners this time, he He can’t keep up with his strength, and it’s very troublesome to take him."

Cromwell also nodded, and then looked at the Guy Sa-Courant in seastone handcuffs who was being stared at by Gromash, then he smiled and said, "It looks like a villain, it suits our team."

"That guy has no morals or bottom line at all. I guess he is also a guy with'pervert' potential in some way. "Lu Qi also looked at Guy Sa Courant and said.

"The researcher must have the spirit of pervert, otherwise how could it be successful??" Hokkubak said to Lu Qi as if he was regaining his vitality while drinking.

Lu Qi looked at Hokkubak and nodded and said, "Yes, at least I can see from you that there is a certain practical basis for this truth."

"Hey! Lu Qi, how come you have become a "poison tongue"?? Are you talking about me pervert?? This kind of person only needs to have a Monet!!" Gubaq said very dissatisfiedly.

But at this time, Monet was learning bartending with Xia Qi at the bar. After hearing Hogback's words, she also showed a mixed expression of disgust and disdain, and involuntarily "々" spouted.

"You slapped your lips just now?? Absolutely slapped your lips??" Hokkubak said immediately.

Let's not mention the ridicule and joke among the people.

At this time, Gromash was also holding sugar while looking at Guy who was anxious in front of him, Kuran, who hadn't spoken for a long time.

And his behavior also made Guy Sa-Courant very worried, and he didn't know what the ruthless man in front of him had plans for him.

But at this time Guy Sa was also very entangled with Gromash's current state. He had imagined the scene when he saw Gromash countless times, but he never thought it would be this kind of feeling when he meets "Daddy Dad".

Just when Guy Sadhu was about to be crushed by Gromash's aura, Gromash recovered from his expressionless state, and suddenly smiled and said, "Lu Qi, unlock the mirror cuffs for this guy. , How can I say that it is also an individual talent, what is the most important talent in the new era?? Talent!! The corresponding courtesy to our scientists is right

Isn't it the right choice??"

After Lu Qi heard Gromash's words, he didn't hesitate at all. He didn't even think about whether Guy Sae would run away from Gromash because he unlocked the seastone mirrorcuffs.

Isn't it a Logia capable person? Who is not the same, is it possible that he can run past his own thunderous speed?

After Gromash finished speaking, he looked at Guy Sa again and said, "You said I was right?? Guy Sa is a great scientist??"

After Guy was sacked by Lu Qi's seastone shackles, his whole person also changed quickly.I saw the breath of hydrogen around him, and the white coat that was originally hanging on his body began to float, and the overall look was less. A little bit of embarrassment, there is more Xiaojiu.

Of course, these are all without looking at his head. Let's not talk about the face of a big villain. Let's talk about his expression at this time. His face was filled with disgusting smiles, and he spoke to Gromash with no spine and integrity: "Master Gromash, what are you saying?

It's all right, I, Guy, is your loyal shepherd dog and pious lamb. As long as you give an order, whether it's going up the knife mountain or going down the fire, I won't blink my brows!"

Gromash was also getting goose bumps from Guy's unscrupulous performance. Then he shuddered and almost woke up the sugar in his arms. Then Gromash said angrily, "Stand up straight and speak. , And, can you put away your unbearable flattery?? After listening to it, not only did I not feel happy, but also

I want to hammer you two punches. "

After Guy heard what Gromash said, he quickly stood up with his bowed waist, and then said, "Yes, of course!"

Gromash nodded this time and said again: "I'm looking for you. The purpose is very simple. I heard from the guy Doflamingo that you are a very powerful scientist. I just happened to lack the manpower in this area recently, so I won't be too troublesome. Send someone to bring you out of the prison ship. I need you to help me set up a strong scientific research team to study

There is no problem with the various scientific results I need??"

After Guy heard what Gromash said, he finally put his heart in his stomach.Although he always felt that Gromash caught him, he would definitely not commit suicide. I haven't seen it before, but Gromash is also a famous evil pirate. Do pirates still need to find a reason to kill?

