I Am Hellscream

Chapter 164 for freedom!

In any case, Guy Sa is considered to have joined Gromash's criminal group. I don't know how many tragedies this guy with no bottom line and integrity will cause in the future. Anyway, Gromash doesn't care about this. He only needs Guy Sa to serve him and satisfy him. His scientific research requirements are sufficient.

Freed from the status of a prisoner and became a member of the Frostwolf Pirates, Guy Sa also slowly relaxed his tired spirit in Shaqi's tavern, he finally thought about it, or sat down with Hogback. Around.

Compared with the others, at least this Hogback is considered to be a'kind'. If you want to come to his famous and talented surgeon, even if he joins the banner of the great pirate Gromash, it should be considered a good contact?

In this way, two people with unique accomplishments on the road of pervert got together.

Guy Sa very politely accepted the wine Monet handed him, and then barely took a sip and looked at Hokkubak and asked cautiously: "Mr. Hokkubak, I am also the name of your medical profession. Ruguaner, did you join this pirate group in the same way at the time??"

The guy Diangcuak took a sip of wine with a carefree sigh, and then said with a smile: "Brown Buddha hissing, Mr. Guy, it's not this pirate group, but "we" the pirate group, well, But as you said"

When Hogback said that, he looked at Guy Sa and said again: "I was indeed forced to join our Frostwolf Pirates, but don't say it, not long after this came in, I was reluctant to leave. It’s free here, safety is guaranteed, and since I became a pirate, I don’t have to worry about the pressure of reputation anymore.

I don’t need to maintain a glorious image anymore. I can do whatever I want. I want to study the corpse and study the corpse. If I want to study the transformation of the human body, I study the transformation. , Study how to resurrect the dead, no one will restrict me, accuse me, or even provide me with help, this is to become a pirate

The benefits of it!! Long live freedom!!"

Guy Sa was stunned after hearing what Hokkubak said.In his original impression, the well-known and talented surgeon Hokkubak was a very'righteous' person. After all, he saved the dead and healed the wounded by his own miracle surgery With countless lives lost, how do you think it should be a "virgin"-like character??

As a result, as soon as I contacted, I heard this guy talking about human body modification, taboo experiments, evil ways to resurrect, and manipulating corpses, and instantly reversed the image of Hogback in Guy’s heart.

In fact, this is also the reason why Hogback has already changed his mindset from a'famous doctor' to a'pirate'. Ah, but now it’s a pirate, and the pirate cares about the reputation of a fart, so theoretically, this Hokkubak has also released himself.

He no longer hides his evil nature at all.

However, although Guy Sa’s impression of Hokkubak is disillusioned, he seems to be more comfortable in his heart. Listening to Hokkubak’s words, he is completely a bastard with no moral bottom line!! Isn't this kind of person? Is exactly the same as myself?? What kind of human body modification, what taboo experiment, he Guy Sada scientists also like to do this kind of violation of ethics

Inhuman things!

My confidant!! This kind of bad guys can live under the banner of Gromash, a big pirate. It sounds very free, so why can't I??? What is the root cause of unpleasantness?

Isn't it because the group of decent guys, one by one, do an experiment, study the truth of science, you must first limit yourself to limit it, how can you reach a higher level of scientific research under such constraints? ? Countless taboo experiments ultimately bring about technological innovation? I am the one who can do scientific research.

How about people who give everything?

In short, Guy Sa just didn't want to shamelessly found himself a righteous foothold, and he also said that Hypnosis is a great man, but he has not yet radiated the light into this world.

"Freedom?? Here, no matter what experiment I do, no one will point fingers at me? 々"?" Guy took a drink and asked Hobackak again.

Hogback also showed the evil smile of his fellow fellows, and said, "Howling hissing hissing, it seems that you are also a'victim' imprisoned by secular oppression, yes, here, we can Free yourself and do whatever you want, just like Captain Gromash said, as long as we don’t betray the banner of the Frostwolf Pirates, then

No one will trample on our achievements, if any."

Hogback said this, pointing his finger at the other companions who got together to chat and drink in twos and threes, and said with great pride: "Our partners will let them see the greetings from hell!!"

Up to this time, Guyza’s mentality has undergone subtle changes in his exchanges with Hokkubak. In fact, he himself is not very reluctant to join the Frostwolf Pirates, plus the situation between him and Hokkubak. Similar, but there are still some differences in nature. Even if Hogback doesn't join the Frostwolf Pirates, it is still a pain to mix outside.

Respected, talented surgeon who can eat everywhere.

But what about his Guy?? If it hadn’t been for this encounter, he should have been enjoying various "rehabilitation" training in Impel down now. Maybe it’s not because of his small body that he has really died in it. Impossible??

