I Am Hellscream

Chapter 417 The surging Sabaody Archipelago.

After some meditation, Marshal Sengoku called Admiral Kuzan, the salted fish who had nothing to do in the headquarters.

Since Kuzan became Admiral, he basically hasn't done anything serious. It's not that he is really lazy. The main reason is that Admiral's position is really high. Under normal circumstances, it is regarded as a "card face". For letting people see, and waiting for small tasks, they won't let people with this kind of combat power be dispatched.

In recent years, the sea is still stable. Even if something happens, it is something that Admiral can't control. It's beyond reach.

As a result, Kuzan became more lazy over time. On weekdays, he was either sleeping or riding his bicycle and sneaking out to sea. It really made him live a kind of civil servant who takes up idle jobs. 'a feeling of.

When Kuzan came to Marshal Sengoku's office, there was still the blindfold on his head that was specially prepared for him to have a good night's sleep anytime, anywhere. Of course, as time passed, Kuzan was caught by the road. Qi Teng'er's explosive head has long been adjusted back to its original appearance by him, and the temperament of the whole person has returned to that kind.

In a very lazy state.

I saw him first greeted Marshal Sengoku, then consciously sat on the sofa, picked up an empty teacup, and handed himself a cup of tea, waiting for Marshal Sengoku's order.

Marshal Sengoku quickly handled the important matters at hand, and then looked at Kuzan who was drinking tea, sighed and said, "If you dare to wear this blindfold when you are on a mission, I have to take care of it. I can't clean up your meal."

Kuzan quickly took off the blindfold after hearing Marshal Sengoku's words, tucked it into his pocket, and said, "I am also an Admiral from Marine, so I will pay attention to this image."

Kuzan is also an old member of the Sengoku faction. The two of them are now the big brothers of the Marine dove, but they are always more qualified to be Marshal Sengoku. In addition, Marshal Sengoku has always taken care of Kuzan, so Kuzan still respects Marshal Sengoku in his heart~.

"Well, it's okay if you understand, this time there is a task for you to do." Marshal Sengoku nodded and said-said.

"Does it require a task dispatched by our Admiral-level people?? It shouldn't be a trivial matter?? Has there been any problem in the ocean recently??" Kuzan asked with a nice-and-weird opening.

"No, it's not a major event that can affect the situation." Marshal Sengoku paused when he said, then looked into Kuzan's eyes, and said again: "Firefist, Portgas-D-Ace, you should know this person. Bar??"

"Ah, of course, there is a reward of 300 million Baileys, this year's Pirate super rookie Logia- Mera-mera Fruit ability person, how do you think it is a headache for me, even more headache is that he belongs to Mr. Garp Isn't the grandson??" Kuzan scratched the back of his hairy head and said helplessly.

Regarding the matter that Ace is Roger's bloodline, although Marshal Sengoku has received a tangible answer from Garp Vice Admiral, he still did not tell anyone about this matter, if it weren't for the Tsuru Chief Staff and Gion Two at the time. People happened to be at the scene, and the two of them wouldn't know about it, and now, both of them have been sealed by Marshal Sengoku.

Ordered, I can’t bring this up to anyone.

So even if it was Marine Admiral Kuzan, he still didn't know that this Portgas-D-Ace was Roger's bloodline, only that he was a somewhat tricky "little problem".

After hearing what Kuzan said, Marshal Sengoku did not say much, let alone pierce Ace's true identity, but said, "Well, what I want to say is this. This Ace has great potential and aptitude. I also got the powerful ability of Mera-mera Fruit. Just give him a little time, he will definitely shine, so even

He is Garp's grandson, and we can't let him continue to mess around. In the first half of the Grand Line, we Marine can also restrict him. If he enters the New World, he will definitely become a dragon. Therefore, he cannot be allowed to enter the New World. According to our investigation, the Pirates of Spades group led by Ace is already fast.

It’s almost time to arrive at Sabaody Archipelago, so just go there, catch him there and send him to Malinford to give him a good education.”

"Sabaody Archipelago?? It's also a complicated place. The island of Celestial Dragons was taken over by the Frostwolf Pirates and the two sides were invisible to each other. There are a lot of criminals entrenched on the island, and the pirates are also invisible. A lot of it is really troublesome. The more troublesome the place, the greater the possibility of accidents. If there is an accident, what

What to do??" When Kuzan asked this sentence, a chill flashed in his eyes. Obviously, the question in his mouth was not about "Ace ran away," but about what happened. If you do, do you want to be true.

After hearing Kuzan’s words, Marshal Sengoku thought a little bit and said, “The main goal is to capture Portgas-D-Ace. Try not to conflict with the Frostwolf Pirates. In the case of Celestial Dragons, the priority is To protect Celestial Dragons, as long as you don't kill Ace on the spot whenever necessary, you can use any other means!"

For Marshal Sengoku, from which aspect Ace considers, he belongs to the person who'can not kill, don't kill first'. From a pure Marine perspective, Ace is the son of Roger, and the benefits of capturing him alive are obviously to be compared. The benefit of killing him is much greater. From Sengoku's personal point of view, Ace is also Garp's grandson.

He can't do it either.

After hearing Marshal Sengoku's words, Kuzan couldn't help but smiled and said, "Don't be kidding, Marshal Sengoku, even if you don't tell me, I don't dare to kill Mr. Garp's grandson casually, otherwise I will later. How do you face Mr. Garp??"

