I Am Hellscream

Chapter 493 Hancock, have you heard of the island engine?

Seeing that Vice Admiral was not petrified by herself, Hancock was also a bit surprised. Then she lowered her eyes to the palm of Vice Admiral, and then said softly: "After experiencing the last lesson, I learned a new one this time. Is it a trick?? Use pain to suppress your evil thoughts??

"Your ability is so incredible that even Haki can be petrified, so I can only think of this method," Vice Admiral said in a deep voice.

The sweet fruit, the childlike fruit of the original sugar, and the ghost fruit of Perona are all fruits of the "rule category". As long as the corresponding conditions are triggered, no matter what kind of guy you are, you should be caught.

Thinking of the first time that Yumo and Hancock played against Hancock, Hancock kicked Yumo's Armament Haki and shattered it. This shows how overbearing her ability is, as long as you play against her, you shouldn't have it Your thoughts will trigger the ability of sweet fruits.

And when facing Hancock, who can really have no thoughts about her that they shouldn't have?? I am afraid that no one can do it except for a single-celled creature like Luffy?

People like Sanji may be petrified inadvertently even by just looking at Hancock. This ability is really beyond the specification.

"So what? Your subordinates are all turned into stones." Hancock reached out very wipingly and tucked his hair behind his ears. The charm of this gesture made Yumo Mouse have to twist his hands again. The seven poems in the series use pain to stimulate one's heart and get rid of distracting thoughts.

"0 and 1 are two completely different concepts," the flying squirrel Vice Admiral said in a deep voice.

"Huh, it's really hard." Hancock snorted softly, and then stopped targeting the flying squirrel Vice Admiral, turned and walked back to the cabin, and the Nine Snakes Pirates ship also swayed away from the warship. Returned to the island of Nine Snake where Ya 01 Mason-Lily is located.

Looking at the ships of the Nine Snakes and Pirates, the voice mouse Vice Admiral announced on the warship: "Three days, three days is the final deadline, I will wait here for three days, once you If you don’t show up, you will be regarded as automatically leaving Seven Warlords of the Sea. Consider it clearly, Boya-Hancock!!!"

Sitting in the cabin of the Nine Snakes and Pirates, Hancock rubbed his lower lip with his hands, as if thinking about something.

"Emperor sister, do we want to get involved???" Sandersonia looked at her emperor sister and asked softly.

"Of course you need to get involved, but before that, you still have to contact Master Gromash," Hancock said suddenly.

She seemed to have found an excuse for herself, and she said with a blushing face: "Yes, I'm just discussing business matters. I definitely don't want to take the opportunity to talk to Lord Gromash, and I definitely don't want to hear Lord Gromash's voice. , I am a woman who understands things and will not mess with men who are busy outside..."

Seeing her haughty and imposing little woman at this time, Marigold and Sandersonia were a little helpless, but the emperor had said so, they had no choice but to hand the phone bug to Hancock.

Hancock looked at the phone worm in her hand and seemed to hesitate. After thinking about it, she looked at Marigold, and then asked, "If I contact Gromash-sama like this abruptly, I won't be bored, right??

"Emperor sister, no one in this world will bore you" Marigold said with a smile.

Hancock seemed to have boosted his confidence and courage by these words, his fingers trembled slightly, and he dialed the phone worm slowly.

The waiting time always feels long, and only a few seconds have passed, but Hancock always feels that several centuries have passed.

"Why didn't you pick up?? Is it because you don't want to be disturbed by me?? Is this the legendary Cold War???" Hancock muttered to himself in some panic.

Although Hancock is extremely arrogant on the surface and thinks she is the most beautiful woman in the world, in fact she is still very unconfident, especially in front of Gromash. If you want to ask why, from the perspective of'love', when a person likes When you go to another person, you are already at a disadvantage in this'war', and you always want to put your best one.

Show it face to face, give your best things to the other party, in simpler words, "whoever falls in love first loses."

Hancock is undoubtedly the passive party, and the other more important reason is because Hancock knows that Gromash knows everything about her, including the fact that she was once a slave to Celestial Dragons.

No matter how many years have passed, this has always been the indelible shadow in Hancock's heart, and it is also the source of her inferiority.She was once a slave and her status was so humble, how can she face Gromash confidently?

Under the fusion of the two, Hancock always seemed a bit'humble' when facing Gromash, and he no longer felt like the Pirate Empress.

While Hancock was still thinking about whether Gromash had no interest in her anymore, and was tired of her, Gromash picked up the phone worm.

If Gromash knows Hancock's thoughts, he will be dumbfounded. What the hell is this?? Boring? It doesn't exist. First of all, he is not such a man with no ethics. Second, he has never had anything to do with Hancock. He has been close to each other, and at the same time, he really has such a coveted ship for Hancock in his heart, it's just that

He couldn't control the evil thoughts in his heart. He was afraid of too much intersection with Hancock. In the end, he was petrified. Coupled with the superficially hostile relationship, Gromash seldom met and contacted Hancock.

I haven't tasted this at all, so how can I feel greasy?

