I Am Hellscream

Chapter 505 Newgate-overwhelmingly powerful!

Looking at Whitebeard's overflowing figure of Haki, he is clearly standing there, and he hasn't made any movements yet, but Sengoku, the Marine's general, still feels great pressure, the world's strongest man, the pinnacle of Pirates The winner is finally here!!

"Newgate..." Marshal Sengoku stared at Newgate's tall figure, and he couldn't help whispering this terrifying name.

"Kulala, my son seems to be well taken care of by you," Newgate said, looking at Ace who was kneeling beside Sengoku, with a smile on his lips.

After a short pause, Newgate said loudly again: "My beloved son, are you okay?? Bear with it for a while, Ace."

And Ace, who was kneeling there, suddenly struggled. He shouted with excitement, "Father!!!"

At this moment, Ace recalled the bit by bit between him and Newgate, and recalled that soon after he entered New World, Newgate personally found the door, and was forcibly caught by Newgate and let him be his son. Things.

At the beginning, Ace refused to do such a shameful thing. He is also the strongest newcomer. Can't you say let me be a son, I will be a son?

But on Newgate’s ship, Ace also experienced a lot, countless assassinations of Newgate, and countless defeats by Newgate.

Until one day, Marco, a good brother, said that to him.

"Why?? A powerful person like you would call him "Daddy"?? "Ace at the time, "Two Fifty Seven", could not understand Marco and their behavior, so he questioned him.

But Marco’s answer is very simple, so simple that it feels a little stupid.

"Because he called our son "ah" Marco said with a smile at the time. The smile on his face was so relaxed and true that it hit Ace's defense.

From the beginning, Ace has never experienced what it is like to be a son of man. His parents have died since he was a child, and he has experienced a lot of the pain that Roger brought him. Everyone he contacted hoped that Roger's child would die. No one wants to let him live, it seems that his life is a sin.

"We are pirates. We are very unpopular in this world. Everyone thinks that we are a group of innocent bastards, so we are very happy. Someone can recognize us and treat us as family members, even if it is just a title. Daddy, didn't it give us a place to stay??" Marco said with a smile.

When you have a place, no one cares about this kind of things that seem to exist around you, but people who don't have a place are undoubtedly very painful, and they are also very pursuit and yearning for this kind of things.

Lu Qi of the year, only because "there is no place to stay", he muster the courage to see Gromash, who destroyed Whisky Peak like a murderer, and finally it is also because he found a place in Gromash's body that he will follow. Gromash has never abandoned it until today.

It is precisely because of this sentence that Ace joined Newgate's Pirates and became his son, and now because of him, the Whitebeard Pirates has fallen into such a situation.

"I'm Roger's son, even if you know this kind of thing, can you accept it??" In Newgate's cabin, Ace mustered up his courage and confessed his life experience to Newgate.

"Kul la la la la la, I thought you ran in in the middle of the night and wanted to tell me what kind of big things? Is it such a small thing as a sesame mung bean? You don’t have a personality like your Laozi at all." Newgate was hanging a bottle at the time, still not leaving his hand and said, his attitude is so nonchalant, it seems that Ace is the son of anyone.

It doesn't matter the same.

"You were enemies before?? I am your enemy's son, don't you plan to drive me away???" Ace asked in surprise.

"Whoever it is, it's the son of the sea, Ace, Laozi is Whitebeard, you too underestimate me???" Newgate said very Haki.

On that day, Ace really fell in love with Newgate. It was simple and without too many touching stories. He just admired Newgate's magnanimity and measure. It was also from that day that Ace made a vow in his heart. Let Newgate be the king, and no one is allowed to insult Newgate's banner. He must be proud of Whitebeard!!!

Happy days are always short. Not long after he became the captain of the second division, a person who insulted the entire Whitebeard pirates and a person who made Newgate's face appeared, Marshall. D- Teach.

"Only this time, Ace, I have a bad feeling this time," Newgate said with a gloomy face at the time.

"He has been taken care of by you for decades, and he ran away after making you faceless and losing his majesty!!! As your captain, as a son, and his father's fame was damaged, how could I remain indifferent? ?? Teach is my subordinate. I didn’t realize that his wolf ambition was my fault. I’m going to have a break with him.” Ace said excitedly


Then he left Newgate's ship and hunted down the man who started calling himself'Blackbeard'. That was the last time he met Newgate. Now, after so long, the father and son finally met again. , But this scene is regrettable.

Thinking that because of himself, his father and so many brothers have been involved in this cruel hell war, Ace's heart is so painful that he can't help himself, he put his head on the execution platform, and yelled with tears. Said: "Why??? Why did you come to save me??? I am obviously arrogant, ignoring the advice of my father and everyone to me, myself

The one who ran out, obviously I acted arbitrarily to fall into this situation. Why did you come to save me? Wouldn't it be okay to let me fend for myself???"

Watching Ace kneel down there, talking about all this in pain, Newgate's heart is also a little relieved.After this ordeal, Ace has also grown a lot. If you hand over his position to him, he will also Are you able to leave contentedly?? After all, I am a bit old..