Garp has always taken good care of Kuzan. In other words, Kuzan is a small follower who was brought up by Garp. There is nothing wrong with this. Kuzan respects Garp very much, so he will let him go many times in the future. With Luffy this guy, if this is changed to let Luffy meet Sakazuki, it is estimated that even the ashes will not be found. It can be seen that,

Kuzan is still very human. In him, human justice is much more than absolute justice.

Finally, after Kuzan said a few words to Marshal Sengoku, he was about to turn around to clean up and head to Sabaody Archipelago for a'vacation', but just when he was about to open the door and leave, Marshal Sengoku thought about it and finally ordered again. One sentence.

"At the end of the day, if a troublesome guy really caused an accident, you can try to test whether Portgas-D-Ace has the intention of joining Seven Warlords of the Sea," Marshal Sengoku said softly.

And Kuzan, who was about to push the door, paused for a while, changing to Seven Warlords of the Sea is not a trivial matter, it is enough to make some big waves on the calm sea nowadays, and Kuzan can also see from it. Thanks to Marshal Sengoku's painstaking efforts, it can be said that Marshal Sengoku has done the best for Mr. Garp's grandson, even Kuzan can feel it.

The friendship in this, and in Kuzan's view, this is Marshal Sengoku's rare "hands of mercy", because Kuzan knows very well, don't look at Marshal Sengoku's kind eyebrows all day, in fact, he is also a man with a hard heart. Otherwise, I wouldn't have thrown Ohara out of Buster Call without saying a word.

Thinking of this, Kuzan smiled. Compared to the cold Marine, he prefers the Marine in this atmosphere. When he opened the door, he smiled and said, "Understood, Marshal Sengoku!

At the same time, on the Sabaody Archipelago, Lu Qi was idle and had nothing to do. He also ran here to find his little brothers to play.

0-Seeking flowers...

Although Lu Qi always likes to do things, his popularity in the Frostwolf Pirates is very good, except that Monet, Robin and Sugar are united front, and often "cannot get through" with him, the rest The people are very friendly to Lu Qi.

And those "newcomers" who joined Gromash's command late are basically counted as one, and they are all brought by Lu Qi.

After all, compared to other cadres, although Lu Qi also has some responsibilities on his shoulders, his detached character makes him always a cadre of the “warrior faction”, so in addition to fighting, he is really not too Many tasks, so in order for Gromash to make him less trouble, as long as a potential newcomer joins in these years, he will basically be dumped by him.

Lu Qi taught and subtly made Lu Qi the role of the "Instructor" in the Frostwolf Pirates, which also saved himself a lot of things.

What is it like Drake, Weber, and today's big cadres, they used to follow Lu Qi before, didn't they??

In Xia Qi's rip-off tavern, Lu Qi was gathering with Hodie Jones, Bartolomio, and the rest of the Frostwolf Pirates.

"Senior Lu Qi, what kind of milk do you drink on this occasion, come, drink this!!" Hodie Jones has a very good relationship with Lu Qi. He saw Lu Qi was still preparing to unscrew his own milk in this situation. So he stretched out his hand to grab the bottle without saying a word, and handed Lu Qi a glass of wine.

Lu Qi himself rarely drinks alcohol. When he was young, he often wanted to taste the taste of wine when he was with Gromash. Later, under Gromash's "high pressure policy", he inexplicably became a'milk control'. For Lu Qi, you can skip meals every day, but you absolutely must drink milk.

With a favorite drink, he naturally became less interested in wine, but at this time he did not reject anything disappointingly. What wine is it??"

Before Hodie Jones could speak, Mrs. Shaqi, who was mixing the wine, smiled and said: ``If you are a novice, don't bite the bullet and drink this. I named it'I won't go home tonight. ."

"Drink with confidence, Senior Lu Qi, this is oolong tea," Bartolomio said with a slap on Lu Qi's back and laughed.

Just when Lu Qi was a little unsure of his attention, Rayleigh, the old Buxiu, walked in from the door carrying his fishing rod, looked at the wine glass in Lu Qi's hand, and said with a smile: "Lu Qi, it's been a long time since I saw you. , Are you planning to live in our store??"

Not to mention the joy of Lucy and the others in the tavern, nor to mention that Kuzan's Admiral vehicle-class warship has slowly sailed out of Naval Headquarters. Malinford.

In the port of Sabaody Archipelago illegal zone, the ships of the Spades Pirates also steadily moored in.

Looking at the staff at the port who collected the'management fee', Ace's expression was bitter, and then he said, "Dius, have you ever asked? Is this Sabaody Archipelago the site of the Frostwolf Pirates? Why is there? People who have familiar signs on them???"

While throwing the anchor into the port, Dius said, "It's almost like this. Sabaody Archipelago is the most complicated island in the first half of the Grand Line. This archipelago is under the direct jurisdiction of Celestial Dragons in name. Due to the large number of black forces entrenched here, there are many illegal areas on the island, and now this illegal

The area is basically controlled by the Frostwolf Pirates, and it is very close to Naval Headquarters. Malinford is very close to Marineford. There is also a Marine station on the island. Therefore, there is a mixture of fish and dragons. We must be careful not to provoke the Frostwolf. The Pirates, last Ace, don’t provoke Celestial Dragons here!!" Little,

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