I Am Hellscream

Chapter 513 Gromash: Newgate, there is no ship that can carry you in the new era!!!

Due to the arrival of Shiki, Buggy, Crocodile, Ivankov and Luffy, the entire battlefield was quiet.

However, this calm did not last long. After Buggy made his official appearance, Gromash was also ready to do it. He didn't care about the others. In this war, he only had two goals. One was to kill the guy Newgate. The mountain that blocked the peak of the pirate was completely leveled, and the other was to declare that he was going to enter the New World, and

Formally parted ways with the World government.

However, there must be a sequence. Now Newgate is not dead, and now there is another Shiki, and I am not in a hurry to break up with the World government, but this is also in line with Gromash's intentions. From Gromash's point of view, especially after the fight against Newgate just now.

He can deeply feel the weakness and aging hidden in Newgate's strong, Haki, and mighty body.It is not as powerful as the Ultimate that he used to fight against himself on The fish men island. Gromash even feels If you and Newgate go one-on-one, there is no suspense about winning or losing, Newgate is getting old!!

If there is an extra Shiki at this time, then it is just enough to satisfy Gromash's appetite. Shiki has just come out of Impelton. Although it looks like a dragon, but he can put down his own Jieyu and Newgate. When Teo teamed up to deal with Gromash's move just now, it was already a show of cowardice, so Gromash decided in an instant

The state of this guy is not at the peak.

If you meet Shiki at the pinnacle and now Newgate join forces, Gromash may also consider whether to try one-on-two, but now he has decided to challenge two legends at once!!

After making up his mind, Gromash was also very decisive, and saw him stomping his foot suddenly, shaking the ground, and the Hell Destroyer who had been inserted next to him instantly bounced into his hands, and then Gromash's aura rose greatly, with that manic aura. He vented suddenly and blew the seats behind him directly.

Although the number of participants in the entire war was as many as hundreds of thousands, the real masters would only stare at those masters, and would not care about the actions of the little ones.

Therefore, as soon as there was a movement on Gromash's side, all the top powerhouses in the platoon looked over.

"That damn bastard is getting excited," Marshal Sengoku looked at Gromash and whispered softly.

At this time, Garp Vice Admiral also walked up from the execution stage and said softly: "It looks like that guy wants to challenge Shiki and Newgate. Is that arrogant??"

Marshal Sengoku glanced at Garp, and instead of answering his words, he asked, "What are you doing here??"

"Leave me alone, it won't matter, I just want to sit here." Garp Vice Admiral said lonely, and then sat cross-legged beside Ace who was kneeling there.

Marshal Sengoku glanced at Garp, sighed in his heart, did not continue to say anything, and did not intend to drive him away.

"Grandpa..." Ace whispered softly.

Garp said, "Do you want to ask me for help??"

Ace was stunned when he heard the words, even Marshal Sengoku couldn't help but tightened the phone worm in his hand, as if waiting for Ace's answer.

Ace finally realized it at this time. Yeah, it was his grandfather who was sitting next to him. As long as he said "Grandpa, save me", he would definitely save himself if he wanted to come.

He is the hero of Marine-Garp. On this battlefield, he is also the top master, and this master is sitting next to him at this time, within reach of himself, as long as he speaks, then freedom will return. On his own body, he will be able to break free of this machine lock.

Ace's expression became silent, and then he smiled and said softly: "Isn't someone already desperate to save me? Isn't it? Now that I can accept any destiny. , Whether it is the sharp torture knife or the hands from the rescue, waiting for me, I can accept it 々""

Grandpa is Marine's hero, and because of this, as a grandson, how can he get his grandpa's fame in the last moment?

After Garp Vice Admiral heard Ace's response, his clenched fists slowly loosened, and he said softly, "Really??"

At the same time, Marshal Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, then his expression changed and he looked in the direction of Gromash.

Similarly, the expressions of Newgate and Shiki became serious. Even Sakazuki, Polusalino, and Kuzan sitting on the Admiral throne are no longer the relaxed appearances they used to be, and their faces are very serious. Looking at Gromash's back.

"It's coming," Shiki and Newgate suddenly said at the same time.

In the next second, a trace of bloody and tyrannical craziness flashed in Gromash's eyes, and his already very powerful aura skyrocketed again, forcing Hancock and others to take a step back.

"It's so violent..." Mihawk was slightly surprised in his heart. In the next moment, Gromash's figure disappeared from his line of sight, and only a few rubbles flew out of the ground in the same place. .

"So fast!!!" Doflamingo was also taken aback, and then involuntarily thought: "Is this his violent mode???"

That's right, Gromash turned on his own talent skills-autonomous frenzy at the moment of his hands. The strength and speed of the body increased instantly, and he moved from the array of Seven Warlords of the Sea to Newgate at an extremely fast speed. Rushed out with Shiki.

With naked eyesight, you can only see a black-red shadow with a roar from hell that cuts through the glacier in the harbor.The place where this shadow passes, whether it is the Marine or the pirate, is all affected by the powerful The momentum was suppressed, and all of them collapsed to the ground with foam.

"Feel the greetings from hell, Shiki, Newgate!!!" Gromash's figure suddenly ejected from the glacier when he reached a distance in front of the Moby Dick. The legendary battle axe originally held in one hand- The Hell Destroyer was also held by his swift hands, and his scarlet eyes stared at Shiki with extremely strong pressure, and then wrapped in nothing.

