I Am Hellscream

Chapter 492 Boa·Hancock.

Stussy can think of it, but Luffy's single-cell brain can't think of these twists and turns, and the appearance of Bartholemew-bear brings him no other ideas.In his opinion, this guy is also an enemy, after all. It's all the same.

Seeing that his little friends were all beaten up by him one by one, a huge sense of despair filled my heart.

This is the first time Luffy has lost a companion, and it is also the first time he has felt his own weakness. In this world of the strong, he is so powerless, just like the words he once said to him in Alabasta Crocodile.

"The weak don't even have the right to decide how to die."

The successive blows caused him to kneel on the ground, smashing his head crazily on the ground, that kind of despair and regret for his own strength can be seen from him at a glance.

Gromash stood in the distance and watched this scene. There was no unnecessary mood swings. He felt despair. It was the best combustion accelerator in the world. I think he had experienced this despair in Impelton when he was down in Impelton. The punishment of a hundred days was imposed on him, every wound, every pain was his powerful capital in the future.

Only a person who can truly overcome that despair can become a real strong man and find his own place in this strong man's world!

Not only is Gromash watching, Polusalino and Rayleigh have also stopped at this time.Rayleigh was originally to prevent Polusalino from capturing Luffy and the others. Now the members of the Straw Hat Pirates who are present have a calculation. One, except for Luffy, everything is gone, and there is no need for him to continue to smash Polusalino.

The same is true for Polusalino. He originally wanted to cope with it, but he was stopped by Rayleigh, and his Marine Admiral's face was not easy to let go, so he moved really, but now Bartholemew-Bear When he started with Rayleigh, he took a loop, and if this kind of thing came out, then he would have to step down~.

After all, it is impossible for anyone to "save people" from Bartholemew-Bear when fighting against a legendary character like Pluton, let alone Porussalino, it's Sengoku. It was impossible for the marshal to be close to him, so Bartholemew-the bear gave him back, and his mentality was-very happy.

"It's so pitiful, my partners were "destroyed" one by one in front of them, but none of them can save despair??" Polusalino raised his hand and wiped a small scratch on his face. Then he looked at the Bloodline on his fingertips,-said with a smile.

"Feeling despair is also a good thing for him, isn't it?? Brother Kizaru." When Rayleigh saw Polusalino stopped doing it, he also put away his saber.

Don't look at Polusalino's face being scratched by him, but his physical strength has also dropped sharply, and if he continues to fight, he may not be able to control this guy.

Gromash looked at the three figures of Bartholemew-Bear, Polusalino, and Rayleigh from a distance, and he was a little speculative in his heart. He always felt that these three were a group of Rayleigh and left it alone. Gromash knew him the bottom line. Yes, but Polusalino and Bartholemew-Bear appear here, and it always feels like they are playing together. If there is no Rayleigh today,

Perhaps the role of Rayleigh is Basulomi-Bear. After all, this guy is about to "sell others from the world", and the world government can't do anything out of it.

Then Polusalino can go down the ass, and all the responsibility will be transferred to Bartholemew-bear. If Polusalino's identity is really problematic, then his action this time is likely to be a charge. With the idea of'training your own young master', let your own young master first experience despair, and then go back to practice cultivation and then bravely enter the New World.

So as not to get in at this kind of half-hearted level and then be destroyed by the group

Thinking of this, Gromash smiled involuntarily, really thinking that he was whimsical.Although Polusalino is like a salted fish on weekdays, it should not be undercover like Bartholemew-bear. If Marine and World government make revolution The army’s undercover agents have been'trained' to the position of Marine Admiral, so they have also failed too early.

It's time to collapse.

Just when Gromash was thinking about some of these, Bartholemew and the bear also started.

"We will never see each other again, goodbye..."" Bartholemew-Xiong whispered to Luffy softly.

Then the movement in his hand was not slow at all, there was no time to respond to Luffy, and he disappeared with a slap.

Porusalino looked at Bartholemew at this time. The bear said: "If you do this kind of thing, you should also bear the consequences??"

Bartholemew-Bear glanced at him, then said: "I am a pirate too, Polusalino Admiral"

After speaking, Basulomi-Bear didn't say much to anyone, and left here with his steady pace.

Afterwards, Porusalino finally turned his gaze to stand in the distance, with a cigar in his mouth, Gromash with an indifferent expression, and then he said, "Proudmoore Gromash, what do you want to do here? ??"

"Jiehahahahahaha, make no mistake, Polusalino, I've always been here, haven't I??? And this is an illegal place, it's my territory, I can tolerate you Marines making trouble with me This kind of thing is already in the face of the coming "wave". Now that your affairs are done, it is almost time to return to Marin.

Let's go, right??" Gromash breathed out a puff of smoke, looked at Polusalino and laughed and said.

Porusalino looked back at Rayleigh when he heard the words, and then said: "You have known the news about Pluton, but you have not reported it to the World government at all, right??"

Gromash grinned lightly, and then said, "Why?? Do you want to convict me??"

At this moment, a group of news birds flew over from the sky, and they were throwing extras to the entire island.

