I Am Hellscream

Chapter 515 The chaotic Marinford battlefield!

Looking at Doflamingo who suddenly appeared near him, Crocodile's eyes were very dark. I don't know why.In short, since the first time I saw Doflamingo on the way to East Blue's Logue town more than 20 years ago, Crocodile felt that he was himself. It doesn't match up with this bastard, as if he was born to see him not pleasing to the eye.

Sure enough, this unpleasantness lasted for so many years. In short, for so many years, the two of them have never been'friendly'. As long as they have the opportunity to meet, they will always look hostile to each other.

"Doflamingo, do you want to die here???" Crocodile said in a deep voice, biting a cigar.

Doflamingo smiled, and then whispered: "You are still this unflattering old look. Speaking of which, you are no longer Seven Warlords of the Sea."

"So what?" Crocodile's eyes drooped slightly, and said coldly.

And Doflamingo licked his slightly dry lips, and then a wicked smile hung on the corner of his mouth and said, "Then, if I kill you here, I don't have to worry about your position anymore."

After speaking, Doflamingo's fingers moved gently, and Crocodile's pupils looked towards his shoulders.Several thin transparent threads were hanging down from the air, ready to be attached to his shoulders, Crocodile gently He sighed, and then stretched out his hand as if he was flicking dust.

Flamenco's Parasite String bounced off.

"If you want to do it, it's better not to use this kind of play house, otherwise I think it would be too easy to kill you," Crocodile said casually.

As soon as the voice fell, his arm had turned into yellow sand, and he swept towards Doflamingo at an extremely fast speed. The delicate yellow sand hit Doflamingo's abdomen in an instant, and then came out through his body.

"Arc moon dunes..." Crocodile whispered 01 after hitting Doflamingo.

This trick can be regarded as a common method of Crocodile, but although it is commonly used, it also has a very reasonable reason.It is often used because it is easy to use, isn't it?

Usually, the water in the body of the person who is hit by his trick is instantly absorbed. When the gravel comes out, it is also the moment when the person becomes a corpse.

But this time Crocodile had already noticed something wrong when his arm came out of Doflamingo's body. The next second, his expression changed, and the elementalization of his body quickly unfolded.

Sure enough, Doflamingo's body directly turned into a bunch of white threads, entwining it towards Crocodile. In just an instant, Crocodile was wrapped in a "silkworm cocoon".

Until this time, Doflamingo's figure オ didn't know where it came from again, squatting on a huge piece of crushed ice, smiling and saying, "Fufurfurfurfur, this dangerous battlefield, how can I do it? Do more preparations?? After all, I am very sorry for my life."

After speaking, Doflamingo also showed no mercy at all. He stretched out his slender fingers and shot the "silkworm cocoon" which was a small bullet.

However, after Doflamingo finished playing, the "silkworm cocoon" also changed. From the gap of the silk thread, strands of yellow sand gradually fell out here, and soon, the yellow sand wrapped the "silkworm cocoon" together. , Became an earthy yellow'egg'.

Then the egg broke directly, and a sand blade broke through the ground and hit the ice cube where Doflamingo was.

Doflamingo, who was squatting there, exerted a force at his feet, and the whole person rotated several times in the air, and then landed very lightly, looking at Crocodile, who had regained his free body.

Crocodile looked at Doflamingo with a gloomy face and said, "You still like to play these little tricks, you can't get on the table."

After speaking, the sand in Crocodile's hands rose, and the whole person once again killed Doflamingo.

While smiling, Doflamingo avoided the yellow sand of Crocodile very dexterously. His name Heavenly Yaksha is not for nothing. It is not that he is called "Heavenly Yaksha' because he can fly in the sky." If you go too much, Gromash can also fly, why didn't anyone call him Yasha?

Doflamingo is called Heavenly Yaksha because of his dexterity. Thanks to his "String-String Fruit", this guy can "ribble" everywhere.

"Fufurfurfurfur, Crocodile, don't you feel excited looking at this chaotic battlefield??? At this time, even I can temporarily relieve my burden and wait with expectation. This new era is coming.” While hiding, Doflamingo used various lines to restrain Crocodile's figure.

"Excited??? I would be very excited if I could see your death date," Crocodile said coldly.

"Furafurfurfurfur, there is really no taste, you guys don't know what you are thinking about. Now this is a truly neutral place. Are you not interested in such a rare "place" in the world? ? This is the "center" of the old and new ages, justice and evil?? Marines and pirates?? Everything will be new after the end of the war

Annotated, the values ​​formed by children who don’t know what “peace” is and children who don’t know what “war” form are completely different. How can they distinguish between justice and evil? The person standing at the apex point can rewrite this good and evil, and this war at this time is the real'war on the top' Ah!!! Furfurfurfur,

This is true neutrality. "Ah, justice will win??? Of course, that's right, because only the winner is justice!!" Doflamingo stopped his steps and said with a big smile.

Crocodile stretched out his hand and stroked his big back, and then said, "I have heard enough of your unnutritious remarks, justice or evil?? You will not find the answer to this kind of thing in the whole ocean. Yes, if the winner is justice, for you and me, I am justice!!"

