I Am Hellscream

Chapter 518 Crush the two legends!!!

Newgate looked at Gromash, who was completely resurrected and had no injuries on his body, and said with a serious expression, "When facing the enemy, will you be merciful??"

Then, before Gromash could speak, Newgate had already made another move. It was still the old trick. He punched the flames beside Gromash directly and took Gromash's face. It seemed that he still wanted to punch himself. The shock hit Gromash's brain directly.

Gromash has only suffered a big loss like Newgate just now.He will continue to take this punch unless he is stupid.I saw him slam on the foot, and the whole person instantly retreated, and Shiki and Newgate both pulled together. Drive a certain distance.

The moment Gromash dodged, the space he was in was completely shattered. The weird black hole was constantly absorbing everything around it, and the space began to repair itself quickly. How powerful is the power contained in the special casual punch.

Until then, Gromash, who had pulled a distance away, said: "Since you have already shown your unique skills, then I have to show my hole cards, otherwise, wouldn't it be too bad for you to Newgate? Save face??"

As Gromash's voice fell, his momentum skyrocketed, and after resurrection, he refreshed his state again and opened the frenzy, and when Newgate and Shiki were ready to deal with Gromash's frenzied attack, Polusalino, who was fighting against a group of captain-level people, suddenly changed his expression, and turned into a golden light.

After leaving the siege, he was watching Gromash with serious eyes.

He has a hunch that Gromash should enter the unparalleled and powerful state that he had when he fought against him in Alabasta. The last time he fought against Gromash suffered a big loss in this regard. What method can be used to crack the invincible state of Gromash?

If you take a serious look on the sidelines, maybe it will bring him some new ideas...

Sure enough, under Polusalino's gaze, Gromash's already frantic aura rose another level again, and a demon phantom formed by the entanglement of curses and resentments slowly appeared in his Behind him, when the phantom condensed to Ultimate, it began to penetrate into Gromash's body as before.

In it.

The weird black pattern began to spread on Gromash's body, just like a curse in him. Looking at this scene, both Newgate and Shiki felt an extremely powerful oppressive force crushing against them.

This is the second time that Gromash has shown this form. The last time it was in the desert. Only Polusalino witnessed all this. As a Marine Admiral, this kind of information must be reported to Naval Headquarters, and Naval Headquarters It is also naturally impossible to spread this top-secret information, so except for Marine's senior management, there is no

Who has ever seen Gromash in this state, and he doesn't even know how cruel Gromash is in this state.It seems that the grievances on this battlefield are much more common than those in the desert. Polusalino feels that Gromash's momentum seems to be a bit stronger than before.

At the same time, Marco, who was playing against Sakazuki, couldn't help slowing down his speed. Sakazuki also didn't take the opportunity to make a move, and he was also observing Gromash's state.

"Is this the kind of weird form Polusalino said??? It is powerful enough to crush Marine Admiral???" Sakazuki thought in his heart.

For Gromash, Sakazuki has never had too much'hatred', but he really wants to find a chance to kill Gromash. After all, in his opinion, the threat of Gromash is too high. Seeing Gromash seems to have become more Stronger, his heart is also very heavy.

Even Garp Vice Admiral, who was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the execution platform, has stood up at this time, and looked at the increasingly powerful Gromash without a word.At this time, on the battlefield around Gromash, except for Newgate and Except for the two top masters, Shiki, no one can continue to stand, or was directly shocked to death by his powerful aura.

Or they left the neighborhood very wisely, leaving a lot of room for the three big guys to play against.

"Hundred ghosts-burning blood!! 々"!" Gromash roared, and with his roar, the blood on his body began to burn rapidly, and a dark ghost ghost appeared behind him. , That breath is very evil.

The blood in the whole body was burning, and Gromash entered the state of "pain and strong" in an instant, and then he looked in the direction of Newgate and Shiki, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing an evil and tyrannical smile. .

Seeing this smile, Shiki and Newgate couldn't help but feel surprised.Both of them quickly assumed a defensive posture.The strong Armament Haki wrapped around Newgate's body, and the whole body was shaking faster and faster. .

In the next second, Gromash's figure disappeared directly from the sight of the two of them. Only the gravel was flying on the empty ground, and two patterns that had been trampled appeared in place.

As the world's strongest man who has experienced many battles, Newgate's fighting instinct is also very powerful. At the moment Gromash disappeared, his arms were already wrapped in powerful vibration energy and Armament Haki crossed his chest.

Sure enough, his posture had just been set, and Gromash's figure had once again been printed in his line of sight, and the fist that burned with hot flames with a strong dark breath directly hit his arms with unmatched power. superior.

That strong strength this time didn't care about Newgate's ability to wake up or not. With an unstoppable momentum, it directly broke through the vibration ripples around him, and knocked Newgate back and flew out. Gromash's figure turned around in the air, and then it didn't even fall to the ground. With one foot, Shiki on the other side was also kicked out.

Before Newgate landed, the extremely fast figure of Gromash had appeared above him again.

At the same time, Newgate's pupils, which seemed to be always calm, shrank abruptly, and the powerful transparent vibrating energy instantly formed a constantly vibrating shield above him, and Gromash's fist It also hit it directly, as if hitting a piece of transparent glass, the shield was also directly punched through by Gromash.

He hit Newgate's chest-protecting arm fiercely, trying to pour him to the ground with a strong force.

