I Am Hellscream

Chapter 459 Conqueror's Haki!!

After re-experiencing who he used to be and seeing the world clearly, Crocodile this guy instantly turned around. From here, it can also be seen that he is not weak, but just a little arrogant.

At this time, Monet was surrounded by yellow sand, but if Monet made a little mistake and revealed his'reality', Crocodile would crumbly crush her without mercy.

And Princess Vivi, Bell and Cobra and others, in the eyes of Crocodile, are completely innocent people.

Therefore, Crocodile, who had already mastered the situation, showed his wild smile again. He took a cigar from his arms, bit it on his mouth and lightly lit it.

Then after he breathed out a puff of smoke quite comfortably, he looked at the Aruba Nagar wall, the million rebels who were about to arrive, and then he said softly, "Did you see it? Cobra , All this is irretrievable, the angry rebels will destroy everything you have, Aruba is finished, Alabasta is also finished, and I will even

Kill with this rebel army and become a hero above the ruins."

Having said this, Crocodile turned his head to look at Cobra, who was a little desperate, then raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing the smile of his villain, and then said with a smile: "I will also become the new master of the ancient country of Alabasta, leading It goes to conquer the sea!!

"Alabasta will not succumb to your conspiracy!!!" Cobra said angrily.

Of course, he can only say this angrily, after all, he can't do anything.

At this time, Cobra's most annoyed person is not Crocodile, the villain, behind Alabasta.

Instead, it was Polusalino, the nosy Admiral of Headquarters. It was originally another Seven Warlords of the Sea Proudmoore-Gromash, who everyone knew was much better than Crocodile. They had already made it clear that they would help Nafi. The Rutali family killed Crocodile. From the perspective of Monet, who is now in a dilemma, the Royal Highness is indeed

In fact, I really want to do this.

However, instead of protecting Alabasta, Marine Admiral is not good at protecting them. On the contrary, it also wants to prevent Gromash from coming to the King of Qin. It really makes Cobra's chest depressed and unable to express it. Sure enough, the people in the world government are not good. thing!

At this time of crisis in this country, at the time of the lives and deaths of millions of people, it is ironic that it is really ironic that two groups of pirates are trying to prevent this tragedy from happening.

"Hahahahahaha, you can only say that, Cobra, I changed my mind, I decided not to kill you so quickly, let you see it with your own eyes, this Aruba took a quilt The appearance of the war destroyed, the appearance of these million rebels fighting with your 600,000 king's army stationed here, watching this own subjects fight meaninglessly,

You will definitely feel more heartache and regret?? This is my best punishment for you." Crocodile smiled and said cruelly.

Seeing that the dust of the millions of army is getting closer and closer, it is almost reaching the wall line of Aruba, Cobra really just like Crocodile said, closing his eyes in pain, and seemingly unwilling to do it anymore. Continue to watch this human tragedy.

On the contrary, Crocodile's face showed an expression of expectation, as if he was looking forward to the killing of this million people...

At the moment of this thousand fishing shots, a scarlet light in the sky suddenly cut through the clouds and hung a red light in the sky.

Crocodile's expression changed, as if thinking of something bad, Monet, who was trapped in the void, saw the red light, his expression instantly became brighter, and his heart jumped for joy. Down.

Undoubtedly, as the person who was almost inseparable by Gromash's side, Monet recognized it for the first time. The red light that pierced the sky was the captain of their Frostwolf Pirates.

At this time, the leader of the rebel army who was charging on the front line also noticed the red light that pierced the sky. He was a little puzzled thinking about what it was?? Is it a vision of the sky?? symbolizing Nafi The demise of the Rutari royal family??

At this moment, the scarlet light that had already stayed above Aruba was moving again, and it began to fall vertically downward, as if it were about to fall between the city wall and the galloping rebels.

When the scarlet light gradually lowered in height, Koza finally saw what it was with his excellent eyesight.

The red light falling from the sky turned out to be a person doing free fall. Although the person looked a little strange, Koza still recognized who he was.

As the "hero" of Alabasta, Crocodile is also a Seven Warlords of the Sea, so the entire Alabasta people know more or less about the rest of the members of the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization.

As the leader of the rebel army, Kosha must also appear to be a little more literate. Of course, he also understands it. At the same time, Gromash is also the most dazzling one in the entire Seven Warlords of the Sea sequence, as long as you understand Seven Warlords of the Members of Sea, it's impossible not to know him

Therefore, Koza recognized it at a glance. This "Demon Star" that fell from the sky is the Seven Warlords of the Sea known as the "Hellscream".

Not only did Kosha recognize Gromash's figure, but Cobra, who was already desperate in his heart, also recognized Gromash's "Heavenly Vision" and "Demon Star Birth" figure.

"Are you here?? The strongest Seven Warlords of the Sea..." Cobra thought with excitement.