After speaking, the golden hook in Crocodile's hand instantly turned into a pitch black color, wrapped Armament Haki, and hit Doflamingo straight.

Doflamingo also lifted his foot in an instant, also wrapped the powerful Armament Haki, and kicked Crocodile's golden hook without hesitation.

The powerful Armament Haki hedge burst out from the two of them to the surroundings, and all the young people in all directions were lifted off.

Then the corners of Doflamingo's mouth rose slightly, showing a smile and said: "Let's see who is the justice..."

At the same time, on the other side of the battlefield, the guy Mihawk was also looking at Buggy in front of him, and said helplessly, "What the hell are you guys doing??"

And Buggy, who was cut to pieces by Mihawk's random knife, quickly recovered his posture, and yelled: "I just want to ask you what the hell are you doing??? I haven't even spoken yet, you have already started to hack me. Isn't it???

Mihawk froze for a moment, and then he said, "Ah, sorry, this is already a habit. Anyway, you won't be hacked to death. Every time I see you, I will conditioned to draw the knife."

"You really are a bastard," Buggy said angrily.

Before Mihawk could speak, Buggy asked again: "So, why did the guy Gromash kick me up??? I don’t believe that guy would have nothing to do with such boring things, especially When none of you stopped him."

Mihawk did not answer Buggy directly. Instead, he gave Buggy a knife again and cut him off. Then Mihawk said, "This kind of war is really boring, but it can't seem that I'm too idle. You just stand there. Let me chop it down."

"You bastard," Buggy yelled angrily.

"Gromash is leaving from the position of Seven Warlords of the Sea" Mihawk ignored Buggy's yelling, but explained in a low voice.

Buggy was taken aback after hearing this topic, his head was cut off by Mihawk directly, and his head floating in the air said, "Did something big happen during the time I was caught? ?? Gromash is going to turn his face with the World government???"

"Newgate will definitely die in this war. It's not just that Marine and the World government don't want him to live. Gromash also needs to get rid of him here. When Newgate dies, New World will not be empty. Has a "throne" come out???" Mihawk said softly.

Buggy also recalled at this time. It turns out that Gromash doesn't want to do Seven Warlords of the Sea, and he is ready to become Four Emperors, but he changed his mind and quickly asked: "That has something to do with me. What's the relationship??? Does this have anything to do with the old bottom who upset me??"

Mihawk smiled and said, "Is that possible, but although he has left Seven Warlords of the Sea, I am still here. It is still lonely to lose a friend, so we discussed at Mariejois and decided to let you come. Isn’t it interesting to be the Seven Warlords of the Sea to succeed Gromash???"

Although Gromash is leaving the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization, and the Seven Warlords of the Sea organization does not seem to be able to stay long, but anyway, in the next three or two years, this organization will still be in the world. Has great influence.

This kind of thing, how Gromash said, has to do something in it, to bring Uncle Buggy to the altar, let him be a god, and then become Seven Warlords of the Sea, then he will still have it in Seven Warlords of the Sea With great influence, what happens when the time comes, it is also convenient to take care of 257, isn't it???

Buggy was also stunned at this time, and he quickly said, "I am Seven Warlords of the Sea?? Mihawk, we have known each other for so many years, don't you know how many catties I have?"

"But now everyone thinks that you are a guy who is on an equal footing with us, Seven Warlords of the Sea, Newgate and Shiki, right??? In this selection meeting, Doflamingo and I and the Pirate Empress-Hancock will vote for you." Mihawk laughed

He said.

"What about Bartholemew-Bear and Moonlight- Moria???" Buggy asked.

"Bartholemew-Bear has no so-called Seven Warlords of the Sea rights. As for Moria, he will soon not be Seven Warlords of the Sea, so the entire Seven Warlords of the Sea organization will only be left with three of us. Plus you are four." Mihawk said with a smile.

"This guy Gromash really thinks a lot," Buggy said with some emotion.

At this moment, Luffy, who followed Ivankov all the way forward, also passed in front of Mihawk. Just when Mihawk was about to intercept, Bartholemew, who was standing still in the distance, suddenly shot. Now, a huge bear paw shock wave directly blew up Luffy and Ivankov.

At the same time, the entire battlefield has become more chaotic. Marco is singled out with Sakazuki, four or five captains are also pestering Polusalino, and a large group of captains like Skuyard are also besieging. To Kuzan.

At this moment, the ground suddenly vibrated violently, and then a huge crack spread out, shaking the fortress of Malinford's justice, splitting a gap from the middle, and the traditional Chinese character "justice" They are all "split" from the middle.

This movement naturally attracted the attention of most people. Looking along the crack, I saw that the corner of the mouth of the guy Newgate overflowed with some bloodline, and there were some burn marks on the chest, and the big knife in his hand had been broken by the waist...

And in front of him, Gromash, with a sharp blade inserted in his chest, pierced through the front and back of his chest and back. It seemed that the injury was also not light. Similarly, not far from the two, Golden Lion.Shiki also had some Floating tiredly in the air, he seemed to be missing a knife on his right leg.

That's right, the sharp blade stuck in Gromash's chest is Shiki's famous knife "Withered Wood."

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