I Am Hellscream

Chapter 517 Return from hell.

This wave of Newgate broke out, directly under the cooperation of this guy Shiki, he hit Gromash, a real surprise, and killed Gromash in seconds.

After completing this forced kill, Newgate's mouth overflowed with blood again, and then he involuntarily took two steps backwards. It seems that with his current physical fitness, he wants to maintain this awakening. The state also needs to pay a certain price...

Although Gromash's voice has completely disappeared, Shiki still dare not care. He said, "Don't relax, that damn bastard can be'resurrected'"

Newgate was also slowing down at this time.This outbreak was indeed a heavy burden on his body, but if he wanted to maintain it, he could still maintain it for a period of time.I saw that he raised his hand to cover his aching chest. He said, "I know how weird this guy is, of course."

Gromash is a top expert, and his intelligence is naturally very much of the attention of other experts.Although Newgate has not really seen Gromash's resurrection, basically everyone who has played against Gromash has never questioned him. Ability, even most of them have been blew up by him.

Therefore, Newgate never doubted whether Gromash's rumors of being able to'resurrect' were true or false.

At the same time, all the masters who were playing against each other slowed down or even stopped their attacks. The same is true for Doflamingo and Crocodile.

After abruptly staggering each other, the two turned their heads to look at the battlefield between Gromash and Newgate. Doflamingo's eyes flashed with "two seven three" surprise. He and Gromash have known each other for so long. I haven't heard the wailing of Gromash.

What kind of shock did it take to make a tough guy like Gromash scream in pain??

As a result, I was even more surprised at this sight. Through the perception of the smell and the breath, Grandpa Gromash actually died?? And the death was extremely miserable, the whole head was bloody, and the pulp was flowing from the corners of the eyes, nose and mouth. Squishy brain

It's not that Doflamingo never thought that Gromash would die. After all, this guy is not dead for the first time, but he didn't expect that Gromash would be "seckilled".

"Is this the strongest man???" Doflamingo thought in shock.

The same is true for Crocodile. As a man who has played against both Newgate and Gromash, he can deeply feel that Gromash's strength is not weaker than Newgate, so even Newgate is teaming up with Shiki at this time. In his opinion, Gromash shouldn’t be more unlikely to be "spike killed" オ right

The two of them were fighting fiercely just now, so naturally they didn't take the time to observe the situation of Gromash like that. From the beginning, I will observe the situation of Gromash from time to time. For the movies that Gromash is killed

Duan, they are completely in their eyes.A very interested light flashed in Mihawk's eyes, and he said, "Is that the ability of Shock Fruit to awaken?? It is completely different from what I imagined. It is not incomprehensible that Gromash will die under this trick."

Buggy, as a person who used to fight the world with Roger, he had seen Newgate's awakening state. I thought that if Rayleigh and Jabba hadn't made a decisive move to help Roger, he faced this awakening for the first time. When he was capable, Roger would probably be killed on the spot. Without him, it was because the'disguise' of Shock Fruit's awakening was too strong.

I think that Newgate’s shots are a real disaster on weekdays. It's all about wherever he goes, where he looks like a natural disaster. The sea is often overturned, the land is cracked, and the scene is a doomsday. Why is this?? Not because He mastered the Paramecia-Shock Fruit's ability to destroy the world.

Therefore, over time, whoever it is, imagine that his Shock Fruit's ability awakens, it should be a more manic, more destructive appearance, only the feeling of knocking the bottom of the sea to the surface of the sea with a punch It is in line with Shock Fruit's awakening force.

But no one expected that Newgate's ability awakening would be so low-key, even without Observation Haki to perceive the change, but there is a lot of horror in this low-key. , Uncle Gromash, he ate this horror, and was directly killed by Whitebeard and Golden Lion.

Both Sengoku and Garp, who watched this scene on the execution stage, had very poor expressions. It seems that the two of them have also suffered from the awakening Shock Fruit ability of Newgate. Gromash could see himself in those years.

"After all, he is still too young, and the understanding of Newgate is too superficial. Is it true that his strongest name is for nothing???" Garp said softly.

"For so many years, there have been many people who have suffered from this sorrow in Newgate's hands, and only a few have survived," Marshal Sengoku also said softly.

How can a true top player not hide a few unique skills? Gromash died in Newgate's hands at this time. On the one hand, it is precisely because he underestimated Newgate.

But this is no wonder, after all, in Gromash's impression, because of his advanced age, the guy Newgate did not show much of the'strongest man' in this battle on the top, so that Gromash Unconsciously, he lost his'vigilance' to Newgate. When he faced Newgate, he had not even played against Polusalino.

Come earnestly and renew the secret.

When Gromash raised his own vigilance because of Newgate's awakening, Newgate played him a "yin" hand, and then killed Gromash without hesitation. This process was so fast that Gromash was all There was no time to react.

At the same time, near the waters of Malinford, a huge cloud was moving in the sky with a weird headwind.

If you look through the thick clouds at the bottom, there is an island flying above the clouds. That's right, this island is the sub-base of Gromash, the capital of the seven waters.

At this time, in the large conference room of the City of Seven Waters, Robin and Monet's expressions were a bit distressed watching the live broadcast in front of them.The two of them have been partnering with Gromash for so long, and they have also seen Gromash and many people. , But no matter what kind of injury, I have not heard Gromash's painful cry, and at this moment, Gromash

But wailing, of course they will feel sorry for their men.

