I Am Hellscream

Chapter 198 Misunderstand.

Although Gloriosa said that he would come to Sabaody Archipelago soon to pick up the Hancock three sisters, Nine Snake Island is located in the Calm Belt, and there is still some distance from Sabaody Archipelago. It would take a few days to rush over from there.

So Hancock and their three little sisters have to live in Sabaody Archipelago for a few days.

Rayleigh and Xia Qi’s tavern is so big with sesame mung beans, naturally, there are not too many people to live in, so in the middle of the night, Gromash took their three sisters and left the tavern, and headed not far away. Walked to his resident.

In view of Rayleigh's inconspicuous appearance, the Hancock three sisters obviously have higher respect and trust in Gromash. I saw Hancock walking behind Gromash and suddenly said, "Master Gromash, our three sisters will remember. Those who live with your kindness represent the entire Nine Snake Island, the entire Amazon-Lily!"

Gromash also froze after hearing Hancock's words suddenly, and then laughed and said, "Why does it represent Nine Snake Island and Amazon. Lily??"

Hancock was silent for a while, then squeezed his fist and said, "I will become the next-generation emperor of Amazon-Lily. I will become the captain of the Nine Snakes and Pirates. People rob us of our freedom!"

Gromash looked at Hancock who was swearing here, then smiled and said, "Then go and work hard."

After the group of them came to this station, the three Hancock sisters also saw Tezolo, who was still very gloomy before and didn't want to talk very much.It seemed that he had made some good changes in this short period of time. Although the whole person still looks very gloomy, it is not as strong as before, and it seems to have experienced some good things.

As a "companion of fate" who was rescued by Gromash from Mariejois, Hancock still asked curiously, "Are you better??"

Tezolo looked at Hancock, then nodded and said, "Self-pity and self-sorrow are useless, isn't it??"

After speaking, Tezolo loosened his clothes a little bit. Just when Gromash thought this kid was going to be a gangster, he turned around and revealed the wolf head that had just been engraved on his back and said, "This is mine. I can't help you in the new beginning, I can only let you refer to it.. Maybe you also need a new development like this


Gromash smiled after seeing the wolf head, and said: "At first glance, it is the craftsmanship of that boy Weber. Only their Shandian tattoos can be so quick and delicate. It only takes a while to disappear, you have already done so. The big thing is tattooed."

Although Tezolo was a bit distorted, he was still very grateful to Gromash. After hearing what Gromash said, he quickly put on his clothes and said: "Yes, Mr. Gromash is born. This is Weber's work. Thank you for bringing me. Saved from that hell, I have nothing to give you back, but I know that you are among the many people

I was selected to rescue me, it must be because of what value I have to you. I am willing to realize this value for you.."

"Jiehahahahaha, your kid is quite on the road, you are indeed valuable to me, but this value has not yet reached the time when it should be excavated, you still lack an opportunity, this opportunity needs to wait, so Just follow me and take a rest for a while. In a short time, there is nothing you need to do." "Gromash to Tezo

Luo was satisfied with his statement, smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said.

Tezolo nodded and said, "Everything is up to you.

Gromash did not ask if Tezolo would like to board his ship or become his partner. Tezolo had no way to go, and he never thought that he would be out of that hell one day. He breathed the sweet air of freedom, so he had no plans for his future.

So after being rescued by Gromash, he has decided to become a person of value to Gromash. This is his idea and the way he wants to go.

After Gromash saw the tattoo on his back, he already knew that this guy had made a decision when he was away just now. Otherwise, he will get the Frostwolf Pirates tattoo on his back if he is ill. Even if you want to cover the mark of Xianglong’s hoof that day, you can replace it with a separate one. He makes a Pleasant Goat or Peppa Pig.

Can't it?

After such a long journey, after a few years of nightmares, whether it was Tezolo or the three Hancock sisters, they were finally able to sleep peacefully.

No need to worry about being beaten by a whip, no more worrying about not having enough food, let alone the danger of life coming at any time. Although everything is so ordinary and ordinary, it is extremely precious.

The three Hancock sisters, who had cleaned themselves up again, lay on a big bed, covered with a soft quilt, recalling the past, and couldn't help sobbing.

After a long time, Hancock said, "Just like that Tezolo said, we also need a new start. The imprint on our back should also be covered with tattoos??"

"Sister, what do we get tattooed??" Sandersonia asked.

Originally, the three Hancock sisters didn't plan to get tattoos, they just made up a legend, something like the curse of the Siren-Medusa, their backs were cursed, and a Siren's eye grew out and saw this eye. People will be petrified or something...

However, although this reason is a bit tricky, they still managed to hide the fact that they were once slaves of Celestial Dragons very well, and they also effectively explained the whereabouts of their three sisters who have disappeared for so long. When the Straw Hat Pirates went to sea, they were discovered by Luffy.