"No!!! It's Ace I told you to go!" The corner of Newgate's mouth rose slightly and said this.

The son is in danger for the dignity and glory of his father. As a father, how can he let his son bear this responsibility alone???

"Liar!!! Don't lie, it's me" Ace retorted immediately after hearing what Newgate said.

But Newgate didn't care about so much nonsense that he said, instead he turned his head and said to Marco beside him: "Marco, I asked him to go, right???"

Marco and Newgate have been together for so many years. He is very familiar with Newgate's every move. Therefore, after hearing his father's words, Marco also showed a tacit smile, and then his hands He hugged his chest, stood on the edge of the boat, and said very Hakily: "Yes, I heard it too, it was the old man who asked you to go.

Ace, it seems that you have suffered a lot in the sea, but in this sea, everyone should know what the consequences will be if we shoot our partners, wait and see, Ace, those Don’t even want to live any of the people who hurt you!!! Let’s rescue you and kill the damn Naval Headquarters!!!"

Marco, as the captain of the first team on the Newgate ship, is also recognized as the deputy of the ship. In most cases, his words directly represent the will of Newgate.

Therefore, after he said this, whether it was the captains on the ship or the captains outside the port, they all broke out with an aura that a pirate possessed, that is, the unscrupulousness of not putting anyone in their eyes. !!!

As the strongest pirate group, they obviously have this kind of capital!!!

For a time, the pirate's aura was so strong that it was not weaker than that of Marine's justice!!!

Sitting under the execution platform, Marine's highest combat power, the three Admiral looked at the imposing pirates, their expressions were also different.

"Ah Lala, really ushered in a group of troublesome guys," Kuzan said helplessly as he watched this scene.

"At this point, it's useless to say anything else. It's the right thing to wipe them all out here." Sakazuki lowered the brim of his hat, and said with iron blood.

"It's really unpleasant," Polusalino said as he looked at the shrewd pirates.

At the same time, Newgate gently raised his arm, and then the pirates under his command stopped their words, waiting for his father's order.

However, Newgate did not give any orders from the captain.Instead, he slammed the big sword in his hand and stood beside him.Then he grinned at the corner of his mouth, showing a smile of Haki, and tightening his muscles. It's not like an old man in his seventies quickly folded his arms across his chest, his body sank slightly, and he assumed his iconic posture.

Watching this scene, it wasn't just Marshal Sengoku and the Marine bosses whose expressions became serious.

Even Gromash reduced his smile and stared at Newgate.

"Is the world's strongest man going to make a move???" Gromash whispered expectantly.

And Newgate didn't let him down either. In this highly anticipated situation, he slammed his arms folded in front of his chest into the void on the left and right.

Where the shadow of the fist passed, the space was shattered, and under a punch, the entire Malinford began to tremble, and the space seemed to be twisted and folded together.

"Sea" Gromash murmured softly.

As if to confirm Gromash's words, the next second, the tsunami that surrounded the entire Malinford suddenly rose to the ground. Once the tsunami was let down, one hundred thousand Marine??? Don't be kidding, there are ten thousand Marines who can still stand. In this square, it is the miracle of justice. This is the strongest man. In front of him, only the top masters are qualified.

Go to war!!!

The sea became turbulent, and the sky weakened. Dark clouds began to lower their height. Malinford, the fortress of justice, greeted the first wave of anger from the king of the sea.

At this time, this apocalyptic scene was also broadcasted to the whole world by Malinford's live broadcast equipment. What is the concept? No, at most I know that he has the title of'the strongest'.

But now, through this scene, his overwhelming power has also been shown, and those who were still shouting'justice will win' are also shocked at this time, it seems that the hundred thousand Marine is magnificent. Isn't it too powerful??? This justice won't be lost, right???

3.8 The first move of Newgate's debut gave Marine a strong psychological pressure. If no one can stop the tsunami, the war can be said to be'end' at this moment.

But as the General Marshal Sengoku who has played against Newgate many times, how could he not think of the consequences of Newgate's ability???

I saw Admiral of Headquarters- Kuzan stood up from his seat very calmly. The next second, a cone of ice was left on the ground, and his whole person appeared in the sky.

"Ice Age!!!"

Kuzan stretched out his hands in the air and sipped, and then the powerful cold air spread out from his arms, and quickly invaded into the tsunami that surrounded Malinford. The extremely fast speed infected the entire tsunami, freezing the sea abruptly.

"Frozen-Two Spines" After Kuzan froze the tsunamis on the left and right, with both hands, he condensed several spears in the air and pierced Newgate.

And Newgate also punched casually, smashing the atmosphere and space around him again, not only smashing Kuzan's'two thorny spears', even Kuzan himself turned into a pile of crushed ice, from the sky It fell onto the sea of ​​Crescent Harbor.

Immediately afterwards, the powerful Logia- Frozen Fruit froze the entire sea area near Malinford

The strongest man in the world, with just one blow, forced Marine to let Admiral, who was on the last line of defense, take the lead. .

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