I Am Hellscream

Chapter 530 Gromash and cute sugar.

In a certain sea area near the portal of New World, on an island where a large number of pirates who just broke into New World gathered, the captain-Eustass-Kid, Dian Yin-Apu, and the magician-Bashar-Hawkins The supernovas who entered The fish men island from Sabaody Archipelago together and came here from The fish men island together are gathering in a tavern on the island.

"Unexpectedly, the three of us are really destined. We met so many times, and we all chose the same route after entering New World, and we ran into this chaotic place again," Apu said with a smile.

Kid is still very evil, he showed a cruel smile and said: "Maybe this is arranged by heaven. Arranged for me to kill you two bastards here, and clean up some opponents in advance."

On the contrary, the guy Hawkins is still very calm. He gradually washed the Tarot cards in his hand several times, and then put them on the table one by one.

Looking at the fate card on the table, Hawkins said softly: "It is indeed the arrangement of fate, because the three of you, me and him seem to have established a common goal."

Kid and Apu both looked at each other for a moment, and then the three looked at each other, and then Kid said, "So that's it, are you looking at that guy too???"

"I thought I made the decision fast enough. Didn't expect that you two have also found the target??? It looks like we ran into each other???" Apu also said in a little surprised.

"Let the three of us name the goal together to determine whether this fate is accurate," Hawkins said softly.

Then the three looked at each other, and at the same moment they spoke their own answers.

"Former Seven Warlords of the Sea,."

"Hellscream "


"Ahahahahahaha, it is true, are you all eyeing this guy??? So it seems that it is indeed a choice of fate, since the goal is the same, let us form an alliance here for the time??? After the guy, let's decide on a higher one!!!" Eustass-Kid laughed openly- said.

"Nowadays, the situation in New World is extremely chaotic. The three of you and I seem to be going for the name "One Piece", so you have to prove yourself first..." Apu said softly.

"Proudmoore- Gromash, the captain of the Frostwolf Pirates, now New World is also divided into four major forces. The Frostwolf Pirates is gradually replacing the Whitebeard Pirates. It will not be long before he will be called. For the new'Four Emperors', at present, in New World, only their Frostwolf Pirates have the most unstable foundation and are the easiest to find loopholes.

That's why I chose him as my target. If I find a suitable opportunity and kill him, then we will also reach the sky in one step," Hawkins said in a deep voice.

At this time, Kid’s expression was also very serious, and he said, "But everyone must have noticed a problem that cannot be avoided, that is this Proudmoore. Gromash is really too strong, you should have seen it at the top of the war. After that, whether it is Whitebeard or Golden Lion, even if they join forces, they will all be defeated in his hands.

Blackbeard-Marshall-D-Teach, who is indispensable, was also quickly solved. He is not lacking in strength and wisdom, strength and strategy. I thought I was bold enough to choose him as the target. It seems You also want to choose the "hard mode"

Apu smiled and said, "Actually, I wanted to challenge Red Hair Pirates at first, but I couldn't find them anymore."

Kings also looked at Arp with a clever expression, and then said, "Me too..."

Kid was stunned, why?? Is it because I am the only one who is bold enough to go directly to Gromash??

But think about it, it's not that Shanks has no territory in New World.On the contrary, he has a lot of territory, but compared with the rest of the Four Emperors, his territory is a bit small, and most of them are still in New World. In the second half of World, sometimes I have to go to his site and pass by Kaido and Charlotte-Linlin, which is very troublesome.

At the same time, Shanks is really uncertain. The other Four Emperors are basically in the New World. This guy often wanders around in the oceans all over the world. From time to time, you can hear that he is still in East Blue not long ago, half a month later. The news that I'm already in West Blue.

Even Gromash wants to find him Shanks a bit hard, let alone these newcomers who have just entered the New World??

Even if they were lucky enough to find Shanks's site and had a big fight there, and wanted to attract Shanks, maybe Shanks was adventuring on a deserted island that couldn't receive the signal at that time, and it is very likely to wait for Shanks and the others. When I rushed back, it was already a month or two later. After such a long time span, unexpected events occurred.

There are so many possibilities, so both Arp and Hawkins finally gave up the idea and didn't plan to continue to trouble Shanks.

After changing the target, they focused on Gromash. If Gromash is a powerful monster, aren't the rest of Kaido and Charlotte- Linlin also monsters??? In contrast, the foundation of the Frostwolf Pirates is not yet at this time. Stable, maybe they can seize what opportunity, the ingenious dead Frostwolf Pirates group???

Anyway, although I haven't thought of how to do it, and I haven't figured out which way to start, but in short, the goal is established first, it is Gromash that guy has not run!

In short, the three supernova teams decided to join forces for the time being near the portal of the New World, and first pull him off Uncle Gromash before saying anything else.

And Gromash, he hasn't paid attention to these people at all. For Gromash, only Marshall-D-Teach needs attention in the entire extremely evil generation, but this guy has been locked in Cromwell's stomach. In order to avoid any accidents, after the end of the war on the top, Gromash also dedicated time

All Teach's limbs were scrapped. At this time, this guy was completely useless. It was nothing to worry about.

As for the other supernovas, Gromash has never paid much attention to them, but there is still some attention to them.In Gromash's plan, they are useless for the first two years. After all, they are too weak. No need for the second trick, and after two years, they are finally qualified to be the pawns in Gromash's hands.


