I Am Hellscream

Chapter 521 We are pirates and we are not moral.

Looking at the scene in the square, Gromash smiled and said, "It seems that there have been many changes in the moment of my disappearance. Has the live broadcast been closed? That's really a shame. The face of the world twists your guy’s neck"

Gromash and Newgate do not have any hatred. The reason why they have come to this point is that on the one hand, Gromash wants to challenge the so-called strongest, on the other hand, because the position is like this, he has to kill Newgate. Gate's reason.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have come to participate in this muddy water, but Shiki was different, as early as when he was attacked last time, Gromash had a vengeance with this guy, and he didn't see Shiki as soon as he escaped from prison. If you don’t do it, just come to Malinford to find him, Gromash, and smash it?? For this reason, I don’t hesitate to put down my arrogance and join Newgate.

Hand, twice and badly at the critical moment about Gromash, and almost kicked him out of this war. Gromash can only let him go.

Although Shiki has a blood feud with Gromash, he is also a hero of the old times. At this time, he is hardened when facing death. He slowly lifted his arm and grabbed it on Gromash's arm. Then he said with a smile. "As long as you refuse to retreat, one day, you will not die well, Gromash, I

When we are pirates, we have to accept this fate, don’t we???"

Gromash looked at Shiki and didn't say anything, but there was some recognition in his eyes. That's right, how many of the pirates can end up well?? From the previous generation of pirate overlord. Rocks, to the present Today’s Golden Lion and Whitebeard, take a look at Roger, the One Piece, which one is not the most famous figure??? But when they

After possessing the same identity as the "pirate", which one can end well??? Just like Shiki's curse on Gromash now, as long as Gromash's ambition is still burning, as long as he does not want to "retire" like Rayleigh, finally One day, maybe he will also embark on the road of "old age hero" and die vigorously on a certain battlefield.

But thinking of this, Gromash's eyes flashed a glimmer of police, and then he said: "Before death, everyone is equal, but this happens to be the wonderful part of life, Shiki, can you regret your life? Has it happened?? Now that I have been thinking about the 273 rapid retreat if I knew it a long time ago???"

After Shiki heard Gromash's words, he also showed a jealous smile, and said with a soft smile: "Laozi is a Golden Lion. In this life, he has no regrets."

Gromash closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened his eyes again, he also spoke very seriously: "You are a good opponent worth admiring, Shiki, you are a born, worthy of the word hero. I am Gromash. I will send you on the road in person, don’t worry, I will send Newgate to accompany you later, so that you won’t be lonely on Huanghuangquan Road.."

"No, I'll be there waiting for your Gromash," Shiki's mouth raised slightly, and he said softly.

"Then you wait with expectation," Gromash also said softly, and the strength in his hands gradually increased.

A slight sound, like crushing a teacup, nothing vigorous, the hero of the old era, one of the three legendary pirates, before Gromash debuted, dominates the entire sea, if not for bad luck, Perhaps the flying pirate-Golden Lion-Shiki, who will accomplish great feats, is in Naval Headquarters.

In this cruel war against the top, Gromash smashed his throat mercilessly, and finished his legendary life full of epic stories.

Shiki's original hand that was holding Gromash's arm gradually loosened, and then weakly placed on his side.The pupils that seemed to be always full of lion-like pride gradually lost their luster, and the last touch of anger on his body was also lost. Slowly disappeared.

Gromash placed his corpse solemnly on the ground with great respect, and then looked at Newgate and Teach who were facing each other.

At this time, Newgate also closed his eyes slightly.He really did not expect that Shiki would die so easily, and he died in front of him.

But after a while, Newgate opened his eyes again. Now he has done what he has to do. Ace has been rescued. He has achieved the purpose of this war. Then, he can die without regret.

(abdi) Thinking of this, Newgate shouted: "Listen to the Whitebeard Pirates!!!"

Accompanied by Newgate’s shout, everyone on the entire battlefield heard his voice, and then he said in a deep voice: "The purpose of coming here has been achieved. We don’t need to stay here anymore."

"Papa" Marco's expression changed, as if thinking of something.

Then, as expected, Newgate said again: "I'm going to give the final captain's order now."

Bista also heard something wrong at this time, and he quickly opened his mouth and shouted: "Father, don't say such unlucky words, what is the end?"

"Father!!!!" Ace, who had just escaped from birth, also stopped his footsteps, looked in Newgate's direction, and yelled in disbelief.

After Newgate heard Ace's voice, he showed a smile on his face, and then he still said, "You are going to say goodbye to me here, and everyone will return to the New World safely."

Teach, who was in a stalemate with Newgate, relaxed his strength at this time for some reason. It seems that his cruel guy is also trying to give him some extra time in the last moments of Newgate.

In the sight of everyone, Newgate raised his intact arm again, and then strong vibration energy appeared on his fist, and then he said softly: "I am the remnant of the era, and the new era cannot carry it. My ship is now"

As his words fell, his fists slammed out, and for a while, the ground of the already broken island of Malinford trembled again, and countless pirates were shaken by this. The power of the bullet flew out, including Ace and the others, and then although a little embarrassed, they landed safely, and

At the same time, a huge rift completely separated the two camps of Marine and Pirates, Newgate was here, and his sons were there...