And Newgate also sensed Gromash's intentions, and resisted the severe pain from his arms, suddenly activated his abilities, and directly ``tipped'' the ground behind him, revealing a huge line. The crack seems to go straight to the depths of the earth. If Gromash is really punched on the ground, Newgate can completely imagine that he will

What's going on, maybe you really can't stand up anymore.

Now that there is extra space for the fall, he can also adjust it.I saw that in the abyss, the direction of Newgate's fall, layer after layer of transparent color energy positions appeared quickly, and continued to slow down. The strength of Newgate's fall.

While Gromash watched this scene, his brows were also frowned, and he didn't intend to give the strongest man a little time to breathe.He slammed on his feet, directly crushing the atmosphere in the air, and accelerated towards Newgate. The falling crack chased it down.

And at this moment, Shiki's abilities were also activated, and the ground in front of Newgate instantly merged together, blocking Gromash's line of sight, and the closed ground also directly trapped Gromash inside.

But it was only an instant. The entire ground melted into hot and scorching magma. Gromash's figure broke through the magma and chased it down again.

But the moment just now is enough. For top players like Gromash, Shiki, and Newgate, that short moment is enough to do a lot of things.

Newgate seized the moment, adjusted his posture in an instant, and forcibly stopped the direction of the fall, and slammed a punch to tear the battlefield again, a stagger called "zero distance", and escaped. Gromash's supplementary knife quickly returned to the ground.

And Gromash, who had been avoided by Newgate, also slapped his lips uncomfortably.

This is how difficult it is to challenge two legends at once. Top players like Shiki and Newgate are very good at'grabbing points', and as long as you grasp that point, it is a very simple matter to change the rhythm of the battle in an instant. If Shiki hadn't stopped Gromash at the moment, Gromash had the confidence to directly drive Newgate into the ground, completely destroying it.

His slender body.

But it was too late at this time. Fortunately, Gromash still had the confidence to continue suppressing the two of them. He didn't believe it anymore. Shiki and Newgate could still grasp this kind of'point' that could change the rhythm of the battle every time. ??

At the same time, Newgate, who had just climbed up from the crack, also spit out a mouthful of blood. His magical operation just now seemed to be very beautiful, but for him, a man in his seventies, The burden is also great, especially after receiving Gromash's two punches, if not for the kind of awakening that can offset most of the strength.

In the state, I am afraid that I have been directly beaten to death by two punches??But even so, he paid a heavy price for receiving these two punches.His left hand, which was at the top of his chest, was now weakly hanging beside him, piercing the muscles and skin from there, exposing it. Looking at the bloody bone spurs in the air, this arm was directly interrupted by two punches by Gromash!!!

On the other hand, Shiki is not getting better. The corners of his mouth are dripping with blood. The "prosthetic legs" that were already left have become very embarrassed. That's right, although Gromash just got caught Shiki defended it, but he didn't have Newgate's method that could rely on vibration to reduce strength, the famous knife on his leg. Sakura Ten Already

After being kicked directly, it was folded into a ninety-degree right-angled famous knife.

Kicked the famous knife wrapped around Haki with one kick, and you can also see how powerful Gromash's seemingly random kick just now is. If it was Shiki's real leg just now, I'm afraid it would have been followed. Just like Newgate, it just broke off.

*. How could it be so strong??? One person completely suppressed the two of us???" Shiki raised his hand and wiped the Bloodline at the corner of his mouth, looked at Newgate's miserable appearance, and said in a deep voice.

Newgate was also extremely shocked at this time. Just in Gromash's state just now, he is twenty years younger, and he is probably the one who is suppressed. Whether it is speed, power or pressure, it is too strong.

At the same time, all the top masters who followed this scene also showed shocked expressions.Marshal Sengoku even reached out and pushed the spectacle frame on the bridge of his nose. Although Polusalino said that Gromash was in this state, it was enough to crush. It's the highest combat power of Naval Headquarters, but he really didn't expect to be so strong, I am afraid that only Polu

A speed master like Salino can barely avoid Gromash's offensive? If someone is hit by a punch, I am afraid that he will not die (Zhao Hao) is seriously injured, even if it is the physical quality of Kaido and Charlotte- Linlin. It's a monster-level person, and you have to pay a price for Byakugan if you get a punch??

"Garp" Marshal Sengoku said in a deep voice, but before he could finish his words, Garp Vice Admiral interrupted his words directly and said: "Don't think too much, in that case, the old man would not dare to talk to him. It's half dead if you hit a punch."

It was too late, it was fast, and it seemed like a long time had passed. In fact, it only took a sentence or two from Newgate to escape from the rift, and the figure of Gromash has appeared on the ground again. NS.

Shiki swallowed a bit involuntarily, and then said, "Newgate, do you have any means to use it??"

Newgate's face sank and he said, "Yes, but I need you to delay him for a while, otherwise, the two of us will end here."

Shiki's expression became unusually serious when he heard the words, and then he said softly, "You are trying to kill me too."

After speaking, Shiki did not hesitate, and saw that his momentum rose, and his unruly golden hair fluttered in an instant, and then he slammed his hands together on his chest and shouted: " open!!!"

Along with Shiki's roar, an inexplicable wave of fluctuations radiated from him.

Yes, Newgate's Shock Fruit is the world's top Paramecia ability, but is it not his Golden Lion- Shiki Lion Fruit?? The same legendary master, it was even better than Newgate in power. Gate has a slightly stronger flying pirate-Golden Lion- Shiki, how could it not be the ability of Devil Fruit to awaken???.

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