Unlike Robin and Monet, the other cadres of the Frostwolf Pirates are all gloating.

"Oh, did the sound just be recorded? It's been so many years, the first time I heard this kind of sound from the boss, I'm afraid I won't be able to hear it in the future, so hurry up and save it and collect a copy. This is a peerless treasure. "Cromwell bit a cigar, sat in front of the coffee table, and said with a smile.

"Did you hear me wrong???" Joz said with a tense expression, then he paused, and then said again: "How can he be, Boss Gromash?"

Having said this, Joz's stern expression couldn't be stretched anymore, he just laughed and continued: "How could he make such a sound like a half-dead sea monkey run over by the Elune? What about the cry? ??"

After Joz finished speaking, the entire conference room burst into laughter.Even Robin and Monet, who were still a little distressed, showed a smile involuntarily.If you think about it carefully, the embarrassing and embarrassing cry of Gromash just now It seems to feel a little bit like this

At this moment, the little princess who has always been precious to Gromash, Grana Sugar, said very annoyedly: "Does your conscience hurt? Brother-in-law has been killed now, and then it will be very dangerous." Anymore, in case if we encounter this situation again"

"Sugar, don't underestimate Gromash," Lu Qi said calmly while holding a milk bottle and biting a straw.

"Yes, don't worry too much about him. Who do you think he is??? He is the captain of our Frostwolf Pirates. Although he seems to have overstepped this as a subordinate, he has to say that this guy does. It's because he has two life weapons a day. It doesn't work. He doesn't care about anything. But once he has died once, he won't

No matter how simple it is to be killed by someone, now in Malinford, no one can kill him so simply and neatly like this." Joz also said with a smile on his face.

But sugar listened, but he was still very worried about his brother-in-law. At this moment, Jinbei opened the door of the meeting room and walked in. Looking at the cadres who were holding the party, he couldn't feel it. Mindly said: "Why?? Did I miss something??"

"Ahahahahaha, Boss Jinbei, you missed Boss Gromash's wailing, but don't worry, we have recorded it, and we can show it to you later," Cromwell said with a big smile.

Jinbei was also very interested and said, "Really? The wailing of Boss Gromash?? This must be heard repeatedly."

After Jinbei finished speaking, Robin asked, "How's it going??"

"Ah, it's almost reaching the sky above Malinford. When the boss of Gromash finishes in Malinford, we can pick him up and enter the New World directly at any time," Jinbei said with a smile.

Then he seemed to think of something interesting. Generally, he stretched out his hand and rubbed the sugar head and said, "Yes, sugar, the scholars on Visalia Island sent us an interesting message. I believe you will be very interested"

Suspiciously asked, "Boss Jinbei, what's the matter?? Why am I interested??"

"The navigator of the Straw Hat Pirates, isn't she your friend?? It seems that the Bartholemew-bear at Sabaody Archipelago flew to Visalia Island..."" Jinbei said with a smile.

When Sugar heard the news, his eyes opened brightly and said, "Boss Jinbei, where is Visalia Island now??"

"In the South Calm Belt of New World, it seems that some island is being transformed," Jinbei said with a smile.

Just when Sugar was about to speak, Lu Qi suddenly said, "It's going to be resurrected."

As Lu Qi's words fell, everyone's eyes were attracted to the projection screen in the conference room, watching the scene inside with great concentration.

At the same time, Gromash's body also changed in the battlefield in Malinford.

Newgate frowned, forcibly resisted the pain in his body, raised his hand and punched Gromash's corpse again, but this time it was beyond his expectation. The feeling he had never experienced before was offset.

"This feeling is," Newgate said with some surprise.

Shiki also looked gloomy and remembered the scene where he blew himself up after being locked up by Gromash with the trick of'Strongman Locking Man' in his own lair.

He responded softly, "Going back in time is incredible, right??? But this is the truth."

At the same time, when the guy Garp3.8 was looking at the weird scene on Gromash, he also remembered his hand in Gromash on Logue town. "The fairy jumped, and said with some emotion: "This kind of scene, watch it a few times. Will feel very weird."

"What kind of power is this?" Marshal Sengoku also smacked his lips.

And Ace, who was kneeling on the execution platform, had already regretted it. When he saw Gromash being killed just now, he felt a little unclear in his heart. After all, his father killed the guy who had been confused in his heart. , So that Ace didn't know what to feel for a while, but in a blink of an eye, Gromash seemed to be resurrected here.

He was stunned.

Because he never thought about being hostile to Gromash, Ace basically didn't know Gromash's top-secret information very much, but he knew that he was very strong, but if he was not witnessing the resurrection at this time, he would feel that I would not believe it.

The fingers of Gromash's corpse first moved slightly, and then a hot flame burst out of him, burning the surrounding ground directly into magma, forcing Newgate and Shiki to retreat a little. At this moment, Gromash's voice also came from the flame.

"It hurts me to death. You can penetrate your awakening ability directly into my skull, and smash the brain and the bones together. You guy is really ruthless, Newgate." Gromash held himself in his hand. His head seemed to be still reminiscent of the feeling that made him feel unhappy just now, and he pushed aside the flame with one hand, revealing his own figure.

Said. .

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