I Am Hellscream

Chapter 181 0.5 One Piece??

After hearing Gromash's refusal, Kata Kuri groaned for a while, and then said again: "Although it is ethically, our bigmom pirates have always respected the strong. With your strength, naturally To get the status that matches it, my mother is definitely willing to share the world with you."

"Really??" Gromash said, staring at Kata Kuri's eyes, but quickly said again: "Perhaps...but unfortunately, you are late, maybe you are from Coral Hill When I came here, I found that the atmosphere of The fish men island seems to be different. If you don’t know the reason, let me tell you.

Well, I have made a marriage contract with the princess of The fish men island. I am a credible person. Now that it has been set, I will not go back and regret it for greater benefits."

Having said this, Gromash looked at Smoky, then smacked his lips and said with regret, "So unfortunately, this beautiful and beautiful lady, the marriage between us does not seem to be going well."

What did Katakuri say that Charlotte- Linlin is willing to share the world with him. He will believe this kind of nonsense unless there is water in his mind. There is only one throne. How can I say that after sharing? What is the name after sharing? 0.5 One Piece? Or One Piece 0.5??

If this thing can also be scored for one point, then those who have the strength and ambitions to be king but cannot go further because of the "one-seven" situation do not need to continue to make trouble, everyone sit down Let’s talk about it, and let’s work together to divide the throne. You and me. Everyone is the One Piece, isn't it happy?

Besides, Gromash has never believed in the credibility and character of the bigmom pirate group. Then Charlotte- Linlin is a guy with no bottom line. In the future, Vinsmoke-Gagazhi of the Kingdom of Djerma is the best example. At this time, The power of credibility is reflected, how could Gromash choose to marry this kind of disrespectful guy?

? Marriage with her, it's better to cooperate with Kaido, at least Kaido is straight forward. If there is something that can't be negotiated, just start the fight and don't feel tired.

Kata Kuri and Smoky were also stunned after hearing what Gromash said. From the way, Smoky had indeed discovered that the atmosphere of The fish men island seemed very festive, and they also talked to her brother Kata Kuri. I mentioned it, but Kata Kuri didn't care about this insignificant thing at the time. Who would have thought that this kind of thing turned out to be Gromash and the murloc?

The princess of the island is married...

Smoky is really satisfied with Gromash, so after hearing the news, she couldn't help but want to try again, but when she was about to speak, Katakuri stopped her. .

Then Kata Kuri sighed and said, "Really?? It seems we are late, that's really a pity..."

"Yeah, I also feel very sorry that I missed Ms. Smoky's marriage." Gromash pretended to start.

"This is the purpose of our trip. It seems to be a failure now. If so, we will not stay here for a long time. It is really annoying to visit you if we take the liberty to visit. I hope that in the future we will have other room for cooperation. This time we will Goodbye first.” Kata Kuri also stood up very decisively and said to Gromash.

And Gromash also pretended to be deceived and said: "It's all here, it's better to stay for a while and play together in The fish men island??"

Kata Kuri hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but our bigmom pirates are very strict. Now that the mission has failed, we have to go back and plead with our mother. If it is delayed or our mother knows, we will do it. If you stay outside and play if you mess up, you will definitely get furious, and you will be in trouble at that time."

"Really?? That's really harsh, Katakuri, why don't you two stay and be my crew?? Our Frostwolf Pirates are very happy. Hahahahaha." Gromash said with a big laugh.

Smoky and Kata Kuri were also stunned when they heard Gromash's words. Kata Kuri became vigilant in his heart, and the atmosphere suddenly became cold.

But when Kata Kuri felt that Gromash wanted to disadvantage them, Gromash suddenly smiled again and said: "Don't be so nervous, I'm just kidding, since you are in a hurry to leave, then I will I won’t give it to you anymore. I like your gift very much. If there is a chance to visit your Totto Land-Cake Island another day,

I will also send you very sincere gifts."

Kata Kuri breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. It seemed that the gift was really not given in vain. Then he said: "The Kingdom of Totto Land is always waiting for you, Captain Gromash."

After bidding farewell to Gromash, Kata Kuri and Smoky soon left the Frostwolf Pirates' station. When they were walking on the road, Smoky said with some dissatisfaction: "Brother Kata Kuri , Why don't you continue to fight for it?? A princess of The fish men island is just a mere princess, do you think I can't compare to her?? And when?

When the Neptune royal family of The fish men island has an extra princess?? How come I don’t know??"

Kata Kuri sighed and said, "Smoky, that Gromash used this kind of reason as an excuse. Whether it is true or not, whether there is any princess in The fish men island, it is enough to reflect him. Like I expected at the beginning, a man like him would not choose to be king in this way...not to mention you really

Do you think your mother will share the world with him??"

"This" Smoky was speechless after being preached by Katakuri.

But Kata Kuri paused at this time and continued: "There is only one seat of the One Piece, how can we talk about sharing? He and his mother are not the kind of people who can succumb to others, so give up, no matter it is You, still mother"

"Then what are we going to do next??" Smoky asked after being silent for a while.