It's too late to say, then soon, just when Cobra and Coza had their own thoughts, Gromash's free fall movement has already landed.

With a loud ‘bang!!’ between the rebels and the city wall, Gromash smashed the ground out of a huge pit, and also raised a cloud of smoke that disturbed people’s sight.

After the smoke and dust dissipated a little, the millions of rebels were about to rush into Gromash's face.

"Jiehahahaha, there was a loud noise in the sky, and Laozi appeared on the stage!!!" Gromash laughed and said.

It seems that Gromash didn't feel that his net had made a loud noise on the ground just now, and the way he played was also'low' to Ultimate.

Immediately afterwards, before Gromash started to pretend, Koza had already leaped past Gromash. During this time, Koza looked back at Gromash's back and didn't know what was thinking.

After Koza passed, countless men and horses began to pass the area where Gromash was located, and rushed towards the (abdi) wall.

But Gromash didn't mind at this time, he slowly opened his arms in the smoke and dust brought by the millions of army, and stretched out his arms.

Then he wore a decorative mirror-cast grill on his wrist, and the muscular arms on his arms instantly overturned the two rebels who were about to "leap" from him, including men and horses.

It wasn't Gromash intentionally, but when Gromash stretched out his arms, they ran into it themselves.

After a little bit of the strong murderous and crazy aura contained in this army of millions, a smile hung on the corner of Gromash's mouth, and then he whispered softly: "Sure enough, it's drunk lying on the battlefield-Kun Moxiao, A few people have fought back in ancient times. "Ah"

As the words he was talking to himself fell, Gromash's body began to surge with an extremely powerful aura, and then, Conqueror's Haki, which he seldom used, spread out of him in an instant.

As Gromash's Conqueror's Haki exploded, the rebels who wanted to rush past him were startled with expressions, then their eyes turned white, and the mount underneath their buttocks followed with foaming.

In a moment, with Gromash as the center of the circle, countless people began to fall.

At this time, on the long and narrow steps that climbed to the Aruba Palace, after a hard fight, the Straw Hat Pirates who regrouped together are also watching with a ghostly expression. An astonishing scene that happened outside the city wall in the distance.

"Is that Proudmoore Gromash?? Hellscream???" A drop of cold sweat dripped from Zoro's forehead, and his hand involuntarily tightened the hilt of his Hedao text knife.

"What kind of power is that??? Why do people keep falling?? Are they dead???" Nami also looked at the scene in shock, and asked involuntarily.

But the people around her are all rookies who have just gone to sea. How can they know so many things? Fortunately, Usopp had heard Gromash tell a lot of stories and knowledge back then. After thinking about it a little bit, Usopp's eyes lit up. , He said: "I thought about it, it's "Conqueror's' Haki!!! There is only one Conqueror's in a million people in the legend.

Haki, only those who have the qualifications of a king who "stands on others" have rare abilities!!"

When Usopp said this, he also thought of a sentence Gromash once described this power.

‘Just passing by, you can make the battle-tested fierce generals fall to the ground..

Isn't that the case at this moment?? The millions of rebels that have ravaged most of Alabasta's country, just passing by Gromash, and even not even arriving, have begun to be infected with a virus that quickly kills. Falling crazy...

And this is not over. It seems that it is too troublesome to stop the millions of rebels just by using Conqueror's Haki. Gromash gradually began to condense the majestic demon shadow behind Gromash.

I saw the huge demon god holding a sky-opening battle axe with double horns on top of his head, and blood surging around his body, then he seemed to roar up to the sky, let out a silent roar, and then grabbed the countless scarlet light in his hand. His great axe robbed the army in front of Gromash.

When the giant axe touched the ground, the blade of the axe began to quickly crumble, even the huge phantom of the demon god, and with the beginning of this "crushing", the phantom turned into countless fragments. When it landed, it would burst out Gromash's magnificent passive skills that had been accumulated for an unknown period of time.

Immediately around the debris, people foamed at the mouth, and even collapsed to the ground after incontinence.

Cooperating with Gromash's still surging Conqueror's Haki, the demon ghost shot down, and the entire front line had collapsed, and the offensive of the million rebels was directly defeated by Gromash alone.

Everyone in Aruba looked at Gromash's figure, who was still in the field at the moment with their arms open, and seemed to be embracing all of this with unbelievable eyes.

"Is this the most terrifying group of people in the world???" Sanji looked at this scene and couldn't help but remembered the words the boss Zefu said when he was in the Barati restaurant.

"Seven Warlords of the Sea is also divided into strength and weakness??" Nami recalled Crocodile, and then looked at Gromash, who had Haki surging in the battlefield, and fully recognized Monet's words. This is more than strength and weakness. The difference is simply a world of difference.

Slowly retracting his arms, Gromash moved his body, then turned to look at Aruba behind him, with a fierce smile on his mouth. .

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