I Am Hellscream

Chapter 416 The waves are coming day by day.

East Blue, West Robb Village, Gromash's "little nephew" Usopp has now become an arrogant young man.

Without the childishness of the year, and being taken care of by Kaya's father, the "big master", Usopp is still a bit timid and fearful in character, but it is indeed much better than before.

His heart was full of longing for the sea. At this time, he was counting the time to live, waiting for the day he became an adult, and then went to sea to be a qualified and brave seamount warrior!

Perhaps it was because of the influence on Gromash. At this time Usopp didn't waste time by taking a few younger brothers and acting as pirates, but he was really training his physical stamina.

Because he was full, dressed warmly, and was well taken care of by the "Master" in his daily life, Usopp at this time did not have the thinness that he felt at the beginning.

"One hundred eighty-seven, one hundred eighty-eight, one hundred and eighty-nine." Usopp kept doing push-ups on the empty flat ground in the forest, while counting to himself.

In a group of two hundred, this is already his third set of push-ups today.At this time, Usopp was naked with his upper body, and sweat continued to fall on the ground along his body, and some places had been soaked. This shows that his efforts are serious, not joking.

The guy Usopp has a very good figure. His exercises did not make him a "muscle brother expensive" model. Through these years of self-supervision, the muscles on Usopp are very tight and the lines are very perfect. It looks full. Regulations are the kind of muscle tissue that has burst out but is very "thin".

Just when Usopp made this third set of push-ups to the 199th, a slender figure came out from the other side of the grove, carrying a bento box in her hand, and licking herself with her fingers. The broken hair on the forehead then smiled happily when he saw Usopp.

"Usopp, you really are here, are you still training?? Let me say that you are already very good, and the guards of your father are no longer your opponents..." Miss Kaya smiled and said to Usopp.

"Two hundred..." After Usopp exhausted his last strength and finished the last push-up, he immediately lay on the dirty ground. Then he breathed heavily and said, "Finally done, tired. I'm dead"

"Get up, I'll help you wipe the dust off your body. Really, every time I get dirty, can't you just shop here for training???" Kaya helped Usopp up, While taking out the prepared wet towel, he helped Usopp to wipe the sweat and stains on his body.

With a towel across the muscles behind Usopp, Kaya's face turned red involuntarily. Originally, the relationship between her and Usopp was very good. Later, Usopp was directly received by the'big master' under the commission of Gromash. Go live at home.

The old man himself is also very optimistic about Usopp, so there is no family ethics drama that shows blood, and the relationship between Usopp and Kaya also accumulates quickly.

Now the two are almost confessing to each other.

"It's no good to be stronger than the guard of the great master. The sea is very dangerous. I want to be a great pirate like my father and Uncle Gromash, and a warrior on the sea, so these are just the beginning. Good physical strength alone doesn’t mean anything. I can’t even touch many powerful martial arts and physical skills.

So now I can only rely on some cleverness and this hard work. 々''” Usopp said with a smile, and took out a small slingshot from his pocket. It seems that although he is working hard to train himself, he has not let go of himself at the same time. Ah's specialty.

But this is also normal. After all, this training physical fitness does not conflict with these specialties. On the contrary, it should be complementary.

"Are you really going to sea?? If you go to sea, will we not see each other for a long time?? It's like" Kaya stopped talking here, she wanted to say "It's like yours Father Yasopp is the same." But these words seemed a bit hurtful, so the gentle Kaya still didn't say it.

Usopp is a very smart guy. He can hear what Kaya means, but he is not angry. Yasopp, the father, is very irresponsible. He hasn't come back to see him for so many years, so I can't let anyone say anything. ??

At the same time, Usopp's current thoughts also include going to the sea to find Yasopp and asking him what is going on.

The atmosphere fell silent a bit, and then Usopp smiled and said, "Kaya, I am going to be a man of the sea warrior, but I assure you that when I truly become a sea warrior, I will definitely come back."

After hearing Usopp's guarantee, the gentle and kind girl Kaya didn't doubt anything at all, but quickly nodded and said: "Well, I will definitely wait for you to come back..."

After speaking, Kaya seemed to feel that the meaning in his words seemed a little wrong, and his face flushed quickly.

And Usopp didn't notice anything wrong. After he finished packing up these, he started to eat the lunch box Kaya brought him.

Seeing Usopp's gorging appearance, Kaya couldn't help thinking about it.

"Usopp wants to be a warrior on the sea. What is my goal? The sea is so dangerous. Usopp will be inevitably injured. It's better for me to study medicine. When he comes back, I will be able to Helped him heal the injury, ah, it looks pretty good!" Kaya thought about it and laughed.

In this way, in this quiet and peaceful Silobu village, Usopp, the future sea warrior, is working hard for his dream. At the same time, there is also a gentle daughter who has begun to sprout from a young girl's heart to support him silently.