Generally speaking, the appearance of such things as "extra" means that a big event has occurred, and it is a big event of that kind.

Sure enough, looking at the extra space that gradually floated from the sky and fell to the ground, the information reported above was that the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates 2nd Division-Fire Fist-Portcas-D- Ace was arrested and imprisoned , And will be sentenced to death in Naval Headquarters-Marinford one week later.

Gromash glanced at it and said with a smile, "Jiehahahaha, it looks like it's about to start, this war."

After Polusalino saw the news, he finally did not continue to talk nonsense with Gromash, turned and left here.

After Polusalino's figure walked away, Rayleigh came to Gromash and said, "So, what did you say to that Bartholemew-bear?? What about that kid Luffy??"

"Well, the Straw Hat Pirates should have already flown to all parts of the world. In short, it is impossible to gather together within three days. As for the kid Luffy, I specially greeted Xiong-kun and asked him to send him to me. Well, after all, he is the disciple that Pluton has been fond of. The friendship between us for so many years lies here, of course I want to help you!" Gromash Ten

Said unscrupulously.

Rayleigh glanced at him, and then said: "Shut up, I don't know you?? In Luffy's body, do you have any plans?? Don't use any kind of'kind' to fool me, this bad old man."

Gromash smiled, then looked at the extra number at his feet, and then said softly: "As a brother, how can you have the right to know what happened to your brother?? Rayleigh"

"I don't care what you want to do with Luffy, but Gromash, the old man has been fond of a seedling for so many years." Rayleigh stopped here when he said that, he knew, the rest needless to say, Gromash must understand.

"Jiehahahahahaha, don't worry, I still have that measure..." Gromash said with a big laugh.

0-seeking flowers.......

At the same time, in a certain sea area of ​​the Calm Belt, two warships are parked with a pirate ship. Do some unseen business with pirates.

But if you see the flag of the pirate clearly, you will understand that it was Marine who was meeting with Seven Warlords of the Sea-Pirate Empress Boa-Hancock...

"A week later, the Firefist Ace will be executed in Malinford. Regardless of the time, place, or character, we have already explained it clearly in the newspapers. The World government can be regarded as ruined by this, so we All the forces that can be assembled are about to be assembled in this war. Seven Warlords of the Sea is the top priority among them.

Ya- Hancock, this Seven Warlords of the Sea call is a mandatory call. You should know what the consequences will be if you refuse this call??" Vice Admiral stood on the warship, Shen The voice said.

And not long after his voice fell, the cabin of the Nine Snakes Pirates finally opened, one with a Ji-style haircut, with Nine Snakes earrings hanging on both ears, a cold expression on his face, and an extremely proud body. A woman with endless charm all over her body came out from it.

When you see this woman, you will feel that all the words in this world that describe'beauty' will not appear abrupt when used on her. It seems that everything she says and does, every move, everything she does is beautiful .

This woman is the Pirate Empress-Boya-Hancock, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"I will be deprived of the title of Seven Warlords of the Sea, right??" Hancock said softly.

"Yes, so what is your choice??" Flying squirrel Vice Admiral frowned, and suppressed the evil thoughts with firm willpower in his heart. Looking at Hancock's figure, his thoughts went back many years ago, at that time Hancock is not a Seven Warlords of the Sea yet. The two met on the island of Queen of Spring, and she was killed by her magical ability.

Back then, Hancock was still a bit green, but today's Hancock is definitely called a'overwhelming nation'. The sweet fruit's ability and strength are complemented by personal charm. At this time, Hancock's gestures are all glamorous. , Flying Squirrel Vice Admiral knew very well that she had become stronger, and he also remembered Marshal Sengoku before he came.

The sentence explained.

"Do everything possible to get that woman to participate in this war. Standing on our side, if she is there, it will improve a lot of chances of winning."

The World government has always been uncertain about the strength of Hancock, the Pirate Empress, but there is no doubt that she is very strong. After all, her strength is linked to her appearance, and blind people can see how beautiful she is.

"The concubine likes the name Seven Warlords of the Sea, but she hates the World government, so the concubine has a third suggestion," Hancock said as he walked.

The voice mouse Vice Admiral felt a strain when he heard the words, and then he heard Hancock's follow-up words.

"The Calm Belt is a dangerous place. Even if your Marine warship has something special, there will always be some accidents, right? Well, just be a concubine and have never seen you before. You should be buried in this Calm Belt. In this case, the concubine doesn’t have to be embarrassed, right??" Hancock raised his chin slightly arrogantly, and looked at the mouse.

Will speak.

As soon as Vice Admiral saw this, he was about to speak, Hancock snapped his fingers very casually, and then an inexplicable wave of fluctuations began to emerge in her body, and the infinite charm seemed to become even more dazzling.

The home mouse Vice Admiral, who had already suffered a lot from Hancock, reacted instantly, a cold light flashed in his hand, and a dagger was directly inserted into his palm. Hancock's charming heart has not been petrified.

But at this time, all the Marines around him have turned into stones

"Damn," Vice Admiral cursed in a low voice. small,

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