I Am Hellscream

Chapter 529 You deserve it. Mihawk doesn't have a girlfriend.

In a certain sea area in the first half of the Grand Line, on Krai Kana Island, Mihawk at this time looked at the two uninvited guests at home and it was also a headache.

That's right, at this time in this country that has long been destroyed, this is an island that is uninhabited all the year round, and only'human imitators' are accompanied by Mihawk. This place that Gromash dubbed the "Monkey Island" by Gromash is two more. Human beings.

Coincidentally, both of them were photographed by Seven Warlords of the Sea-kun. Bartholemew-bear. One is Moonlight: Moria's subordinate, Princess Mononoke. Perona, the other is the Three Swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates-Roronoroa Zoro.

Looking at the newspaper in hand, it was published that Seven Warlords of the Sea-Moonlight-Maria was killed in the Naval Headquarters-Malinford's top war. The Gothic little Loli, Perona, had tears in his eyes. He said sadly, "How could Moria-sama die like this??? ohhh~~~~"

Mihawk sat in his seat with a red wine glass, looked at this little Loli with a headache, and then said impatiently: "If you want to cry, go to other places to cry. It's really noisy-dead."

"Don't you see that they are in distress now?? You cold guy, you deserve to have no girlfriend. I don't know if you can comfort me with a good word now and bring me a cup of hot cocoa? I am. Guest!!!" Perona grumbled very dissatisfiedly at Mihawk.

And the guy Mihawk still very Tsundere said: "You are not my guests, and I did not invite you to come. You ran by yourself when I was not at home. I did not drive you away directly. It’s because of the face of some people."

Speaking of this, Mihawk paused, and then said: "However, the information in this report is indeed wrong. Moonlight-Moria is not dead."

Perona originally planned to argue with Mihawk, but as soon as she heard Mihawk say that Moria was not dead, she immediately put it aside and asked excitedly: "Really?? Lord Moria, he didn't. Did you die there???"

"Well, that's true." Mihawk nodded and said softly.

"Obviously, I didn't die in battle, why did you publish such a news? What happened to Moria-sama???" Perona hurriedly asked.

"As far as I know, he can no longer be Seven Warlords of the Sea. The World government believes that he has lost this qualification and so entrusted Doflamingo to find an opportunity to get rid of him on the battlefield," Mihawk said casually.

Before he finished speaking, Perona cried again, and said very sadly: "Just now you said Lord Moria was not dead, and now you say he was killed by Doflamingo."

"Shut up, you are too noisy. There is still a turning point in this matter. Listen to me before you comment." Mihawk frowned and scolded, but he really rarely quarrels with women, so he can only stop here. So far, at least in this respect, he is not the opponent of the crying Perona at all, and can only endure the noise.

"You should be thankful, Moonlight-Does Moria have anything to do with Gromash???" Mihawk asked.

Perona thought for a while, and then said to her little head: "It seems that there is such a thing. I often hear Moria-sama talking about His Royal Highness Gromash."

"That's right, because of Gromash, Doflamingo didn't really go to kill Moria, because Moria has already decided to join the Frostwolf Pirates. He should be in the New World at the moment. If you want to find you "Master Moria", hurry up to find the Frostwolf Pirates in New World, you will find your answer there, okay

Now, you know what you need to know, you can go.” Mihawk waved his hand very coldly, as if sending away a'junk'.

Obviously, compared to another Roronoa-Zoro who is smashing with the'human imitator' outside the castle, Perona is'worthless' to Mihawk.

"You are such an indifferent fellow, how could a weak woman of mine go to New World so easily??? Lord Moria suffered a fiasco there back then, ask me to say, you shouldn't give me away In the past?? Are you not a good friend of that Highness Gromash???" Perona said in a tweet.

"These are not the reasons why I want to send you to New World, I don't have that spare time," Mihawk said softly, and at the same time, put his gaze on the door of the room.

Sure enough, in the next second, the door of this room was wounded all over, and Zoro, who was still faintly showing some bloodline under the bandage, pushed it open, and then he looked at Mihawk, took a deep breath, and slung it around his waist. All three of his knives were thrown on the ground, and then he knelt down in front of Mihawk, but Perona, the little Loli, was taken aback.

Seeing this guy Zoro behaved like this, Mihawk seemed to think of something, but his expression was still very cold, and he didn't speak.

As if adjusting his mentality, after a short breath, Zoro said in a deep voice, "I beg you to teach me kendo!!!"

Looking at Roronoa-Zoro, whose head was hanging down and his forehead resting on the ground, Mihawk was not surprised, but he said in a mocking tone: "I really misunderstood you, Roronoa-Zoro, you It's shameless to bow my head to ask the enemy for advice, I seem to have overestimated you, get out, I am so useless to you

The man is not interested anymore."

Zoro did not move after hearing Mihawk's words. He still knelt there, motionless.

Watching this scene, Milik sighed softly, and then said again: "Don't continue to be ashamed, what on earth are you going to do??"

"I want to be stronger," Zoro said in a deep voice.

"I was defeated by those baboons and couldn't get out of the sea. Now I am back shamelessly begging me. I am not interested in such people," Mihawk said softly.

"As for the baboon, I have solved it all, now only your head is left!!!" Zoro said in a deep voice.