That's right, Gromash is going to use them to disturb the water of this New World. With them as a cover, you may be able to reach the bigmom Pirates and Kaido's Beasts Pirates.

But now it's just a sloppy idea, and maybe it's not necessarily that Gromash will officially start a war with the two before that time.

In short, Gromash never expected that the guys who couldn't even look at him were ready to trouble him, Uncle Gromash.

Still in that study room, Gromash smiled and said to Monet: "So, the little guy, sugar, left without saying goodbye. Did you sneak up to find Nami in Visalia??"

"Yes, it seems to be because the captain you imprisoned the straw hat boy before, and when you think of the battle on the top of Malinford, you are also considered hostile, so Sugar thought you were going to attack the straw hat pirates. So, I left this note and went to find her good friend Nami.." Monet smiled and wrote a piece of exquisiteness

The small note with the font in the font was handed to Gromash.

Gromash unfolded the little note a little funny and looked at it.

'Brother-in-law, sister, forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye. According to my observation, my brother-in-law is ready to do something against the Straw Hat Pirates. I don't care about that Luffy at all, but Nami is my best friend for life, so I I can’t just watch Nami fall into your clutches without doing anything, I’m going to Visalia Island and liberate there for sure

Nami is being held by you, but don't worry, I will definitely persuade her then, don't go against the Frostwolf Pirates

Seeing this, Gromash laughed directly, and there were a lot of his own thoughts written by sugar in the follow-up, and Gromash did not continue to read it.

"Jiehahahahahaha, sugar, this little girl film, is so stupid and cute, leaving a note, she is not afraid that we will use the phone bug to contact the other side and be ready?? I will catch her when I see her? ?? Returning "a lifelong best friend, and also "all responsibilities and punishments are willing to bear", do you want to laugh at me and then inherit my inheritance???" Groma

Shi laughed and said.

0-seeking flowers............

Looking at this handwriting, Gromash can think that when Sugar wrote this small note, he must have fantasized about himself as a brave who dared to rebel against them for the sake of his friends. I have to say that it is really stupid. cute.

After laughing, Gromash also shook his head and said, "No, you can't let this little guy like sugar go anymore. Don't look at her sometimes ghostly, but her mind is still too simple. It is easy to be used by others and become our weakness."

Monet was also a little dumbfounded and said: "The captain, what do you say should you do?? Why don't you send sugar to the grassroots to conceal your identity? I think it's because we usually spoil her so much that she grew up, Except for the time before you met the captain, you have not encountered any difficulties. It is too smooth and smooth to become


"This is also a good way. Go find a suitable place and take back the film of the little girl like sugar and send it to me. It's really annoying to me. Could it be that in her eyes, my brother-in-law is so insidious? ?? To deal with the Straw Hat Pirates group, I still use them to defeat them one by one???

After laughing, Gromash asked, "By the way, that Nami, what are you doing on Visalia?"

"According to the news from Master Hardeda, it seems that while studying climate with those scholars, do you need to pay attention to the practice of navigators?" Monet thought for a while and asked. .

That's right, Gromash will bully Nami, the little thief cat, when she is ill. She can't do it on Visalia Island. Gromash has never asked people to restrict her freedom, as long as she doesn't do something that shouldn't be done. Regarding the matter, Gromash just assumed that she didn't exist anymore. As for the things that Granule thought about, they were all hallucinations made up by her little girl's brain.

"No need, just learn it, it's not a confidential matter anyway, as long as you don't pass on those technologies that need to be kept secret," Gromash waved his hand and said.

After speaking, Gromash thought for a while and said, "In contrast, where did the guy Stussy be sent by Bartholemew-Bear?? Have you heard?? Especially the Revolutionary Army, I suspect it is possible. ."

"I've inquired about it, and I specifically asked Tiger boss, Tiger boss said that Stussy did not appear on the side of their revolutionary army," Monet shook his head and said.

In fact, Gromash is still very interested in Stussy. Last time I hurriedly said goodbye on Sabaody Archipelago. Gromash did not ask about some things. Now he has officially turned his face with the World government. Gromash also wants to inquire about the World government from Stussy. Is there really any great hole cards? It's a good idea to make more preparations earlier.

"Really?? Boss Tiger will definitely not fool us about this kind of thing. It seems that Stussy is really missing." Gromash touched his chin with some doubts and said.

At the same time, in the Nine Snake Island-Amazon-Lily of the Calm Belt, the Pirate Empress-Boya at this time. Hancock is holding a small notebook in one hand and a pen in the other, looking very serious. The person in front of me seemed to be recording some important information.

"Ms. Stussy, is what you said is true? ?? As long as you put on that kind of clothes, no man can stop this temptation???" Hancock asked very seriously.

That’s right, this guy Stussy was sent to Hydra Island by the Bartholemew-bear, and he successfully "spelled" Hancock with his rich knowledge of "Man fishing" in "Queen of the Pleasure District" for many years. Fudged Hancock, who had always wanted to'fish' Gromash, into his apprentice

"Oh, Hancock, don't worry, no one can refuse your maid pretend, trust me!!" Stussy said to Hancock enthusiastically. small,

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