I Am Hellscream

Chapter 514 The Malinford line is broken!

As the "seal" of Gromash's sphere began to glow continuously, and black smoke rose outwards, the expressions of Newgate and Shiki also became unusually serious.

"Don't think that you can escape so easily, die inside, damn bastard!!" Shiki yelled, and then not far away, the warship that had just escaped from Impelton with him was also a short distance away. It was directly dismembered and turned into countless fragments. Buggy and others were also caught off guard, and all fell from the air onto the glacier.

In the next second, the material of the entire warship, whether it was a cannon made of steel or something else, once again wrapped Armament Haki, and was severely covered by Shiki on the sphere, once again strengthening the suppression of Gromash.

At the same time, Shiki spoke quickly: "Newgate, you old guy, move faster, I can't suppress him for long...~"

Newgate didn't respond after hearing Shiki's words, but judging from his trembling beard, he was indeed gradually strengthening his strength.

With the cooperation of the two legendary pirates, the sphere that "seals" Gromash seems to have gradually stabilized, as if the two of them are really going to succeed in squeezing Gromash to death-inside.

But just when Newgate and Shiki both felt that they were almost "stable," their expressions changed at the same time.

In the next second, the huge sphere suddenly expanded in a circle and almost didn't split. Then, before Shiki and Newgate made up for the accident, a sharp claw covered with delicate scales and burning with blazing flames. The sphere rushed out of the restraint and came out.

Immediately afterwards, a roar of the beast came from the sphere, and then the sphere exploded in an instant, with sparks and fragments suddenly scattered around, I don't know how many innocents were killed. Marine and Pirates.

After the smoke cleared, a shadow the size of an ordinary three-masted sailing ship appeared in the air, and then the shadow gradually revealed the real figure from the smoke.

A mighty fire-red unicorn of Haki was standing there by Yukura, with a bloodthirsty look in his fierce eyes, staring at Newgate and Shiki.

This unicorn is exactly what Gromash has transformed, and he rarely uses this complete animalized state.

However, it seems that Gromash, who has been suppressed by Shiki and Newgate for a period of time, is not in a good state at this time.The Qilin is constantly dripping blood down, and the blood will burn on its own in the air, and finally disappear. .

Then it seemed that Gromash didn't like to use this form to fight. The ferocious Haki's fire unicorn soon changed its size again and gradually became the figure of Gromash.

After standing still, Gromash made a void move on his body, and the Hell Destroyer who was originally flying out by him quickly returned to his hand. The tip of the hair that was a little obscured by his hand moved back with his hand, and the sticky blood fixed his hair there.

Until then, Gromash showed a wicked smile and looked at Shiki and Newgate who were waiting seriously and said: "I can take the combined blow of the two of you, I am afraid I am also the first one???"

Gromash is right. Newgate and Shiki have always been rebellious. Although they are both legendary pirates, they have never joined forces. Instead, they are often hostile and fight each other.

Gromash was indeed the first person to attack Whitebeard and Golden Lion.

"Huh, you are both the first and the last!!!" Shiki said in a deep voice, and moved his fingers a few times, seeming to be looking for the right time to shoot.

Newgate's expression at this time was also unusually serious, and the air around his body began to vibrate. It was obvious that he was also guarding against Gromash.

"Jiehahahahahahaha, you old lion is right, I really should be the last one, because it won't be long before you both will die here!!" Gromash carried the legendary battle axe-hell destroyer On his shoulders, he said with a big smile.

Just when Shiki was about to open his mouth to regain his momentum, Gromash didn't give him a chance. When he stepped on his feet, he stepped on an atmospheric crack in the air, waving his battle axe in his hand and quickly smashed towards Newgate and Shiki. .

Shiki and Newgate didn't dare to take Gromash's axe at all. Newgate retreated and said, "Leave us alone, Gromash can't help us with him, don't forget our purpose, save Ace!!!"

Newgate's voice seemed to wake up everyone who was immersed in this top-level battle. Marco, when he recovered, he quickly said, "Knock into the square, kill these bastards, and rescue Ace. !!!"

Following the order of Marco, the ship's officer, the Whitebeard Pirate Group began to restless again, and the originally silent battlefield also began to fight with blood and fire.

At this moment, Marshal Sengoku said: "That fellow Shiki is entangled, everything goes according to plan, raise the enclosing wall, Sakazuki."

As early as when Gromash was fighting Shiki and Newgate, the ghost spiders and Doberman, the chicken thieves, had already seen from Gromash's previous trick,'The Kirin comes to the world', Gromash wanted to kill them together. The sinister intentions.

Therefore, they will not be trapped here with Moonwalk's bottom line, they have already returned to Marine's camp, lest Gromash will shame them again.

At this time, although there are still a large number of Marines fighting with the pirates in the square, Marshal Sengoku also knows that nowadays it can no longer be a woman, so he opened the trick to "close the door" and let Sakazuki, Akainu, come out to wash the ground. NS!

Because Gromash quickly solved the little Oz and threw it out, the surrounding wall was not affected, and it rose very smoothly, trapping the entire Crescent Bay Naval Port to death.

Then Sakazuki was really cold-blooded and ruthless, regardless of the number of Marines on the battlefield that hadn't evacuated, and quickly got up from his seat, ready to execute Marshal Sengoku's order of annihilation.

