I Am Hellscream

Chapter 506 Brother Ming: Do you all look down upon Logia?

With the freezing of the sea, this top cruel battlefield was also opened, and this top war also sounded the clarion call.

"The bombardment will destroy the frozen Moby Dick!!!" Vice Admiral the ghost spider spoke quickly.

Following his order, the warships in the port and the turrets on the Crescent Bay line of defense began to fire at Newgate's flagship, the USS Mobile.

At the same time, the captains on the Newgate ship also laughed.

"Zhengshou doesn't have a place to stay, isn't this here??" Foil-Bista said with a smile, and then suddenly jumped up, slashing several new blows in the air, and attacked. The shells that came were all blasted in the air, and then he landed steadily on the ground, raised the long sword in his hand and said, ``Fight back, give these bastard Marines a bit of color!!


Not only was Bista rushed down from the Moby Dick, most of the captains rushed down, and at the same time, the pirate captains who were still on the periphery also jumped here with their little brothers. On the frozen sea, menacingly attacked Malinford, the stronghold of justice.

Of course, the Marines couldn't just let them and the pirates in casually. I saw Vice Admiral pulled out the saber on his waist very handsomely, and exploded the shells from Newgate in the air. After it was over, he shouted: "Don't let these evil parties invade our position. The battlefield has already appeared, kill them, kill them!!! All for


After speaking, the flying squirrel Vice Admiral shoved his steps and instantly disappeared from the high platform.The next second his figure appeared in front of Newgate's captains, and saw him raise his hand and slashed towards Newgate. The captain of the special eighth division-Murloc-Namuel.

The strength of this guy Namuir is not bad, I saw Haki in his hand, with a strong wrist force, directly grabbed the blade of the home rat Vice Admiral, and then the Buffalo-Atmos double knives beside him had been cut out. , I want to directly give Vice Admiral a knife and two paragraphs.

"The fire burns the cloud ashes!" Just as Atmos was about to succeed, a hot slash, mixed with soot, struck from a distance and slashed towards him.

In order to protect himself, Atmos had to retract the two swords and quickly assumed a defensive posture. The next second, the slash took him backward for a certain distance.

Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral's tall body also stood on the glacier. He smiled and said, "Can't you just kill our Vice Admiral as soon as you come up."

"Nosy, I'm not that easy to die," Vice Admiral said with a smile.

At the same time, powerful real-power Vice Admiral such as Ghost Spider, Dauberman, Dalmatian, Stolobelli, and Stirles all walked to Huoshaoshan Vice Admiral's side, and the momentum is also very Haki."Vice Admiral from Naval Headquarters gathered together, this kind of scene is extremely rare, more brutal than Buster Call," Bista said softly.

Because of the location of Newgate's assault, Marshal Sengoku made a mistake in the formation of Marshal Sengoku. It was Gromash who was supposed to be in front of the line. They also relaxed at this time. The task that Sengoku gave them was to try to resist the invasion of the Whitebeard Pirates. Don't let them rush into the square too quickly.

But at this time, the battlefield has changed from a square to a glacier in the Gulf Naval Port. The Marines and the pirates screamed and mingled there, so they had nothing to do when the front row was changed to the middle row.

It wasn't that Gromash asked them to go to the front, so Gromash didn't bother to participate in this chaos, just sitting on the seat and watching the drama, watching the Vice Admiral of the Marine fight against the captain and the captain, watching the pirates and Marine The elite generals and schools fought bloody battles.

Big scenes like this are not common, but before Gromash can see it, Mihawk next to him suddenly takes a step forward..

"Hey, hey, don't you be afraid of being forced to shoot so early? ?? People often say that the real master will always determine the world at a critical moment?? You are also the number one swordsman at any rate, and you will pretend for a while. How about??々"?"" Gromash joked with a smile.

A cold light flashed in Mihawk's eyes, and then he spoke softly: "The world's strongest is right in front of my eyes. I also want to weigh it. How is the gap between my "strongest" and his "strongest"? How big, I can't hold back the desire to win this contest..."

"Furafurfurfur, I look forward to you cutting off that old guy's head together," Doflamingo said to Mihawk with a smile.

However, Mihawk had no intention of responding, and saw that he slowly pulled out the first knife-Black Knife-Ye, which he was carrying on his back with extreme seriousness, and squeezed it in his hand.

At the same time, Marshal Sengoku, who was standing on the execution stage, also saw Mineck's movements, and he thought with some relief: "Do these damn bastards finally know that they want to take the initiative?? ?"

Unfortunately, in addition to Mihawk, Gromash and the others are still "watching the show" appearance, which makes Marshal Sengoku a little annoyed.

Mihawk is one of the top masters in the world. His every move will naturally not escape the eyes of the caring people in this messy battlefield. He put his eyes on Gromash who was sitting behind Mihawk.

Gromash saw that Newgate seemed to be observing himself, and smiled and raised his hand and shook Newgate as if to say hello.

Watching this scene, Newgate laughed involuntarily, and whispered softly: "Kula la la la, do you feel like you have the winning ticket?? What an arrogant bastard, Gromash"

Newgate knew very well that Gromash's smile at him wasn't a friendly expression, but was full of malicious malice, thinking that he would have eaten him Whitebeard.

At this moment, Mi Denko, who had adjusted his state to the pinnacle, finally shot. He saw that he slashed the black knife in his hand in the direction of Newgate with a simple slash. .

And the power that this simple slash broke out was extremely powerful.In an instant, the slash broke through the glacier, and all the marine, pirates and other miscellaneous things that were blocked along the way were cut in two, and then the slash He flew towards Newgate with unabated power.