With a rivaling aura, he fell towards Shiki's direction.

"Is Laozi the first goal??" Shiki frowned, and Armament Haki wrapped his arms. Not only that, but the huge Moby Dick also shook, unexpectedly quickly "raised his head".

That's right, Shiki didn't know what Gromash was really good about last time when he fought against Gromash, so he suffered from his unreasonable brute force and tomahawk in this fight. This time Shiki is obviously Won't continue to iron out, he didn't hesitate to take the Newgate's flagship, the Moby Dick, to top the tank.

Just under everyone’s gaze, Gromash grabbed the "head" of the Newgate Na Moby Dick with an axe, Boom! With a sound, the huge Moby Dick's bow shattered directly. Gromash's figure also plunged into the scattered smoke and ruins, avoiding everyone's sight.

In the next second, his black and red figure swiftly rushed out of the smoke and dust, and the legendary battle axe in his hand-again roared, robbed the guy at Newgate.

That's right, the first goal that Gromash wanted to kill was not Shiki. Although Shiki is comparable to Newgate in terms of status, fame and fame, in terms of meaning, killing him is for Gromash. It doesn't make much sense at all. Only by killing Newgate can you start the journey of New World and the new era, so at the beginning,

The majestic charge is just a cover, his target is Newgate's head!!!

In the face of a beast like Gromash, Newgate was naturally prepared for a long time. Regardless of whether his first goal was himself or not, he had never relaxed his vigilance. Therefore, he saw Gromash suddenly changed his goal. When he attacked by himself, he did not have the slightest accident or passivity.

Man's self-confidence was very domineering and he slashed at Gromash's battle axe with no frills.

The so-called elephant is invisible, and the sound is loud. For an instant, the whole of Malinford seemed to hear a dull impact on their hearts, but it seemed that everything was an illusion.

The ship's bow had been shattered and the Moby Dick could no longer withstand the pressure. It quickly collapsed and dismembered from Newgate's feet, and Newgate's feet also appeared with transparent energy covering and supporting. So that he will not fall weightlessly.

At the position where Gromash's Hell Destroyer and Newgate's sword intersect, if you look closely, you can see that there is also a transparent energy mingled in it, and Gromash's battle axe is not really in contact with the sword.

This is Newgate’s Shock Fruit ability. The transmission of force is through vibration. Newgate knows how terrifying Gromash’s battle axe is. Even if it is him, it is impossible, unless his physical fitness can be as talented as Kaido and Charlotte- Linlin, otherwise he will stick to the axe.Not dead or seriously injured.

Therefore, at the moment when Gromash's battle axe and the big knife in his hand are about to come into contact, Newgate activates his own ability to quickly adjust the frequency of vibration to the strength of Gromash, and this fine technique is used to counteract the Gromash. Most of the force that the axe goes down.

Because of this, he was able to forcibly catch Gromash's slam head-on.

But that was all, even with Newgate's strength, there was still no way to completely erase Gromash's power, so the Moby Dick was also scrapped.

". In the new era, there is no ship that can carry you, Newgate!!!" Gromash roared, and the power of the battle axe in his hand increased again. This time, Newgate, who had no focus on his feet, was directly attacked by Gromash. An axe flew out, and fell on the glacier suddenly, almost crushing the entire ice water stream, and a huge crack instantly expanded from his feet.

He dispersed, and he himself also retreated a few steps back abruptly, and he escaped from this powerful force.

If you take a closer look, the fingers of the strongest man holding a big knife are trembling slightly.His Shock Fruit ability is actually shocked by Gromash.

"Empty-compression!" Shiki's voice suddenly came from not far away. The next second, his voice just fell, and the debris of the Moby Dick that had been hit by Gromash with an axe was entangled with a powerful Armament. Haki swiftly flew towards Gromash's figure in the sky.

In an instant, Gromash was wrapped in it, and then (Li Zhao) was not finished, the objects formed by the ruins continued to compress inward, a bit like the feeling of'Planetary Devastation', and countless wrecks and fragments began to continue. Consolidate in, gradually grow the irregular ball, and gradually make it "rounded".

Newgate, who has eaten Gromash's powerful axe, doesn't care about the "conscientiousness" at this time. It is impossible to single-handedly. This is war. You can't just allow you Marine and Seven Warlords of the Sea to gang up on me. I'm not allowed to fight you guys, right?

The moment he saw Shiki seizing the opportunity to control Gromash, the big knife in his hand was also slammed into the glacier, and then he also crossed his chest with his hands, and inexplicable energy spread out from his hands. Then he seemed to be trying to put his hands together in front of his chest.

Along with his behavior, vibrating ripples appeared around the sphere that "sealed" Gromash in the air, and the ripples were gradually compressed inward, as if he wanted to cooperate with Shiki and crush Gromash in one fell swoop. .

"Fufurfurfurfur, I heard that Gromash can be resurrected. This time I can see this rare sight." Doflamingo stood in the array of Seven Warlords of the Sea, watching the three top masters fight in the distance. The scene licked his slightly dry lips and spoke softly.

"No, it doesn't seem to have pushed Gromash to that point," Mihawk said softly.

As his voice fell, everyone who was watching this scene saw that the ball seemed to start to glow red and smoke.

"It's coming out," Hancock said softly, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

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