I Am Hellscream

Chapter 443 The most terrifying group of people??

Three days later, when Zoro and Usopp also boarded the Barati restaurant for dinner, Nami and Nozigao were already sitting in the dining room at this time.

"How about? I just said this store is absolutely good?? Can be praised by so many people, it will definitely not be a bad place." Nami talked to Nuoji Gao, and kept looking at it. The surrounding environment.

The environment of Bharati Restaurant is really good, you can see many young couples dating here, and the style is also very elegant.

But before Nami could speak, she continued to praise her, "Wei', two empty cups were thrown in front of her and Nuoqigoo, and then Luffy, with a silly expression on her nose, stood on the table. Qian Qian said: "What do you want to eat??"

Looking at this ill-fated guy in front of him, there was a fire in Nami's stomach. Just when Nami was about to punch him twice, a black leather shoe suddenly appeared in Luffy's ear. The next second, Sanji was already The foot kicked Luffy out.

After that, Sanji ignored Luffy who was kicked out, but said with a brilliant and flattering expression: "I'm sorry, two beautiful ladies, the idiot just now is a temporary handyman in our shop. What does he have? I apologized to you for the badly done place, and today’s meal here is considered as a free order for you~~"

Nami, who was still a bit angry, immediately felt relieved after hearing the words'free order'. Then, the adults didn't remember the villains, and she said happily, "Since you are so sincere. , Then we accept this apology"

At the same time, Zoro and Usopp sitting at the other table also looked at 01. Zoro took a sip from the glass in his hand, and said, "Is that the cook that Luffy liked? Cooking Not to mention, the kung fu on the legs is really amazing."

"But there seems to be something in character." Usopp looked at Sanji who was constantly'flattering' with Nami, and always felt something was wrong.

"Well, but if you think about it, there are already many people on our boat that are not right. That's not a big deal," Usopp thought silently in his heart.

Just as Luffy was holding his head and getting up from the ground, the door of the restaurant was suddenly pushed open, and then a thin man supported a tall man and stood at the door.

"Huh?? That guy didn't eat something here two days ago," Zoro said curiously, looking at the thin man.

"Akin, it seems like he said so, he is the hand of Creek, the overlord of East Blue. Hmm??? Isn't that man Creek???" Usopp said in a very surprised voice.

And at this time, through the opened door, many people also found a large and tattered sailing boat moored on the sea outside, but although the sailing boat is old and broken, it seems that something very terrifying has happened. But the flag hung on this ship has a very powerful shock and power in East Blue.

That is the banner of the Pirate Admiral Crick, who is called the'East Blue Overlord'. I have to say that this Pirate Admiral is also divided into several grades. I think when Golden Lion-Shiki was the Admiral, that It's a smashing situation, the whole world will be trembling by him, and Crick, who is an "admiral" in East Blue, looks very good, really kicking the word "admiral".

The next development is as in the story. The scalp of this creek being chased by the metric guy is numb, and he is about to starve to death, and the 5,000-person fleet will have the last 100 people left. Alive.

Before Crick had eaten anything, he knelt on the ground and begged the chef of Barati restaurant, and Sanji also adhered to the chef's way that he had always adhered to, and gave Crick a meal regardless of his identity. Full meal.

Sure enough, the sinister and vicious Crick turned his face ruthless after he was full, and wanted to seize the Barati restaurant. Using this as the basic point, he once again formed his own fleet to continue to challenge the first half of the Grand Line.

In some respects, this little person Crick still has merits, at least he is also a person who dares to challenge his ambitions.

This is very valuable. How many people have the courage to continue to challenge after they have formed a five-thousand-man fleet and been swiped by Mihawk alone?

On the other hand, this guy Crick is also a person who can afford and put it down. It is indeed a good material to be a pirate, and it is no wonder that he can dominate the East Blue all the way.

However, if the character and ambition of East Blue and Crick are born and grown in other seas, they may achieve higher achievements.

In East Blue, he would stop there.

Originally, everything that happened had nothing to do with Luffy this guy. He was just a temporary handyman. As a pirate, he couldn't be guilty of fighting other pirates for a restaurant.

However, Crick began to drift after recognizing the boss of Zefu who had bravely rushed to the Grand Line.

He wants to get the logbook he used to be on the Grand Line from the boss of Zhefu, obtain enough information, and then continue to challenge the Grand Line, which is nothing, the key is that he becomes arrogant again when he talks, and feels like himself. As long as you have enough intelligence and cooperate with your own forces and fleet, you can become the One Piece King.

As a result, this was heard by Luffy...

"It's me who wants to be the One Piece!!" Luffy, who was wearing an apron around his waist and a dirty towel on his shoulders while Crick was still pretending to be in the dining room, suddenly started hitting. Broke off Crick's "speech".

At the same time, Luffy's appearance also attracted everyone in the restaurant.