But before they can think of this kind of "storytelling" method, Tezolo has taken the lead in setting an example and pointed out a "new" idea to them, allowing them to run along this road involuntarily. It's wrong.

"Master Gromash saved our lives, gave us new lives, and allowed us to start again. Since this is the case, this kindness can't be forgotten. Let's learn from Tezolo's tattoo on the back of the wolf head, right?? Hancock said softly.

Although she is the eldest of the three sisters, she is still just a girl in the end. She doesn't have many complicated thoughts, and she never thought that if she had this wolf head tattooed, she would misunderstand if she was seen in the future. Generally, only people from the Frostwolf Pirates will get this kind of tattoo, and the tattoos of Weber and their Shandia look very special.

People can't get that feeling.

Marigold and Sandersonia didn't even think about this kind of thing, so they nodded and said, "Well, let's tattoo the wolf head, and remember the kindness of Master Gromash forever."

In this way, early the next morning, the three Hancock sisters went to find the "Webber" in the conversation between Gromash and Tezolo yesterday, and wanted to find him to get the tattoo.

Webber is not difficult to find. Under normal circumstances, you can know if you just inquire about it in the resident. This guy is also a training freak. Tempering his own strength.

When the Hancock three sisters came to the martial arts field, the guy Webber was honing his six poses against a boulder in the air.

"Six Types. Profound Meaning-Six King Spears!"

As Webber's voice fell, he hit a shock wave against the boulder with both hands, shattering the stone a little, and seeing Hancock and the three sisters was very surprised.

However, Webber was a little dissatisfied and said: "Although it has been able to strike a shock wave, this power is still too weak.At the beginning, the guy Lu Qi played with his unarmed power like a platoon shell, and now I don't know how strong he has become. "

After he finished speaking, he also looked at the three Hancock sisters not far away, and then said with some confusion: "What are you three doing here??"

"Webber??" Hancock called out a little uncertain first.

Then Weber took out a cigarette, bit it in his mouth, lit it, and said: "^. Well, it's me.. Is there anything to do with me??"

Hancock also hurriedly said: "Yesterday Tezolo said that you can get a tattoo here. We also want to get that wolf head tattooed."

After Webber breathed out a puff of smoke, he looked at the three Hancock sisters, and then said: "So it's not just Tezolo, are you also?? People from Mariejois"

Although Hancock was a little sad, he nodded and said, "Yes."

Webber sighed and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone, come with me."

The reason why Weber agreed so happily was also because of a misunderstanding.Gromash did not take them with Rayleigh yesterday, but rejected them, so Weber didn't know that these three little sisters were not Gromash belts. It is the three crown princes of the Pirate Kingdom-Amazon-Lily who came to join their Frostwolf Pirates.

Soon the three of them will be taken away by the Amazon-Lily people.

And because Webber didn't know this, and last night Gromash, he brought the three of them to the resident to live, causing Webber to misunderstand. He thought these three little sisters would be with the previous Tezo. Like Luo, he soon joined the Frostwolf Pirates group, so he would tattoo the three of them with wolf heads.

Outside the door, Weber also urged: "Can you move faster?? Just show that small piece of back, and I am not the captain who likes young girls pervert and I have a lover.

Webber didn't lie. He really has no interest in the three sisters of Hancock. He is a very loyal person, and he is indeed gone. His partner is the female warrior of the Shandia clan-Laki.

It was already noon when Gromash saw the Hancock three sisters again. At this time, Gromash threw up and down the guy who dared to shake Rayleigh in the martial arts field, and cursed. : "You bastard, I will let you talk to Rayleigh again!!"

"Senior Rayleigh is not an outsider, do you dare to do it and you dare not be??" Lu Qi turned into thunder and disappeared from the place, and he retorted.

As soon as Gromash Observation Haki opened, after capturing Lu Qi's breath, he suddenly released his Conqueror's Haki at Lu Qi, and instantly caught Lu Qi by surprise, just when Lu Qi was shocked by Conqueror's Haki. At that moment, Gromash's big hand that wrapped Armament Haki also grabbed Lu Qi's arm and pushed him to the ground.

A tugging, and then a crackling slap covered Lu Qi's ass.

"I'll make you fart again, is Thunder Fruit fast?? Do you think I can't catch you??" Gromash cursed while beating.

Lu Qi was also screaming and screaming, and after Gromash was exhausted, he let him go, but Lu Qi did not complain to Gromash, but was very excited while rubbing his butt and talking : "What is the power of オ just now?? It's weird?? It's a bit like your aura, but it doesn't seem to be able to teach me

Is it so handsome!!"

Gromash looked at Lu Qi, a guy who remembered eating or not, and was speechless. Then he said, "It's Conqueror's Haki."

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