I Am Hellscream

Chapter 520 Malinford is completely out of control!

At this time, Teach suddenly appeared with his friends. For a while, they seemed to have become the'center' of the entire battlefield, and everyone was paying attention to them.

However, the Blackbeard Pirates were not in the same mind at this time. Shiryu and Pizarro looked at each other, thinking about the scenes they had just seen in their hearts.

Gromash, the bastard guy, was actually "sent out" to the battlefield by Newgate and Shiki. Listen to what Newgate said. At this time, he may have been broken open and appeared in a corner of the world. Calm Belt, maybe East Blue, even he accidentally entered the final island-Raftel is possible.

Therefore, under the meeting of these eyes, both Teach and Pizarro decided to wait and see to see if Grandpa Gromash has any successors, and whether to continue according to the original plan???

If there is no such thing as a backhand or any necessary circumstances, the two of them will be ready to hide in Teach's pirate group first, as an undercover or something, and then wait to see the actions of Uncle Gromash.

Moreover, the plan that Teach is going to make is also very uncertain. In case this guy breaks down and kills himself, there is not much to do, and it will be dissolved on the spot.

Looking at this scene, the Chief Staff Officer Tsuru quickly took out his own phone worm and said to the inside: "Turn off all live phone worm signals and send PX-pacifists on stage."

With an order from her chief staff officer, the entire Malinford live phone worm signal was shut down, and live broadcasts all over the world were blacked out at this time.

Watching this scene, Marshal Sengoku, who was holding Ace in his hand, said in a deep voice, "Teach, you really disappoint me, and you, Shiryu, have you betrayed us???"

"Thief hahahahahaha, Marshal Sengoku 01, is there any disappointment? You want war, you want to annihilate the Whitebeard Pirates, isn't this war going in the direction you want now? ??" Teach said with a big laugh.

Shiryu touched the handle of Muramaru's knife on his waist and whispered, "What am I going to do? From now on, I don't have to report to you again?? Marshal Sengoku."

At the same time, Newgate, who had a broken arm, was angry from his heart when he saw Teach. In his opinion, the source of all this was caused by the damn bastard Teach. It was because of him. The Whitebeard Pirates will fall into this dilemma.

At the same time, Teach also looked in Newgate's direction. Then he raised the corner of his mouth and said with a wicked smile: "Thief hahahahaha, father, it's been a long time since I saw you, how is your body? ? It looks like I was hurt by that Gromash. Even I didn't expect him to be so strong. You and Shiki almost lost when they joined forces.

I missed him, but fortunately, I seem to have caught up with your funeral."

After hearing Teach's words, Newgate didn't mean to talk nonsense with him, and punched him directly with a punch full of utter anger.Perhaps the anger in Newgate's heart was too high, and his punch broke out. With an extremely powerful force, he almost broke Malinford into an archipelago, and the entire fortress of justice collapsed completely, hurriedly.Even the giant Buddha transformed by Marshal Sengoku was shaken by this shock. Ace in his hand fell to the ground, but no one cared about this anymore. Ace was still being shackled by seastone. Even if it falls, it will not cause too much wind and waves. After all, the pirates have not been able to break through Marine's defense line, and Ace fell on the ground around it.

Both are Marine.

Teach was also spit out a mouthful of blood by Newgate's punch in the air, and after a painful wailing, the dark aura on his body quickly spread out and began to devour his injuries.

After getting up from the ground, Teach looked at Newgate and said, "It's really merciless, daddy, but it's also true. You must have wished to break my body into pieces???"

"Only you, only you Teach, I will not call you a son, you broke the only rule on our boat, you killed your companion, today I will kill you here, to comfort Saqi’s wronged soul" Newgate Te spoke very angrily, and at the same time stepped towards Teach.

Teach also laughed and said, "Thief hahahaha, this is really desirable. I also want to send you to death by myself, old."

After speaking, the dark aura on Teach's body suddenly rose, and then spread out from under his feet along the shattered ground.

"Dark Cavern Road" Teach said frantically, and when the darkness swallowed Newgate's feet in, Teach spoke again, "Saqi is dead, you can't save it, and now this Ace seems to be saved too. No more, thief hahahaha, you are old, daddy, I once respected and admired you sincerely, but look at what you are now

Well, you can't even save a subordinate who is about to be executed by those weak and hypocritical Marines. Fortunately, I also let him live on the island of Banairo."

The anger in Newgate's eyes grew stronger and stronger.Although he knew that Teach was deliberately irritating him, he couldn't help it anymore. He raised his hand and punched Teach in the head. Teach also stretched out his palm, and the dark breath exploded violently, gradually absorbing the vibration energy from Newgate's fist.

Teach was not hurt at all.

"Thief hahahahaha, it's useless, I'm different from Gromash, I've been by your side for more than 20 years, I know your abilities too well, on the contrary, you don't know anything about me, daddy, I already I got the strongest ability in the world. In front of me, all the abilities are useless, including your'earthquake' in the dark water!!!" Teach rampant

Said with a mad laugh.

Newgate's ability did not hurt Teach in the slightest. The weird darkness seemed to be able to swallow everything. Everyone was shocked by this scene. At this moment, under the cracks in the ground, the guy Luffy was following M. ..3- Mr.3 sneaked into Marshal Sengoku's feet together secretly.

