I Am Hellscream

Chapter 451 Sit on an equal footing?

The sky over the rape blossoms gradually darkened, and the sun followed down the mountain. As night fell, even the restaurant where Gromash "washed the dishes" closed.

Gromash carried a cow in the backyard and walked to the place where the animal was slaughtered. Looking at the beef cow that had been knocked out by his own punch, Gromash couldn't help but smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, the first killer in Alabasta was you. This hapless guy is really sorry."

After speaking, Gromash pierced the beef cattle's artery with a knife and started bleeding it.

While Gromash was doing it, watching the night of rapeseed flowers, while waiting for the blood in the beef cattle to be drained, his sensitive ears suddenly heard what seemed to be a movement in the restaurant.

With nothing to do, and with a hint of bad taste, Gromash began to listen attentively to what was going on inside.

Soon, Gromash heard the sound of a person walking into the restaurant, and then a slightly crisp voice faintly came from the restaurant.

"I won't be discovered here, right???" the woman asked.

"Don't worry, this place is closed, no guests will come, except for a big stupid man slaughtering a cow in the backyard. He can't hear anything so far here." A man's voice also came out.

Gromash heard that this man was the head chef who told him that he was going to slaughter a cow before. This is when the moonlight was just right, a woman secretly mingled with the head chef, what shouldn't it be? What a shame?

Hearing this, the corner of Gromash's mouth couldn't help but a smile, and he whispered softly: "I'm sorry, chef, the silly big one in your mouth just sounds pretty clear, so quickly start yours. Perform it, I can use this to threaten you to pay me back tomorrow"

"Ok, let's start, what happened to the rape blossoms in the past two days??" She seemed to trust the people here. After hearing what he said, the woman didn't say much, and immediately started to ask.

"For now, it is still very stable. At noon today, the Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates Second Division-Fire Fist-Portgas-D-Ace and Colonel Naval Headquarters-White Hunter-Smoker fought in another restaurant. In one game, in the end, neither of the two sides continued to entangle themselves, and the rest of the matter was nowhere to be found," the chef said in response.

After Gromash heard this, he felt wrong, what's the matter?? Why is there always a feeling of underground party connection?? Isn't the restaurant here a secret stronghold of some forces?? Baroque work agency??

"It's a blessing to let you lurch in this restaurant, but all this will be over soon. According to the news from our "observers" in other cities, the rebels have already started in Katele Yari has assembled, and once they concentrate all their forces on their base camp, the final battle will begin and everything will be over."The woman smiled and said.

"Master Krall, you mean treason... ahem, are the rebels going to attack Aruba?" The chef said in shock.

At this time, Gromash was also stunned, Krall?? Isn't this the little girl who came to see him with Haku in The fish men island?? Isn't this the second sister-in-law of the Revolutionary Army?? That is Say, this chef is also a revolutionary army??

Thinking about it this way, I really feel that their revolutionary army is all-pervasive and ubiquitous. No wonder the World government regards them as the number one enemy, it is really a bit scary.

"Yes, we have already negotiated with the leader of the rebel army, Kosha. After overthrowing the ruthless and decadent rule of the Nafirutali family, we will propagate our ideas in this ancient country and build a brand new one. A country full of vitality!! At that time, the entire Alabasta will be reborn! 々"!" Krall said with some excitement.

From these conversations, Gromash also gradually figured out the situation of the revolutionary army.To put it simply, the revolutionary army was also confused by Crocodile. They are still the same as the vast majority of the people and the rebels. I thought that those'dancing fans' were used by the Nafirutali family for their own selfish desires. After all, people from the Revolutionary Army also witnessed it many times.

When Nafirutali Cobra appeared in the port, the gods mysteriously transported some goods, and judging by the residue of the goods left at the port lanes, those who were transported were dancing fans.

At the same time, M..2. Xiaofeng under Crocodile often turned into Cobra and did some bastards everywhere, so that the credibility of the Nafirutali family plummeted, and even the revolutionary army felt that they were corrupt and cruel royals. , Ready to cooperate with the rebels to overthrow them.

"Jiehahahahaha, if later they discover that things are completely contrary to what they have investigated, and at the same time, their own "Young Master" is also on the side of the Nafirutali royal family. I don't know if your revolution can continue. Going down" Gromash thought with a big smile in his heart.

The situation in Alabasta is really getting more and more chaotic. The World government, Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Revolutionary Army, the Native King Army, the insurgent rebels, and the general pirates (straw hat pirates) are all mingling here. Chaos

Krall came here to collect some information, and after sending some information, he left soon, and Gromash also surreptitiously left the restaurant the next day.

