I Am Hellscream

Chapter 179 The arrival of Kata Kuri.

After tentatively finalizing the marriage contract between himself and Princess Shirahoshi, Gromash did not go to Dragon Palace City to meet with His Majesty Neptune and Princess Otohime to discuss such matters.

On the one hand, he feels that there is no point in going there, and even a little embarrassing. After all, who is the "marriage partner" who is a little girl who has just been born, will he feel a little embarrassed?

Although he Gromash is a Loli control eh?? Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, did not admit, in short, although he is not opposed to this matter, but there is no need to catch up so positively.

Secondly, since Dragon Palace City has been arranged, Gromash does not plan to toss, just follow their steps~.

This small storm also stayed in the house. Although everyone knew that this was a misunderstanding, no one would say it, so the entire The fish men island thought it was the Frostwolf Pirate. The regiment and Dragon Palace have reached an agreement, and the two sides have settled it together.

The entire The fish men island has also become festive because of this event.As the symbol and ruler of The fish men island, the Dragon Palace City, the Neptune royal family has led The fish men island for hundreds or even thousands of years. , Is a very respected royal family, everyone likes them very much, and Gromash is the big hero of The fish men island in recent years, and its reputation and prestige are even more temporary.

Second, everyone knew that the relationship between the Frostwolf Pirates and Dragon Palace is very good, but how good it is, but can't tell why -, and now?

Soon the two will change into one family, what other relationship can be better? Although the method of marriage sounds a bit'disregard of personal will', you can't deny that this relationship is really strong, no matter what In any era, there is always no shortage of such means to strengthen the relationship.

So why did the bigmom pirates grow to where they are now?? Isn't it because of the marriage??

On the other side, within the Dragon Palace City, after a few days of fermentation, Neptune is also happily discussing this matter with Princess Otohime and the ministers.

"It seems that the people on the island are very supportive of this marriage contract. I thought some people would think that the age of Gromash is a little bit different from Shirahoshi, and that it is not appropriate." King Neptune sat on the throne, Said very happily.

"Master Gromash isn't really that big, isn't it?? It's not that such a thing has never happened in the sea. There is nothing to criticize. In addition, Master Gromash's reputation is very high on the island, and many people have actually been looking forward to it. He can have a more intimate relationship with our Dragon Palace. In fact, after the birth of Princess Shirahoshi, the island

There was already a voice that felt that Princess Shirahoshi and Lord Gromash should be married. Minister Zuo also said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, isn't it?? That's great." King Neptune laughed and said, then he looked at Jinbei who was also standing not far away, and then asked, "Jinbei, I heard You went to the Gromash kid two days ago?? Does he have any opinion on this matter??

Mention it. "

Jinbei smiled awkwardly after hearing King Neptune’s question, and then hurriedly said, “Your Majesty, don’t worry, Boss Gromash said, everything is in accordance with the process of Dragon Palace, he has no objection at all. , Not to mention that he has no experience in this area, and Dragon Palace has a long history, and the ceremonial officials will definitely not let him lose.

Hopeful. "

Just as the guy Neptune was preparing to praise Gromash happily, a guard entered the temple very quickly, and then hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, according to the news from our guards stationed at Coral Hill, The ship of the bigmom pirate group is approaching our The fish men island. After observation, it has been confirmed that it is the bigmom pirate

The ship of Charlotte Kata Kuri, one of the four star of the group dessert, also observed another star of the Bigmom Pirates. Charlotte-Smoky!"

King Neptune frowned after hearing the news reported by the guards, but he didn't worry too much. After all, The fish men island is now covered by people, and the strength and reputation of Gromash are nothing compared to anything. bigmom. Charlotte- Linlin is weak. At this time, there are only two general stars. What is there to worry about?

I saw the guy Neptune think for a while and said, "Is there only one boat here?? It shouldn't be a provocation or trouble. It may be the same as before. It is to buy snacks. Don't be so nervous. Send someone to notify Gromash.

Speaking of this, King Neptune also smiled again and said: "Their Frostwolf Pirates are too careless, right?? Why do we have to notify them every time?? They can't be in such important places as Coral Hill. Do you send some people here too?"

Jinbei also smiled and said at this time: "Boss Gromash said that the Frostwolf Pirates are not going to intervene in the military and politics of The fish men island. Of course, if you need help, Your Majesty, they are still happy to provide such help. "

"Hahahaha, so Gromash is a good boy. Go and inform them, Jinbei." King Neptune said with a big smile.

In fact, Neptune's heart is also very happy with Gromash's performance that respects their Dragon Palace and Zhijin. , If even the station is here, it would be weird if they don't ride on their heads.

Soon, Gromash, who was dealing with various things in the resident, saw Jinbei hurriedly, and then he said a little strangely: "What's the matter?? Jinbei?? Could you find me another "marriage partner?" '???"

