I Am Hellscream

Chapter 182 Give Hokkubak a scapegoat.

In the resident martial arts field of the Frostwolf Pirates, Lu Qi is teaching Webber about Haki's power at this time.

"In short, this is what Armament Haki and Observation Haki mean. They can be gradually strengthened through continuous tempering day and night and the breakthrough of strong pressure during the battle against strong enemies. The strength of the real Haki strong is also very terrifying and powerful. Not weaker than our Demon fruit power. According to Gromash, Marine

There is a strong man who has trained Haki to Ultimate, that is the Marine hero-Monkey-D. Garp, he is called the strongest Marine, and is also one of the few men who have the strongest name in the world. Gromash seems to have been I was almost killed by him, and now I don't know whether the two are strong or weak. "Lu Qi said as he put Wu on his arm

Pretending Haki's power dissipated.

Weber was a little surprised and said: "Almost killed Captain Gromash?? Isn't it??"

"Will I lie to you about this kind of thing??? But as Gromash said, that Garp is a monster. Whoever dares to look down on his iron fist will suffer a big loss. If you meet him in the future, if you are weak It's best to turn around and run, and don't even try to tentatively fight." Lu Qi waved his hand and said.

"What about Conqueror's Haki??" Weber didn't worry too much about Garp's strength, but asked other questions.

"Conqueror's Haki? I don't know. Gromash said this kind of thing is based on luck. It cannot be learned through practice. You can only see your own destiny. Anyway, I have not seen it. It is said that Doflamingo seems to have this ability, but it seems to be nothing. That's a big deal." Lu Qi said nonchalantly.

"What about the captain?? 01 won't he??" Webber asked again.

"Well, no, I haven't seen him use it anyway, but I believe Gromash must be there, but I haven't met the person or thing that can make him inspire Conqueror's Haki. Simply put, the stimulation is not in place. "Lu Qi nodded and said.

"Really?? It seems that this kind of power is indeed not something that Guy can covet now," Webber smacked his lips.

"Hahahaha, don't worry, as long as the heart is wild enough and the life is hard enough, no one can say that this kind of power is not in anyone's body? Isn't it? Maybe you will be inspired someday??" Lu Qi said with a laugh.

While Lu Qi was talking about these things to Weber, a strong and mighty murloc was a little embarrassed to stretch his head from the gate of the martial arts field to look inside. After seeing Lu Qi, he was also very surprised. Liang, before he could do anything, Drake who followed him pushed him and said, "What's the embarrassment??

Get in now.

The murloc was pushed by Drake and quickly walked to Lu Qi and the others. He said shyly, "Senior Lu Qi, I am a trainee crew member Huo who was just approved to join our Frostwolf Pirates today. Dee Jones, please take care of you in the future..."

"Crew trainee??" Lu Qi asked a little strangely, and Drake said in a terrible way: "Yes, with the addition of Hordy, Drake finally got rid of the name of the crew trainee and became The real crew!!"

Lu Qi looked at Drake, who was stinky, and then said, "Even if you are not a trainee crew member, I am also your senior."

Then Lu Qi looked at Hodie Jones again, and then said: "I know you, Arlong's little follower, first of all congratulations to you, you can join our Frostwolf Pirates."

Hordy Jones also nodded quickly and said with excitement: "Yes, when the Gromash boss nodded his approval, I thought I was dreaming. I always wanted to join the Frostwolf Pirates and become this ship. The members of the boat have finally got their wish now. I will definitely learn like Senior Drake in the future, and I will become a regular one as soon as possible.

Official crew"

"Hahahaha, it doesn't really make a difference. If you don't believe me, ask Drake, giving you the name of a trainee crew is also a way for you to settle down to do things and practice." Lu Qi said with a smile.

Then he paused, then looked at Drake and Hodie Jones, and asked again: "Then what do you two come to me for??"

Drake smiled and said, "Captain Gromash said that he will let Hordi learn about martial arts with you, whether it is Murloc Karate or Six Forms or Haki's power, as long as Hordi is interested, he can teach him. give him""

"Senior Lu Qi will also know our Murloc's martial arts-Karate??" Hodie Jones suddenly asked in surprise.

"Well, yeah?? Not only yes, I think I am quite talented in this area, and I have already started to study Wulaiguan, one of the secrets." Lu Qi said very confidently.

I have to say that Lu Qi's talent is really the best in the world, especially in physical skills, martial arts and other aspects. Is the strongest?? Although the strength is not the strongest, but the aptitude is really the strongest.

It is estimated that the reason why I was not worthy of that name in the early stage was because there were too many tasks, which dragged down the practice.Since I followed Gromash, Lu Qi's strength has been rising in a straight line, and it is about to soar.

"Isn't it??? This is the first time I heard that humans can learn and use our murloc karate," Dandy Jones said in surprise.

