I Am Hellscream

Chapter 197 Engrave the wolf's head and cut off the past.

This is a pirate, most people are romantic, and it is normal to have so few love histories of'song and weeping'. As a dignified Pluton, Rayleigh is very handsome on the sea, looks very handsome, and the person is also bold and generous. Strength is the top of the top, with this kind of foundation, people like him should be very attractive and able to attract Amazon-Lily

It’s normal for the previous emperors of China to do so. The so-called beauty loves heroes.

Although he is not a hero, Rayleigh is still an evil pirate, but the former emperor of Amazon-Lily is also a pirate, isn't he?? It makes sense to think about it.

So Gromash still understands Rayleigh very well. After all, he is not a person who is only loyal to a single goal. The bottom line of Gromash is to not confuse yourself in this aspect.

Seeing Rayleigh being beaten by Xia Qi on the table with a violent hammer, Gromash also said with emotion, "There is still true love in this."

If Rayleigh didn’t have a deep feeling for Xia Qi, he would be pressed on the table by Xia Qi and be beaten with no strength to fight back? There is no such thing, no one in this world can hang him Pluton so easily. Come up, the only one who can explain this phenomenon is'love', which shows that Rayleigh still attaches great importance to Xia Qi.

The reason why Xia Qi beats Rayleigh so hard is also because of "love." As a woman, facing her man is bragging about her'emotional history' with other men, it is strange that she is not angry or jealous, presumably Rayleigh also understands this truth, knowing what the reason is, only "one seventeen" will be willing to be beaten by Xia Qi.

But fortunately, Xia Qi was not too angry. Who didn’t have a romantic feeling when she was young? She thought that Xia Qi was also a flower among Pirates. Pirate Overlord and Rocks wanted to pursue her. But in the end, Rayleigh was chased by the old man.

After getting out of anger, Xia Qi stopped worrying about Rayleigh. She looked at Gromash and said, "Mariejois just had an accident last night, and you have arrived at Sabaody Archipelago today. Surely this has nothing to do with you, right? ?"

"Sister, you see what you are saying, it seems like this World government has something to do with my Gromash." Gromash was also shocked by Xia Qi, who was still stained with Rayleigh's nosebleeds on his hands, and quickly laughed. Said.

"Just ask if it has anything to do with you??" Xia Qi also said casually.

Gromash chuckled, and then said, "A little bit, just a little bit."

As he spoke, he made gestures with his hands, showing the size of a fingernail.

However, this matter has nothing to do with Xia Qi, so she was just curious and confirmed her guess by the way, so she also said very indifferently: "You guys talk first, I'll go wash my hands."

After Xia Qi left, Gromash couldn't help but laughed at Rayleigh's bruised face.

"Jiehahahahaha, it's really shameful, Tangtang Pluton was beaten into such a pig's head and he didn't dare to fight back." Gromash gleefully said.

Rayleigh rubbed the corners of his bruised eyes, then reached out his hand to wipe a nosebleed, looked at Gromash disdainfully, and said, "You are also qualified to laugh at me?? I heard Lu Qi and the little guys have said Yes, not long ago, you guy was killed by Robin and Monet in The fish men island for being "jealous" ー time, right?? Let's go to each other


Gromash was also taken aback after hearing Rayleigh's words, and then said very angrily: "Fucking, I won't beat Lu Qi's ass to eight petals before I go back. He is so talented, what's wrong? Laozi shook her face out."

Rayleigh took out a tissue to wipe off the nosebleeds on his face, and said: "Your kid is also amazing. Even the princess of The fish men island has taken it down. That's a baby. You can do it too???"

Gromash also reluctantly said: "This is a misunderstanding, besides, how can I have such a ghost?? This is just a marriage contract."

"No, no, no, it is enough to be able to make a marriage contract with a baby who has just been born at your age, which is enough to prove your ghost," Rayleigh also waved his hand and said.

"Why do you have to hold onto this matter?? Are you trying to fight??" Gromash looked at Rayleigh, and said very uncomfortably.

"Do you think I have scruples on this Sabaody Archipelago now?? Just hit it, and see if you can hide it from the underground harbor after the Marines are recruited," Rayleigh also said confidently.

Just as the atmosphere between Gromash and Rayleigh became more and more tense, and the two were ready to weigh each other, Xia Qi also washed off the Bloodline in his hand, walked in, and looked at the tension between Gromash and Rayleigh. In the atmosphere, I didn’t worry about anything at all. Instead, he said to Gromash, “Ah, happy wedding, I won’t give you gifts.


Gromash almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood after hearing these words, and then he said helplessly: "Sure enough, you are still a family. At the critical moment, the big sister you still abandoned me and stood on Rayleigh's side."

"Isn't this taken for granted?? He is my man, and you are not." Xia Qi said casually.

After hearing these words, Rayleigh said happily: "Yes, this is our home court.

Rayleigh fouled with Gromash first, then he straightened his face a little, and asked curiously: "You seem to have awakened that kind of power?? Conqueror's Haki."

From the momentum confrontation between the two just now, Rayleigh also faintly discovered that there is a shocking power in Gromash that seems to have not been completely controlled, and it is always a bit ready to come out. After some taste, Rayleigh also confirmed that that power is. Only one Conqueror's Haki appears in a million people.

Gromash flipped through Byakugan and said, "Why? Does it make you incredible that Gromash has the aptitude of the'king"??"