Jinbei was ridiculed by Gromash, and said in embarrassment, "Boss Gromash, don't talk about this kind of thing in the future, okay?? I'm so embarrassed."

"Jiehahahahaha, you can only cheat me, don't allow me to tease you???" Gromash said with a laugh, then he paused and asked again: "What the hell is it??"

Jinbei didn't continue to talk nonsense to Gromash, but hurriedly said: "There is news from the Coral Hill. His Majesty Neptune asked me to tell you, Katakuri from the Bigmom Pirates and that Smooch. Ji, two general stars are here"

"Oh, isn't it that two generals have come?? If they are abiding by the rules, it doesn't matter. Our The fish men island is located in the gateway, and there is no way to prevent them, the pirates from coming in and out, if it were them. If you don't follow the rules," Gromash said nonchalantly and suddenly paused... and then his expression became very strange.

Because at this time, he suddenly remembered that when he left North Blue, the guy Doflamingo kindly told him the news that the people of the bigmom pirates fell in love with him. It seems that bigmom is looking for him to marry and is sending people everywhere. Looking for him

Jinbei suddenly stopped when he saw Gromash's words, and his expression became weird. After that, he asked a little curiously, "Boss Gromash?? What's wrong???"

He didn't think about Gromash's fear of the bigmom pirates. Gromash was not even afraid of the Whitebeard pirates, and he had a fight with Kaido. How capable is her bigmom to make Gromash afraid?

Gromash was regained by Jinbei's call, and then said helplessly, "It's nothing, just suddenly remembered one thing. If no accident, these two guys should have come to me recently. Have you hit the evil?? Why do you always encounter this kind of thing??"

Jinbei also asked with some confusion: "What's the matter??"

0-seeking flowers...

Gromash glanced at him and said, "If it's not surprising, this Kata Kuri and Smoky should also be your counterparts, come to "matchmaker" for Laozi, damn it, when you left North Blue, Doflamingo I told me the news that the old and ugly woman of bigmom has fallen in love with me, as if she is going to marry me."

Jinbei was also taken aback for a moment, and then he said: "Then Boss Gromash, what are your plans??"

"I joined her grandmother for a leg, and that old woman didn't take pictures of herself with soaking urine. What qualifications does she have to marry Laozi?? Is she beautiful?? Or is she in good shape?? Laozi will look at her? Dream! "Gromash said very bluntly.

At the same time, Kata Kuri and Smuji also successfully boarded the port of Coral Hill.

Kata Kuli embraced his arms and said to a group of younger brothers behind him: "Go, buy enough cakes from The fish men island and bring them back to my mother."

"Yes, Master Kata Kuri!" a group of younger brothers said quickly.

But Kata Kuri said again: "Bring down all the "gifts" I brought to the owner here."

As Kata Kuri's voice fell, it didn't take long for a group of mermaid girls and murloc men to walk down from their boat. They all cried excitedly after seeing The fish men island. Up.

These people are the slaves that Kata Kuri bought from the black market at a high price, and they are going to return to Gromash as a gift for the first meeting.

I have to say that this guy Kata Kuri is truly a "perfect man". Judging from these *gifts" he brought, even if Gromash is unhappy with bigmom, it is impossible to follow him here. They turned their faces, otherwise his Gromash would be really too much.

Soon, Kata Kuri and the others took the poor group of slaves towards Murloc Street. Since they were looking for Gromash, of course they had also inquired about the news. Murloc Street is now owned by the Frostwolf Pirates. Station, since Gromash is on The fish men island, it should be there.

"Brother Kata Kuri, this The fish men island seems to be very festive, has something good happened??" Smoky looked at the atmosphere of The fish men island a little strangely and said.

Kata Kuli looked uninterested, and said, "These are nothing to do with us. Find the Gromash, explain our intention, and then get his answer and return to New World safely. This is the purpose of our trip."

Smoky said with a big heart: "With these gifts, even if Gromash disagrees with this marriage, he won't turn his face on us."

"Although I think so, I have to be fully prepared," Kata Kuri said after a moment of silence.

Soon, the group of them came to the vicinity of Murloc Street, and then they were intercepted by Cromwell and Joz who were already waiting here.

Joz first looked at the two little giants, Kata Kuri and Smoky, and then said: "I don't know what happened to the two?? What are these people??"

Kata Kuri felt the breath of Joz and Cromwell, and then did not despise them, and said politely: "Mr. Joz, I have been admiring the name for a long time. We are here with bigmom. The pirates came in kindness. These people are the residents of The fish men island we found in the black market. I heard that the captain of your Frostwolf Pirates

We also admire Rodmoore-Gromash's deeds. These are small gifts from us. "

Gromash originally asked Joz to bring Kata Kuri and the others to see him. The reason why Kata Kuri asked about it was just a formality. Seeing Kata Kuri knows how to do things, he also nodded and said: "Our captain will definitely be grateful. Yours, this is really a good gift." Little.

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