Just kidding, he was able to wash the dishes here for a day, and slaughtered a cow by the way, and he played a butcher as a guest. Is it possible that I really have to pay the bills here? Doesn't exist?

In Aruba two days later, Cobra looked at the letter in his hand and rushed to the "Duck King" Karoo out of breath.

"It turns out that this has always been behind the scenes of the country, controlling it, is it Crocodile that rages on all of this???" Cobra said in a somewhat incredulous voice.

But soon he felt that he was very stupid. In Alabasta, if there is really a behind-the-scenes man who is controlling everything, then Crocodile should be the only one who can be qualified to be the behind-the-scenes.

But Crocodile is really disguised too well. He has used many years of work to package himself into a'hero'. Even Cobra treated him politely before Crocodile helped him to clean up many times. The rebels, it's just that Cobra himself didn't agree, which also made Cobra not suspect Crocodile.

Now looking at the letter sent by his own daughter, Cobra suddenly realized that the enemy has always been by his side.

"Where is Crocodile now???" Cobra asked in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, in the rain," the birdman Bell said softly.

"Unexpectedly, our enemy turned out to be Crocodile. You should have seen some of the things he has done in the past few years. We have to be an enemy here and we must be prepared to make great sacrifices," Cobra said in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, I am ready to die a long time ago" Bell said softly.

After thinking for a while, Bell spoke again and said: "Admiral Polusalino from Naval Headquarters is now coming to Aruba for us. Maybe he will be one of our helpers."

"No, Vivi is my daughter, so I believe everything she has investigated, but really speaking, we still don't have any evidence in our hands, Bell, without evidence, you want to let Marine's Admiral It's impossible to fight Seven Warlords of the Sea, but Admiral is holding it in Aruba, and maybe it can also shock the sand crocodile.

Fish," Cobra frowned and said.

I have to say that Crocodile's strategy is still very strong. Although there have been many accidents, the basic overall situation is still deduced according to his ideas.

But this guy was too arrogant and didn't put Luffy and the others in his eyes. Luffy's plan was to run from the rapeseed to the rain and kill Crocodile directly to stop all of this.

But after waiting for the rain to discover that everything is not as they thought they can stop casually, the rebels have already begun to attack Aruba under the confusion of Crocodile, once the rebels and the king's army are in Aruba Start fighting, a war of millions of people, no matter whether Crocodile is dead or alive, Alabasta is determined

It's over.

Therefore, in order to prevent all of this, Luffy and the others changed their plans again, making a riot from the rain, and then starting to advance towards Aruba.

In the desert, Crocodile also caught up with Luffy and his party. In order for Princess Vivi to quickly return to Aruba and prevent the rebels from fighting, Luffy stayed behind and prepared to fight Crocodile.

But obviously, without Haki's power, and in this desert, the battle for Luffy's life was just a joke for Crocodile.

The golden hook in Crocodile's hand pierced through the body, and was thrown into the desert. If nothing else, this kid should be dead.

After all, Robin didn't come out to save the field this time, and the cunning guy Stussy didn't know where he was hiding now.

After Crocodile turned into windy sand and left here, an illusory bubble burst in the distant sand dunes, and then Monet's beautiful figure appeared from the inside.

. Sure enough, the captain did not expect it, if it weren’t for me to follow, wouldn’t this kid be dead???” Monet first sighed, and then quickly rescued the half-dead Luffy from the sandpit. .

"Who are you?" Luffy looked weakly at Monet, who had saved his life, and asked intermittently.

"It's for (have) met someone who hasn't been long enough to fight for my life like this... Is it really worth it??" Monet did not answer Luffy's question, but asked instead.

"For my friend, what's wrong with fighting for my life??" Luffy said with difficulty.

"Can you be called a friend in just a few days???" Monet asked again.

"Friendship is not measured by time!!" Luffy said firmly.

Monet looked at Luffy's expression, after a long time he smiled and said: "Although this kind of thinking is stupid, but I don't hate Straw Hat Luffy, your goal is Crocodile, right??"

"That's right!!!" Luffy covered the wound on his chest and said quickly.

"Then let us help you." Monet took out a gauze from his backpack and threw it to Luffy.

"Why?? Why do you want to help us??" Luffy asked after taking the gauze.

"It's nothing, but my master captain thinks Crocodile is not worthy to continue to sit on an equal footing with him, so he needs to vacate the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea and leave it to qualified personnel," Monet raised his mouth slightly and said softly.

Although the tone of her speech is very understatement, but the content of this is Haki incomparable.It seems that Crocodile's Seven Warlords of the Sea is really something she can change at any time if she wants to change it...

"Sit on an equal foot??" Luffy murmured a little surprised.

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