"The thief hahahahaha, have you finished saying the last words?? Daddy?? My son is still intimate?? I specifically left you such an opportunity," Teach laughed at all of this and said.

Newgate didn't pay attention to him at all, but looked at the riddled Marinford in front of him, and then whispered softly: "The era is about to change, and this era should be ended."

Garp Vice Admiral also appeared in the Marine's crowd at this time, watching Newgate also frowned and said softly: "Do you end this era??

"Now that Ace is gone, he wants to pull Malinford to die with us," Marshal Sengoku said with a serious face.

At this moment, the live broadcast on the big screen suddenly lit up again, and the funny face of the guy Buggy appeared directly on the screen. A group of his little brothers are running around, but it has caused a lot of trouble to Marine, and they don't know where they got a live call worm.

And because of this live broadcast, the situation in Malinford was once again revealed to the world. In a short period of time, the whole situation in Malinford seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes. Gromash had just been "banished". The dead guy appeared again, and beside him was lying Golden Lion... Shiki, it seemed that he was silent.

At the same time, Newgate seems to be giving back to his sons. There is a dividing line between the entire Whitebeard pirate group and the rest of the reinforcements and Marine, and the Blackbeard- Marshall-D- Teach just seems to have not been killed by Whitebeard. .

At this moment, Gromash burst into laughter, and while smiling, walked towards Newgate and Teach where the Blackbeard Pirates were.

"Jiehahahahahaha, Teach, it seems that you guy is also making a big fuss in that hell, so is this your purpose?? Very ambitious," Gromash looked at Teach and said.

And Teach also showed a wild smile and said: "Thieves hahahahahaha, ambition, everyone should be talented, so that this world will be more exciting..."

"That's right." Gromash smiled and nodded, then a fierce flash in his eyes, and continued: "But Newgate is my prey, don't you want to snatch me here???"

Teach looked up and down at Gromash at this time, and then spoke with disdain: "Don't be brave, Gromash, your current state is not half as good as you were just now, look at your appearance, it's too wolf and fox."

Teach is right. Gromash's condition at this time is indeed not very good.After the blood burned state, he will fall into a certain degree of weakness, just like when he played against Polusalino, but this weakness is not. It's a big problem, it's just that the blood in the body is not enough to burn. As far as the awakening ability of his Eudemons is concerned, give him a

With a little bit of time, he will be able to adjust his condition very quickly, and even a little bit longer, his injuries can be almost recovered.

"Jiehahahaha, Teach, I am weak now, yes, but that doesn't mean you are stronger. My second, becoming a one, will still be stronger than your one-and-a-half." Opened his mouth and said.

At the beginning, after he opened the blood burning state, he was still able to release the uprising and create nine'suns' to force Polusalino back, and then he was able to hammer Crocodile. Now, although his state is a little worse than before, it is not that good. He didn't even have the qualifications to face Teach.

"Six Types-Return of Life" Gromash whispered softly as he walked.

Then the blood on his body that he wanted to flow from the wound started to flow back, and even the wounds began to heal quickly with Gromash's Zoan ability.

It didn't take long for Gromash's embarrassed appearance to get better, although it still looked a little weak, but at least it wasn't that miserable.

And Teach also frowned and looked at Gromash's direction without saying a word.The same is true for Newgate.If Teach can fight Gromash, he can't wait to clap happily, even though he has a broken hand.

The three stood facing each other in a triangle like this, as if the entire Malinford were their home court, but it was true. From the time Gromash started, everyone has become their supporting role. This Malinford This is his stage of Hellscream!!

Seeing that his own Captain Teach seems to be in conflict with Gromash, the fierce god, Lafitte and others don't know how to talk about justice, and soon stood silently behind Teach. Gromash is not surprised at all. After all, Teach When this guy had no morals, he brought his friends to Newgate, who had only had his last breath.

After being beaten to death in a group, it can also be seen that he is a person with no bottom line.

But this is what Gromash wants. The reason why Teach was not allowed to die in Impel down-Imperton, the first point is because Gromash does not want to kill him at this time, but wants to abolish him and interrupt him. Limbs, make him a stick, then let Cromwell "eat" him, see if he can crack the mystery of this Dark Fruit, and then hunt down some capable people

Want to.

The second point is that Gromash was very upset when he saw Teach, the Byakugan wolf. He wanted to interrupt his ambition and destroy everything about him when he was at his peak, making him unhappy.

But now that the guy Newgate is still alive, Gromash doesn't mind helping Newgate by the way, just as his last respect to his respectable opponent.

"Thief hahahaha, Gromash, are you sure you want to do it with me now?? I won't do anything moral with you... after all, we are pirates" Teach felt the friends behind him, and he was full of confidence in his heart. Said openly.

And Gromash also laughed, and said, "Yes, we are pirates, and I will not teach you moral Teach either."

When Gromash said this, the eyes of the Grand Warden Shiryu and Pizarro, who were standing behind Teach, flashed a cold light in the eyes. .

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