I Am Hellscream

Chapter 516 The strongest man's Jedi counterattack!!!

Looking at the broken knife that fell to the ground next to Newgate, Gromash's mouth showed a smile, and then he raised his hand to grasp the handle of the knife-withered wood that was inserted in his chest, and then decisively outwards. After a while, he pulled out the dead wood from his body and grabbed it in his hand.

As the dead wood blocking the wound was pulled out, Gromash's chest began to bleed crazily, and soon, a pool of blood accumulated at his feet.

However, Gromash's physical fitness is much stronger than the two legendary pirates. As the awakening ability of the top Zoan-Eudemons, Gromash's injury is slowly and steadily repaired.

Soon, the scars on his chest stopped flowing outward.

The three of them all seemed to need to slow down, so no one continued to take the lead.

"Newgate, you are getting old, and the current "strongest" is a bit of a misnomer. If you don't have Shiki as a bastard to join you, you should have died in my hands." Gromash raised his hand and wiped the corners of his mouth. Bloodline, began to provoke Newgate.

Newgay has been fighting for a lifetime, and I don't know how many times I've heard this kind of trash talk, so it's impossible for Gromash to say this casually, and he can't stand it psychologically.

"It's better to save your words, Gromash, I am nothing more than an ordinary human with a heart. Although the world is called demons and monsters, I am already in my seventies. As you said, I'm old, and I can't always be the'strongest', but this kind of thing doesn't matter, in the face of time

Anyone will take this step, right??" Newgate also wiped the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth and said softly.

Then, before Gromash could speak back, he showed a smile, then turned his gaze over Gromash, looked at the execution platform at the back, and said again: "But if you can entrust a young life to the future, Then I have completed my mission, right?? It's almost time to step down from this "strongest" position.

At this time Shiki opened his mouth and said, "Newgate 273, you guy has also become weak, are you going to bow to the bastard Gromash??"

However, Gromash said, "Is it weak? No, you can say this as the'strongest'. I admire your magnanimity and mind even more. Newgate has been an admirable person since the beginning. Opponents, it's a pity that you have a different position. You are in my way. For this reason, I have to personally send you on the road. As for your mouth

In my opinion, that young life may not be able to be entrusted to the future."

Having said that, Gromash moved his shoulders, and then said again: "Look at the situation of this war, you and Shiki have been stopped here by me, and your captains and captains are also talking to Marine. The Admiral and Vice Admiral are entangled, but on the torture stand, but there are Garp and Sengoku, under the torture stand

There are still Zephyr and Tsuru chief staff members. The name of Marine hegemony is not for nothing. The four top combat powers are there, and who can break through??? Don't you really hope for anything' Miracle "right??"

Newgate's expression became gloomy again after hearing Gromash's words of condemnation, even if he knew that Gromash's words meant to irritate him, and wanted to find new opportunities to do it, but he had to say, Gromash What is said is indeed a fact. Due to the intrusion of Gromash, the entire Malinford war process has also become

There was a mess, and even the live broadcast that should have been closed was not closed at this time. The reason is very simple.

Originally, Marshal Sengoku's reason for closing the live broadcast was to kill Ace with the disgraceful'premature execution'. However, although the war situation in Malinford has become more and more chaotic, if you look closely, Marine is still in the advantage, so Sengoku The Marshal also wanted to show the strength of Marine to the whole world to see, so he didn’t make any mention of it.

Small tricks such as "pre-execution" and shutting down live broadcasts are fighting this war with integrity.

Sakazuki didn't even let Sakazuki go to misfortune the famous "big filial son" big vortex spider-Skuyard, and Newgate didn't even eat that "abdi (abdi) karma-filial son swordsmanship."

"A miracle???" Newgate whispered softly, and then his expression became serious, and then he said: "This miracle, let me trigger it!! Gromash, just kill it here. If you say, won't the current situation of this war have undergone earth-shaking changes??"

Before Gromash could laugh at Newgate's whimsical idea, Newgate had already spoken to Shiki who was not far from him.

"Shiki, we have known each other for decades, right?? I didn't expect that my last battle was to join hands with you. Thinking back to the days when we conquered each other, I have to feel that the time passed by is really fast. Ah" Newgate said softly with a trace of emotion in his tone.

After Shiki heard what Newgate said, his expression became serious. He seemed to have heard Newgate's death will.

"Now, what are you talking about nonsense? Laozi didn't expect that there would be a time when he would join hands with you in this life," Shiki said in a deep voice.

"Just as Gromash said, I am already the remnant of the era. There is no ship that can carry me in the new era. Shiki. Next is my final performance. Ace is Roger's son. Please give it to you." A drunken smile hung from the corner of Newgate's mouth, and he spoke softly.

This guy Shiki was locked up in Impelton before. Naturally, he didn't know the true identity of Ace. He didn't come here to participate in this war. He didn't come for the kid on the execution stage. He was here to block the Gromash and Marines. Yes, but now, after hearing Newgate say that this guy is Roger's son, Shiki's heart is also shocked.

"Roger's son???" Shiki said incredulously.

"Kula la la la la, yes, can't you think of it?? That damn bastard, finally left us a gift," Newgate said with a smile.