"Why do I have to go with you to rescue your brother at the feet of Marshal Marine? I don't want to die yet," Mr.3 said nervously.

"Isn't that guy Crocodile ordering you???" Luffy said as he opened his mouth, while following a stream of yellow sand, the yellow sand turned all the obstacles encountered along the way into decay, in the ground. It opened a way for Luffy and Mr.3 to come out.

Soon, that Huang Sha brought Luffy and Mr.3 to the ground under Ace's feet, and then Luffy spoke up and said, "Little San, we will get through the ground in a while, and then you will unhook the mirrorcuffs for Ace, and then we Just follow this passage and quickly escape, do you understand???"

Mr.3 looked at Luffy, who was very serious at this time, and said, "After this time, I will never go with the big boss again."

As soon as his voice fell, the yellow sand had already begun to exert its strength, and it directly swallowed the ground above, and then the ground where Ace was located instantly sank to the lower court. Originally, Marshal Sengoku was staring at Newgate and Teach. The expression changed, and when I looked down, I saw Luffy and Mr. 3 grabbing Ace from the ground, trying to drag him into the hole.


Seeing this scene, Marshal Sengoku was also angry from his heart, and shouted: "Don't want to run!!"

Then the huge golden Buddha palm hit Luffy and the others.

"Buddha's Fury-Great Light and Punish the Evil!!!" Marshal Sengoku roared, and the huge shock wave slammed down towards the ground. The guy Luffy also quickly opened the third gear and turned himself into one. The huge balloon blocked the entrance of the cave, blocking both Ace and Mr.3 underground.

At the same time, Mr.3 also made a strong dome shield to block the ground, and then quickly used his own ability to unlock the mirrorcuffs for Ace.

In an instant, Fire Fist-Portcas-D-Ace felt the long-lost freedom and the exuberant flame in the body again.

But before he could speak, the whole ground had completely collapsed.Luffy was directly hit by Marshal Sengoku and spit out a large mouthful of blood. Garp's various kinds of'abuse', his vitality was extraordinary, and he might be killed directly at this time.

Fortunately, everything he did was not useless. Marshal Sengoku frowned when he saw that he hadn't been able to get rid of the kid after this move, and the shock wave in his hand formed again, ready to make up for it.

At this moment, a palm stretched out from behind Luffy's back, and he picked up the "little" Luffy who had been "disappointed", and then a fist of flame burst out from the ground, without fear. Hit the top-down shock wave from Marshal Sengoku.

"I really never dreamed that one day I would be saved by you, Luffy," Ace said from the flames.

"Thanks to everyone," Luffy said happily as he watched Ace get out of trouble.

This flame gushing from the ground seemed to light up the hearts of the entire Malinford Pirates, and Ace was rescued!!!

Unexpectedly, this guy Ace could instantly regain his freedom and ability. Marshal Sengoku also ate this fiery punch when he was caught off guard, and he was beaten and took a step back.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ace brought both Luffy and Mr.3 out of the ground. The original passage had been collapsed by Marshal Sengoku, and he could only run from the ground.

At the same time, Newgate, who was originally furious, also showed a smile. He really did not expect that Ace would be rescued like this by the little rookie wearing a straw hat... But everything was worth it, even if he died here. It's okay

"Did you see it? Teach" Newgate said in a deep voice, and the strength in his hand was constantly strengthening, trying to forcefully break through Teach's dark water.

"Thief hahahaha, this is the last comfort of 273 before you go on the road, daddy" Teach doesn't care about this. Ace is not a problem in his opinion. He has the ability of Dark Fruit to beat him, once When I got Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit here, he thought he was invincible. What is an Ace??

There is the blood of One Piece and Roger, but what's the point of that???

At this moment, Shiki suddenly wailed in pain, and once again attracted everyone's attention.

I saw that Shiki was caught by a very abrupt arm extending from the shattered space by the throat, and the whole person was lifted in the air.

Then the shattered space grew bigger and bigger, and in the dark void, another arm stretched out and pressed it into the empty air, and then it seemed as if it was really pressing on something substantial. Things were the same, with this force, another leg also stepped out of the darkness.

Only then did Gromash's voice spread from it, "It really made you two old guys a good addiction, Shiki Newgate."

Shiki is also unlucky. Generally speaking, Gromash, who was sent away by Newgate and him together, can't come back so soon, even when he is watching this big show. Feeling floating in the place where Gromash disappeared just now, and then unsuspectingly, he was suddenly grabbed by the arm of the space that broke the neck.


At this time, when Gromash was held in his hands, Shiki's condition was already weak. Facing Gromash's brute force, of course he couldn't do much, so he could only ask unwillingly: "Why should you not be able to get out?"

"Vibration can break through the space, but the force is strong enough, and it can also break through the space. You are careless. At the last moment, I seized the opportunity." Gromash's figure said as he walked out of it.

That appearance is really miserable, there are countless wounds on the body, the blood flow is continuous, and the strange black pattern on the body is slowly fading, although the time to turn on the blood burning state this time is a bit longer than that of the last time, it seems that it is also That's it

But no matter what, his Gromash is back after all

Looking at Shiki who was caught by himself, the corners of Gromash's mouth rose slightly, revealing a cruel and tyrannical smile.

And Shiki's eyes also flashed a hint of panic

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