I Am Hellscream

Chapter 450 Shichibukai washing the dishes.

(I have eaten my stomach, vomiting and diarrhea, and I have written two chapters with my life. I can only stop here today)

Rain, Alabasta is now the most luxurious city. Just like the name of the city, there is no shortage of rain throughout the year. At the same time, it also has a rare oasis. Under the construction of Crocodile, this has now become one of Alabasta's'business cards'. NS.

In the underground conference room of the biggest casino rain banquet in the city, Crocodile, the vicious and vicious guy, is sitting in his boss chair, biting a cigar, listening to some news.

And standing in front of him is Crocodile's most trusted subordinate now, Mr.1-Daz-Bones.

Daz-Bones' expression was as indifferent as before. With the flat-inch head that fits his temperament very much, the whole person exuded a sense of indifference, as if this person had no feelings.

He spoke softly with his unique cold voice: "Boss, Mr. 3 has already failed in the'Little Garden', Princess Vivi has now entered the territory of Alabasta, and seems to want to rely on the'Straw Hat Pirates' 'The power also prevents this rebel army from moving with you"

"I originally thought that M..3's unscrupulous and despicable character should play a role. I didn't expect that waste is still waste. Don't worry about him. Now the rebel army has become a trend, and millions of troops are gathering and preparing to attack. Aruba, only those three "two, four zero" stream pirates want to stop my plan?? It's ridiculous" Crocodile is hearing it

After the failure of his own people, they didn't show any irritability, they just spoke indifferently.

"So ignore them??" Daz Bowness asked.

"The rubbish that needs to be cleaned up still needs to be cleaned up, Bowness," Crocodile said with a dark smile on the corner of his mouth.

Before Bowness could reply, Crocodile said again: "How about the rest??"

"Admiral of Headquarters Polusalino has landed in Saqqara, and has applied for relevant permissions to His Majesty Cobra, and will search for Stussy's traces within the appropriate range," Bonis said indifferently.

"Really?? It seems that the "message" we released is still very useful. The woman Stussy is very useful, but her ambition is too obvious. This stupid guy actually thinks he can'manipulate'. I am now Alabasta. It's going to be something in my bag. Once I take the entire Alabasta, I want to find "Ancient Weapon- Pluton" from here.

Pluto’s affairs are much easier to handle, and she doesn’t need her existence anymore. Just use her to make a deal with the World government. For example, the reasonable and legal inheritance of Alabasta will give me an eye on Stussy. Don’t let her. I noticed something. A smile hung from the corner of Crocodile's mouth and said softly.

It is possible that Stussy's wind in Alabasta was indeed secretly released by him in order to attract the attention of the World government. Crocodile knows very well that although Stussy looks downright, her value is still very high. At the same time, She is not such an easy person to be caught either.

In the current chaotic situation of Alabasta, Crocodile thinks that he is the only one who really controls the situation. At this time, let alone a Marine Admiral, you want to catch Stussy in the vast and chaotic Alabasta now. Even if you come three, you may not be able to find Stussy.

And when the World government hits a wall in this kind of place, it will naturally think of who is the "real owner of Alabasta. The "value' comes out.

"I don't know if there is something, Boss, are you interested?" Bowness said suddenly after thinking about it.

"Just tell me if you have anything," Crocodile flicked the ashes from the cigar in his hand and said casually.

"The second division captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Firefist-Portkas-D-Ace is now in Alabasta," Bowness said.

After hearing the three words'Whitebeard', Crocodile's expression was obviously gloomy, and the whole body also exuded a gloomy atmosphere.

At this time, Crocodile seemed to feel that his "grafted" arm with the golden hook was beginning to faintly aches, but Crocodile had endured it for many years, and it was not too late.

In the end he was very sensible and said: "Don't pay attention to him, now is not the time to provoke the Whitebeard Pirates, sooner or later, sooner or later, I will bury them all in the yellow sand!!!"

On the other side, in the grill restaurant in Rape Flower, Gromash nodded after listening to the report from the intelligence department, and said, "Okay, we have almost understood the general news, let's split up."

As soon as Gromash's voice fell, he suddenly heard an explosion not far from him. White smoke entangled.

Looking at this scene, Gromash always felt inexplicably familiar, and as expected, two figures appeared from the white smoke and flames in the next second. Holding a weapon inlaid with seastone, "Ten hands, Colonel Naval Headquarters-Smoker with short gray and white hair."

And the other is with a sunny smile on his face, hitting his upper body naked, and an unusually handsome and handsome Ace. At this time, the two of them are using their abilities to entangle each other, but one of them is fire and the other is smoke. I was entangled and couldn't use his ability to tell the victory or defeat.

Ace didn't plan to clean up Smoker, the salted fish here, he just wanted to drag him, otherwise, with Smoker's strength, he still couldn't be'arrogant'.

