I Am Hellscream

Chapter 178 Gromash: Is there a grassland on top of my head?

After some explanations, Jinbei and Gromash finally figured out the ins and outs of this matter.

"It turns out that this is the case, that is to say, His Majesty Neptune and Princess Otohime had already planned this way, and then gave you the task of being a "matchmaker" to Jinbei, but you don't know what to do. How to do it, and after a series of misunderstandings, finally got things to this point??" Cromwell also looked at Jinbei at this time and said, "You fucking

What a genius' expression said.

And Jinbei was also very embarrassed and said, "I have never experienced such a thing before, okay??"

Gromash said helplessly: "It turns out that the culprit is you, the fat blue man!!"

Jinbei also hurriedly said, "Boss Gromash, if you think about it, I didn't do anything at all, didn't I?? I can't be blamed for this matter, everything is an arrangement of fate."

"I just said how Majesty Neptune treats us Frostwolf Pirates so well. He paid for us to build a station and was the first to place an order. I thought that Gromash really belonged to Majesty Neptune. As for the bastard, it turns out that I made a mistake," Lu Qi said with emotion.

"Well, although they are not illegitimate children, His Majesty Neptune and Princess Otohime are planning to take Gromash boss as son-in-law hahahahahahaha!!" Joz suddenly laughed when he said that, and then smiled and reluctantly spoke. Said: "Sorry, sorry, I really can't help it..."

With this laugh, Joz just made everyone laugh, and Gromash also had a black line on his face, and then he waved his hand and said, "Okay, okay, when are you still smiling?? What happened so big? Do you guys smile too??"

"Well, it didn't happen to us anyway. As a melon-eating crowd, it makes sense for me to smile, right??" Joz said irresponsibly.

After a lot of noise, Gromash looked at Lu Qi and his "little brother" and asked: "Don't laugh, this is very troublesome. I don't know if it can be restored, Lu Qi. How did you hear about this news?? Has it spread outside??"

Lu Qi sat on the small bench at the door and nodded and said: "It should have been spread? Anyway, the entire Mermaid Bay is talking about this. It is said that Dragon Palace has released the news, saying that it is necessary to choose a lucky day. The matter between you and Princess Shirahoshi is settled first, but from what we have seen and heard along the way, at least the people of The fish men island seem to be very

In support of this incident, some shops have even begun to use this incident as a reason to hold some discount activities. It can be seen that their interest is very high."

Gromash also covered his head and said, "Damn, the last sentence given to me by His Majesty Neptune, "They will arrange everything and let me just wait for the news" means this. Something"

Joz and Cromwell did not continue to laugh at this time, they saw Cromwell opening and saying: "This is really a big game... Since the news has been released, it seems to be the matter. Made it the same as the real thing, now if we go out to clarify."

"That way, it will cause immeasurable blows and damages to Princess Shirahoshi's future reputation. After all, it seems as if Princess Shirahoshi was divorced by your boss, Gromash," Jinbei also said with some worry.

"The marriage contract fired by your boss, Gromash, who dares to accept it??" Joz nodded and said.

Gromash rubbed the corners of his eyebrows, then lit a cigar. After taking a sip, he thought about it and sighed and said, "If it doesn't work, I'll be guilty and go to His Majesty Neptune to take this. Make things clear"

Before Gromash's words were finished, Robin interrupted him, and Robin opened his mouth and said, "No, no matter how you refuse this matter, it will hurt Princess Shirahoshi's reputation, and it will also affect it. To our close relationship with the Dragon Palace, from a father’s point of view, even if you Gromash is no matter how your Majesty Neptune is

Beloved, I'm afraid that this kind of thing that hurts Princess Shirahoshi's life will happen."

"Yeah, Captain, and Princess Shirahoshi would be too pitiful if you did that?" Monet also followed.

In fact, Gromash's heart is not very resistant to this matter.Although he has been'arranged', it also depends on who is being arranged and how it is arranged. If the heroine of the story changes from Princess Shirahoshi If he became a bigmom, he would have to jump up and kill bigmom, but if he thinks about the first beauty in the future, it's actually still

Pretty good??

First of all, Gromash never denies that he likes beautiful women, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. He holds the thought of "all coming", if given the opportunity, of course he would not refuse.

But what he is more worried about is the estrangement between Robin and Monet because of this. It is too bad. After all, Robin and Monet have been adventurous with Gromash for so long. To talk about feelings, Gromash treats them It must be more important than Princess Shirahoshi who hasn't had much overlap.

So Gromash also wants to see what Robin and Monet will think and think about this matter. It seems to be very interesting at this time.

So Gromash, with evil thoughts and humble thoughts ignited in his heart, also pretended to say, "But, this kind of thing is barely possible?? I am a person who values ​​the long-term pain of the relationship as much as the short-term pain."

Gromash refused, but secretly prayed in his heart that Robin and Monet could be more "kind" and softer.