Seeing this scene, Gromash also smiled, and thought: "Without this big brother Joz to help you with the knife, Newgate, how do you face the slash of the first swordsman???"

Marko, who was standing next to Newgate, frowned, a blue flame ignited under his feet and was ready to take action, but Newgate stopped him and said, "Don't take too much effort."

After speaking, Newgate raised his arm and didn't even take a glance. He found the angle at random and punched in the air.

In the next moment, the atmosphere quaked, and Mihawk's slash also shook, and then the angle was instantly changed. The pirate ship of the captain of the thief group was broken in one or two.

"Jiehahahahahaha, I didn't expect it, that old guy doesn't play frontal with you at all," Gromash said with a laugh while watching this scene.

And Mihawk's expression is also a bit unhappy. Newgate's punch just now was a random punch, but this punch drove him out of temper. It seems that I want to measure the gap between himself and him. , Really have to fight at close range.

However, Mihawk didn't know what he thought of. Not only did he continue to shoot without anger, but on the contrary, he put the black knife back away and returned to the Seven Warlords of the Sea camp.

"Why??? You are not angry with him like this? If I were you, I would give him two dollars when I went up." Gromash looked at Miyuk and asked in a puzzled way.

"The battlefield is too noisy. This is not a place for competition. Newgate has a different purpose than mine. He just wants to rescue Ace. Before that, he won't waste too much energy with me. Even if I go, I am afraid. There will be guys like Marco who will stop me, it's useless," Mihawk said calmly.

"That's right," Doflamingo said with a smile, but his eyes turned to the sky.

There, Polusalino, who was supposed to be the last line of defense, had already appeared in the air for some time. He crossed his arms, his whole body was shining with golden light, and then he said strangely: "Shining-Bachi Qiong Gouyu"

As Polusalino's voice fell gently, the entire sky above Malinford was enveloped by golden light, a large number of light particles condensed instantly, and then it was covered like a rainstorm in the direction of Newgate.

At this moment, Marco, who had just been stopped by Newgate, quickly activated his abilities. Salino's light particles were all blocked.

After Polusalino's movements stopped, Marco's tattered figure hit by the golden light also appeared in the air, but with the burning of his body, his injuries were also rapid. recover.

"I can't let you catch our'king' all at once, right??" Marko put a smile on the corner of his mouth, and Polusalino, who was looking at the sky, said softly.

"Hey, it's terrible, the captains of the Whitebeard Pirate Group are indeed monsters. I have never seen this kind of bird," Polusalino said softly.

In the next second, Marco spread his wings, and with a violent wave of his burning wings, he came to Polusalino with an acceleration, and then raised his leg with a barbed kick to Polusali. Connaught's head.

Polusalino raised his hand to block his head, but the physical fitness of Markel's top Zoan expert is indeed much stronger than Polusalino, and his strong foot force has made Polusalino a kick. Going out, smashed into the square.However, Polusalino was not injured. Instead, the light particles appeared in front of a group of Marines quickly, patted the dust on their wrists and said: ". Tell the giants that the enemies from the sky should also keep an eye on it. NS"

Doflamingo watched Marko kick Marine Admiral with Kamui's kick and said with a smile, "Why?? You people of Zoan-Eudemons don't put Logia in their eyes so much? ?Furfurfur??"

"Jiehahahaha, Logia is nothing but the nobility of our Eudemons???" Gromash laughed and said.

Just as Gromash said this, a huge spherical shadow suddenly appeared in the distant sky. The next second, the shadow quickly slammed toward Gromash and the others with strong kinetic energy.

When they got closer, Gromash and the others could see what it was. A huge ice block that was bigger than a warship hit them three or four times.

Looking at this scene, Gromash was very surprised. Don't you say that Joz, you special, betrayed the revolution?? What's the matter??

At this moment, Hancock was a little surprised, pointing to the sea level in the distance and saying, "That's the giants???"

"No, that's the little Oz, the descendant of the demon Oz," Moria said with a flash of excitement in his eyes.

It turned out that this huge ice cube was thrown by little Oz with all his strength from a distance, throwing (Li Zhao) over.

Looking at this scene, Gromash turned his head and glanced at Sakazuki, who was still sitting firmly on the Admiral throne.Sure enough, this shameless guy didn't have any intention to shoot. He wanted to come in his mind. If they, Seven Warlords of the Sea, can It would be even better to be killed, maybe he would have to award little Oz a medal.

Without Sakazuki's shot, Gromash didn't bother to count on others. He stood up with a raging flame on his body, moved his body and said, "I didn't want to take the shot so early, but it seems that you didn't want to take it so early. What do you mean by doing it?"

"Furafurfurfurfur, this kind of performance opportunity, of course, is left to you, Grandpa Gromash..." Doflamingo said with a smile.

In the next second, Gromash almost smashed the protective wall with one foot. The whole person had disappeared in place, only some sparks were floating in the air.

"Scorching-Fire Demon Strike!"" Gromash's figure appeared in front of the huge ice block, and then slammed his foot on the ice block.

What is surprising is that the ice cube did not shatter because of this, but was "stilled" in the air by the kick of Gromash.

Then the ice cube began to melt rapidly from the inside. When the outermost layer of ice disappeared, it turned into a large water droplet emitting steam in the air.

Then Gromash's arm reached into the'water drop', and a wicked and cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and whispered: "Murloc Karate-Uranium-Qunyu!!"

After speaking, Gromash shook his arm in the water suddenly, then pulled and flicked it downwards, the huge water droplet instantly collapsed, and then turned into countless shark-sized "water mackerels" toward the ground. Newgate rushed out.

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