Mihawk was also shocked when he heard this. He had already returned two days ago. At that time, as soon as he heard that Luffy had participated in such a dangerous war, and the final whereabouts were unknown, Zoro was immediately going to sea in a hurry. The human imitators were embarrassed, and after only two days, he had already eliminated all the baboons??

Observation Haki was released, and Mihawk quickly confirmed this. Then Zoro said again: "You are the only one left, but I'm not so arrogant that I can take your head off now."

"Do you still treat me as your enemy?? Then why bow your head to me??" Mihawk asked softly.

And Zoro also raised his head at this time, looked at Mihawk with a firm eye and said, "In order to surpass you."

Looking at Zoro's serious gaze, Mihawk remembered Gromash's very sudden words when he was parting with Gromash.

"Mihawk, since no one can be your opponent in swordsmanship, why not cultivate an opponent yourself??"

"How can a good seedling be so easy to find"

"Jiehahahahaha, the guy Bartholemew-Bear gave you a gift. You will know when you go back."

Looking at the figure of Roronoa-Zoro at this time, Mihawk understood what Gromash was saying. Thinking of this, he suddenly burst into laughter.

"Hahahahahahahaha, do you want me to personally train a swordsman who will target my head in the future??? Whether it is you or that guy, they are all weird guys. "Well" Mihawk laughed and said, looking at his expression, it seems that he hasn't been so happy for a long time, and he doesn't have the cold breath before.


After laughing, Mihawk looked at this little swordsman who would rather die than give up his ambition when he first met, and then whispered: "Able to bow your head to me, it seems that you guy has found something better than yourself. What is more important to his ambition, that straw hat boy???"

"I saw the newspaper. The original three-day assembly time has been changed to two years. This is the right choice. Haste is not enough. Now we are too weak. Facing you who are truly strong, there is nothing at all. The power to fight back, even if you enter the New World, you will not be able to stand there, so at this time, you should stop and accumulate your own strength.

Preparing for the re-going to sea in two years. After that, I will never let myself be so weak again. When and where I want to be, I can help Luffy's partner!!!" Zoro said in a deep voice. Said.

0-seeking flowers............

"Sure enough..." Mihawk smiled, and then said to Perona behind him: "That ghost kid, go and bandage this guy again. From tomorrow, we will officially start training."

"I'm not your servant, why do I have to help this pesky deal with the injury," Perona said reluctantly.

"Just your attitude, you still want me to send you to New World???" Mihawk is in a good mood at this time, and his attitude towards Perona is much better.

"Would you like to send me to New World???" Perona said in surprise.

"Gromash and I are good friends. It is inevitable that I won't go to him to sit for a while. If you are obedient, you won't be impossible to bring you with you at that time," Mihawk said very Tsundere.

Perona looked at Mihawk's nasty face and muttered softly, "You deserve to have no girlfriend."

In this way, the world's largest swordsman began to personally cultivate a disciple who wanted to take his head off in the future.

The City of Seven Waters, in Gromash's study room, at this time Gromash is watching a map of the division of forces in New World. There are various detailed information on it. If it is put on the black market, it should be able to sell at a sky-high price.

The two banners of Kaido's Baizeng Pirates and Charlotte- Linlin's bigmom Pirates have been watched for a long time, and Gromash is also weighing the pros and cons in his mind, which one is more in his interests to be eliminated first, and which one is compared. Good bully

In the entire New World, there are currently only three that are enough to be their Frostwolf Pirates, that is, the current three Pirate Emperors. Maybe after a while, Naval Headquarters also migrate to New World, count them. There are four.

But there are only two enemies that Gromash needs to eliminate first. Shanks is at best an opponent, not an enemy. Although Naval Headquarters is an enemy, it is not the first enemy Gromash has to do. The righteous guys are the enemies of the entire pirate class, and they are not the enemy of his grandfather Gromash alone.

People, why be this living Lei Feng??

Therefore, only the bigmom Pirates and Beasts Pirates are the only real enemies with him, the two Four Emperors who also want to compete for the throne of the One Piece.

Below them, there are some silver medalists who need attention, but don't need to be too defensive. Doflamingo or something...

After this period of time has passed and the entire foundation has been firmly anchored in New World, Gromash will choose one of the bigmom pirates and Kaido's Beasts Pirates.

It is even possible that before he starts to do anything, one of these two people will take the lead before they consolidate their forces in the New World.

Just as Gromash was thinking about these, the little secretary Monet came in with a cup of tea, and then smiled and said, "Captain, there is a good news from Lu Qi, Whitebeard led by Marco. The Pirate Remnant Party has retreated again. Seriously, it's almost time for them to give up, right??? They should realize it too

Is the gap between us??"

"It doesn't matter. Playing a few more games is also a Liwei. By the way, we will temper our fleet. In the future, this war is likely to become normal. Why hasn't the sugar been found yet???" Gromash smiled and took it from Monet. Teacup said.

That's right, in the eyes of Gromash, Marco and the others are only second-rate silver medalists. It happens to be good for training and training. Therefore, Marco and the others are willing to continue playing without abandoning or giving up. Gromash is also very happy to accept it, anyway. There is a big cause, and this point of consumption can still be borne. small

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