Although Shiki and Roger are rivals who have fought for most of their lives and are also the'source' of Shiki's imprisonment, no matter what, Shiki still appreciates Roger, and he is the only man who is willing to'share' the world with him. Therefore, Shiki is also very interested in Roger's son. After a little thought, Shiki said in a deep voice.

: "Then start your performance, Newgate!!"

Newgate also let go of the last worry when he heard the words. Although Shiki did not respond positively whether he would take care of Ace, the words "start your performance" already contained the answer.

Newgate did not continue to talk nonsense, he saw his aura suddenly rose, and the whole person seemed to be a little taller, and then an inexplicable rhythm gradually radiated from his body, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. The gravel began to tremble in accordance with the rhythm of his rhythm.

"After getting older, it has been a long time since I made such a move. Next, I will try my best to Shiki," Newgate said softly.

Seeing this scene in Newgate, Shiki also showed a silly smile, and then softly said, "Awakened??"

Hearing Shiki's words, Gromash's pupils also shrank in an instant, Newgate's Shock Fruit ability awakening is a bit scary to think about, according to the original story, he should not have the "strength" to wake up. That's right, but think about the fact that this guy Newgate really started to work when he was given a knife by the filial son of Skuard.

Later, perhaps because of that knife, Newgate completely failed to exert his powerful strength in the war. Now he has not suffered that kind of penetrating injury. It seems that he can still use the ability of'awakening' when desperately. .

Thinking of this, Gromash also got up to 120,000 points of energy. Facing the strongest man's fighting back, no one dared to underestimate it. The truly dangerous beast was the one that was forced to ruin. It will be shown later...

Gromash's thoughts had just receded, and Newgate had already acted like that, and saw his foot slammed on, and the solid ground of Malinford shattered directly. To the location of Gromash.

Gromash has always been true to this kind of'straight forward' boxing, so he also retreated a half step, raised his right arm to accumulate a punch and hit Newgate's fist.

But at the moment he punched, he seemed to feel something was wrong, Gromash felt very keenly that his strength seemed to be shrinking rapidly.

After releasing Observation Haki to investigate carefully, Gromash suddenly discovered the problem. Numerous vibrating ripples around him are quickly adjusting the frequency of their vibrations, and this frequency is also constantly reducing his punching strength during continuous adjustments. , Even Newgate’s body is shaking slightly with the frequency of Gromash.

If the vibrations between myself are completely consistent, wouldn't it be useless to attack me??

It's too late, it's fast, Gromash's thoughts from the point of discovering the problem to the point of perceiving the problem are nothing more than too late to make any adjustments, so his iron fist also hit Newgate's fist fiercely.And this time, it was his Gromash, who relied on brute force to crush the world's heroes, and this time, Newgate's punch not only quickly weakened Gromash's fist, but it was also mixed with strength. Gromash was caught off guard by the shocking force of his height, and was directly hit into the ground by his height with a punch from top to bottom.

"Cough." Gromash spit out a mouthful of blood, and the powerful shaking force instantly spread from his arm to his whole body, causing his internal organs to rupture.

Gromash has never seen the ability of the strongest man-Whitebeard-Edward Newgate to awaken, but Shiki often played against Newgate in this state when he was young. He knew very well that Newgate's ability was not awakened. So many gorgeous, it is so simple and crude, it looks inconspicuous, but it is very deadly.

Therefore, after seeing Gromash's punches like being cheated, he has already activated his abilities in an instant.As expected, Gromash suffered a big loss and was directly beaten by Newgate with a punch. It was hit directly into the ground.

And at this time, at this point in time, Shiki also seized this opportunity to activate his own abilities.I saw that Gromash was just about to get up and get out of this state quickly. His limbs were fixed to the ground, and Gromash knew it was Shiki’s ghost, and for something like this, he took a second

It can break free, but this one pause is already deadly when the master makes a move.

Newgate broke out with all his strength at this time, and he was completely a posture of the'strongest man'. He must be a master of the master. He must not miss this opportunity, and just as Gromash thought, this moment, Newgate The next "Lian Zhaoer" has arrived.

I saw that he grabbed Gromash's head directly with his big hand, and then the unmatched vibration power burst out in an instant, the space near Gromash's head was directly shattered, and then he felt a sharp pain. When it came, the whole person seemed to be squashed. From the outside world, at this time, Gromash's head has indeed followed

The force of Newgate's punch was squashed along with the space.

"Go to hell, Gromash!!!" Newgate's eyes flashed fiercely. Although he admired Gromash back then, he was already an enemy at this time. In the face of enemies, Newgate never kept his hands!!

"Absolute shock, smash!!!" Newgate roared, and along with his roar, a wave of transparent power in his hand went straight down Gromash's seven holes into Gromash's head.

And at this moment, Gromash, who had endured a hundred-day torture and thought that his will was already indestructible, also let out a painful roar.

"Ahhhhh" Gromash wailed.

In the next second, the entire ground collapsed for a large part in an instant, and the huge cracks made the entire Malinford tremble, and the fortress of justice seemed to tilt up.

Newgate's powerful blow directly shook Gromash's brain into a real paste. After many years, Gromash finally ceased to commit suicide. He once again experienced the feeling of being "killed".

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