"Isn't that the idiot just now?? What?? So he was a pirate??" Nami and Nuoqi Gao were hiding in the corner at this time, watching the confrontational restaurant and discussing softly.

At the same time, Crick also looked down at the kid who had walked in front of him, and then he said in a deep voice, "This is not a kid who is kidding."

Luffy said with a serious expression, "I'm not kidding, it's me who wants to be the One Piece!!"

"Hey, handyman, stop messing around." Some chefs also want to persuade Luffy.

"Did you not hear what I just said?? Five thousand troops and a fleet of fifty ships, in less than seven days, the whole army wiped out the sea because of a man, you still have Do you dare to challenge??" Crick looked at Luffy with his gloomy gaze and asked in a deep voice.

"A man?? Five thousand troops?? Fifty ships??" The rest of the people on the scene said incredibly.

"That man has falcon-like eyes and a big sword on his back. If we hadn't encountered a storm, I am afraid that even my main ship would be destroyed in his hands..." Crick seemed to recall With that fear, Kakuzu shed some sweat.

At the same time, Zoro, who was still watching the show, suddenly turned his head, looked at Crick and said, "Eagle Eye??"

At this time, the boss of Zefu also spoke softly: "It's just that the eyes are like hawks and falcons, and it can't prove anything, but the strength of destroying you with a knife is the most definite proof. You met on the ocean. One of the most terrifying group of people"

"The most terrifying group of people??" Crick also murmured a little puzzledly.

Boss Zhefu didn’t know what he was thinking. He didn’t conceal this. Instead, he explained it. He only heard him say: “The pirates today are divided into two camps. One is Four Emperors, and the other is Four Emperors. Seven Warlords of the Sea, these two large pirate organizations and the Naval Headquarters under the World government are collectively referred to as the'Three Major Powers on the Sea', and you creek you meet the positive

He is the world’s number one swordsman in Seven Warlords of the Sea-Dracule Mihawk. Because he has a pair of eagle-like eyes, he is also called "Eagle Eye-Mihawk". After meeting him, he can still Going back to East Blue alive, you should have been lucky.."

At this moment, Zoro sitting aside also said in a deep voice, "That man is the target I was looking for, is he also in the Grand Line?? In that case, I will even go to that terrifying sea."

Sanji, who was biting a cigarette, glanced at Zoro who had said these words, and then exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "What a bunch of idiots, people like you, who are easy to send to death..."

Zoro didn't get angry after hearing what Sanji said. Instead, he gently rubbed his palm with the word Hedao on his waist.It seemed that he felt some belief from above.The corner of his mouth grinned, showing a beast-like smile, and then Speaking softly: "It's not wrong to say "stupid", but since I have regarded being "the world's number one swordsman"

After making the goal, I have already put my life and death out of my mind, so I can be qualified to say that I am a'stupid' person, and it is only me who made this decision."

After Sanji heard Zoro's understatement that revealed 227 extremely firm determination and ambition, he was touched for some reason, and then he blew out a puff of smoke, and then said, "Let's just let it be."

"Seven Warlords of the Sea?? Four Emperors??? So what?? As long as I am prepared, I can definitely kill them!!" Crick said suddenly and violently, as if he wanted to borrow With this irritability, let yourself be courageous again.

The boss of Zefu looked at Crick without changing his face and said, "No Grand Line is a place that is'full of incredible'. It may seem incredible to you, but even if you are prepared, it will still be unbelievable. possible"

Boss Zefu hadn't finished speaking yet, everyone heard a "hum" coming from outside Bharati.

In the next second, a slash that slashed the entire sea was like a hot knife cutting butter, cutting off the flagship of Creek parked outside Bharati.

Seeing this scene, everyone opened their eyes wide, and it seemed very unbelievable...

"It's a lie?? Use a knife to cut open the big sailboat??" Nami hiding in the corner looked at the scene, and muttered in shock.

In the past, Nami had a knowledge of Seven Warlords of the Sea. She at least knew that the Frostwolf Pirates were very strong, and the Frostwolf Pirates were one of Seven Warlords of the Sea, which belonged to the kind of Marine in East Blue. She didn't dare to provoke the existence, and now, it is the first time that she has realized how powerful this is, how desperate it is

Boss Zefu also saw the small sampan drifting on the sea at this time, a noble hat, a dark noble costume, a black knife like a cross on his back, and a pair of eagle-like falcons. The man with pupils was sitting on the sampan.

"It can't be wrong. He is the world's number one swordsman-Hawkeye-Dracule- Mihawk," the boss of Zefu said in a deep voice, with a trembling tone in his tone.

Just when everyone was silent because of shock, Roronoa was originally sitting at the table. Zoro stood up, then he put his hand on his Hedaoyi text, showing an excited smile, and said softly: "It seems that I don't need to go to the Grand Line. My goal has appeared."

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