"Yeah, Hancock?? It's been a long time since I contacted you, what happened?? Let me guess, ah, yes, Marine’s Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral told me that the flying squirrel ran away a few days ago I’m going to inform you about the convening of Seven Warlords of the Sea, so you must know about this war, right??" Gromash opened with a smile.


After speaking, Gromash was waiting for Hancock's response, but after waiting for a while, he didn't hear Hancock's voice. He just heard some faint breathing sounds on the phone worm, and the breathing sound also had a little bit of order. The feeling of people's reverie reminds Gromash involuntarily of Hancock's alluring appearance, and then he

He swallowed his saliva, suppressed his "thoughts", and said again with some doubts: "Hancock???"

Gromash's follow-up question caused Hancock, who was nervous and a little overwhelmed on the side of the phone worm, to suddenly come back to his senses. Then she immediately opened her mouth and said in her crisp voice: "Yes, yes, I am, Master Gromash, sorry, I was a little distracted just now, I didn't hear what you were saying."

While talking, Hancock pulled at his soft black hair with regret, and kept thinking: "So disrespectful Master Gromash, he is still thinking about it when he speaks, and he will definitely be hated by him. Right?? He would definitely say: Hancock, you are such a useless woman, you are so cold..."

Gromash on the other side didn't know that Hancock was still a great dramatist. He was very happy to act there. Only when Hancock didn't pay attention, he repeated his words again.

Until then, the topic was finally talked about by the two.

"Yes, Master Gromash, the flying squirrel did come to me, so I also want to ask, do you have any arrangements for this war??? I want to come to this kind of thing that will affect the entire world." Hancock Asked softly.

"Jiehahahahahaha, have you found out?? Hancock? It seems that you still know me well," Gromash said with a laugh.

And Hancock blushed after hearing Gromash's words, and kept thinking in his heart: "Is it recognized? Is this the legendary "proposal"? ??"

The actor Hancock is online, but Gromash doesn’t know. He smiled and continued: “Yes, after this war, I don’t need Seven Warlords of the Sea anymore. I will enter the New World and capture Newgate. The position of that guy..."

"So what do you need our assistance? If you are not Seven Warlords of the Sea, we don't need to continue to maintain this so-called "hostile relationship"? Even I don't need to continue to be Seven Warlords of the Sea. Is Sea??" Hancock asked quickly.

"I don't need it anymore. After all, I don't need to talk to the World government anymore, but the rights of Seven Warlords of the Sea are still very good, so I think if you can, you can continue to be Seven Warlords of the Sea for two years. , But I guess this organization is almost coming to an end, especially after I left, after so many years, Wang

The abuses accumulated by the Shichibukai organization are already great, and sooner or later they will "explode." It is possible that the World government will turn its face ruthlessly," Gromash said with a smile.

Hancock had no doubts after hearing what Gromash had said, so he sentenced'Seven Warlords of the Sea' to death in his heart, but Gromash didn't fool her, waiting for Sakazuki's new Marine team to come online, waiting for Marine to start entering New World, breaking the so-called'balance of the three powers', waiting for Fujitora to smile, those who have ideals of justice will add

After entering Marine.

Seven Warlords of the Sea, which has been unable to adapt to the wave of the new era, will eventually be cancelled.

The root cause of 257 is that the times have changed. In this "old age", Marine and even the World government want to maintain the stability of the sea, so they maintain the so-called three major forces.

And when it comes to the turbulent new era, even if they want stability, people like Gromash, people like the evil generation, and even bigmom and Kaido will no longer give the sea a stability, without the mountain of Whitebeard. , A new round of royal hegemony at sea is about to begin. At this time, who will remain stable???? Play

Laugh, war is the main theme!

And when people like them started to exert their power, Seven Warlords of the Sea, without the “big names” like Gromash, could not stop these chaos, so they lost the “meaning of existence” for the World government. Coupled with the pressure exerted by Sakazuki's hateful new Marines, the abolition of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system should be inevitable.

"Then there is no Seven Warlords of the Sea, we are Amazon-Lily" Hancock suddenly thought of his country and murmured a little worriedly.

"Jiehahahahaha, don't worry, I happen to have a gift for you, Hancock..." Gromash said with a smile.

And after Hancock heard Gromash's words over there, her face was flushed, and she couldn't help thinking in her heart: "Could it be that this is an engagement?? Is it going to send a bride price?? ah love is like a tornado, come on Is too sudden"

While Hancock was still thinking about it, Gromash said softly, "Have you heard of the'Island Engine"?? I don't know if you are interested in developing in the New World in Nine Snake Island??"

That's right, Gromash's idea is very simple. Amazon-Lily is undoubtedly an extremely powerful country. This is enough to prove that all their fighters must be Master Armament Haki.

Therefore, Amazon-Lily has never been a place to be underestimated, but they have been lonely overseas and trapped in the Calm Belt all the year round. Therefore, the strength of this country has not been discovered.

And once Gromash takes them into the New World, it will definitely be a great power, no weaker than Wanokuni, the kingdom of samurai in Kaido's hands. .

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