"Jiehahahahahaha, it seems that one of the rumors has been confirmed, Ace's "troublemaker" is here, and another "troublemaker" is probably also here," Gromash said with a laugh.

Then he did not continue to pay attention to the meaningless entanglement. Instead, he turned to look at Monet and Crocodile and said, "Well, Crocodile is going to get ready. Once Crocodile is solved, you must be the best The entire Baroque work club was "collected" quickly

Crowe nodded, then wiped his mouth with a napkin, then stood up and smiled and said, "Then your Royal Highness, I'll take the first step.

"Well, go," Gromash nodded and said.

Immediately afterwards, Crowe left the restaurant one after another with his two little brothers, and went to do what he was supposed to do.

Then Gromash said to Monet: "Monet, with your ability, there shouldn't be any problem in following the straw hat kid secretly, just stare at him, as long as you don't let him die, after all, this kid is still useful. Woolen cloth."

Monet smiled brightly when he heard the words, and then he smiled and said: "Good captain, I will'take care of' that straw hat boy..."

After speaking, Monet thought for a while, and then asked: "Then what are you going to do, Captain??"

"Didn't Crocod just say it?? This Stussy thing is likely to be a conspiracy, I want to see what Polusalino and Crocodile are going to do, take advantage of the enemy's light, and if I have the opportunity, see if I can I can't break their affairs. They are damned. At the same time, I am also very interested in this. How can I not let the World government give her

Catch it back.. So I'll watch the situation in secret." Gromash grinned and said with a grin.

After thinking for a while, Monet felt that his captain seemed to have something wrong with what he said. Could it be that he wanted to be lazy? But in the end she didn't say much, after all, what Gromash said was justified and not good. What to refute.

"Then I wish you a smooth journey, Captain," Monet said with a smile, and then packed his own things and quickly left the restaurant, and then there was only Gromash left here.

After calming down, Gromash touched his chin with one hand, and reached out and said, "There are still a lot of things, so let's not talk about it after looking for Stussy. Robin said that I want to bring back the rubbings of the historical text here. You can talk to Cobra later, if it doesn’t work, grab it. Anyway, if I remember correctly, this thing should be

Near the altar..."

After sorting out the things at hand, Gromash wiped his mouth and was about to leave the restaurant. At this moment, Gromash was taken aback and thought of a serious problem.

In the past, Gromash always took Monet with his little secretary, but now Monet has just been "sent away" by him. For a long time, Gromash's daily life has been taken care of by Monet, so he doesn't know. Suddenly he has become a giant baby. It's not that he doesn't have the ability to take care of himself, but because he doesn't have the ability to take care of himself.

Bailey who pretends to be a child

I think how big his "wrist" Gromash is, dignified Seven Warlords of the Sea, what kind of Bailey is going out?? As a pirate, it's good if he doesn't grab other people's Bailey, isn't it??

At this time, Monet and Crowe both left, and the account of the restaurant has not been settled. Gromash looked around and found that there are several service staff walking in this hall from time to time to see what he is doing. , If no accident, it is just afraid that he will eat Bawang's meal??

Gromash thought of this, and once again reached out and touched the clothes on his body, trying to see if there was anything that could be deducted, and the result was just as he thought, there was nothing.

Calmly picked up the water glass on the table, Gromash took a sip and thought: "This damn thing is very difficult to handle. Wouldn't you want me to do such an uncomfortable thing?? Dignified Seven Warlords of If the Sea’s eating overlord’s meal spreads out, I’m afraid it will be jokes about by Shanks’ bastards for a year. This is the stain of my life.

My identity. "

Although Gromash can kill the Quartet in 3.8 hours when needed, the lives of tens of thousands of people are not in the eyes, but in daily life, he is still a very normal person, and his personality is not irritable, let alone cruel. Not like a pirate.

So he couldn't do anything that would kill everyone in the restaurant in order to'escape the order.'

So 30 minutes later, the hapless guy Gromash appeared in the back kitchen, scrubbing the dishes with the rag in his hand, and couldn't help thinking about what he was doing.

"Seriously, you have ordered so many expensive barbecue bastards without money. Seeing that you have such a strong physique, you should have a lot of strength? Wait a moment to carry the cows in the back and kill them. I understand. Is it???" a man like a chef stood behind Gromash a little annoyed and said.

Gromash nodded, and at the same time murmured to himself: "Ordinary heart, I usually think that Shanks's bastard was spilled on his face by a bandit back then. Rayleigh, an old man, does not often treat himself Was it sold to slave traders and led to sell it everywhere? Laozi was just washing a dish, what's the shame?? Working people are the most glorious"

No one can think of it, his uncle Gromash ran all the way from the City of Seven Waters to Alabasta, and he turned into a dishwasher on the first day.

And it was precisely because of this accidental encounter that Gromash successfully discovered a small secret.

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