Since it is no longer possible to become a husband and wife with Gromash, then she would not have some unrealistic fantasies about her like a little woman, so she had already figured it out at this time.

"The top priority is to return to Totto Land, tell my mother what happened here and the results, and then look at my mother's plan. My personal opinion is to destroy their Frostwolf Pirates as soon as possible, but it seems that my mother is not very concerned about this kind of thing. Kata Kuri said in a deep voice.

"After all, my mother now wants to find someone who can break the game. Gromash is one of such candidates. Whether he marries us or not, with his ambition and strength, he will become an enemy of Whitebeard. What kind of struggle has occurred, then it will be one of the opportunities to bring down Baizi. Mother has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

In contrast, it is not meaningless to allow the Frostwolf Pirates. "Smoky also said softly.

"Yeah, there is such a possibility in Gromash." Kata Kuri sighed again after saying this, "But, I always feel that he is even more dangerous than Whitebeard. I hope it is my illusion."

Kata Kuri tends to kill Gromash early and destroy the entire Frostwolf Pirates, but bigmom.Charlotte- Linlin's eyes are on Whitebeard. In her opinion, Gromash has the possibility of overthrowing Whitebeard. Sexual opportunity, so for this opportunity, she is willing to let the Frostwolf Pirates grow up. This is also the most important thing for her

The self-confidence of the top powerhouse, she is confident that Gromash, no matter how powerful, will not be better than her, can only say that Whitebeard scared her, and Gromash has not let her see how powerful she is.

In general, the ideas of Charlotte- Linlin and Kata Kuri are not wrong. Kata Kuri’s starting point is to eradicate competitors, and seeking to be a “stable” word, while Charlotte- Linlin’s starting point is to want Be king as soon as possible, for which she is willing to take risks.

However, currently the entire Totto Land-World and the bigmom pirate group is Charlotte- Linlin in charge, so even if Kata Kuri has any ideas, as long as she disagrees, she still has to hold back

What's more, his Gromash is not easy to provoke. Once a full-scale conflict is really set off, even if the bigmom Pirates group can defeat his Frostwolf Pirates with the powerful background, Gromash will also break her big teeth. So she can't even eat snacks in the future, so she can only eat porridge!!

This is also one of the factors considered by bigmom.

On the other side, in the palace of the resident, Monet was also very considerate to refill Gromash who was thinking about something with a cup of tea, and then smiled and said with a smile: "At first, I thought it was the old woman who was watching. As for you, I didn't expect a beauty to marry you. Captain, you stared at someone's legs for so long, so why didn't you just agree?


"Jiehahahaha, I'm afraid you will be jealous with Robin and kill me again." Gromash said with a laugh.

Monet was also a little embarrassed and said, "Actually, I mainly want to see your resurrection ability... It's not the cause of the mess.

"Ah? Really??" Gromash stared at Monet ill-intentionally, until he turned away from the sight of Monet who was a little shy, he said again: "It has nothing to do with that, that Smoo Ji is indeed very beautiful and has a great body, but the bigmom pirate group is not a good thing. I don't bother to use marriage as a means to do this.

Things, rather than teaming up, I would rather kill them if I have the opportunity."

Naval Headquarters-Marinford, at this time Sengoku Admiral is looking at some reports in his hand. Since recently, Marshal Kong, who had been promoted to be transferred, was once again hinted by the World government, not surprisingly If this is the case, he will soon be transferred to the army commander in chief. It is said that his road to promotion is also miserable. Was it good last time?

It's easy to get promoted, Golden Lion- Shiki has a good jailbreak scene, which prolongs him indefinitely, and this time maybe he will be stepped on by the fellow Tiger...

However, these are all things to do. At this time, Marshal 3.8 Kong will not foresee the future, so he is also starting to gradually transfer the work on Marshal Marine to Sengoku, the Admiral and the "Marshal alternate, striving for a seamless connection as soon as possible. As soon as he walked, Sengoku was able to take up the post perfectly.

Sengoku Admiral put down the report in his hand and said with some headaches: "What do the Dragon Palace and Neptune think?? Have they forgotten their position as a member of the World government?? That Gromash marriage??"

"Ahahahahaha, although Gromash is a pirate, it is undeniable that that guy has a high reputation in The fish men island. It's not incomprehensible that Neptune would have this choice, isn't it??" Garp Vice Admiral laughed and said, then he paused, and continued with some unpleasantness: "After all, it is difficult for us to provide shelter to The fish men island.

Over time"

"Yes." Sengoku Admiral also sighed, and then he said: "The two guys from the bigmom pirate group have also left The fish men island, it seems that the negotiation has not been completed."

"Isn't that taken for granted? I said it a long time ago. Don't worry, you believe it now??" Garp Vice Admiral said indifferently.

"Of course it is a matter of course, but as Admiral of Marine, I have to prepare accordingly." Sengoku Admiral smiled and said. ,

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