So from a certain perspective, the Frostwolf Pirates is still his "benefactor", yes! Therefore, there is not much rejection in his heart at all, but now he just has nowhere to go, and he joins under the pressure of Gromash. It's just in the Frostwolf Pirate Group.

Now it seems that as long as you adjust your mentality, just like what the powerful Gromash said, this place should become his own'rebirth place', no one will toss him and point out his experiment!!

Thinking of this, Guy Sa also suddenly became interested, raised his wine glass and said loudly, "Long live freedom!!"

Although this guy Guy is timid and fearless and has no morals, in fact, his character is still a very funny person, so he inexplicably raised his wine glass and yelled, changing to someone who just joined, who would be like this Big heart??

This act of Guy also attracted the eyes of the rest of the people in the tavern, and then this guy saw everyone staring at him in a daze. He was also a little embarrassed and at a loss.

At this moment, Joz and Cromwell also raised their wine glasses and declared as loudly as Guy: "Yes, long live freedom!!"

Then the rest of the Frostwolf Pirates group laughed and raised their wine glasses and said, "Yes, welcome Guy Sa Da Scientist into our abyss of sin, long live freedom!!"

Lu Qi held a milk bottle, Robin was also carrying his own juice, even Monet handed the glass to Gromash's mouth with one hand, holding his own low-degree cocktail in the other, and said, "Long live freedom. !"

Uncle Gromash smiled and drank the strong wine in front of his mouth, and then said softly, "Yes, long live freedom!"

Just as he had just finished speaking, the sugar he was holding in his arms seemed to be awakened by the noise, rubbing his eyes a little uncomfortably, patted Gromash's chest and said, "Idiot, Gromash is an idiot!!

"Ahahahahaha, the sugar has been woken up by you," Joz said with a big laugh.

Seeing that everyone was so easy-going, Guy seemed to feel more relieved and began to slowly integrate into the topics of the rest of the people.

On the other side, Rayleigh, who was sitting in front of the bar, smiled, looked at them and said, “It’s a good thing to be young. Looking at them, I think of who I used to be.”

"Oh?? Now you Pluton is not too old?? How about accepting Gromash's invitation and becoming a deputy captain??" Shaki said with a smile while wiping the wine glass.

"Hahahaha, let's forget it, just their excitement, my old man can't stand it." Rayleigh said with a laugh.

Now that Sugar has woke up, Gromash didn't continue to hold her. She was also a Tenten who didn't know what she was happy about, so she asked her sister Monet to eat grapes.

Gromash picked up his wine glass and walked to Guyza and Hogubaq. He drank a drink, and then asked, "Guyza, I heard that you have studied a new type of technology before. 'Artificial Devil Fruit'? How? Have you perfected this technique? Is the Master?

Although Guy Sa has slowly changed his mentality, he is still very scared of Gromash at this stage. He only thought about it, and cautiously said: "Master Gromash, there is indeed such a technology that is being used. We are developing it, but this technology is not yet mature, but I can feel the follow-up theory and scientific basis

It's almost there, it's just a bit short of the accumulation of repeated experiments. If you are interested in this technology, I will focus on studying these, and I will be able to figure it out soon!

"Jiehahahahaha, don't be so nervous, I have said it, for my partner, I am very gentle, just call me Gromash. If you have to add a suffix, you can call the boss or the captain. It sounds so good." Gromash said with a smile after taking a sip.

Then he said again: "Actually, I am not very interested in this technology. The man-made Devil Fruit Guy who is coveting this technology is Don Jihe De-Doflamingo. I and that guy are partners. He gave me your information in return. , I will transfer this'artificial Devil Fruit' technology to him at the right time. It's that simple (obtained)

, I am a credible person. Since I agreed to Doflamingo, it must be done, so if possible, I will improve this technology as soon as possible. "

Guy Sa also patted his chest and said, "No problem, Gromash, Captain Gromash!"

However, after finishing speaking, Guy squeezed slightly and said again: "But Captain, although I can do this level of research alone, I need a lot of advanced scientific research equipment and a stable place. Otherwise, even I can’t do the experiment empty-handed?? And in fact, the expenses for us researchers are still very high.

Yes, if I start to set up a stable scientific research team, then if I want to quickly produce results, the cost and funding required will be even greater. You must first be psychologically prepared.

Gromash put a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then he said, "Jie ha ha ha ha ha, if this problem were put in a few years ago, I might not be able to feed you big scientists, but now Hogback, you Come tell the newcomer, what are we doing!"

After Gromash finished speaking, he picked up the glass and patted Guy on the shoulder encouragingly, then went to Joz and the others for a drink.

And Hokkubak also smiled and said: "Yes, not long ago, we found one of the three legendary treasures, the land of gold-Shandora. At present, we have a huge amount of gold in our hands that can be used. Soon we will have a more stable source of income, listen to me."

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