I Am Hellscream

Chapter 494 The prologue before the war.

When the City of Seven Waters was lifted into the sky, it was the focus of the world's attention. Anyone who has a bit of a brain knows the significance that the City of Seven Waters can lift into the sky. After all, this symbolizes that Gromash is no longer "bound" "In the first half of the Grand Line, as long as he wants, he can take his "base" to the New World at any time, even in the entire

Any place in the world that can be reached!

So why is the City of Seven Waters able to lift into the sky?? Of course, all major forces want to know this kind of thing, because the'island engine' is very spectacular, and you can't hide it if you want to hide it, so this advanced technology It was quickly exposed.

Nowadays, the "island engine" has also been assessed by the major forces as "strategic-level important technology," and it is even included in the system of the "weapon of aggression".

However, there is nothing wrong with such a plan. After all, the meaning of this "island engine" is the same as that of the aircraft carrier in the previous life. It is an aggressive weapon.

Therefore, people like Hancock who "closely" follow the news of Gromash must also know what an "island engine" is. Even when the "island engine" just came out, she had fantasized about installing an island engine on the island of Nine Snakes. , And then flew to the side of the City of Seven Waters and landed. Since then, I will be neighbors with Gromash.

? It doesn't feel too beautiful.

But this idea was quickly rejected by her herself. First of all, the "Island Engine" was a very valuable technology, and she was not sure whether Gromash would give it to her, not to mention that she was not easy to talk about it.

Secondly, even now, the apparent relationship between the Nine Snake Pirates and the Frostwolf Pirates is still hostile. Once Gromash handed over this technology to its own enemy, and that enemy will soon move away. Being a neighbor with him, that's a fool and he can see that something is wrong.

But now Gromash is going to take the initiative to send Hancock'Island Launch 257, which directly makes her fantasy come true.The first thought in her heart is not that'Nine Snake Island' will get out of trouble. , The emperor should have thoughts, on the contrary, "Finally I can be neighbors with Lord Gromash" this kind of very casual thought.

For Gromash, just like what he said to Hancock just now, he will no longer need Seven Warlords of the Sea immediately, so there is no need to continue to maintain the so-called "hostile" relationship, then these things can be done openly. never mind.

"Island engine, my concubine already knew about it," Hancock said softly.

And Gromash smiled and said: "Since you know it, then I don't know if you have any new ideas for New World and this upcoming new era, your Nine Snake Pirates or even Amazon-Lily?? "

After that, Gromash told Hancock about his thoughts in great detail. Hancock himself and even the captains of the entire Nine Snake Pirates group had no intention of being the "One Piece". After all, their reason for going to sea was to do so. The country is only, if the country lacks nothing, they don't even need to be pirates, good

Isn't it good to be an emperor?

For this reason, there is no "gulf" between the relationship between the Frostwolf Pirates and the Nine Snake Pirates, unlike Doflamingo, which is still hostile in the end.

Therefore, the Frostwolf Pirates and the Nine Snake Pirates can truly "fuse" together.

But it depends on whether Hancock, the current emperor and captain of Amazon-Lily, is interested.

Obviously, she was very interested in Gromash's proposal, not to mention that it was also a golden opportunity for Amazon-Lily. Just being able to get closer to Gromash made her very excited.

As for the'fusion or not', it is not a big problem. I think the three sisters have already engraved the logo of the Frostwolf Pirates on their bodies very early. If you really want to count it, follow the Pirates The rules of the three of them are the Frostwolf Pirates first, and the Nine Snakes Pirates second.

Therefore, after listening to Gromash's proposal, Hancock quickly said: "There is no problem at all. Without the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea, it is useless for our Amazon-Lily to stay here. If we can enter the New World, we Amazon-Lily is of course willing, and we are also confident that we can gain a foothold in places like New World.

This is the glory of our soldiers!"

"Jiehahahaha, if you agree, then I will send someone to you the island engine soon. After the installation and debugging are completed, you can enter New World at any time and join us. As for Seven The name of Warlords of the Sea, then it's up to you to decide." Gromash laughed and said.

After Gromash finished speaking, Hancock asked softly, "Then Master Gromash, about this war in Malinford, I don't know what else the concubine needs to do??"

"Just accept Marine's arrangement. There is my lead actor." Gromash smiled and said confidently.

After talking about the rest of the topic for a while, the two agreed to meet at Mariejois, and soon hung up the phone worm.

Hancock, with a slightly blushing face, put away the phone bug, and she was very excited. She spoke happily and said to the two younger sisters next to her: "It won't be long before we can see Master Gromash more often."

"Listen to what Master Gromash said just now, are we going to be a family??" Marigold touched his chin and said softly.

