I Am Hellscream

Chapter 444 Frog in the well!!!

Roronoa. After Zoro had finished speaking, he quickly walked out of the Barati restaurant, and then he saw the little brothers standing on the flagship of Crick that was about to sink, yelling at Mihawk hoarsely.

"How much hatred do you have with us? You want to hunt us all over the world??" A little brother drew out his pistol, pointed in the direction of Mihawk and roared and asked.

Mihawk didn't care about his attitude at all. He just said casually: "It's nothing, whether you attack me first or whatever, I'm just playing this boring post..."

"Stop the time?? Just for this kind of boring reason, let's kill our five-thousand-man fleet!!" "The little brother seemed to have a nervous breakdown. After saying this, he shot angrily. Fired at Mihawk.

Mihawk reached out and casually carried the black knife behind him. Ye took it down, and slightly deflected, and all the bullets that hit him flew out.

"Not hit??" Some pirates said incredulously.

At this moment, Zoro's figure also appeared on the deck of the sunken ship. He stood behind the shooting pirate boy and said with a smile: "No matter how many times he hits, it's useless. He uses his own blade. What a soft knife that changed the trajectory of the bullet"

"A knife that isn't soft, it's not strong enough," Mihawk put his black knife back behind him, and said casually.

At this time, some pirate brothers also recognized Zoro. They were surprised and said: "Pirate Hunter-Roronoa Zoro??? East Blue's strongest swordsman??"

"Using such a soft knife to cut such a big ship, you are indeed the strongest swordsman!!" Zoro said excitedly, and at the same time, he took off the green turban he had tied to his arm. , Tied to his head.

Mihawk frowned and looked at Zoro with some confusion. At this moment, Zoro spoke again.

"I went to sea just to find you," Zoro said after tying his headscarf.

"What's your purpose??" Mihawk took a look at Zoro and said.

There are many people looking for him in this sea, especially the most swordsmen. Among them, a very small number of 240 people are people who want to challenge his position as the world's largest swordsman, but it has been a long time that Mihawk has not appeared. Excited opponent, he has been sitting alone on the throne of this swordsman for a long time, even a little lonely.

And more swordsmen who want to find him want to worship him as a teacher.

Just kidding, Mihawk has such a big "wrist" and is recognized as the world's largest swordsman. Don't look at him coldly and arrogantly, but even if he knocks out his ice butt, there are still a large group of licking dogs who want to use his own." Hot face' influenced him.Therefore, there are few people who want to look for Mihawk to apprentice each year. Fortunately, Mihawk's nest is remote enough that only some of his friends know about it, otherwise he would have been bored to death.

At this time, he saw Zoro saying that he was looking for him when he went out to sea, and he naturally regarded him as those who wanted to'apprentice a teacher'.

But what surprised Mihawk was that Zoro did not say to be a teacher, but showed his iconic beast smile, very firmly said: "Is the goal?? Of course the strongest!!! Are you not very idle? ?? Then fight with me!!

After Mihawk heard Zoro's words, he even wanted to laugh in his heart.Is it a long time since he walked out, why did anyone dare to challenge him?

"Sadly weak" Mihawk looked at Roronoa-Zoro and whispered softly.

Then he said again: "If you are also a swordsman, then you don't need to fight, you should be able to see how great the gap between you and me is. Then you have the courage to challenge me. Is it out of my own ambition or out of ignorance???"

Although Mihawk said so, since someone had already challenged him in front of so many people, he would naturally not refuse, so he soon walked from his sampan to where Zoro was. On the deck.

Looking at his arms around his chest and looking at his Mihawk with the eyes of a kendo king, Zoro first closed his eyes slightly, then opened them sharply, and then spoke very firmly. Said: "This is my dream, and it is also an agreement between me and a close friend. If you insist on saying it, you should treat it as "ambition"!!!"

"Really??" Mihawk didn't care about anything, but just dealt with it casually. To be honest, in his capacity, it is very polite to be able to say so much to the current "trash fish" like Zoro.

"Seriously, I really didn't expect that we would meet so soon, originally I was going to find you on the Grand Line"" Zoro drew out two of his knives, and at the same time bit Hedao Yiwen in his mouth. superior

"Meeting me prematurely, it's not good for you.. Three swords style?? Really rare?" Mihawk said as he stretched his hand to his chest, from the small cross hanging from his neck. He drew out a small knife that he usually uses to cut fruits, which was in his hand, and looked at Zoro.

Looking at Mihawk's action, Zoro's expression also darkened, and he asked in a deep voice, "What do you mean??"

The guy Mihawk put on a cold expression and said, "I am not the kind of stupid beast who has to do my best to catch a rabbit. You are just a small famous swordsman, and you are still here. The little swordsman in East Blue, the weakest of the Four Great Oceans and the Grand Line, is not worthy of my seriousness. I'm sorry, this is already on me.

The smallest knife."