I Guyzah was actually very uneasy before.

"No problem, no problem at all!! For scientific research, I am still very confident!!" Guy Sa immediately promised.

At this moment, Monet also took his own steps in the bar, walked to Gromash very lightly, and brought the spirits that Xia Qi had just made to Gromash.

But at this time, Gromash's hands were used to take care of the baby girl who was swimming in his sleep, so Monet was also very considerate to pass the wine glass to the mouth of Grandpa Gromash.Uncle Gromash took a sip of the wine, followed the neckline that Monet accidentally opened when he bent over, and then slapped his lips and said, "Not enough."

Monet thought it was not enough intensity, she smiled and said, "Then I will add some more for you. 1

Guy Sa was taken aback, and quickly said, "Enough! It must be enough. No matter what task you give me, Master Gromash, I will do my best!!"

Gromash was also amused by the reaction of the two of them, retracted his gaze, and then said to Guy: "Jiehahahaha, don't be nervous, since you have said that, it means you are willing to join. Under my devil, have you become my partner? I am very tolerant of my partner, no matter how much you guys are

It doesn't matter if you don't have a bottom line. It doesn't matter if you like to build a gas bomb to slaughter the city and destroy the country. The only thing is that you must not betray. I can see that you have no backbone at all, but it doesn't matter, I will give it to you. Bony, Guy, if you dare to betray me, after I catch you, I will crush your bones inch by inch and then treat

Okay, crush it again, repeat the cycle, and finally let you eat your own hands and feet, and hang you on the corner of my ship's bow as a scorpion. How about it? not enough??"

After Gromash finished talking, Guy Sadhu collapsed to the ground in fright, his face covered with sweat, his whole body trembling constantly, and he said in horror: "*. Enough is enough, absolutely enough!! I definitely don’t. Will betray you Gromash-sama!! Believe me, please believe me! Than!"

"Jiehahahaha, I'm scared you, I'm joking with you, well, I think that Doctor Hobackak over there was helpless before he joined us, just like you, I was forcibly persecuted. I joined our team, now let’s see how beautiful his life is?? I’m afraid it’s to drive him away, he doesn’t want to go anymore.

, So Guy Sa, think things for the better. If you don’t have us, your kid should be locked in Impel down. As a person who has walked out of that hell, I can tell you responsibly. I'm afraid I won't live long in the body, but now, at least you can breathe this sweet air, can't you??" Groma

Even at this point, I fiddled with the little hand of the sugar, causing the sugar in his sleep to frown slightly, and then he smiled and said again: "What's more, you are a natural evil bastard, you are not suitable. Standing on the side of the righteous Marine, you are born to be a seedling of the "evil (obtained)". Standing under my banner, whether you want to enter

No one will care about you in such a cruel and inhumane experiment. Of course, the premise is that you have to make it effective, otherwise I will be very upset. I am a person who is upset when I am upset, and you don't want me to get upset. Right??,

"Yes, yes, I've already seen the group of good-looking bastards Marines upset, but they have been monitored by them before, and there is no room for resistance," Guy Sa also hurriedly said.

"Jiehahahaha, then congratulations, M-Guy Sakuran, you will be reborn under the banner of our Frostwolf Pirates from today. I believe this new life will definitely let you Satisfied!" Gromash said with a big laugh.

At this moment, Hogback also raised his glass and said to Guy Sa, "Don't worry, Guy Sahas, it is exactly the same as Captain Gromash said. After you come up, you will be familiar with everything on this ship. You don't want to go anymore!!"

Although there are some differences between the medical world and the scientific research world, they are always scholars. As the most famous doctor in the medical world, Guyza still recognizes Hokkubak, so at this time, after seeing Hokkubak say so, he too. Slightly relieved.

But soon, he became more sad, because he didn't understand whether Gubaq was telling the truth or telling lies. Let's tell him that he is telling lies. It seems that his interest and emotions do not seem to be hypocritical. But if he wants to tell the truth, his vain steps, pale complexion, and the feeling of dying half-life are not like a'good future'??.

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