When Hancock heard this sentence, he was taken aback for a while, and then he was very pleasantly surprised: "So this is Master Gromash's true intentions?? My concubine is really a stupid woman, and he didn't even notice that he was proposing to me. Ah, my concubine is going to call back and respond to this."

Just when Hancock was about to take out the phone worm and call Gromash back, Marigold and Sandersonia quickly grabbed their own drama emperor sister, and said quickly: "I think you should be thinking too much. Sister Huang, we didn’t mean that."

After the three sisters had a lot of fun together, Sandersonia suddenly said: "Emperor sister, are you really going to Mariejois?? Is there any problem? ?"

"The call of Seven Warlords of the Sea is there. The concubine body cannot change this." Hancock (abdi)'s expression gradually became gloomy after hearing this. Of course, for Mariejois, she would like to burn it all with another fire, but she couldn't this way.

But soon, she smiled brightly again and said, "But Master Gromash will be there too, so don't worry about anything. Even if there is an accident, he will protect me, right??

At the same time, on the Sabaody Archipelago, Gromash also came to the Elune, which was parked in the port.

Looking at the scene on the Elune at this time, Gromash touched his chin and said, "Bartholemew, the bear is "revening' for my last mysterious performance to him??"

"Perhaps? It seems that this deck is about to be replaced," Monet said, standing behind Gromash, somewhat amused.

"It's a pity, it's probably a farewell, otherwise I really have to find that guy to settle the account," Gromash said with a bit of annoyance.

Then Robin also looked at the situation there, and then said, "Anyway, he did what he promised you, didn't he?? The straw hat boy you want, isn't he just sleeping on the deck?? "

That's right, Gromash originally thought that Bartholemew-Bear would take Luffy this guy to the City of Seven Waters, but who would have thought that his slap would fall directly on Gromash's beloved Ellu after wandering around on the Sabaody Archipelago for two days. Aboard the Grace, and also smashed the deck with a big bear's paw print, it seems that he is afraid that Gromash will not be able to see this.

It’s the same thing he did, Bartholemew-Bear

"Forget it, it saves me a lot of things, so I don't care about that bastard with him, and convey my order to Hokkubak, so that he can quickly come over from The fish men island to me. I have important things. It's up to him to do it," Gromash said in a deep voice after thinking about it.

"What's wrong? Do you want him to treat this kid?" Monet asked curiously.

"It's not necessary. Although he was injured a little, it is not a serious injury. The treatment is only one aspect. The real thing to do is still behind. Hokkubak is the key." Gromash grinned, revealing a touch of evil. Said with a smile.

In Naval Headquarters Malinford, Marshal Sengoku looked at Polusalino and said helplessly, "Let you deal with it, you really can deal with it."

"Pluton-Hilbarz-Rayleigh and Bartholemew-bears all appeared there. In this situation, I am powerless, Marshal Sengoku~~" Polusalino sat on the sofa with his legs upright. Said leisurely.

"Fortunately, Bartholemew-Bear came out to take responsibility for this matter. He has now gone to Dr. Vegapunk to receive the final transformation. After this, there will be no such person," Marshal Sengoku said softly.

"That's really a shame." Polusalino didn't seem to have much thoughts about this matter.

Just as Polusalino was chatting with Marshal Sengoku, a phone worm rang. Marshal Sengoku turned his head and said softly: "It's the language mouse, it seems that they will have an answer too."

When Marshal Sengoku picked up the phone worm, Vice Admiral quickly said, "Marshal Sengoku, the Pirate Empress-Boa Hancock has accepted the call and is following us to the Holy Land, Mariejois!!"

Hearing the news, Marshal Sengoku's mood improved. He smiled and said, "Well done, flying squirrel, with this woman joining, our chances of winning will be higher."

After a little understanding of the situation, Marshal Sengoku also hung up the phone worm, and the very irritable mood that had been disturbed by various things in the past few days became happy. He smiled and said to Polusalino: "Now, the old and new Seven Warlords of the Sea have decided to join this war and stand on our side."

"That's really a good thing, so there is no need to change the formation, right???" Polusalino asked with a smile.

"No, just follow the plan." Marshal Sengoku said without hesitation.

I have to say that Marshal Sengoku is very unscrupulous in the overall situation, but he will do anything that is good for Marine and there are many people in Nanguan.

And this time all the seven Seven Warlords of the Sea were pitted by him. The reason is because he ranked Seven Warlords of the Sea before the 100,000 Marine generals in the battle plan and formation. Yes, it is the battlefield. The first line...

In other words, if nothing happens, Seven Warlords of the Sea will be the first to contact Newgate's large fleet and become the first batch of'cannon fodder'!.

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