I Am Hellscream

Chapter 458 Everything is empty!

Crocodile looked at Monet's weird ability, frowned and said, "Everyone thought you were just a secretary with Gromash, or just a vase. Didn't you expect you to have such a weird ability?? "

The fact that Monet is a capable person is very clear to the people of the Frostwolf Pirates, but basically no one knows about it. After all, Monet is not a cadre of a "warrior faction" and rarely takes action, let alone She usually follows Gromash, and with Gromash there, she doesn't need to act.

So Crocodile also knows nothing about Monet's intelligence, and she doesn't know what her abilities are, but from the current point of view, it seems to be able to affect people's vision??

"If the captain needs it, it doesn't matter if I really become a "vase", but if I want to be with the captain, how can I just become a "vase"??" Monet smiled and said.

Crocodile did not fear anything because of Monet's weird ability. After hearing Monet's words, he did not refute anything. Instead, he directly raised his hand and released a sand blade, slashing straight towards Monet's position.

"Desert Knife!" Crocodile whispered softly.

In the next second, Monet was penetrated by the sand again, but "Serial Fantasyland" was Monet's masterpiece.

Just when Monet was cut in half, the golden hook in Crocodile's hand quickly resisted in front of him. As expected, another Monet appeared in front of Crocodile, and the dagger in his hand was also very accurate by Crocodile. Hold it up.

"Shadow-Kyōka Suigetsu!" After seeing his assassination failed again, Monet did not hesitate to activate his abilities again.

Crocodile 01 also wanted to grab Monet with his other hand and suck up the moisture in her body.

However, the moment he raised his hand, he found that he had made a mistake. For some reason, he obviously wanted to stretch out his right hand, but he stretched out the left hand with the golden hook.

And this action also made Monet seize the opportunity, the dagger in his hand swayed slightly, and the sharp aura wrapped Haki's power to stab at Crocodile.

Fortunately, Logia's capable people can actively elementalize to avoid some attacks. Crocodile elementalized his whole body in an instant.Although Monet's dagger stabbed him in the chest, it did not bring him anything. harm.

Immediately afterwards, Crocodile wanted to stretch the distance, but when his feet moved, another Zhao wanted to almost turn over.

At this time, Crocodile realized that even if he was stupid, he should have been overshadowed by Monet.

He obviously wanted to retreat with his right foot, but he stepped out with his left foot

"Has my perception turned upside down??" Crocodile said in a deep voice.

"The flower in the mirror, the moon in the water, everything is vain and upside-down, isn't it??" Monet said softly with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The dagger in his hand quickly pierced Crocodile again.

"Desert Shield!" Crocodile didn't move his body this time. He needed a little time to adapt or solve this strange situation.

However, from the elementalization just now, his ability does not seem to be affected by this weird situation, so he stayed in place, but instantly formed a huge desert shield in front of him, helping him block Monet's attack. .

Seeing that his abilities were indeed able to function effectively, Crocodile's heart was no longer flustered, his face turned dark, and he spoke again: "The rain of the desert. Sudden!"

As his voice fell, the original huge desert shield instantly began to burst out like a storm of sand bombs, and hit Monet's direction.

The seven poems in Monet's hand flew up and down, flying out all the sand bombs that could hit him in an extremely sensitive manner.

Then Monet suddenly called out Crocodile's name in his crisp voice.


And Crocodile also instinctively looked in Monet's direction, and the moment they met, Monet's eyes flashed with a strange medical blue light.

Crocodile's expression changed when he noticed this, and he made a bad cry, and he was hit by the trick again.

I haven't played with a master all the year round. Crocodile itself is sparse in this area. It is the first time he has come into contact with a person with such a weird ability as Monet. In a short period of time, Sea Jingran was stunned by the little secretary next to Gromash for several times, and even began to be in


After facing Crocodile's line of sight, Monet also quickly spoke: "Phantom-Deprivation of Five Senses-Vision!"

As Monet's voice fell, Crocodile's vision began to blur, and then, he couldn't see anything.

Fortunately, Crocodile was a master who once had a reputation throughout the sea. He fought against Newgate in New World and left alive. At this time, Monet was deprived of his sight and plunged into darkness, he quickly calmed down. After that, the original mentality of the strong man gradually began to return.

"Deprived of sight??" Crocodile slightly raised the corner of his mouth for some reason, as if feeling excited??

"Just now I was talking about that guy Cobra stayed in Alabasta for a long time. I didn't expect me to be the same. I haven't used those methods here for a long time. Haki...Have you?" Crocodile thought involuntarily in his heart. road.