In fact, I want to say why East Blue is so weak, and the reasons are also very embarrassing.First of all, East Blue is the hometown of Garp, the Marine hero. Garp became famous much earlier than Roger, so before Roger appeared, East Blue was young. Most people worship Garp. Marine power is very strong here, but the pirates are looked down upon. Later, the world

The government seized this opportunity and gave the East Blue a firm Master in his hands. Both grandsons are placed in East Blue. As long as he takes a vacation, he will come to East Blue to wander around. This East Blue pirate can't grow up and can get a creek.

They are all great people, so over time they become the'weakest sea'.

After hearing what Mihawk said, Roronoa, the "strongest" swordsman of the "weakest sea". Zoro's face was grim, and he said, "There should be a limit to people who look down on me?? In that case, don't blame me if you die!!"

After speaking, Zoro slammed his feet all the way, smashing a footprint on the deck that had been soaked in water, and in the next second he appeared in front of Mihawk extremely fast.

"Ghost... cut!!" The three knives in Zoro's body quickly cut out.

But in just a moment, all those who followed the duel showed an unbelievable expression, East Blue's famous pirate hunter. Roronoa. Zoro, his famous stunt "Ghost Slash" was blocked by Mihawk very lightly (abdi) with a fruit knife. Not only that, Zoro even felt that he could no longer move.

"The frog in the well, let me teach you how vast this world is." Mihawk still said such cruel words so easily.

"Ahahahahahaha, this world is at least a hundred times bigger than what you see, Luoluo, what is it??"

At this time, Zoro suddenly remembered the very nasty little girl he had met in East Blue. At that time, he was regarded by the little girl as a "frog in a well without knowing it. At that time, Zoro was not true. Caring, as long as it is a little girl who sucks.

But now, he was once again described as the "Frog in the Well" by the world's largest swordsman, and from this fight, he also felt the insurmountable huge gap between himself and this world.

Nowadays, he even believes that the little girl said that she should belong to the kind of "hundreds of millions of Baileys" offering rewards in East Blue..

Zoro, who was hit, also became mad, the saber in his hand became extremely mad, and the shadow of the sword and sword was revealed from his attack.

"This world can't be this big!!!" Zoro roared in his heart.

But it was useless. Even if he tried his best, with his current level of kendo, it was absolutely impossible to make up for the strength gap between him and Mihawk with just "desperate".

"I didn't fight with a knife to fight this toy until now," Zoro thought in his heart.

At the same time, his childhood friend, the hope he carried, suddenly appeared in his mind.

"I really envy you, Zoro, it's great to be a boy, and I want to be the world's number one swordsman." Guyina's slightly lonely expression appeared in Zoro's heart.

At this time, Zoro's manic and restless aura began to return to calmness again. It is normal to be hit, but whether it can withstand this blow is the standard to measure a person's strength!!!

"I am here to win!! I will come here step by step!!" A trace of determination flashed in Zoro's eyes

‘An appointment has been made. One day, there will be one of us who will become the world’s number one swordsman. Let’s compare and see who it is!’

‘Zoro, man is a very fragile creature’

'Master, please give me the word Hedao. I will work hard with her. I will become a famous swordsman in the world. I will be strong enough to spread my reputation throughout the kingdom of heaven. of!!!'

It seems that from Zoro's attack that gradually calmed down, he felt some indestructible belief. Mihawk's expression at this time also became serious. While he was parrying Zoro's slash, he said, ``What are you carrying on your back?? What do you want to do after becoming a strong man??"

"The world's number one swordsman!!!" Zoro let out a low growl in a deep voice, responding to Mihawk's doubts.

In the next second, a bloody light appeared, and Mihawk's knife pierced into Zoro's chest.

After piercing the small knife in his hand into the chest of the young swordsman in front of him, Mihawk said softly, "Why don't you step back?? Are you afraid of being pierced in the heart and dying??"

Holding the handle of the knife with both hands and hanging down on the side of his legs, Bloodline oozes from his mouth, but Zoro, who is still stubbornly biting and saying a word, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a slight smile: "Well, who knows, but I always feel that if I take a step back here, many important vows and things that I cherish will be destroyed. I will never stand here again.

I’m in, so I can’t take a step back here."

Mihawk's eagle-like eyes looked at Zoro's ferocious sight, and he casually said, "Yes, that feeling is defeat."

"Hehe, then I can't go back..." Zoro said tenaciously.

"Even if you lose your life??" Mihawk asked.

"Of course, it's a good time to die," Zoro said with a smile.

After hearing Zoro's answer, Mihawk couldn't help but put a smile on his mouth.

"Rather than fail, why don't you choose to die?? You really have a firm heart. What kind of beliefs do you carry on your back... This also makes me curious..." Mihawk thought in his heart.

Then he drew the knife in his hand from Zoro's chest, and then took it back.

"It's been a long time since I met the "strong man". I will use this world's strongest sword to deal with you in the manner of a swordsman." Mihawk said as he took the black sword behind him. Ye very solemnly took it. Come down and carry it in your hand.

"Thank you very much." Zoro also clenched the knife in his hand again.

Mihawk saw that he was still fighting spirit now, and was more satisfied with him. He looked at Zoro with his admiring eyes and asked, "Report your name, kid."

"Roronoa Zoro!!!".

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