I Am Hellscream

Chapter 528 The storm after the war.

Holy Land, Mariejois, General Commander-in-Chief-Kong. In the empty office, the Marine's General Marshal Sengoku is eating senbei and drinking tea with the old boss at this time.

"It's been calculated from beginning to end. It's really not like you, Sengoku, this time I'm so embarrassed."" Commander Kong held a teacup while biting a crispy senbei. , Said softly.

Marshal Sengoku also reluctantly said, "So I have to be old too, Brother Kong.

"Marinford's war has been fought like this. It is not easy to explain from the above. Those five almost vomited blood, Proudmoore- Gromash, after so many years, this huge threat that has been hidden in the dark side has been again It's surfaced again." Commander Kong murmured with emotion.

"Yeah, when he joined Seven Warlords of the Sea, didn't we already foresee this scene??? We have never relaxed our vigilance against him, but this finally allowed him to succeed. Marshal Sengoku shook his head and said softly.

"But the top priority is not to deal with this problem, but to start to deal with the follow-up of this war properly. I heard that the remnants of the Frostwolf Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates have declared war?? Both sides have started the war?? ?" Commander Kong asked in a deep voice.

Marshal Sengoku's expression became more serious, and then he said softly: "According to intelligence, the two sides officially started war half a month ago, but"

"It's a one-sided war???" Commander Kong didn't doubt anything at all, and said in a very convincing tone.

Marshal Sengoku also nodded and said softly: "Yes, there is no suspense at all. The two sides have fought several times, and each time it ended with the defeat of the remnant of the Whitebeard Pirates. Even the guy Gromash did not appear. On the battlefield, Rob Luchi, Diamond Joz, Gem Hunter, Cromwell, and other large and small Frostwolf Pirates

The cadres of the regiment fought all around and completely suppressed the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirate regiment."

"I went to the old Four Emperors, did the new four come???" Commander Kong also said with emotion.

After whispering the news, Commander Kong knocked on the table, looked at Marshal Sengoku, his expression became serious.

Marshal Sengoku also looked at Marshal Kong, his expression seemed to be ready for something.

"This time, Malinford was completely beaten to pieces. Looking at this turbulent'New Era', Marines can no longer hold on to the same ground. The above asks Marine to enter the New World and dabble. You understand what this means? ??" Kong The commander looked into Marshal Sengoku's eyes and spoke softly.

Marshal Sengoku nodded and said, "Well, it means that we are required to move the Naval Headquarters to New World to express this determination, right??"

"Yes, indeed, Malinford can no longer continue to serve as Naval Headquarters. It's a good idea to swap with the original G-1 branch of New World. Of course, these are my opinions. You Marine can make your own decisions." After thinking about it, he said.

At this time, Marshal Sengoku also smiled and said softly, "Leave these things to the new Marshal of Marine. By the way, I can take this opportunity to establish prestige, right???"

Hearing this sentence from Marshal Sengoku, Marshal Kong paused when he was about to pick up the teacup. Then he shook his head helplessly and said, "I really found it by you...々""

"This war has been prepared for such a long time and made so many concessions. As a result, I was beaten like this under my command. After being rescued, Seven Warlords of the Sea "lost" three people after the war, Impel down-Imperton stabbed out such a big basket, as us

The subordinate organization of Naval Headquarters, don't I, as a marshal, have to bear all the responsibilities that should be borne???" Marshal Sengoku said softly with emotion.

"Yeah, it's a mess. It really needs a strong figure to take on this responsibility, Sengoku," Commander Kong said softly.

But before he could finish his words, Marshal Sengoku smiled and said, "I happen to be preparing to retire from Zephyr. Think about it, the'new era' that Gromash said is not a fiction. Things, this era is really going to be surging, the pirates of the old era have all withdrawn from this stage, we old Marines

How can I not give up my first-line position??? It's time for me to take a break. Take this opportunity to resign from the position of marshal. "

Commander Kong looked at Marshal Sengoku's appearance of drinking and taking a sip of the tea in his hand. Then he shook his head and said, "I originally planned to let you work for another three or two years and then come to take my place. I didn't expect it. After such a change, and you guy actually said that he is old, old man, I have not convinced him."

"Ahahahaha, Brother Kong, you can do it for another ten years," Marshal Sengoku said with a laugh.

After laughing, Commander Kong sighed and said, "Is there any recommendation for Marine's next marshal???"

"Of course, I recommend Kuzan to take over my position and become Marine's new marshal." Marshal Sengoku said without hesitation.

Commander Kong stared at his eyes. After a long time, he shook his head helplessly, and then continued: "Sakazuki is more optimistic above. To be honest, I also think that Kuzan will take over Marine at this time, in New World. It is very likely that there will be a big problem in the middle, the guy is not firm enough, at least not as firm as Sakazuki"

When Marshal Sengoku heard the above meaning that Sakazuki would take over as Marshal, his expression was a bit disapproving and he said, "Sakazuki is indeed enough to become Marshal Marine in terms of ability and means, but Brother Kong, his thoughts are too extreme. Even if the time is enough to establish some capital in New World, but in the long run, Marine will be warlike.