Seeing Crocodile standing still, Monet's eyes flashed with excitement. The seven poems in his hands entangled Haki's power and dropped out very accurately, and flew out to Crocodile's heart.

And just when Monet's head was about to pierce Crocodile's heart, the aura on Crocodile suddenly changed.

In the next instant, a dark Armament Haki appeared on his chest, and he flew Monet's dagger upright.

Then Crocodile closed his eyes and looked in Monet's direction, and said softly: "Thanks to you, it reminds me that I am still asleep in my body. These messy powers stay in Alabasta, which is too "pleasant". It’s been too long, and before I knew it, I didn’t realize that I had “degraded” to this point.

To thank you, I will give you a decent death Monet!

As soon as Crocodile's voice fell, he had already begun to act.Because he was still in a state of'limbs upside down', he did not take steps to act, but instantly turned his legs into yellow sand. His will, in the perception of Observation Haki, moved quickly towards the direction where Monet was.

"Sha Lan!!" Crocodile raised his hand, and a spinning desert storm spread out and swept towards Monet under Crocodile's will.

Monet's movements are not slow. Her illusion fruits are not only capable of creating hallucinations or something, but developing deeper, even if it is to reverse the reality and reality, it can be done out of nothing.

It's just that Monet hasn't reached such a powerful level yet, but she can already touch the threshold at this time.

I think that Monet was able to convert the head in his hand between the virtual and the real, and now it is even more powerful.When facing Crocodile's Sha Lan, Monet crossed his hands and his ten slender fingers were entangled. , Then her eyes flashed with seriousness, and she used her abilities with all her strength.

"Everything is emptied-hidden!

As Monet's voice fell, Na Sha Lan had already pierced her body with a sharp aura, but what was surprising was that Monet's state at this time seemed to be in nothingness, and the rotating storm did not. It didn't cause any harm to her, but penetrated out of her body without any hindrance.

At this time, the Observation Haki in Crocodile's mind also noticed something wrong with Monet.It was clear that Haki told him that Monet was there, but he always felt that there was nothing, whether it was breath or something else. Everything is nothingness.

Thinking of this, Crocodile's ability was activated again, and the ground of the palace quickly became a part of the sand, and then a few sharp sand pillars were pierced from Monet's feet, which penetrated her whole body, but this still did not hurt her. Cents.

That's right, at this time Monet had already activated his own abilities, acting with his body, and put himself in a state of ``illusory''.At this time, let alone Crocodile can't hurt her, even if Gromash is enlarged. Can't hurt her.

After all, her state at this time is simply'nothing' and non-existent. How can she hurt??

But in this state, Monet can't cause any harm to the enemy. It's the same reason. Her existence is nihility, and naturally it can't affect reality.

Just when Crocodile was puzzled about this, Princess Vivi and Luffy both looked at this "fairy fight" and regretted it, especially when Monet's 240-something figure was pierced by Crocodile's sand, but The scene that still didn't work was strange to both Luffy and Vivi.

Crocodile was not a stunned person either. After discovering that Monet had entered this weird state, he directly turned the target and killed Luffy and Vivi in ​​the distance.

At this moment, Crocodile suddenly found that the inconsistency between his vision and his body had recovered.

This is also because of Monet's state of nothingness, because she herself entered this state, so she can't continue to increase her "influence" on the outside world, so after a period of time, Crocodile's "illusion" in him "Of course it will be untied.

After opening his eyes, Crocodile's mouth wore a healing smile, then his arms stretched out, and the sky filled the sky with yellow sand.

"Sand, drowning!" Crocodile's eyes flashed.

The yellow sand in the sky swept both Vivi and Luffy in.

In an emergency, Luffy grabbed Vivi, shook his hand, and threw Vivi out of his side, and threw it to Bell and the others, without being further attacked by the yellow sand.

And Luffy himself was swept in by the sand directly.

After the yellow sand dispersed, a sand dune appeared on the high ground of the palace, and Luffy was completely covered by the sand dune and buried in it.

Seeing this, Crocodile stretched out his hand mercilessly, and the entire sand dune collapsed inward, becoming very porcelain.

"Luffy!!!" Vivi was shocked when he saw this, it was nothing to be buried, but was squeezed by this heavy, isn't it dying??

At this time, Crocodile, who had used his long-lost Haki power again, was no longer as arrogant as he was before. After he cleaned up Luffy, he turned to look at Vivi and Monet, and said, "Now, you Do you want to stop me? Monet..."

Looking at the yellow sand around her, Monet did not dare to easily release her state of nothingness at this time.She knew very well that once she released this state, she would be killed by Crocodile in an instant!

"The captain said it's okay to sit down???" Monet couldn't help thinking of Gromash's figure in his heart.

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