He raised his arms, and his shoulders quickly began to emit thick black smoke like a volcano.The next second, his fists began to drip down hot lava, and then there was a trace of fierceness in his eyes. The voice said: "The Profound Meaning-Meteor Volcano!! !"

With the falling of Sakazuki's voice, his arms were like a real volcano, and he began to explode rapidly outwards like flame meteors the size of a ship.

These meteors began to converge in the sky and gradually became meteor swarms, and then began to fall towards the glacier that became the battlefield with that powerful strength and hot breath.

Once hit by his large-scale, undifferentiated profound meaning, the entire glacier would have to melt completely, and then Newgate and the others would have no place to settle.

Now that Gromash's fierce attack also restrained Shiki, he couldn't move the glacier in this moment, and because of this, Marshal Sengoku pinpointed this point and initiated the plan.

Seeing that the volcanic meteor was about to destroy all of this, just when everyone thought that the Whitebeard Pirate Group was going to end, a puff of yellow sand suddenly cut through the sky.

"Yellow sand ocean!!!" Crocodile this guy stood up at a critical moment.

And as his voice fell, his Logia-Sand-Sand Fruit also began to explode his powerful energy quickly.

Just like Sakazuki can produce magma on a large scale, Crocodile, also Logia, is not capable of destroying Sakazuki, but in terms of energy, he can still produce yellow sand on a large scale.

Within a moment, endless yellow sand covered the entire glacier, and it was still thickening. Sakazuki’s Meteor Volcano also slammed on the thick yellow sand with the aura of destruction. The yellow sand began to be burned into crystals by high temperature, but Crocodile still can withstand it.

When Sakazuki's dozens of meteors were all caught by the thick ocean made by Crocodile with sand, he looked at it and stretched out his hand and took off the cigar in his mouth, gently spit out a smoke. : "I hate the sea, so I can't let you bastards succeed.."

That demeanor and demeanor didn't seem to have been killed by Gromash even more than half a year ago. On the contrary, it felt like a big pirate at the level of Seven Warlords of the Sea.

0-Seeking flowers...

After speaking, Crocodile shook his hand very pretentiously, and the sky full of yellow sand also quickly changed its form, wrapped in Sakazuki's extinguished Meteor Volcano that was left in the yellow sand, under Crocodile's control, He was quickly thrown out of the battlefield and sank in the sea.

"Crocodile" Marshal Sengoku murmured with a dark expression on his face.

Sakazuki is also looking at Crocodile with a cold look, but Crocodile is not worth it at all. Although he has lost to Gromash, but think about it, Sakazuki seems to have won?? Isn't it all losers?? But you are Marine, so you are not locked in Impelton like me, so what kind of boss do you pretend?

Not convinced to make gestures??

At the same time, Shiki also caught a gap. While Newgate and Gromash were entangled with each other, he once again activated his ability to lift the entire glacier from the sea.

Thinking of him, Shiki often took a dozen or twenty islands flying around the sky with his own ability. As long as no one interferes with him, it is still very easy to lift a glacier.

Watching this scene, Marshal Sengoku also quickly said: "They want to bring the glacier into the square, Polusalino!!!"

Polusalino's reaction speed was very fast.After hearing the call of the marshal of the execution platform standing above his head, his whole person quickly turned into light particles from the seat, and then appeared with golden light. In the sky above the square.

"Bachiqionggouyu" Polusalino said softly.

This time, he didn't open it just for Newgate alone, so the coverage is extremely large, and the intention is to crush the entire glacier. How many people will die?

Since his attack area was large enough this time, even if Marco wanted to stop him like last time, it would be impossible.

Fortunately, this guy Crocodile seemed to have reached the peak state at this time. He waved his big hand and the yellow sand reappeared in the sky, intending to stop Polusalino's eight feet Qiong Gouyu.

However, Polusalino's glitter fruit and Sakazuki's Lava-Lava Fruit are not the same concept. Sakazuki's magma focuses on impact and destruction, while Polusalino's glitter focuses on speed and penetration. .

Therefore, although the yellow sand of Crocodile can block some, it is impossible to block all of them. A large number of beams still penetrated the yellow sand of Crocodile and hit the glacier.

For a while, the glaciers that Shiki was about to smash on the square were gradually crushed by Polusalino. The ice blocks that could cause a devastating impact were all blocked. Because there were still a large number of "owners" on the glacier, Shiki didn't dare to be too "fierce".

Otherwise, Marine will never die, these "owners" will undoubtedly die.

Therefore, this devastating'air raid' did not cause too many casualties in the end, but Malinford's line of defense was officially broken. The Whitebeard Pirate Group and its "reinforcement forces" successfully used this power to rush into In the square!!

Even Gromash and the three of them are fighting against each other.

Seeing that he had landed safely, Crocodile glanced back at Gromash, who was fighting Newgate and Shiki, and then a cloud of darkness flashed in his eyes, then turned into yellow sand, ready to go over and join him.

At this moment, a thin transparent line swiftly struck him. Since he didn't feel Haki's power, Crocodile didn't care too much, so in an instant, his head was cut off and turned into yellow sand. Floating in the air.

"Hey, crocodile bastard, I didn't expect you this guy to also run out of it, why?? Aren't you going to reminisce about the old with my old friend??" Doflamingo moved his fingers and smiled towards his tool Zhang walked towards Crocodile and said.

That's right, seeing Crocodile seems to be preparing to join the battle on Gromash's side, Doflamingo is also ready to do his best as a friend of Seven Warlords of the Sea and Gromash. small,

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