"Hahahaha, widen your vision and stand taller. Nothing in this world is absolutely impossible!! Do you know Murloc Karate?? If you can, it is better to use Murloc Karate, let's Let's compare the two??" Lu Qi suggested with a laugh.

Diandi Jones, as a murloc, is also very talented and pedigree. Great White Shark. Of course, he has also learned murloc karate, and he is really good at Master, so he came in interest and said: "That's great, let me see it!"

Drake and Weber gave them a place. Weber bit a cigarette and lit it and said, "Do you know how to do murloc karate??"

Drake shook his head and said, "I tried it, but I don't seem to be talented in this area. I don't know much about it."

"Really?? I have also been exposed to this martial art recently. It is really difficult to learn, and I don't know how Lu Qi did it." Weber smiled and spit out a puff of smoke.

"Well, after all, Senior Lu Qi is very valued by Captain Gromash. He often said more than once that he has a unique and powerful aptitude. From now on, he is indeed better than us," Drake said with a smile.

Drake paused after talking about this, then stretched out his palm and turned into a tyrannosaurus claw exuding ancient aura, then squeezed the claw and said, "But I don't have enough aptitude, try to make it together, I won't Because of this kind of trivial matter, I will give up on my own. Captain Gromash said that my ability is very rare, and my future achievements will be very high. I hope

I want to believe this.

At the same time, in the martial arts field, the exchange between Lu Qi and Hordy Jones also began.

As a great white shark man, Hodie Jones's character was full of offensive nature, so he took the lead without hesitation, kicked his feet and punched Lu Qi.

"Murloc karate. Kongwu mackerel!"

I saw Hodie Jones hit Lu Qi's chest with a right punch. As a murloc, he already had a strong power. If this trick goes on, most people will be killed or injured.

On the other hand, Lu Qi leaned back very quickly, avoiding his fist, and then suddenly grabbed Diandi Jones' wrist with one hand, and then the movement of his feet changed, and the whole person was leaning against Hordy. -Jones’s chest, and then he used his hand, and said softly: "Murloc Karate-Ocean Current Over the Shoulder-Change!"

In the next second, Hody Jones was thrown from behind by Lu Qi, and when he flew out, Lu Qi also stepped hard on his feet and quickly caught up with him. The palm of his hand was pressed against his back and he said, "Yamu-pump blood!"

As Lu Qi's voice fell, Hodie Jones also felt a sudden burst of power from his back, and then his chest was tight, and when he was about to be shocked, he found that the power was suddenly dispersed again. , And then he fell from the sky to the ground before he even thought about it.

Then he heard Lu Qi's voice and said: "It's too weak, even Webber and Drake are not as good as Drake. Starting today, you will be the third errand boy under my command. As your senior, I Lu Qi will Well temper your strengths, make you an excellent crew member, and don't discredit the Frostwolf Pirates."

Di-Jones also got up from the ground very excitedly and said: "Thank you, Senior Lucky, for being merciful just now. I delete Di-Jones and I will definitely work hard to become a man worthy of the Frostwolf Pirates banner!!"

117 After Webber wiped out the cigarette in his hand, he looked at Drake and said, "How do you feel that Hodie Jones seems to admire our Frostwolf Pirates so much??"

"Yes, he never denies this, and there are many people like him on The fish men island," Drake said with a smile.

The trajectory of Hodie Jones' fate has changed again. He got rid of his original identity as the big villain of The fish men island and joined the Frostwolf Pirates as an errand boy. Trainee crew, maybe one day in the future, he can also become A resounding man, not a waste wood who relied on "drug-taking" to be prestigious.

Speaking of this evil medicine, the small pill in Gromash's hand, who was sitting in the palace at this time, was the famous'E.S evil medicine'.

Looking at Gromash looking at the pill, Jinbei also said sincerely: "Although this kind of medicine can make personal potential erupt in a short period of time, its side effects are very strong, and it may even cause permanent damage and death. Don’t think about it. Your Majesty Neptune asked me to urge you on this matter."

That's right, it was Gromash who asked Jinbei to ask King Neptune if he had it, and if so, let him use it.

Neptune is also a big-hearted guy, or that he trusts Gromash very much, thinking that Gromash will not eat this thing indiscriminately, so he soon asked Jinbei to send a little bit of poison and formula.

"Jiehahahaha, don't worry, Jinbei, I'm not a fool. How could I eat this thing indiscriminately, but I really use it to study it." Gromash laughed and relieved Jinbei.

And Jinbei also nodded and said: "Your Majesty Neptune said, it doesn't matter what you want to do with these medicines. There are only two points. One is that you can't let it circulate in The fish men island, and the other is not to let people. Knowing that it came from Dragon Palace"

"Ah, don't worry, I know this kind of thing in my mind, what is the Dragon Palace? What is the murderous drug?? This is not our pervert genius doctor of the Frostwolf Pirates. Isn't it a powerful stimulant developed by Hogback??" Gromash Without hesitation, he buckled the pot on Houbak's head. .

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