Marshal Sengoku knows Sakazuki's character too well. If Sakazuki becomes the new Marine Marshal and enters the New World with Marine, he will definitely try his best to kill all the pirates he can see. There is nothing wrong with being Marine, but as a Marine's marshal, if you are too aggressive, you will eventually bring the entire Marine into the abyss.


"Before that, Marine really needs a marshal who can quickly open up a situation in New World. If Sakazuki does not change afterwards, then we will change to another marshal. This is the meaning of the above, do you understand???" Mr. Kong Shuai said in a deep voice.

"Even so, I won't change my mind. I still choose to support Kuzan as the new Marine Admiral," Marshal Sengoku said in a deep voice.

"Originally, as Marshal Marine, you really should have the right to speak in this respect that is more worthy of our attention, but this time because of the current situation, your right to speak in this area will be weakened a lot, do you understand what I mean? ?" Commander Kong looked at Marshal Sengoku and said.

"Understood" Marshal Sengoku nodded and said softly.

Seeing that the guy Sengoku knows that his choice is not very dominant, but he still has to stick to his own ideas, Commander Kong stopped mentioning this matter, and stopped persuading Sengoku, but said: "Nowadays , Seven Warlords of the Sea also continued to add that three positions were vacated in a war, which really surprised us, that Blackbeard.

Needless to say, Marshall-D- Teach, I guess his end will be miserable, Gromash.. Let him be proud of it for a while, as for Gekko Moria, which should have been eliminated by Doflamingo, he also ran away. When I go back, I'm ready. Before I step down as the marshal, at least I have to fill one in. I can't let this organization fall apart...

"Yes, I will think about it when I go back." Marshal Sengoku said with a smile.

"By the way, retirement is retirement, but it is impossible to completely leave Marine. Just like Zephyr, retreat to the second line. I won't let you leave Sengoku. I remember that Naval Headquarters is not in the position of the chief inspector. Is it always empty??? Go and partner with Xiaohe," Commander Kong said with a smile.

At the same time, in a certain sea area of ​​New World, the City of Seven Waters is steadily stopping in this sea area, and it seems that a new address has been selected.

Judging from the layout of the entire New World, this location is in the hinterland of the Whitebeard Pirates group that has not been completely mastered by Gromash and their Frostwolf Pirates. There were no islands here, just a wide sea area. , So even in the hinterland, there is still not much excitement, but Newgate's Beluga Mo

The Bidick often stops here, carrying him to see the scenery.

Now Gromash has prepared the City of Seven Waters to be stationed here as their base camp in New World.

In a small courtyard in the City of Seven Waters, Gromash was chatting with Rayleigh who came from Sabaody Archipelago.

I came this way, New World is indeed chaotic. I heard that many forces have grabbed Whitebeard’s legacy. Are you not going to do something???" Rayleigh held his small flask and drank After taking a mouthful, he asked softly.

"Let them do their best for a while. Don't defeat Marco and Ace. This site will never be consolidated. After I have handled the things here, those who ate my "things" , All have to spit it out to me, those who took my things all have to return it to me, none of them can run away" Gromash nonchalantly

Opened his mouth and said.

"Really? The World government won't just sit back and watch you. You are in those sites in the first half of the Grand Line" Rayleigh asked after thinking about it.

"Jiehahahaha, you really like to worry about it, Sabaody Archipelago doesn't need me to say more, you should also know that they want to control it and can't control it, and as far as I know, Naval Headquarters-Marinford seems to be migrating. Now, the Naval Headquarters of the new era should enter the New World. Then Sabaody Archipelago will lose the suppression of Naval Headquarters.

It will become more chaotic. There is no need for me to worry about it. As for the rest of the site, what should be abandoned should also be abandoned, but Gaya Island (Zhao Hao) and Queen of Spring Island will enter the New World together, this sea area Very wide, these two islands will be in a triangle linkage with the City of Seven Waters, occupying this place, becoming the radiation of our Frostwolf Pirates and controlling the entire New World.

The center of the plate..." Gromash said with a laugh.

The two chatted for a while, and only after Rayleigh asked, "What about that boy Luffy???"

"It's closed behind, it's always noisy, it makes me a little irritable, just shut it up directly, but it's also a lot quieter, you guys like it, hurry up and take it away." Gromash waved his hand in disgust. Said.

That's right, after declaring war with the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, Gromash took Luffy away from there, and also specifically explained the reason to Ace, saying that it was Pluton-Hilbarz-Rayleigh. When I went to Luffy, I wanted to accept him as an apprentice, and teach him well for two years before letting him out.

For Ace, now the Whitebeard Pirates group also has a problem that has not been resolved, and Luffy is not a member of their Whitebeard Pirates group. Many things are not convenient for him. For these words of Gromash, even He was about to become an enemy, and he didn't doubt anything. After thinking about it, he asked Gromash to take Luffy away.


Along the way, the boy Luffy was always clamoring to find his little friend or something. Gromash directly helped him publish a newspaper in an upright manner, notified the members of the Straw Hat Pirates, and told them that it would be two years later. Ju, then, regardless of Luffy's will, he was locked in the small black room, and now he was waiting for Rayleigh to pick up the game.

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