Sure enough, Monet and Robin opened their mouths and said, "No, in short, you can't hurt Princess Shirahoshi like this, she is so young, she is the most innocent, isn't she?? And for the relationship between our Frostwolf Pirates and Dragon Palace, You can't do this either"

Gromash raised his brows slightly, feeling a little bit as if the conspiracy had succeeded, and then he said righteously again: "What should I do?? Do you want me to accept this engagement??"

Seeing Gromash look like this, Robin and Monet looked at each other and said, "This is the only way now."

Gromash was overjoyed when he heard this, and when he was happy that his humiliation conspiracy had succeeded, he heard Robin speak again.

"Princess Shirahoshi is still young. It doesn't matter if you make a marriage contract first. There will definitely be a chance to change in the future. With proper guidance, Princess Shirahoshi will definitely look down on you as an'old man'. We will think about it later. The way to introduce some young talents to Princess Shirahoshi, once Princess Shirahoshi has someone who can look at, then we can (abdi)

Decorate with reasons such as "love and freedom", take the initiative to dissolve your marriage contract with Princess Shirahoshi, and fulfill Princess Shirahoshi's "love". In this way, will it not hurt Princess Shirahoshi's reputation? ??" Robin touched his chin and spoke very proudly.

And Gromash was also stunned after hearing these words, and then he pointed to his nose and said, "What about my reputation?? Isn't it the same as being greened by my fiancée?? What makes love?? It seems to be very magnificent, but I think carefully, am I not the worst one in this script??"

Robin and Monet also showed dangerous eyes when they heard Gromash's words. They looked at Gromash and said, "Then what do you want?? Do you really want to marry Princess Shirahoshi?? Huh??"

Gromash waved his hand quickly after being pierced by the eyes of Monet and Robin, "Definitely not. You have to believe me!!"

At the same time, his heart is also extremely sad, dammit, as expected, the story is all deceptive, how could someone take the initiative to help me receive beautiful women?? Especially Robin and Monet, I feel so stupid that it is possible.

Monet also gently squeezed Gromash's shoulder and said, "Captain, you have to know that this kind of "tragic" character is easy to be liked by girls. Think about it, although it seems that it will affect you. Reputation, but there is actually another possibility? Your spirit of sacrificing yourself in order to fulfill the love of others, definitely

It will make your story spread through the ages like some operas. Isn’t it a lot easier to think about it??"

Gromash closed his eyes and said, "Dammit, if anyone dared to make an opera for Laozi, I must kill his whole family. Isn't it green enough??"

"Anyway, this is the case for the first time!!" Robin said very decisively, as if she was the captain, with that attitude and appearance, as if she were a little mistress.

The others also looked at Robin with that strange look. Robin and Monet were so active and decisive about this kind of thing. Why?? The reason must be related to Gromash??

Robin also reacted suddenly after being stared at by the rest of the people with that kind of "weird" eyes, and then hurriedly said: "I am all for our Frostwolf Pirates, オ not because of it."

However, she said that this place also stopped suddenly, if she said it out, wouldn't she not confess?

I saw Cromwell say a little maliciously: "Oh?? It's not because of what???"

Gromash laughed and said, "Jie ha ha ha ha, don't be so embarrassed, Robin, I know, handsome and handsome people like me are like fireflies in the night."

"Bah baah baah, shameless, I won't tell you!" Robin said angrily, and then ran upstairs with his short legs.

After Robin fled, Joz and the others also asked, "Then, Boss Gromash, what on earth do this matter??"

After thinking for a while, Gromash touched his chin and said: "Indeed, you can't be too reckless, otherwise it will affect our relationship with Dragon Palace, and it will also hurt the innocent Princess Shirahoshi. Then follow Robin and Monet's Let’s do it first. My uncle Gromash will take over this bitter role!!"

Joz and Cromwell also applauded Gromash very admiringly and said: "Awesome, amazing, I never thought that your grandpa Gromash can afford it, let it go, and even this kind of role is willing to play, it's amazing, we Humbled"

Gromash waved his hand and said: "Small, small, for the sake of the princess's reputation, I am still willing to bear this stigma as a man, not to mention, although this time is a misunderstanding, we are also wrong, right??"

Gromash said so noble, but he didn't think so in his heart. He would be willing to fulfill his fiancée's love when he was ill. It is impossible for a man to give in, okay? He doesn't want to make himself angry. The red hair was dyed green.

As for the reason for doing this now, it is also to leave a long buffer time for this sudden event, and there will be a chance to plan slowly in the future, maybe there will be an unexpected turnaround at that time??

After hearing that Gromash was not going to "break the marriage", Jinbei was also relieved. If it really gets things to that point, let alone the relationship between Gromash and Dragon Palace will deteriorate, even if it is Jinbei. , I have no face to stay in The fish men island anymore, and no face to see His Majesty Neptune, Princess Otohime, and Princess Shirahoshi.

If that happens, he feels that he should apologize with death. .

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