I have to say that from a certain point of view, Usopp has become a winner in life before he goes to sea. The only daughter of a monopoly has a soft spot for him, so happy.

At the same time, in a sea area not far away from Silob Village, a weird-looking ship is staying in this sea area. This ship is the famous high-end restaurant in East Blue cuisine.

Its name is Barati, Restaurant on the Sea.

Bharati restaurant is well-known in East Blue. This restaurant was opened by the retired pirate Redfoot Zhefu. Long ago, he was also regarded as a somewhat famous pirate who walked out of East Blue and took him. The chef pirate group also broke into the first half of the Grand Line, but then there was an accident, and finally he took Sanji, the hapless kid, back with him.

Arrived in East Blue, opened the sea restaurant-Bharati.

Although he is a retired pirate, he did not do anything too much in his career as a pirate, and the bounty is not much, and his cooking skills are very high, and he started in East Blue. After entering the restaurant, there was no big mess, so for the sake of good food, the Marines of East Blue basically turned a blind eye to this guy.

For a glance, the Barati restaurant has even become a good place for those Marine officers to "pick up". If you have any appointments, you will come here to have a meal first.

On the deck of the Barati restaurant, Vinsmoke Sanji has short blond hair and a handsome face, with his eyebrows slightly curving.

"ALL-BLUE, the ultimate dream sea that gathers all the cooking ingredients from all the oceans of the world, where is it hidden in this world??" Sanji gently spit out a puff of smoke and whispered softly.

As the third son of the Vinsmoke family, Sanji, a member of the Vinsmoke family, is still very different. He was "developed" as a "fighting machine" and he was incompatible with the cold Vinsmoke family. In the end, he was young with the help of his sister Reiju. I still escaped from that indifferent place, after going through a fight, and finally mixed with Zhefu, and learned a good hand.


With the passage of time, Sanji gradually became a man who was almost able to go to sea on his own. He also began to reminisce about his childhood dream to find the dreamy sea of ​​ingredients called'ALLBLUE'.

"^, is it time to go to sea??" Sanji bit his cigarette and whispered softly.

At some point, Tetsuo, a bloated cook pirate, walked behind Sanji. He twisted two of his braids with his hands, and then suddenly said, "If you want to go, just get out of here."

"If I leave, won't your broken restaurant go bankrupt??? I'm still waiting for you to earn enough money for the pension, I'll leave at Xiaojiu..." After hearing what Tetsuo said, Sanji lightly With a light flick, the smoke-handle bomb flew to the surface of the sea, and then Tsundere spoke very much.

After speaking, Sanji didn't linger on this deck, let alone say a few words to Zhefu, turned around and went back to the restaurant to get busy.

Seeing Sanji's back, Zhefu's straight beard trembled involuntarily, and said with a smile: "It's really an awkward guy, but being a pirate should be very promising, right??? Haha Ha ha"

In this way, except for Luffy who is still in the windmill village and don't know what to do, the rest will meet in East Blue in the future, and the members of the Straw Hat Pirates of Yuma Grand Line will be more or less. He has already begun to have this kind of thought, and the wave of this new generation of pirates has gradually begun to arrive...only.

Time just passed by inadvertently. In the first half of the Grand Line, after leaving the territory of the Demon Lord Gromash, Ace, who had experienced many difficulties and obstacles, finally took his Pirates of Spades to board the Sabaody Archipelago. NS.

On the deck of their newly bought pirate ship, Deputy Captain Duuse looked at the wanted order in his hand a little strangely (to Zhao), and then said: "It is strange that 300 million shells are strange, Captain Ace, we haven't had much lately. Offend the World government?? Why do I always feel that Marine's efforts to hunt us and the bounty are increasing faster and faster??

"Ahahaha, do you still need to think about it??? It must be because they found that our potential is becoming more and more obvious, and they want to eradicate us earlier?? Or maybe it is because the distance from here to the Naval Headquarters-Mallinford is getting more and more. Near??" Ace said carelessly, without any sense of crisis at all.

As everyone knows, during this period of time, Marine's pursuit of him gradually increased because Marshal Sengoku already knew that Ace was Roger's bloodline.

It's just that Marshal Sengoku is a bit hesitant now. This kind of thing is rare for him, and the final reason for him hesitation is that he is still considering whether to give Ace another "chance". .

After a period of calming down, Marshal Sengoku also wanted to understand that Ace is Roger's son, yes, but he was not born sinful. What Garp did in the past was put in the overall situation of the World government, and it was indeed done. It was wrong, but from the perspective of life and justice, he couldn't say that Garp was wrong.

Marshal Sengoku, who has already experienced the pain of losing his son, did not want Garp to experience this feeling. , Sengoku certainly doesn’t want Garp hurt

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