Rayleigh smiled and said, "That's not true. On the contrary, you said that you didn't awaken Conqueror's Haki before, which made me feel weird. Then what was the opportunity for your awakening this time?? And where did you do it with someone ruthless? Did it happen?? Or was it collided by someone's Conqueror's Haki, and involuntarily launched a counterattack??"

Generally speaking, in a close battle, it is very likely to trigger and awaken Conqueror's Haki, or in a competition of momentum, unwillingness and strong enthusiasm will arouse Conqueror's Haki in the human body.

The reason why Rayleigh asks this is also for this reason.

Gromash shook his head and said, "That's not true. I haven't had any hands with anyone in the last few days, and I haven't been hit by someone's Conqueror's Haki. I just felt something, and I naturally awakened. It was yesterday. matter."

Rayleigh was silent for a while after hearing Gromash's words, and then said, "This is a bit like Roger."

"Jiehahahahaha, maybe it's proving that I'm the next One Piece??" Gromash said with a big laugh.

While Rayleigh and Gromash were chatting here, in the Sabaody Archipelago station not far away, the four of Lu Qi were also curiously asking about Tezolo.

Lu Qi touched Tezolo's back and said, "That is to say, Gromash rescued you at Mariejois last night?? This brand is the hoof of the Sky Dragon??"

"Yeah" Tezolo still said few words, but nodded and admitted his slave status.

Lu Qi and the others did not have any prejudice against people of this kind of "slave" origin. Hodie Jones even gritted his teeth and said: "The mermaid compatriots who were rescued by the Gromash boss at the beginning also have this kind of thing on them. The imprint that cannot be removed is a symbol of shame and hatred. Sooner or later, I will be killed for a few days.

Dragon people, eat their meat and drink their blood."

This guy Lu Qi also looked at Hodie Jones, and then said with emotion, "You really look more and more like our Frostwolf Pirates."

Caddy Jones's originally angry expression instantly became brighter, and said to Lu Qi, "Senior Lu Qi, is it really?? Where is it? Tell me, I will continue to work hard!! "

Lu Qi smacked his lips and said, "At this point in pervert, you look more and more like an ogre-Cromwell."

Just when Hodie Jones's face was bitter, Lu Qi did not continue to tease him, but asked: "Yes, how did those mermaid sisters deal with this brand in the end??"

"Tattoos can only be covered, there is no other way, but now, Mr. Hokkubak should have a way to get rid of this brand." Hody Jones thought for a while and said 0.

Drake first looked at Weber who seemed to be "it doesn’t matter what he is hanging up high", and then asked Tezolo, “Then what do you do with this brand? Is it to keep it or to have a tattoo or something? manage??"

Tezolo was silent for a while, and then closed his eyes with a slight pain, as if recalling the scene when he was imprinted with this shame, and as if recalling the tragic death of Stella in the Holy Land-Mariejois.

When Lu Qi and the others saw this scene, they sighed softly without urging anything.

After a long time, Tezolo opened his eyes and said, "This brand is the source of my pain and darkness, and it is a symbol of shame and inferiority. I don't want to bear it anymore, but I don't want to forget this hatred. If you can, please Let me cover it with a tattoo."

"Yes, yes, do you want to know what tattoo to use??" Drake asked again.

Tezolo hesitated for a while, and shook his head after thinking about it for a while and said, "I never thought about this kind of problem, so for a while."

At this moment, Lu Qi laughed and unbuttoned his suit, then took off his shirt together, and then revealed that he was full of strong, strong, tight muscles, and said with his upper body naked: "That what do you think about this??,

After speaking, Lu Qi turned around, exposed his back, and let Tezolo take a look.

I saw the head of a lifelike Frostwolf tattooed on Lu Qi's back, and the wolf's head showed its squalid fangs. It seemed to be roaring. Although it was a carved dead object, its fierce gaze seemed to be It's like a smart living thing, possessing the power of shocking people's heart.

"This is Frostwolf. When you passed outside before, you should have seen the big guy lying at the gate of the martial arts field?? That is Gromash's pet, named White Fang, it is Frostwolf 3.8, and there is one The fish men island, they are loyal, brave, fierce, and strong. They are my favorite animals and the symbol of our Frostwolf Pirates. How about?

Isn't handsome?? Do you want to get a tattoo like me??" Lu Qi said enthusiastically.

Drake also smiled and unbuttoned his clothes, exposing his chest and said, "Yes, we all love it."

I saw a tattoo of the head of the Frostwolf on his chest roaring there, and Hodie Jones was also very excited and said, "I have it too, and I have it too!!"

He rolled up his sleeves, and on the top of his arms, there was also a Frostwolf head.

Leaning against the wall, Weber, who has not spoken, also patted the outside of his thigh, and said, "Mine is here."

At this time, Lu Qi said: "This kind of tattoo is very popular in our Frostwolf Pirates. After you get the tattoo, no one will discover this secret again because we are all the same!"

Tezolo seemed to be a little touched too. He finally nodded and said, "Then get this tattoo, tattoo artist."

Weber threw the cigarette in his mouth on the ground and trampled it out and said, "I am the queen tattoo artist of the Frostwolf Pirates. Come with me, soon."

"Yes, their Shandia tattoos are very powerful, and I'm sure to please you." Drake also laughed.

"Engrave the head of the Frostwolf, cut off the past," Lu Qi said with a smile too. .

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